
Asociatia De Tineret Plantogether

National Network

Str: Kossuth Lajos NrI:80. AP.
535400 Cristuru-Secuiesc

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Since 2014 our Association focuses on Roma and non Roma youth as a target group but not to the exclusion of other young people who share similar realities and without prejudice to broader policy initiatives which also impact on Roma youth.   Geographically in Cristuru Secuiesc there are 30 % Roma poor people. The Association helps the Roma and non Roma living in extreme poverty. People who are struggling, who are orphans, not only in Cristuru Secuiesc, but even the surrounding villages: Filiaşi, Beteşti, Rugăneşti, Cecheşti, Avrămeşti, Harghita County. Our aim in the Association since.
Mission and Objectives

Protective rooms: We provide children and youth, which largely grew up in the orphanage without privacy rooms to retreat, with places, where they feel comfortable, where they are able to meet each other in a secure environment and can experience a positive impulse for their mental and spiritual growth.
Abilities and skills: Children and youth from the Roma and non Roma also youth orphanage seldom experienced individual support, as it is found in the social environment of a functional family structure. They often have distinct learning and concentration weaknesses.
Integration: Children and youth from the Roma and non Roma , and also orphan represent within the Hungarian and Romanian society a segregated social group. They differ from “normal” youth through their social behavior, their own language (orphanage slang) and the lack of organization of a self-determined life. A majority, approximately more than two thirds of them, belong to the minority of the Roma (Hungarian “Cigány”, English “Gypsy”). Members of this minority are usually discriminated in everyday life. We are organizing of the Association Youth Plantogether is to integrate these people into society, to bring together youth and adults, who are not from the orphanage and live in ordered family structures.
European Roma and non Roma culture: We want to extend the ways of thinking and the patterns of acting of the children and the youth of the orphanage, through the medium of European values and culture. They get to know people from other cultures and develop new ways of looking at life through the international exchange,. 

Main Projects / Activities

The association helps the Roma and non Roma living in extreme poverty. People who are struggling, who are orphans. The base of our work is to provide leisure activities, youth events and life issues with the aim to build up a self-running and financially independent youth work in the Region of Harghita, Romania. The young volunteers have been working here, who have committed themselves to work here with the children and the youth for a certain time. In a team of full-time and voluntary colleagues, honorary colleagues and international volunteers, we offer weekly programs, including language lessons, hand crafting, sports and excursions into the countryside. We dispatch young volunteers from Romania to other European countries, and we accept volunteers from all the European Union’s countries in our circle of colleagues. As a yearly highlight, we organize international youth meetings in the summer and winter holidays.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In order to be able to effectively develop your country site as a platform, resource, and network for youth, and to help facilitate the process of getting members involved with ALF, it is important for you to be able to understand all aspects of our  country site. Our  region  site features quick facts and reflections on local cultures and traditions, community projects, inspirational members, artwork, upcoming local events, active organizations and opportunities. As you go through each section of the site, think about the things that you feel need to be done in order to make it more relevant for youth in our  country.  Another way to get involved is to inform other young people in all word and our  country about your country site and show them how they can benefit from being a part of the online community.These activities can inspire them to action by getting involved in their local community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

This is the main reason cultures  networks were created, so people can meet and find new friends for all word. We  believe they would not survive without a national or international affiliation; others have apparently never considered the option of joining.The left, on the other hand, argues that it fosters grassroots culture in young people and increases their voice. WE also pose the idea that CULTURES  have argued that placing such a strong emphasis on civic participation could actually turn people away from becoming politically involved. In other words, youth can get together and talk about goals and beliefs, but as soon as one person brings up voting or lobbying, people start to leave WHIT ALF partners. Thesejoin  point out the reality  with work ALF , family, and other social activities, CULTURES, that they do not care for politics and civic engagement as much as scholars would like to think. We are   motivation to partake in such civic engagement activities whit ALF organisation. This importance of trust, according to ALF organisation , is due to the fact that people in a type of membership association share similar values and views and learns more about each other each time they all come together for meetings or socials.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Youth Work
Head of the organisation
Asociatia De Tineret Plantogether
Contact (2) Full Name
Rudi Sandor
Job Title (2)

Asociatia Gentlemen's Tennis Club

National Network

Calea Serban Voda Nr. 286 bl. 3A Sc. D, Et. 4, Ap. 114
040222 Bucharest

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
General Information
Gentlemen's Tennis Club is coordinated by the Board which is formed by theree members. The President is in charge of management of the association during the year. He is helped by the Development coordinator. We a partnership with National Administration Association, and together we develop 4 publications - Daily Legal Analysis Bulletin, Daily Transparency Bulletin, Southeast Europe Daily Open Sources Bulletin, Buletin Medical. The association also organised weekly tennis competitions. We have a team of 8 persons working in the organisational projects. In 2014 we cooperated with Fundatia Universitara a Marii Negre to designing the Sports Money Schemes Project fiche. Budgetary resources available during 2014 - 2970 RON. Source of funding: membership fees, member donations, redirections from taxpayers of 2% form annual income tax.
Mission and Objectives

Through tennis we wish to create the proper atmosphere for socialising and development of common projects.
Developing a specialised center focused on ethics and integrity in sports
Promoting ethical values of sports among youth and children

Main Projects / Activities

Together with National Administration Assotiation we develop the following publications:
- Daily Legal Analysis Bulletin,
- Daily Transparency Bulletin,
- SouthEast Europe Daily Open Sources Bulletin,
- Buletin Medical
We participate to developing the portal - career development portal for the public sector.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- by promoting and developing projects centered on ethics and high integrity standards in sports and sports financing in SouthEast Europe.
- we will use our organisational national expertise and our highly qualified experts in foreign affairs in order to promote the network initiatives at national level and also at regional level (SouthEast Europe)
- through our projects we actively monitor the legislative process in Romania, and we may contribute to the network mission of enhancing the transparency and accountability of public bodies and institutions. We intend to develop legislative monitoring activities in SouthEast Europe.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- we intend to extend our expertise and network of partners in SouthEast Europe
- we intend to develop partnerships in order to impement our regional projects
- we intend to contribute to promoting high integrity and ethical standards in sports and sports financing

Contact (1) Full Name
Mihai Todirica
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mihai Todirica
Contact (2) Full Name
Petre-Claudiu Platon
Job Title (2)
Development Coordinator

Asociatia Initiativa Cetatenilor Seniori

National Network

Mioritei 8B ap 2
Unirii 136

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The association has got 7 founder members and works with a pool of 20-25 volunteers. It is chaired by a president and lead by a 3 member board.They work on a voluntary basis and are paid when they have a specific task in a funded project. .   We employ staff on a project to project basis. Budgetary resources vary from year to year depending on projects approved for funding. Since 2013 it has grown from 10000Eur/yr to 30000Eur/yr in 2017 . Funding sources are : membership fee, contributions of members and fans, European projects and voluntary work as necessary. We do: european projects, train the trainers, seminars and workshops for volunteers and produce educational resources . We work in partnership with 7 colleges and 10 schools from urban and rural areas, the public library network and county museum as well as the Municipality, county council  and public services according to project requirements
Mission and Objectives

To use seniors' life experience and expertise to community benefit.
To support youth involvement in community development
To empower teachers, trainers, youth workers with knowledge and  skills to change the  attitude of the  community on environment  and intercultural communication.
To support school education with joint informal/non-formal e-learning  inputs.   

Main Projects / Activities

2010- 2011Primus inter Pares - a support program for college teachers on shaping workshops on life related topics : from barter to banks, from smoke to smart phones, Hair style past and present, evolution of clothing, memory and memoriesm, etc.  
2010-2012 - Memories for the Future - story telling by elederly about post war times and publishing Danube Tales.
​2013-2015 - Grundtvig Parthership - Senior Citizens Empowerment for Actuve Aging - create resources for senior volunteers working with youth, children, disadvantaged to enable them deal with advantages and disadvantages of stray dogs in community. Coordinator and project writing
2015-2017 -  Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership -Innovation- Useful Usability Disposability - a plastics free world- creating a e-learning plaform for NGO staff, youth workers, teachers, activists - self learning on how to create civic events enforced by art installations to support fight against plastic pollution.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with :
- e-learning experience
- environment volunteer support
- civic events devepolment and implementation
- intercultural learning
- dosadvantaged involvement

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are a group of seniors with  a variety 15-30 years  expertise in fields such as : european information service provision, project writing and management,  intercultural teacher training, e-learning, family learning,  IT capabilities, adult education, volunteer attitude development to mention just the most visible one.
We feel we can contribute and valorize  the above mentioned expertise in the ALF Network to the benefit of the national and international members in joint projects .
We also feel we can find much inspiration and empowerment in the ALF network to expand our intercultural dimension for some of our future projects  which approach interculturality in terms of believs and intercultural  communication.

Contact (1) Full Name
Viorica Alexandru
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Viorica Alexandru
Contact (2) Full Name
Ioan Bob
Job Title (2)
Secretary General

Asociatia Libera Initiativa si Antreprenoriat Tismana - ALIAT

National Network

Manastirii str. 290, Postal Code: 217495

+40 253 374 481
+40 253 374 481
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+40 765 386 022
Mobile Phone (other)
+40 766 873 330
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
ALIAT is non-governmental association and it was established in GORJ County, South – West part of Romania. The idea of establishment the organization came from group of youngsters of rural community - TISMANA. Organization structure consists of President, Vice-President, Executive Director, International Projects Coordinator, Local Projects Coordinator, Safety/Security Coordinator and Financial Manager. Besides, ALIAT has External Support Team, which means experienced mentors from hosting community, also experienced counterparts with who we cooperate in our EVS projects permanently, language teachers, psychologist and trainers. Since foundation of ALIAT in 2009, organization began to develop and strengthen its cooperation with local and International partners. Association established strong network of them. Recently, our cooperation with program and neighboring partner countries was strengthened through Youth in Action program – Youth Exchanges and EVS. Financial capacity of organization in a year is maximum 25 000 EUR based on implementing projects (group EVS projects, local and national initiatives). Regular activities of ALIAT are: Different kind of non formal educational activities, such as: outdoor activities, sport activities, group games, workshops, to send youngsters abroad under the “Youth in Action” program in order to participate in youth exchanges, to host group EVS projects, local/national projects/initiatives.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the association is to build bridge of friendship, dialogue and mutual understanding between youth from different communities. ALIAT aims to support youngsters by different educational programs, to promote peace-building, Intercultural relations in youth, tolerance and solidarity.
Our target group is children and youngsters with fewer opportunities. Objectives: To provide educational programs to the young people with fewer opportunities (from a less-privileged cultural, geographical or socio-economic background), to promote understanding of cultural diversity and to support their integration into society.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2009, ALIAT succeeded to implement local project “VOLUNTARIAT PENTRU VOLUNTARI” (financed by County department of Youth and Sport – GORJ).
In 2010, ALIAT succeeded to implement local project “1st edition of SARA DE PITARAI” (financed by Local Council of TISMANA).
In 2011, ALIAT succeeded to implement “1st of June – 2011” and “2nd edition of SARA DE PITARAI” (financed by Local Council of TISMANA).
In 2012, ALIAT succeeded to implement national initiative (in GORJ county) “CARAVANA SEV” (financed by European Commission).
In 2012 - 2013, ALIAT succeeded to implement group EVS project “Volunteers for Youth Perspectives – V.Y.P” (financed by ANPCDEFP).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ALIAT will have important role in the view of contribution to the network in Romania and particularly in GORJ region, because it will be the first member organization from mentioned region/county which imposes us big responsibility.
We will be concentrated to initiate interesting and useful projects and use financial capacity of ALF to implement needful projects oriented on community development. We will be respective members of ALF Network, keep the rules and values of it and will promote network among all our local and international partners, as a rare and great opportunity for all organizations/individuals.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our interest to join ALF Network can be explained for several reasons. By joining the network, we will have more possibilities to initiate and implement different kind of projects in order to provide support those who are in need of it – youngsters with fewer opportunities. We would like to bring possibilities for youngsters to discover personal and professional advantages of such projects.
As one of our working directions is rural development, network gives us possibility to implement different type of community oriented projects with the financial support of ALF and mobilize youngsters to increase the level of community development and awareness of young people with fewer opportunities.
Finally, different initiatives and actions implemented with the support of ALF Network will increase the capacity of youngsters, local schools etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Caprita
Head of the organisation
Daniel Nicusor Caprita
Contact (2) Full Name
Natia Agladze

Asociatia Mod of Life

National Network

Str. Kisseleff nr 39, Drobeta Turnu Severin,Judetul Mehedinti, Romania
Drobeta Turnu Severin

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Mod of Life association is gouverned by the General Assembly and a board of 3 people: President, Vice-president and General Secretary. In order to achieve his objectives our association is organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, public campaigns, training courses, symposia and debates, is communicating with the state institutions and civil society and in the same time participating to other association activities in the country and abroad. We are more than 50 members that beside regular activities are running also a youth centre coordinated by our volunteers. 22 of our volunteers conduct workshops and field work with other youth in our community. Our staff are people with huge working experience in the youth field and administration. Our main sources of funding are EU founds, national and sponsorships flom local donours.
Mission and Objectives

Mod of Life association Association was registered as an NGO in 2010. The organization was formed and operates out of the strong need of its members to be proactive in the society and time they live in. Since than we are oriented towards creation of opportunities for youth to grow and adapt to the upcoming changes. By that goal, we have developed a program of active participation of youth to ensure the rising of their awareness, in short, to prepare them to become youth of Europe with all the benefits and responsibilities.

Main Projects / Activities

Mod of Life is also experienced in the realisation of transnational and European projects; since 1993, a Research and Training Department has been developing and managing initiatives funded by European Programmes, such as: LLP, Youth in Action, Daphne, LLP, Equal, Interreg, Framework Programme, AAL, Europeaid, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share our experience in the field, experience gained mostly through cooperation with other European NGO`s, our resources and fresh new ideas. We will try to join all the initiatives prposed to us by the head of the Network in our country and to propose them possible activities to be jointly organized

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the network because we want to expand our activities beyond the European border, to have the chance to cooperate with countries from other regions of the world -other that we usually work with. ALF Network is an opportunity for sustainable partnerships, exchange of experience and intercultural learning.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mihailescu Catalin
Head of the organisation
Lupu Razvan


National Network

Str. Aleea Madarasi, nr.5, bl.D10A, sc.1, etaj 6, ap.31, BUCURESTI, sector 3, cod postal 032305

0040 726 321 226
Telephone (other)
0040 724 578 771
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
ASOCIAŢIA PENTRU EDUCAŢIE MULTICULTURALĂ (The Association for Multicultural Education) is a nonprofit and nongovernmental organization founded by a group of five young people, with academic backgrounds in History and Political Sciences, for the purpose of launching and developing social and cultural programs for youth in Romania and abroad. As sources of funding: own contribution, sponsorship and 2% from the annual incomes tax campaign. Some of the action modalities are youth exchange projects on different topics (dialog between cultures, environment, minorities, racism, cultural heritage). Our main partner is: Agentia Nationala pentru programe comunitare in domeniul educatiei si formarii profesionale, part of Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports Romania.
Mission and Objectives

The Association for Multicultural Education is highly interested in coordinating projects in the field of heritage protection and conservation, in promoting and disseminating the European cultural values among the youth, the initiation and participation in national and international volunteer programs, the development of civic, cultural and educational activities for the disadvantaged people, in educating the young people and the community about the promotion of sustainable development and environmental protection, implementing activities aimed at environment preservation and ecological balance, in carrying out joint projects and cooperate with other similar national and international partners.
Our aim is to provide opportunities, develop and empower young people in general and also young people who are disadvantaged phisically, educationally, economically, socially and culturally through self-help and self-governing collective development activities. We want to provide them the access to information and to stimulate them to become actively involved in projects of national and European interest (environment, social inclusion, multicultural dialogue, equal rights, urban and rural development, antidiscrimination, health) in order to learn and guide others in their turn. After all, they could become an Europeanizing force by changing everything that others have not and for that reason they must be consulted and involved in the decisions affecting the future... the future of Romania and Europe!
The Association for Multicultural Education’ members have acquired a relevant prior experience in youth and civil society issues, participating in a multitude of projects organized by national and international NGOs, where they have acquired the skills and the mechanisms of youth networking.

Main Projects / Activities

Our current projects and activities are related to youth exchange and voluntary services.
The founding members experience gained since 1999 - up to day, in organizing and participating in seminars, conferences, summer schools programs and trainings in international organizations like NATO and EU, and national academic institutions is a strong asset for our present and future projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Asociatia Se Poate

National Network

Calea Serban Voda nr 28, ap. 1, sector 4
040212 Bucuresti

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Se Poate Association (in English “It’s possible”) was founded in 2014 as a nongovernmental organization that aims to involve youth 16-35 years from our local community as active and responsible citizens. We have a President, an Assistant Manager, 3 youth workers with contract, 5 volunteers and several partners. We have an office in the city centre of Bucharest were our employees come daily. Budgetary resources available in a year depends on the number or the budget of approved projects we have and on the donations that we received. An approximate number will be around 200.000 euro. Sources of funding are Erasmus Plus Programme, Europeans Founds managed by the Government of Romania and private donations. We are hosting and also being partners in youth exchanges, Sports Projects and training courses. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are Medicover Association, Lipanesti City Hall, Leroy Merlin, A&D Pharma and many more.

Mission and Objectives

“Se Poate” Association consider that the youth can produce a change at local and national level. For this reason, we support them in gaining new knowledge and gain new skills. With the development of Se Poate Association and our members, we have developed new strategies. Supporting young people with fewer opportunities remains one of our main priorities, but we look for ways to educate the young people through: involvement in volunteering, international youth exchanges, trainings, extracurricular activities, information events, developing their skills, and informing them about existing opportunities, which will allow them to increase their chances of employment, improve their soft skills and become integrated citizens.

Our aims are:
• support social and professional insertion for young people and adults, especially for those belonging to minorities and those with outstanding educational outcomes;
• develop and promote intercultural exchanges among the youngsters, by helping them get in touch with people from all around the European Union and not only.
• sustainable development by promoting solutions for the protection of natural and cultural heritage villages in Romania;
Our mission:
• To provide intercultural learning experiences for youngsters;
• To promote intercultural understanding, equal opportunities, tolerance and respect among people in the world;
• To help youngsters in their social and personal development through international projects;
• To raise awareness about sustainable development trough recycling and reforesting

Main Projects / Activities

Thinking local, we are very involved in the local community. We have our project "New Trees for New Life" where we are planting a forest (reforestation), here is the link of the project page ( and this event is happening twice a year since 2017. Every year we plant 30.000 trees with the help of a big team of around 500 volunteers. This initiative collects every year around 700.000 euro from private sponsors. New Trees for New Life represents a project of social responsibility and social entrepreneurship which was created in order to increase awareness in the community about the importance of protecting the environment through reforestation. Our final objective is to plant a number of 120,000 trees on 17.59 ha.
In July 2018- October 2019 we were involved in a very big national project that was meant to create and develop a public policy about non-formal education. We wanted to give more power to the non-formal education by this law that we wrote together with a team of experts. ( this was an intense initiative and project as we travelled all country to first discuss the needs of NGOs, Young people and relevant stakeholders in creating the law. After we had another round to present and promote the law written by the experts. Right now, the Law is at the Ministry of Education being studied by their team. As for the future, we are developing now a KA3 project where we will be holding a festival of elections and will simulate the suffrage process of the European parliament with students from all around Romania.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sharing Ideas is powerful and also strong partnerships are always needed. We can bring non-formal methods, ideas and qualifies youth workers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to build a more inclusive, empathic and strong society, and we are confident we will build great partnerships across the Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Enachescu
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Daniel Enachescu
Contact (2) Full Name
Georgiana Marcu
Job Title (2)
Assistant Manager

Asociatia Tinerilor Activi Civic - A.T.A.C.

National Network

Str. Regiment 11 Siret, Nr.35
800302 Galati

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Asociația Tinerilor Activi Civic (Association of Civically Active Youth) is a youth organization, apolitical, NGO, active in our community - working with children and youth from placement homes, poor families, old people, unemployed and facing other social problems. In order to realize our objectives, we cooperate with families, local authorities, primary schools, high schools and universities and we develop projects with them. Members of ATAC have participated in other youth exchanges and training courses during the Youth in Action programme and Erasmus+ about how to be active citizens in the society in general and in their local community in particular. A few of our members are also artists: actors, dancers, singers, photographers, designers.
Mission and Objectives

Asociația Tinerilor Activi Civic aims to drive the development of the Romanian society attracting young people towards active citizenship and promoting the local and national cultural values.
The main objective of A.T.A.C. is to contribute to the social and personal development of local youth.
We have parterships with few local highschools, with students from 15 to 19 years of age, also volunteers from 18 up to 40 years of age and we cooperate in local projects but also in international projects.
Until now we've been partners in several trainings and multipartner youth exchanges across Europe and we had bilateral projects(youth exchanges) in Poland, Turkey and Romania also .
Our funding consists on European funds and also donations and funds raising events.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our local activities include: 
- Effect ITF – Independent Theatre Festival Galati;
- We run for Community - charity marathon with participation fee. The participants sustain a cause and the cause sustained by the winner gets all the funds.
- ACUFest  - cultural performing activities, graffiti, exhibition  and outdoor sports in Galati; dance competition;
- Be a volunteer, volunteering counts - Encouraging young people volunteering thru a series of seminars and conferences with the support of Peace Corps volunteers in Republic of Moldova.
- Mediations of internships - Trying to help young people find a job by mediating a dialogue between those who want to do internship / volunteer in the state or private companies and those that require unskilled labour;
- Applied Budget (a campaign to develop the civic sense of people in Galati, showing them that their opinion matters and that they can influence some of the Town Hall's future budget);
- Introducing Public Speaking and other non-formal type of courses for local youth and young entrepreneurs; 
- Presentation of the Youth in Action and Erasmus+ programme to students from university and high schools;
- The road to the sea (20 volunteers accompanying kids with disabilities and from placement homes to the seaside and offering them three days of fun);
- The Magic of Christmas-Christmas Show (for kids from placement homes and families with less opportunities);
- Campaigns in local schools about the abuse of legal and illegal drugs;
- Whish Box (Christmas presents for children coming from poor families).  
International projects:
We keep good collaboration with our international partners and we are opened for new contacts.
We pay special attention involving newcomers into international projects.
Some of our Youth in Action and Erasmus+ Project we have participated in are:
- North Mitrovica, Kosovo - European Minority Youth Inclusion - Training course promotes and raises awareness about social cohesion, tolerance, diversity and solidarity while in the same time fights against discrimination, racism, homophobia, xenophobia and exclusion in general in any form;
- Tokaj, Ungaria - World without hate - Youth exchange aiming to destroy the participants prejudice brought from own society and accept underprivileged people, especially Roma citizens;
- Agropoli, Italy - ArtEUCommunity - Youth exchange focused on the technique of papier-mâché ( better known to cast paper ) , as a form of creative art and aiming to promote the territory and exploit its traditions , in an exchange of ideas and best practices with other countries, with the aim of creating social inclusion and employment.
- Turkey, Adana - Discover yourself with Sports - Study visit with the objective to help the young people, who are exposed to technological and social inducement and directions within the modern life conditions, to discover their identities and reveal their hidden skills, through sport;
- Riga, Latvia - PSP: Personal, social and professional development of Roma EVS volunteers - Seminar aiming to explore and share theories and tools which can provide support for Roma young people to benefit from their EVS experiences as personal, social and professional competence development;
- Coka, Serbia - EuroACTive - Training course designed to empower youth workers
and active leaders to act for social activation of youth in their local communities, foster social inclusion and building of social cohesion in theirlocal communities using theatre related methods;
- Van, Turkey - Virtual Reality - Study visit aiming to create consciousness and awareness of young people about the virtual world, to avoid Internet from being a threat for the youth, to ensure the Internet it’s being used at a high level as a source for right perception and controlled usage;
 -  Tirana, Albania - Intercultural Dialogue through Music - Training designed to develop youth worker’s competences in intercultural dialogue through the use of music in order to increase the quality of their work and strengthening the capacity of their organisations.
- Belgrade, Serbia - EuropeanYouth Work Academy - Strategic partnership designed for people interested in the work of NGOs and Erasmus+ program and willing to expand their personal abilities;
- Kirsehir, Turkey - Just Breathe - Youth exchange designed to help young participants to realize how important to prevent themselves from bad habits, to have natural diet and to do sports in order to maintain good lifestyle;
-  Italy, Torino & Tbilisi, Georgia - Is God with us? - Srtategic partnership consisting in a training and a youth exchange, designed as a debate about the role of religion in the contemporary society and how and which is the role of religion in the role of the youth worker;
- Aksaray - Stop Addiction - Youth exchange focussed on  Social media and its negative effects on people addicted to it and also prevention of social media addiction;
- Kusadasi, Turkey - Build, Educate, Transfer - Training course aiming to raise participant's awareness and highlight the importance of organizing and recognizing your own learning at large, either while working into an intercultural environment, either while working into your local community;
- Italy, Palermo - Multi-Generation. Finding our identity - Youth exchange designed to make participants understand that the migration’s phenomenon is not only a problem but also an opportunity of reflection and action in order to build and to make possible a society more and more intercultural;
- Palkovice, Czech Republic - I have a dream - Youth exchange that aims to help participants visualize their dreams and to set up a plan of small steps that can lead them to fulfil their dreams as soon as they come back to their countries and to compose their dreams to common dancing flashmob;
- Nyíregyháza, Hungary - Coaching Your Dreams - Training about the method of coaching in the youth work. This project was build from the practice and experiences of different organisations and experts;
-  Antalya, Turkey - Entrepreneurship, this way! - Youth exchange that aims to make youth be  aware of their capabilities and skills, believing that they could do to better to ensure their self-esteem and be able to activate develop their entrepreneurial spirit;
- Hungary, Székesfehérvár - Intercultipreneur - Youth exchange designed to give participants the opportunity to learn about the theme of social entrepreneurship for youth community development in multicultural environment and to get practical experience through various group activities and interaction with organizations related to the topics;
- Crnomelj, Slovenia - Advanced volunteer management - Training course designed to provide participants with competences and tools for implementing effective volunteer management system;
- Poland, Zlocieniec - Coach vs youth worker - Training course aimed to increase quality of youth work, through developing competences of youth workers form partner and cooperating organizations;
- Poland, Wisla - Healthy and active - Training designed to develop professional and personal skills of youth workers and hereby improve the quality of work of adults, young people and volunteers;
- Slovakia, Bratislava & Bakuriani, Georgia - Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainability -Strategic partnership consisting in a training course and a youth exchange aiming to explore the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems in youth work using entrepreneurial skills;
- France, Strasbourg - Connecting Mobility - Training Course designed to provide tools and improve competences, in order to create a stronger link between youth mobility experience and the further professional perspectives, through the use of non-formal methods which answer the needs of youth in line with the requirements of labour market;
- Turkey, Edirne - Rhythm of Life - Youth exchange; learn about Roma culture and develop a sense of tolerance towards a different culture;
-  Italy, Montone(Peruggia) - Citizen of Europe  - Youth exchange aiming at curbing the phenomenon of the lack of interest of young people in the political and social activities, domestic and international, with particular reference to the activities within the European Union;
- Czech Republic, Mikulovice - Verbattle meets Europe - Youth exchange that aimed to improve participant's communication and language skills through seminars of work with information, logic, formulating their own opinions and arguments, public speaking, presentation skills and other soft-skills;
- Italy, Montecatini - Support Opportunities For Training   Skills  - Training course that aimed to contribute to youth worker’s social growth by offering them knowledge and practical tools to develop soft skills and transfer them to target group they are working with, in each organization;
- Czech Republic, Zlin - “Just grow up!” – Strategic partnership consisting in a training course and a youth exchange, focused on activation of young people and their motivation for self-development and job searching;
- Latvia, Ragana - To the point - Training course that aimed to provide youth workers working on sustainability and education with tools they can use to communicate important information in less than 3 minutes, and with the skills to do so;
     -  Albania, Pogradec - Creative strategies To approach Challenging Youth - Training designed to define the role of the youth worker/leader, methods for youth worker/leader approaches to the young people and to activate the inactive youth;
       -   Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad - Art & Culture - Journey to Success - art and crafts as a new alternative to the issue of youth unemployment;(Youth exchange)
       - Lithuania, Trakai district – Hobby + Creativity = Successful Business - access to new approaches of creativeness and to strengthen confidence and self esteem through ingenuity and creativity;(Youth exchange)
       -Austria, Viena - Photo planet, picture earth - stimulate young people's spirit of initiative using method of creative photography for their ability to create pictures;(Training course)
       - Portugal, District of Santarem - Building bridges for Entrepreneurship and Emploiability - fight the scourge of youth unemployment, using, sharing and meetingnew practices, developed within the framework of youth work;(Study visit)
        - Turkey, Hakkari - Fair-Play Spirit - developing collaboration avoiding bad habits, involvement in actual social life, awareness in Olympic culture, connective power of sports.(Study visit)
          - Turkey, Tavsanly - All You Need is Sports - popularizing amateur sports in daily life and and encourage individuals to do at list one branch of sports.(Youth exchange)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing our experience with others. As we mention before, not only that we have 6 years of experience in managing local projects, but also w,ve been partners in more than 50 Erasmus+, Youth in action and other European youth programs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our aim is to create a network between different areas from EU in order to create more participation.
In this way we believe that is important to create a more closeness between citizens and EU by any program or network that supports

Contact (1) Full Name
Laurentiu Petrea
Job Title
International Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Igor Alexandru Bejan

Asociatia Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica

National Network

Str. Aurel Vlaicu, nr.6
800508 Galati

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Asociația Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica (Association of Youth with Civic Initiative) is a youth organization, apolitical, NGO that aims to drive the development of the Romanian society attracting young people towards active citizenship and promoting the local and national cultural values.   A.T.I.C. was established in 2016 in Galați by a group of young people in order to contribute to the social and personal development of local youth.   We are active in our community - working with children and youth from placement homes, poor families, unemployed and facing other social problems.  One of our main objectives is the inclusion of local disadvantaged youth through different methods, such as sport, music, theatre, dance and painting. In order to realize our objectives, we cooperate with families, local authorities, primary schools, high schools and universities and we develop projects with them. Despite the fact we are a young organization, the key staff is very experienced in the NGO zone and Erasmus+ program, working in the field for more than 4 years, with very good results, in different positions and departments, among the local NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

A.T.I.C. has 2 eployee and 20 volunteers, also we have partnerships with 6 local highschools, including the ART school and the local University.
The budgetary resources are the contribution of the members and partners, also fund raisings, international projects and donations.
Last year we implemented more than 30 local projects with our partners, local schools and local authorities.
ome of our activities include:  - Do it for community, do it for your family, do it for yourself - local seminar with the participation of the local community, students and teachers regarding volunteering and active citizenship;- Human Rights with no exceptions - Seminar on Human Rights education, especially on gender and LGBTQ issue.- Play with your hearth - charity show meant to help with funds the kids from the orphanage in Galati;- Campaigns in local schools about the abuse of legal and illegal drugs;- Be cool, clean your neighbourhood - ecological event, meant to make young students and volunteers be more aware of having a cleaner environment;- Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainability - seminar aiming to explore the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems in youth work using entrepreneurial skills- First Aid knowledge is life-saving knowledge - first Aid course for organization’s volunteers with the support of local Ambulance staff- Students Agora - seminar meant to make volunteers more confident in their speech, accommodate them with the idea of public debate;- Sporty life is a healthier life - event that encourage youngsters to add more sport into their daily livesRegarding our International work, despite the fact we are a young organization, the staff compensate with their reach experience and connections.Beteween July 2016 and July 2017, we were partners in more than 35 Erasmus+ projects, youth exchanges, training courses and seminars mentioning:
- Forli, Italy - KEEPinMIND - Youth exchange aiming to develop several key competences so as to encourage the critical thinking of young participants, helping them to objectively analyse information, evaluate and interpret experiences and make objective thinking, not influenced by prejudices and stereotypes.
- Krakow, Poland - EuroTube - Youth exchange aiming to raise awareness about European Union, its institutions and the ways of running the European politicsthrough a series of documentary movies made by participants;
- Terceira Island, Portugal - Active Jobs - Youth exchange to capacitate the youngsters to become more active and to be able to face a job interview at any level.
- Mersin, Turkey - Change minds - Change future - Training course seeking to strengthen local organizations through building networks for future partnerships for social projects and increasing the competences of youth workers, youth leaders and volunteers from those organizations in social campaign management by using innovative and creative media tools ; thus to fight against hate and discrimination especially on minorities, immigrants and asylum-seekers, through increasing the awareness on the notions as peace, faith, tolerance, empathy, inclusion and the respect to human rights and freedoms in the scope of European values
- Berlin, Germany - Youth Academy 2017 - Training course aiming to support the quality development of non-formal education activities in the youth work, through the development of competences of youth workers for preparing and implementing workshops, trainings, seminars and similar activities,  organized for youth on local and international level with special focus on human rights and minority issues;
-  Bremen, Germany - Unite in diversity - Multilateral project that focuses on European values in context of the European crisis and should give youth workers, NGO representatives and young people the chance to learn and express their ideas about united Europe. The main aim of the project is to foster the idea of European citizenship in order to overcome the European crisis, including refugee crisis and Brexit.
- Breznik, Bulgaria - Present Yourself, Be Successful - Youth exchange aiming to propose ways to fight the youth unemployment and to build tolerance to and integrate disadvantaged  youths into the social and economic life of the society;
- Pirdop, Bulgaria - Memory for the future - Youth exchange having as main goal to set mutual knowledge of history, culture, lifestyle and traditions of the Balkans, the recovery of forgotten folk values, preservation and promotion of  folk songs and dances, improving interethnic and intercultural dialogue, the formation of skills in certain problems in multiethnic team;
- Szklarska Poreba Gorna, Poland - Youth Employability Stimulators of Tomorrow - the training course objectives where to discuss the need and explore the possibility of youth organisations to address this vital European issue of youth unemployment by providing youth with knowledge, skills and attitudes through their work that can stimulate their employability or entrepreneurial spirit;
- Trezza, Italy - Let’s shout our rights - Youth exchange tackling the issues related to human rights and immigration in order to develop in young people a sense of tolerance and acceptance that needs to be enriched with elements from the experiences of other young people from other countries;
- Krakow, Poland - EuropeLIVE - Youth exchange having as aim to discuss about the most significant events in European history with the help of LARP scenarios, to define what does the European identity mean for us and to understand the process of its development;
- Sofia, Bulgaria - FOLLOW ME - Find opportunities in life by learning and observing with motivation and empowerment - Training course for youth workers, youth leaders, EVS mentors on how to use the coaching methodology, tools, techniques and best practices to develop competences and qualities of people to realize their full potential and personal values and to find their personal motivation to set and achieve their goals;
- Durres, Albania - EYE CAN - Empowering Youth Entrepreneurship through Capacity-building Activities and Networking  - Strategic partnership focussed on empowering youth with skills and competences, need it to start their own bussines;
- Poronin, Poland - One culture, Hip-Hop - Youth exchange having as aim to encourage people to be active and through cooperation, integration and activation of others in their communities, such as youngsters coming from backgrounds with limited access to education, due to economic and geographical barriers, to jointly develop their skills related to Hip-Hope culture: breakdance, graffiti and music production;
- Poronin, Poland - Street Stuff - Training course having as main goal the acquisition by the participants of new skills in street dance, rap music, graffiti art etc. that they can later implement in youth work in their environment, in order to hit a wider audience with the so-called difficult environments;
- Bata, Bulgaria - The best plan where ever you work yourself ! - Youth exchange having as main abjective as participants to acquire specific knowledge and skills on healthy eating, sport and prevention of various dependencies through the methods of non-formal education;

Main Projects / Activities

Local projects:
- Do it for community, do it for your family, do it for yourself - local seminar with the participation of the local community, students and teachers regarding volunteering and active citizenship;
- Human Rights with no exceptions - Seminar on Human Rights education, especially on gender and LGBTQ issue.
- Play with your hearth - charity show meant to help with funds the kids from the orphanage in Galati;
- Campaigns in local schools about the abuse of legal and illegal drugs;
- Be cool, clean your neighbourhood - ecological event, meant to make young students and volunteers be more aware of having a cleaner environment;
- Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainability - seminar aiming to explore the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems in youth work using entrepreneurial skills
- First Aid knowledge is life-saving knowledge - first Aid course for organization’s volunteers with the support of local Ambulance staff;
-  Students Agora - seminar meant to make volunteers more confident in their speech, accommodate them with the idea of public debate;
- Sporty life is a healthier life - event that encourage youngsters to add more sport into their daily lives
International activities:

- Forli, Italy - KEEPinMIND - Youth exchange aiming to develop several key competences so as to encourage the critical thinking of young participants, helping them to objectively analyse information, evaluate and interpret experiences and make objective thinking, not influenced by prejudices and stereotypes.
- Krakow, Poland - EuroTube - Youth exchange aiming to raise awareness about European Union, its institutions and the ways of running the European politicsthrough a series of documentary movies made by participants;
- Terceira Island, Portugal - Active Jobs - Youth exchange to capacitate the youngsters to become more active and to be able to face a job interview at any level.
- Mersin, Turkey - Change minds - Change future - Training course seeking to strengthen local organizations through building networks for future partnerships for social projects and increasing the competences of youth workers, youth leaders and volunteers from those organizations in social campaign management by using innovative and creative media tools ; thus to fight against hate and discrimination especially on minorities, immigrants and asylum-seekers, through increasing the awareness on the notions as peace, faith, tolerance, empathy, inclusion and the respect to human rights and freedoms in the scope of European values
- Berlin, Germany - Youth Academy 2017 - Training course aiming to support the quality development of non-formal education activities in the youth work, through the development of competences of youth workers for preparing and implementing workshops, trainings, seminars and similar activities,  organized for youth on local and international level with special focus on human rights and minority issues;
-  Bremen, Germany - Unite in diversity - Multilateral project that focuses on European values in context of the European crisis and should give youth workers, NGO representatives and young people the chance to learn and express their ideas about united Europe. The main aim of the project is to foster the idea of European citizenship in order to overcome the European crisis, including refugee crisis and Brexit.
- Breznik, Bulgaria - Present Yourself, Be Successful - Youth exchange aiming to propose ways to fight the youth unemployment and to build tolerance to and integrate disadvantaged  youths into the social and economic life of the society;
- Pirdop, Bulgaria - Memory for the future - Youth exchange having as main goal to set mutual knowledge of history, culture, lifestyle and traditions of the Balkans, the recovery of forgotten folk values, preservation and promotion of  folk songs and dances, improving interethnic and intercultural dialogue, the formation of skills in certain problems in multiethnic team;
- Szklarska Poreba Gorna, Poland - Youth Employability Stimulators of Tomorrow - the training course objectives where to discuss the need and explore the possibility of youth organisations to address this vital European issue of youth unemployment by providing youth with knowledge, skills and attitudes through their work that can stimulate their employability or entrepreneurial spirit;
- Trezza, Italy - Let’s shout our rights - Youth exchange tackling the issues related to human rights and immigration in order to develop in young people a sense of tolerance and acceptance that needs to be enriched with elements from the experiences of other young people from other countries;
- Krakow, Poland - EuropeLIVE - Youth exchange having as aim to discuss about the most significant events in European history with the help of LARP scenarios, to define what does the European identity mean for us and to understand the process of its development;
- Sofia, Bulgaria - FOLLOW ME - Find opportunities in life by learning and observing with motivation and empowerment - Training course for youth workers, youth leaders, EVS mentors on how to use the coaching methodology, tools, techniques and best practices to develop competences and qualities of people to realize their full potential and personal values and to find their personal motivation to set and achieve their goals;
- Durres, Albania - EYE CAN - Empowering Youth Entrepreneurship through Capacity-building Activities and Networking  - Strategic partnership focussed on empowering youth with skills and competences, need it to start their own bussines;
- Poronin, Poland - One culture, Hip-Hop - Youth exchange having as aim to encourage people to be active and through cooperation, integration and activation of others in their communities, such as youngsters coming from backgrounds with limited access to education, due to economic and geographical barriers, to jointly develop their skills related to Hip-Hope culture: breakdance, graffiti and music production;
- Poronin, Poland - Street Stuff - Training course having as main goal the acquisition by the participants of new skills in street dance, rap music, graffiti art etc. that they can later implement in youth work in their environment, in order to hit a wider audience with the so-called difficult environments;
- Bata, Bulgaria - The best plan where ever you work yourself ! - Youth exchange having as main abjective as participants to acquire specific knowledge and skills on healthy eating, sport and prevention of various dependencies through the methods of non-formal education;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

A.T.I.C., despite of the fact it's a young organzation, has an experienced staff that worked for 5 years in local NGO's, in different positions, with different tasks.
Our association can be an added value for the network in our country, sharing from our experience and good practices and also developing projects that can be very useful in the topic of inclusion of disadvantaged youth through arts and sport..
We keep good collaboration with our international partners and we are open for new contacts.
We pay special attention involving youngsters with less opportunities and newcomers into international projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As we mentioned above, we think that beside Erasmus+ program, Anna Lindth Foundation can help our organization grow and with the founds and help given, we can develop and implement more projects useful in our comunity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laurentiu Petrea
Job Title
president of A.T.I.C.
Head of the organisation
Laurentiu Petrea
Contact (2) Full Name
Alice Nina Petrea
Job Title (2)
International Project Manager

Asociatia Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica

National Network

Str. Aurel Vlaicu, nr. 6
800508 Galati

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Asociația Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica (Association of Youth with Civic Initiative) is a youth organization, apolitical, Non-gouvernamental Organization. A.T.I.C. was established in 2016 in Galați by a group of young people in order to contribute to the social and personal development of local youth. Despite the fact we are a young organization, the key staff is very experienced in the NGO zone, Erasmus plus and Euromed program, working in the field for more than 4 years, with very good results, in different positions and departments, among the local NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

ATIC aims to drive the development of the Romanian society attracting young people towards active citizenship and promoting the local and national cultural values.
We are active in our community - working with children and youth from placement homes, poor families, old people, unemployed and facing other social problems.
In order to realize our objectives, we cooperate with families, local authorities, primary schools, high schools and universities and we develop projects with them.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our activities include: 
Local activities:
- Do it for community, do it for your family, do it for yourself - local seminar with the participation of the local community, students and teachers regarding volunteering and active citizenship;
- Human Rights with no exceptions - Seminar on Human Rights education, specially on gender and LGBTQ issue.
- Play with your hearth - charity show meant to help with funds the kids from the orphanage in Galati;
- Campaigns in local schools about the abuse of legal and illegal drugs;
- Be cool, clean your neighbourhood - ecological event, meant to make young students and volunteers be more aware of having a cleaner environment;
- Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainability - seminar aiming to explore the concept of social entrepreneurship as an innovative way to solve social problems in youth work using entrepreneurial skills
- First Aid knowledge is life-saving knowledge - first Aid course for organization’s volunteers with the support of local Ambulance staff
-  Students Agora - seminar meant to make volunteers more confident in their speech, accommodate them with the idea of public debate;
- Sporty life is a healthier life - event that encourage youngsters to add more sport into their daily lives
International activities:
Our volunteers participated in more than 50 Erasmus plus and Euromed projects, they are very open minded and active youngsters.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have access to a vast network of youngsters, some of them with low possibilities. as we have partnerships with most of the local highschools and local University.
Our goal is to give opportunities to the local youth to experience at list one international event and give them the possibility to interact with other

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our goal is to give opportunities to the local youth to experience at list one international event and give them the possibility to interact with other youngsters from different nationalities and  break the barriers of cultures, language and stereotypes, lso give them the chance to improve their language skills, learn from good practices of other organizations around the world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laurentiu Petrea
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Laurentiu Petrea
Contact (2) Full Name
Alice Nina Petrea
Job Title (2)
International project manager