

National Network

Ilceva ulica 17,
2250 Ptuj

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Association ZOJA in non profit and non governmental organization from Slovenia. We were established in 2005. Our first activities were connected to environmental issues. Later we expand our activities also to other aspects of sustainable development. Now days we focus our activities also into a field of personal development. Our main sources of funding comes from public calls. We also provide some commercial services to provide additional financial sources to our association. At the moment we have one person fully employed and our yearly budget vary, depending on how many project we get. But in average for last few years is between 50 and 100 kEUR. Our activities are mainly educational, promotional and awareness rising actions. We work at local, national and international level. In our project we intend to involve many partners from different sectors. E.g.: public sector, NGO, schools, industry ...
Mission and Objectives

Mission of our association is to spread our knowledge. We do that in many different ways and in many different sectors.
For different target groups we prepare trainings, seminars and other educational activities as well as promotional and awareness rising activities. By now our core activities were based on different pillars of sustainable development. At the beginning we had the most knowledge about economical and environmental aspects, but now we focus on social part of sustainable development.
Big emphasis is on personal development, which is a base for development of social part of sustainable development. We believe that through self acceptance we grow and we are able to accept others with all their qualities, characteristics and differences comparing to us.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects:
- Global Sustainable Youth; international project with six partners from Europe and Asia; financed by EACEA
- Sustainable Energy at Schools; project financed by Norvegian financial mechanism; educational project with more than 100 hours of workshops at primary schools
- EnergyHub; national project involving five partners from diffferend sectors – NGO, reasrch, industry and craft chamber
- Immigration within; YIA project on the topic of immigration
- Buterfly Effect; YIA project related to personal development
- Creation of web portal for sustainable development topics
- Different educational and awareness projects concerning environmental issues
- Cleaning actions of Drava river at Earth day

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our main contribution to the network in our country can be through our knowledge that we have in the respect of personal and sustainable development and with our experiences in working at national and international level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We find a purpose, aims and obkjectives of Anna Lindh Fundation very close to ours. Also our organization believe that people should overcome their own barriers and accept differences among each other. We are also interesting to work and to cooperate with participants from countries where we haven't work yet.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miran Kojc

Žonglersko društvo Novi Rokodelci

National Network

Prešernova ulica 29.

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are an association with about 45 members. Our projects yearly are in an average 100.000€ turn over. Sources of financing are from public and private donors. We are organizing events, workshops and seminars we charge fees. We are cooperating with similar organisations in Europe, as well we are active in the network European Juggling association.
Mission and Objectives

WE are sharing the knowledge on circus and performing arts. Our mission is to educate young people to be creative, proactive, enthusiastic and respectful.

Main Projects / Activities

We are organizing workshops and seminars on juggling, performing arts and circus for youth in Slovenia and cooperate with similar organisations around Europe. Our biggest projecz was co-organizing the European Juggling convention in Slovenia in 2005 with more than 4000 people attended.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will share our network contacts, experinces in project management and cooperate with national network in all activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to expand our cooperation and activities with new partnership in the Euro-Med region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mitja Mohorko
Head of the organisation
Mitja Mohorko

ZUIS - Slovene Union of University Women

National Network

Slovene World Congress
Cankarjeva 1/IV
1000 Ljubljana


0038640 477 515
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Structure: members (90), Board of Directors, President, 2 Vice-Presidents, Coordinator of International Relations, Coordinator of European Relations, administrative assistant and accountant/finance officer. Budget per year: 2000-3000 EUR Funding: membership fee, donations SUUW is a voluntary, non-profit organization founded in 1995, uniting university women from all areas of expertise who wish to promote better educational and professional opportunities for young university women, students and special groups. We operate in the area of gender, race equality, harmonized family relations and we strive to promote peace and understanding among people. We are founding member of Slovene Women Lobby which is a full member of European Women Lobby. We are member of International Federation of University Women IFUW and University Women of Europe UWE. We hold monthly lectures by renown professors and experts on a variety of themes connected to the problematics of gender, equal opportunities and women studies. We participate in exchanges with other European university women organizations who are also our main project partners.
Mission and Objectives

ZUIS, Slovene Union of University Women is a non-profit organization uniting university women from all areas of expertise who wish to promote better educational and professional opportunities for young university women, students and special groups. We operate in the area of gender, race equality, harmonized family relations and we strive to promote peace and understanding among people.

Main Projects / Activities

We are very active in research and campaigns in fight against violence upon women, equal pay for equal work, fight against trafficking of women and children. Since 1997 we’ve been working towards reconciliation of family life and professional obligations of women. SUUW was the first national affiliation to come out with this project which is now very much in focus of all women’s organizations. In the area of education we are promoting computer literacy among elder members of our affiliation – the project carried out during 2009/2010 at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. In November 2010 we participated at demonstrations against un-human treatment of Hungarian doctor who helped at birth giving at home. SUUW campaigned for more detailed instructions about giving birth at home to be specified in our national legislation.
Some of our latest projects:
- 11 April 2012 we organized a colloquium “Women holding leading positions in Higher Education in Slovenia: Overcoming barriers – real or imagined”, held at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana. We invited female leaders in this area to identify barriers to female leadership in Higher Education and to develop strategies for promoting greater access for women to Higher Education decision making positions including the creation of global network. The project is part of the International Federation of University Women program and the outcomes of the colloquium will be presented on the IFUW Annual Conference in Istanbul in 2013.
- On the occasion of International Women’s Day, on 8 March 2012 SUUW presented the results of a survey we have been doing since 2011 on the impact of the recession on the position of women in Slovenia. IWD was a perfect occasion to draw attention, through the results of the survey, to the current situation of women in the Slovene labour market. The presentation was held in the National Council Hall in Ljubljana.
- In 2009 we organized and held a visit of University Women of Europe (UWE) former President Willemijn van der Meer and Secretary General Gerda Leushuis.
- Currently we are preparing to join (as partners) an EU project Violence Against Women, coordinated by the Finnish Association of University Women.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our office is collaborating with Slovene World Congress and we can organize specialized events as well as public lectures to promote the debate on citizenship, intercultural dialogue and other themes. We also organize workshops/trainings for the organization staff and wider public to disseminate the know-how and show-how to wider audience.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to become part of this renown network and participate in the promotion of Euro-Mediterranean dialogue among our members and widely, among the Slovenian public. Our organization strives towards intergenerational dialogue, mutual understanding and harmony and we would like to be included in ALF Network programs and inspiring projects. Our focus is international therefore we would like to join to be included in the exchanges of knowledge and best practices from Slovenia and around the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Teja Rot
Head of the organisation
Elizabeta A. Baretic Kolar

Zveza društev Mladinski center Postojna

National Network

Vilharjeva ulica 14,
p.p. 126

6230 Postojna

+386 (0)5 7263 286
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+386 (0)42 334 616
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
- association of societys (zveza društev) Skytower, MKDC Postojna and KŠOPP (klub študentov Pivke in Postojne), staff employed 3-4, 50 volunteers - in Year 2011 we had ca. 170.000€ budgetary resources - national resources (Urad za mladino), local resources (občina Postojna), European Social Found, Youth in Action, donations - projects, exchanges, workshops, seminars, cultural and artistic events - main partners: MKDC Postojna and KŠOPP (klub študentov Pivke in Postojne)
Mission and Objectives

The main purpose of the Youth center Postojna is to provide quality leisure activities for young people, which is achieved in the daily operation, free internet access and organization of various cultural and artistic events (concerts, theater, exhibitions, literary evenings).
MCP is an organization where the youth are engaged, an organization where their opinion counts and motivated youth workers care about their local/regional/international projects.

Main Projects / Activities

- daily center for youth in Postojna
- MCP is the organizer of two major festivals: ''Festival drugačne muzike v Trnju'' being an international festival of alternative music (MCP provides logistical and technical support) and ''Poletni kulturni festival Zmaj 'ma mlade'' being our ''house'' festival, covering all kinds of cultural production throughout the month of August.
- regional resource center for NGO's, BOREO
- Our young voluntary workers are repairing and modernizing our youth center which is also a Multimedia center, so we can organize different seminars for young people, cultural events, travelogues lectures
- we have an EVS (European Voluntary Service) accreditation as hosting, sending and coordinating organization

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

our contribution to the Network would be sharing excellent project ideas, be a reliable partner to national/international partners, helping to learn and grow all included people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- to develop international projects in the field of intercultural dialogue

Contact (1) Full Name
Tatjana Hvala
Head of the organisation
Samo Vesel

Zveza študentskih klubov Slovenije

National Network

Zveza ŠKIS
Tržaška cesta 42
1000 Ljubljana


+386 1 42 36 970
+386 1 42 36 974
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+386 40 777 790
Mobile Phone (other)
+386 40 744 660
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Zveza študentskih klubov Slovenije (Zveza ŠKIS) is an organization that brings together 52 student clubs that operate in local areas all across Slovenia. Clubs are linked into six Slovenian regions and finally to Zveza ŠKIS, which as such represents one of the four pillars of the Student Organization of Slovenia (ŠOS). In Zveza ŠKIS works more than 70 activists and consists out of 7 boards: Main Board (9 members), Security Council (7 members), Board for High School Students (6 members), Board for Social and Health Affairs (3 members),International Board (5 members), Board for Higher Education (3 members) and Supervisory Commission (5 members). In year 2011 budgetary resources of Zveza ŠKIS, acquired from various sources (Student Organization of Slovenia, project partners, tenders, donations of clubs etc.), amounted to € 430,993.52. Zveza ŠKIS provides support for student clubs, organizes, prepares and carries out projects and events, organizes seminars, training courses and workshops and advocates interests and positions of students. Main partners that are involved in Zveza ŠKIS's project/activities are student clubs, Student Organization of Slovenia, foreign students, organizations from foreign countries, local communities, other NGOs and many others depending on single project.
Mission and Objectives

As an independent organization, Zveza ŠKIS is responsible for the efficient and proper work of student clubs. Through its projects, Zveza ŠKIS provides practical education to activists of student clubs, advising them in their work, resolve any problems, and takes care of the connectivity between clubs and also young people from all regions of Slovenia. With the organization of round tables on up-to-date issues and needs of students in all local communities, Zveza ŠKIS is involved in the formation of youth policies and forms a number of planning documents. Zveza ŠKIS is involved in negotiations with the government and the social partners within the framework of the Student Organization of Slovenia, as well as in government working groups for Student Affairs. As a member of the National Youth Council of Slovenia, Zveza ŠKIS is one of the most important national project and educational institutions, representing young people in Slovenia.

Main Projects / Activities

The largest one-day outdoor, eco-friendly event for young people in Slovenia is certainly the famous "Škisova tržnica" (Škis' fair). The event brings together more than 20.000 young people who have the opportunity to learn about Slovenia, to hear all Slovenian dialects, try food from all places throughout Slovenia and have fun with the varied program and great music.
Second-hand book fair is a traditional project of Zveza ŠKIS, taking place in early September during the weekend in Križanke, Ljubljana. Second-hand book fair is intended for children and their parents, whose social status does not allow them to buy new textbooks and other school supplies, and to those who see no point in buying new books every year.
"ŠKIS days of healthy living" is a two-day project, through which we want to raise awareness about healthy lifestyle and promote solidarity among students. The most important objective is to promote and maintain values such as healthy and active life, solidarity and empathy.
"Častim pol litra" (Giving away half a liter) has become a traditional and recognizable slogan for a nation-wide student blood-donating action, which takes place every year in the autumn and spring.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Activists at Zveza ŠKIS are constantly organizing seminars, workshops and trainings and we want to spread our knowledge among other members of the Network. We would also like to present our work to others and thereby advise other organizations. We would like to encourage mobility among Slovenian youth and also among youth in other countries.
Because we have a lot of activists, we can offer to the Network a lot of creativity and innovation. Above all, we want to build bridges of friendship between different organizations and nations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Zveza ŠKIS and especially International Board of Zveza ŠKIS would like to share and spread awareness of youth problems into other members of ALF Network. Also, we would like to learn something new, share our knowledge and finally in such a way we would like encourage mobility of Slovenian students. Finally with membership in the ALF Network we will gain some experiences and we will get together with youth in other countries. Also with this membership the reputation of Zveza ŠKIS will be improved both in Slovenia and abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adisa Dizdarević
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Eva Omerza



انتخب الأعضاء مؤسسة زافود بوفود لترؤّس الشبكة في سلوفينيا في عام 2011 وأعيد انتخابها في عامي 2015 و2020.

بوفود مؤسسة ومنظمة غير حكومية تعمل في مجال التنمية الدولية والتعليم العالمي مع التركيز بشكل خاص على الفن والثقافة والإدارة الثقافية والتنقل والحوار بين الثقافات، والهجرة والشباب، فضلاً عن تطوير قطاع المجتمع المدني بشكل عام ومناصرة المجتمع المدني لدى العامة والسلطات.

تتكوّن الشبكة الوطنية لمؤسسة آنا ليند في سلوفينيا من 69 منظمة مصنّفة في الغالب كمنظمات غير حكومية مسجلة رسمياً في سلوفينيا. وكان معظم هذه المنظمات أعضاء في الشبكة طوال السنوات الخمس الماضية، مع خبرة واسعة في مجال التعاون الإنمائي الدولي. لذلك، فإن عضويتها في شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند تتصل بالتعاون الإنمائي الدولي المحتمل في المنطقة الأورومتوسطية. بعض هذه المنظمات مسجل أيضاً كمؤسسات اجتماعية. في سلوفينيا، يمكن أن تصنّف منظمة ما كمنظمة غير حكومية وفي الوقت نفسه كمؤسسة اجتماعية. نسبة صغيرة من المنظمات الأعضاء في شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند في سلوفينيا هي أيضاً منظمات إنسانية. هناك أيضاً منظمات مجتمعات المغتربين التي تمثّل قارات على غرار المجتمعات الأفريقية، أو أعراق على غرار النوادي الثقافية العربية. يتمتّع أعضاء مؤسسة آنا ليند في سلوفينيا بخبرات متنوّعة.