

CLUSTER Capitalization Strategy

The capitalization plan, rather than being an accurate planning of the actions to be implemented by the project partners, i s a shared method by which to create the conditions to strengthen and make structural the effects of the project...

CNJC - Consell Nacional de la Joventut de Catalunya

National Network

Plaça Cardona 1-2 baixos
08006 Barcelona

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The CNJC is a non-governmental organization representing the main Catalan youth organizations and defending the interests of the country’s young people and children. The CNJC is currently composed of 96 member organizations all working in the youth field, but representing different groups. These may be student, social, political organisations, the youth section of the trade union, etc., or observer members such as local youth councils and service organizations for young people. The CNJC organise a General Assembly each year, composed by two delegates of each member organisation, where we make the evaluation of the last year and where we fixed the priorities and the budget for the next year. More in Main activities
Mission and Objectives

Goals ? To advise the different institutions of the Generalitat de Catalunya on youth issues. ? To achieve the best level of participation of young people in the decisions and actions affecting them and promote improvement of their living conditions ? To promote youth organisations and in general the democratic participation. ? To be the link between young people and the government in order to improve their situation and participate in the government institutions that need it. ? To promote the relations between the different youth organisations. ? To improve the participation of the young people in international activities. ? To create, when it’s necessary, material about the youth issues. ? To represent the youth organizations in front of the administration bodies that request it

Main Projects / Activities

The Assembly choice a Bureau called Secretariat, with nine persons maximum from different member organisation, for two years. The Bureau is the body which manage the Council between the Assemblies. There is an executive committee (two times each year. In the first executive committee the organizations approve the annual working plan and in the second meeting there is an evaluation. There are other bodies of participation as the Commissions (International, Economic Assessment and Control) and the working groups (Educational, University, Youth Policy,…) The technical staff is composed by 13 persons. Partners: - full member of the European Youth Forum - FLAJ (Foro Latinoamericano de la Juventud) -other European National Youth Councils (specially the southest ones) The budget is aproximetly 680.000 for the year 2008. - Interlocution - Studies - Training Courses at national and international level (Euromed and Latinoamerica Areas) - Working Groups - Publication

Contact (1) Full Name
Elisabet Puigdollers Mas
Job Title
International Cooperation and Civil Rights Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Agnés Russiñol i Amat

Cobertura Photo

National Network

Calle Narciso Campillo, 4 , C.P. 41001

954 502 846
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Cobertura Photo stems from the hand of the photographer Alberto Rojas Maza in 2001, as an independent space devoted to photography and its relations with other artistic disciplines, a space for meeting, communication and discussions between photographers and non photographers. Cobertura Photo is directed by Alberto Rojas Maza Projects Coordination and education: Rosa Abellan Conde. In education area, there are two groups of teachers: permanent and contributors. Permanent: Antonio Perez, Sebastian Maillot, Agustin Hurtado and Valentin Lujan. Contributors: Ilan Wolff, Alberto Garcia-Alix, Jeffrey Silverthorne, Margarita Aizpuru, Fito Carreto, Gabriella De Florio, Juan Carlos Cazalla, Alain Willaume and Pedro Cantero. The Organisation's total budget for the previous year it's 112. 000 € CP focuses its activities in the field of training, developing a program that covers from basic introduction to master classes with great photographers, and basing the learning process not only in technical aspects, but also in the transmission of cultural and human values which we consider necessary for the developing of photographers. In parallel, CP designs and develops cultural projects related to photography,independently and in collaboration with other schools and institutions,both public and private. A library and bookstore is also available inside our space. CP offers a range of different workshops. The program is divided in two periods per year and they include monographic workshops and first level and advanced workshops in each period.Monographic workshops are given by recognized spanish and foreign photographers such as Cristina Garcia Rodero, Antoine d'Agata, Paolo Nozolino and David Alan Harvey . We want to offer to students their vision and experience closely. Both first level and advanced workshops are given by wide education and long experience photographers.
Mission and Objectives

Cobertura was created in 2001 by the photographer Alberto Rojas Maza as an independent space focus in the dissemination of contemporary photography and its relationships with other visual arts. CP is a space for meeting, communication and reflection among photographers and not photographers.
Education is our principal activity and we base the process of learning not only in technical aspects but also in the transmission of cultural and human values ​​that we consider necessary for the training of photographers.

Main Projects / Activities

CP focuses its activities in the field of education, developing a courses and workshops program ranging from basic introduction and a one year course to master classes with great photographers ( Alberto Garcia-Alix, Ilan Wolff, Alain Willaume, Paulo Nozolino, Cristina García Rodero, Peter Marlow, Alex Majoli, Alessandra Sanguinetti, Antoine d'Agata, David Alan Harvey, Erik Kessels)
The topics of these workshops are varied, ranging from the nude in contemporary photography to the documentary portrait and analysis of an author's work. Generally, the workshops include: slideshows, presentations, discussions, portfolio reviews, photographic practicals, editing, design of projects and the conclusions. In parallel, CP conceives and develops pedagogic photography projects, independently and in collaboration with both public and private centers and cultural institutions.
CP organizes an exhibition program along the year and run a library specialized in photography. Following an agreement reached in November 2009 with Dirk Bakker, one of the most prestigious booksellers, the bookstore is selling part of his used books, first editions and rarities. The bookstore also provides the most important national and international publications.
Other activities as conferences, auctions and slideshows are also developed regularly. SELECTION OF ACTIVITIES:
- Showrooms SHOWROOM RENOVARSE O MORIR. December 2008,2009, 2010. Event that unify fashion and photography.
- Slideshows: SLIDELUCK POTSHOW (SLPS). September 2007. Slideluck Potshow (SLPS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to building and strengthening community through food and art PECHA KUCHA NIGHT.
September 2008.PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. www.pecha-kucha
- Projects: EU Women Project. November 2006 - December 2008. Support by Programme Culture La Urdimbre y El Drama, April 2007 . Magic Trick. April 2010 Se Vende Toros. April 2011.
True or False 2010- 2012. Support by Programme Culture - Conferences, meetings and Presentations: Guillaume Chauvin and Remi Hubert: conference on the controversial PARIS MATCH AWARD 09, December 2009.
Meeting with ALBERTO GARCIA - ALIX. May 2010. Presentation f Book by PETER BEARD. June 2010. BRAZIL NIGHT: Slideshow by MIGUEL RIO BRANCO . February 2011. JAPAN NIGHT: Slideshow by MASAO YAMAMOTO March 2011. -Festivals. Presence with exhibitions: PHOTOFESTIVAL in Lodz. May 2007 SEVILLAFOTO FESTIVAL 08. May 2008 NEW YORK PHOTOFESTIVAL. May 2008 NEW YORK PHOTOFESTIVAL. May 2009 SEVILLAFOTO FESTIVAL 09. May 2009 RENCONTRES INTERNATIONAL IN ARLES. July 2009. PHOTOSPRING CAOCHANGDI CHINA, April-May 2010. NEW YORK PHOTOFESTIVAL, May 2010.
- Partnerships. VII Photo Agency. stages for one year course students.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cobertura Photo could contribute to the network through exchanges with the national photographers, organised meetings, support of young creation and training organisation of practical and interdisciplinary workshops, grants and exhibitions.
CP promote a continual discussion forum between participants, partners and co-organisers (exchange of ideas, images, information) and the creation of evolutionary data bases, useful address list and links (technical contact, research links).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Cobertura Photo is looking artistic and cultural collaboration for promoting future cooperation activities in a European level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alberto Rojas Maza
Head of the organisation
Alberto Rojas Maza
Contact (2) Full Name
Rosa Abellán Conde

Cobertura Photo

National Network

C/ Narciso Campillo, nº4
41001 Sevilla

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
CP Nace  como un espacio independiente dedicado a la difusión de la fotografía y a su relación con otras disciplinas artísticas; un espacio para el encuentro, la comunicación y la reflexión entre fotógrafos y no fotógrafos. CP centra sus actividades en el campo de la formación, desarrollando un programa de cursos y talleres que abarca desde la introducción a las clases magistrales con grandes fotógrafos, y fundamentando el proceso de aprendizaje no solo en aspectos técnicos, sino también en la transmisión de valores culturales y humanos que considera necesario para la formación de un fotógrafo. Paralelamente, CP funciona como agencia de fotografía que idea y desarrolla proyectos fotográficos, de forma independiente y en colaboración con otras instituciones culturales, tanto públicas como privadas. CP cuenta con una librería especializada y un espacio expositivo que desde septiembre 2014 es gestionado por la > Galería Sanchez de Lamadrid.  CP transforma su estudio para sesiones fotográficas externas.
Mission and Objectives

El objetvio de CP es enseñar a personas, que partiendo de un nivel básico, desean profundizar en la fotografía en todos sus aspectos y obtener así unos niveles de conocimientos del mundo de la imagen y capacidad suficiente para decidir sobre su continuidad en la formación en este medio, su complementación con otros campos, o su paso al mundo profesional.
tambien pretende llevar a   la reflexión y el intercambio de ideas surgidas de diferentes maneras de entender la fotografía y que derive en escenarios adecuados para la puesta en práctica de iniciativas visuales.

En definitiva,  una plataforma para idear y desarrollar proyectos fotográficos, un grupo permeable en cuyas propuestas pueden tener cabida otras disciplinas artísticas y otros fotógrafos.

Main Projects / Activities

CP organiza en su espacio un programa de talleres, un curso anual y un curso general de fotografía. El programa se divide en dos ciclos por año, estos ciclos incluyen talleres monográficos intensivos y talleres de técnica, lenguaje y creación fotográfica.
Los talleres monográficos son impartidos por reconocidos fotógrafos como Alberto García-Alix, Jeffrey Silverthorne, Cristina García Rodero, Antoine d´Agata entre otros. 
Los talleres de técnica, lenguaje y creación son impartidos por fotógrafos con una amplia formación en el mundo de la imagen y una larga trayectoria profesional y docente.
Además, CP cuenta en su espacio con una librería especializada en fotografía. La componen un fondo de libros de ocasión, primeras ediciones y rarezas adquiridas al librero holandés Dirk Bakker, así como publicaciones de las más importantes editoriales nacionales e internacionales. La librería se completa con fondos la colección de CP para consulta interna

Contact (1) Full Name
Alberto Rojas Maza
Head of the organisation
Alberto Rojas Maza


National Network

Calle Rafael Bergamín Nº 12 C.p 28043

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
CODESPA's team comprises,all the staff are distributed among our more than 100 professionals and volunteers. Headquarters, six national offices and nine international delegations. Budget executed in a year: 15-18 euro million. Sources of Funding: 90% public and 10% private. Modalities of action:Training: We make possible the access to education and the training for employment. Microcredit: we offer small loans to people who cannot access the traditional banking system due to their situation of exclusion. Comercialization: we make possible the access to markets to small producers.What is the point in helping a peasant producing more of he/she cannot or does not know how to sell the products. CODESPA have 80 partner in the world.
Mission and Objectives

We trust in the human capacity to build a FAIRER WORLD, giving
opportunities to people so they can, through their work, develop their
abilities and play a leading role in their own development.

Main Projects / Activities

Codespa carries out projects of cooperation and development and of innovation and social investigation. One of the area of our projects is linked to the migrations in Spain. We carry out projects in migratory flows transmitters countries(Morroco and Latin American) and actions of education and sensilización in Spain. In Spain we fortify migration associations in themes of integration and diversity related to the development of its zones of origin.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rocío Loyola
Head of the organisation
José Ignacio Gonzales Aller
Contact (2) Full Name
María Jesús Pérez

COGAMI - Confederación Gallega de Personas con Discapacidades

National Network

Rua Modesto Brocos Nº7, 3º Blq. Baixo CP 15704 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
Santiago de Compostela

00 34 981 574 698
00 3 4 981 574 670
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
COGAMI , (Galician Confederation of People with Disabilities), it´s a NGO in a regional environment, created in 1990 and which was declared of public utility since 2004. It´s constituted by 17 direct members: four Regional Federations, two autonomic entities, and eleven local associations. At the same time, the four Federations are constituted by other associations to forma n associative movement which goes beyond 50 entities. Nowadays, its headquarters are in Santiago de Compostela y 6 local offices are placed in Ferrol, A Coruña, Lugo,Orense, Pontevedra (2 offices) and in Vigo (3 offices). The Activities and Management Areas include a wide range of professionals such as social workers, guidance counselors, formers,psychologists, lawyers, economists,… who nowadays come to 97 people working full-time work. For the practical articulation of the mission and objectives of teh entity, COGAMI has divided into activities and Management areas. The main Partner entities of our projects are the Public Administration, as to nacional level as to regional one, and several Spanish foundations (Fundación Caser, Fundación La Caixa, Fundación Luis Vives, etc. In the International side we have coworked with several Partners as Wolverhampton University (UK), Women´s Wisdom (UK) and Valakupiai Rehabilitation Centre (LT), etc…
Mission and Objectives

To achieve the inclusion of people with disabilities in all the social fields, through the defense and the promotion of their Rights, through the demand of a social change, the empowerment and the coordination of the cooperativism and the assistance to services which satisfy their needs and their expectations.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects which have been developed in COGAMI, are related to the disability´s World: labour insertion programmes,formation, social intervention, spare and leisure time, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since our entity we Could contribute with our experience of more than 21 years working with and for people with disabilities in the Galician Autonomous Region ( in the north-west of Spain).At the same time, we belong to other disability organizations in a regional level and a nacional one: CERMI-GALICIA (regional), EAPN-GALICIA (regional) and COCEMFE (national), with ensures us to have capacity to Spread the work of the net to the whole nacional region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We look for a cultural, formative and human enrichment, due to be able to share and learn best practices of other entities. ALF is a big net of nets andi t offers this choice

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Charo Lema Castiñeira
Head of the organisation
Mr. Anxo Antón Queiruga Vila
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. David Silva Gómez

Col-lectiu Mediterrani

National Network

Avenida Aguilera,52
03006 Alicante

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Col-lectiu Mediterrani is a non-profit cultural association born in Alicante in July 2013, and its five creator members have their addresses in Alicante (Spain). The association has its own legal status, the total capacity to administrate and make use of its properties and comply with the purposes they target. The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Association, built in by all members as an inalienable right and with absolute equality, which adopts its agreements by the majority rule or internal democracy. The representative body is formed by the Board of Directors: President, Secretary, Treasurer and members. In September 2014, sponsored by the Cultural Area of the Alicante city council, the presentation of Col-lectiu Mediterrani was carried out in the Municipal Art Center of Alicante, with the participation of artists from Spain, Portugal, Algeria, Libya, Turkey, Syria and Serbia. COL-LECTIU MEDITERRANI Javier Pastor President
Mission and Objectives

Its general objectives are to establish “bridges” that benefit the intercultural dialogue between different Mediterranean nations, carrying a message of coexistence and social, cultural and spiritual interrelation through the artistic activity.
The main objectives are: the carrying out of collective exhibitions of various Mediterranean countries in Alicante, making it possible to bring it to other countries. The dissemination and promotion of all art which is developed in the Mediterranean area. The development of seminars, talks and workshops in which the Mediterranean art meet together. We contemplate the creation of a Biennial International Mediterranean Art in Alicante. The idea is to show and make aware society the need and possibility of living peacefully among nations without giving up the different cultural ways of understanding life.

Main Projects / Activities

The main objectives are: the carrying out of collective exhibitions of various Mediterranean countries in Alicante, making it possible to bring it to other countries. The dissemination and promotion of all art which is developed in the Mediterranean area. The development of seminars, talks and workshops in which the Mediterranean art meet together. We contemplate the creation of a Biennial International Mediterranean Art in Alicante. The idea is to show and make aware society the need and possibility of living peacefully among nations without giving up the different cultural ways of understanding life.

Contact (1) Full Name
javier pastor
Head of the organisation
Asociacion Cultural

Col-lectiu Mediterrani

National Network

Avenida Aguilera,52
03006 Alicante

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Col-lectiu Mediterrani is a non-profit cultural association born in Alicante in July 2013, and its five creator members have their addresses in Alicante (Spain). The association has its own legal status, the total capacity to administrate and make use of its properties and comply with the purposes they target.   The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Association, built in by all members as an inalienable right and with absolute equality, which adopts its agreements by the majority rule or internal democracy. The representative body is formed by the Board of Directors: President, Secretary, Treasurer and members.
Mission and Objectives

Its general objectives are to establish “bridges” that benefit the intercultural dialogue between different Mediterranean nations, carrying a message of coexistence and social, cultural and spiritual interrelation through the artistic activity.
The main objectives are: the carrying out of collective exhibitions of various Mediterranean countries in Alicante, making it possible to bring it to other countries. The dissemination and promotion of all art which is developed in the Mediterranean area. The development of seminars, talks and workshops in which the Mediterranean art meet together. We contemplate the creation of a Biennial International Mediterranean Art in Alicante. The idea is to show and make aware society the need and possibility of living peacefully among nations without giving up the different cultural ways of understanding life.

Main Projects / Activities

In September 2014, sponsored by the Cultural Area of the Alicante city council, the presentation of Col-lectiu Mediterrani was carried out in the Municipal Art Center of Alicante, with the participation of artists from Spain, Portugal, Algeria, Libya, Turkey, Syria and Serbia.

Contact (1) Full Name
javier pastor
Head of the organisation
Asociacion Cultural

COLEGAS - Confederación LGBT Española

National Network

C/ Álamo, 5, Bj, local
28015 Madrid

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
26 ngos involved in our Federation 40 full time employed in a year Modalities of Action: - Youth Exchanges, Training course about education, culture , HR and HRE. -PARTNERS: UNITED, ENAR IGLYO, ILGA, Euromed Youth Platform, National Youth Council CJE, CESIE
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Paco Ramírez
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Paco Ramírez
Front and back covers

Colouring Book for Kids - World Religions

Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...