
Aleh Santos

National Network

Rua do Sol a Santa Catarina

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Aleh Santos is a musician that works to promote arts and culture in Lisbon.

He's originally from São Paulo, Brazil and emigrated to Lisbon, Portugal following his dream and becoming a musician.

He works to make activism through music and stand for the rights of migrants and black people.

He believes that music can be a tool to transform society and bring value to our people.

Mission and Objectives

Transform the world we live in through music.

Empower immigrants.

Empower black people.

Revitalize arts and culture in a materialistic world.

Main Projects / Activities

Concerts everywhere: streets, bars, restaurants, houses, sqares, festivals, forums, etc.

Education through music and musical education.


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can bring artistic approaches and contacts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because I discovered that they promote interculturality and arts and creativity.

I want to participate in events and training courses.

I want to help with my work

Contact (1) Full Name
Alexandre Santos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alexandre Santos

ALFinMOTION in Portugal: Mobility for Partnership

ALFinMOTION Mobility for Partnership, Tunisia & Egypt, Fundação Anna Lindh Rede Portuguesa

On the first round of the ALFinMotion call of 2023, the Portuguese organization Aequalitas’s project application was selected for funding under the ALFinMOTION cross sectoral mobility programme.

Its purpose is to create and consolidate partnerships between complementary shores of the Mediterranean* through the co-elaboration of project proposals related to concrete aspects of intercultural dialogue that address specific needs identified at the local, national or regional level to be submitted to national or international donors. The Anna Lindh Foundation prioritises project proposals with innovative approaches and oriented towards youth, gender equality or with social inclusion purposes.

With this mobility Aequalitas wants to strengthen the already existing partnership and collaboration between the host organization, Aequalitas, and the hosted organisations, Mediterravenir and the Egyptian association for Youth and Community Development. Throughout 10 days of collaborative work they will elaborate a project proposal together, more specifically an Erasmus+ mobility of young people (more known as Youth Exchange). The idea is to bring a youth worker from each country so they can put their ideas together and elaborate a solid proposal.

Click here for more information about the ALFinMOTION programme.


National Network

Rua do Forno do Tijolo, 54 - 5ºEsq - 1170-138

+ 351 213 152 267
+351 213 151 368
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+351 91 959 07 30
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1.production direction: Catarina Saraiva technical direction: Carlos Ramos accountancy: Renata Mota assistance artistic direction:Bojana Bauer assistance production direction: Bojana Bauer. - production: Jasper Walgrave close encounters production: Carina Lourenço encounters production 2005/2006: Carmo Serpa comunication: Catarina Medina 2.155.000 € - alkantara + 100.000 € – alkantara festival + project-related grants and co-productions from EU and various cultural institutions in Portugal and abroad. 3.alkantara is supported by Portuguese Arts Institute / Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Lisbon. 4.International exchange projects, e.g. Dançar o que é nosso 1998-2004, The Journey 2004 (Mediterranean), Encounters 2005-2006 (Portugal-Brazil-Mediterranean); alkantara festival – 2 till 18 June 2006 5.For the festival: various theatres in Lisbon. For exchange activities, Raiz di Polon (Cape Verde), CulturArte (Mozambique),..
Mission and Objectives

alkantara focuses on the performing arts on a local and global level, seeking to further exchange between artists from different cultures and backgrounds. Besides presentation, it also develops artistic research and exchange projects, experimenting with new formats.
We hope to be instrumental in turning Lisbon into a bridge between cultures and a point of reference for the international performing arts scene.

Main Projects / Activities

The most visible and ambitious project is the alkantara festival, a multidisciplinary and intercultural festival, dedicated to the presentation of contemporary performing art from all over the world.
In between festival, the organization invests in artists' residencies in Portugal and abroad, the production of international arts projects and the realization of initiatives that aim to stimulate the debate on interculturalism at home and abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Thomas Walgrave
Head of the organisation
Helder Sousa
Contact (2) Full Name
Ricardo Carmona


National Network

2640.534 MAFRA


Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
A Amalgama,Associação Cultural é uma associação sem fins lucrativos com a divisa de promover a arte e a cultura como veículos essenciais á formação e evolução do Ser, através da criação de um centro de produção de artes do espectáculo e acções sócio culturais, formativo-pedagógicas ligadas ás Artes e Saberes holísticos, aproximando culturas e pessoas, de interesse pluricultural e transdisciplinar, numa Matriz alicerçada na Dança foi criada para o efeito a Amalgama Companhia de Dança, a vertente profissional que dá forma artística aos propósitos da Associação. Sendo uma Associação Cultural, está alicerçada em 3 órgãos sociais: a Assembleia-Geral, a Direcção e o Conselho Fiscal. Não beneficiando de qualquer apoio estatal, as suas iniciativas são executadas com as suas próprias fontes de rendimento e estratégias organizacionais, pelo que conta com a colaboração de prestadores de serviços e de voluntários, não possuindo na sua estruturas trabalhadores por sua conta. Tem também ao seu lado alguns parceiros que lhe prestam apoio logístico como a “7Somas – Contabilidade e Fiscalidade, Lda.”, a Escola Superior de Medicina Chinesa, a Freela – Gráfica e a Lapa Estação Cultural. Os seus recursos médios orçamentais anuais oscilam entre os 15.000,00 e os 18.000, e que servem para fazer face aos encargos com as equipas artísticas, técnicas, de produção e despesas logísticas e administrativas, têm fonte as receitas de bilheteira dos seus espectáculos e oficinas de formação e apoios pontuais para um determinado projecto. A Amalgama tem duas escolas onde promove a dança e a arte em geral, uma sita em Mafra e outra em Lisboa, cujas receitas revertem essencialmente para a gestão internas das próprias escolas. Sendo uma Associação, que através de uma companhia de dança, pretende difundir a arte e a dança, os seus campos de actuação incidem na promoção e execução dos seus próprios espectáculos, criar intercâmbios culturais, dar formação na área da dança e promover, através das escolas, várias disciplinas e iniciativas ligadas à arte e saberes holsticos pela criação de uma rede de bolsas de estudo, apesar de não serem escolas oficiais. Principais parceiros: ESMTC, GEIC, LIGA Multisecular de Amizade Portugal China , Fundação Casa de Macau, SphaeraMundi, TDSM e Stella & Artists, a Casa de Portugal e Macau, Es Associação.
Mission and Objectives

Com a divisa de difundir a Arte numa visão holística e universalizante e sensibilizar o público para uma realidade mais onírica e humana, a Amalgama tem vindo a propor uma forma alternativa de viver a Dança.
Os espectáculos são concebidos tanto para palco como para espaços exteriores ou itinerantes. Única em criações multidisciplinares, pluriculturais, em lugares imbuídos de marcos arquitectónicos histórico-culturais e arquétipos das forças da natureza viva.
Desenvolveu uma metodologia específica dirigida a todos, independentemente da idade, capacidades físicas, mentais ou condição social e cultural - Dança Movimento Amalgama – Avaliada em Mestrado em 2009.
A Companhia nasce em 2000 com o objectivo de desenvolver, promover e descentralizar a Dança, como estrutura de criação artística e expansão pedagógica e sociocultural. De carácter profissional e iniciativa não-governamental, foi subsidiada pelo Ministério da Cultura/Instituto Português das Artes do Espectáculo e pela Câmara Municipal de Mafra.
Alicerçada na AMALGAMA ASSOCIAÇÃO CULTURAL desenvolveu protocolos artísticos e pedagógicos com várias instituições: Câmara de Mafra (projecto de desenvolvimento da Escola de Dança de Mafra, 16 anos de existência); Escola Superior de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (parcerias artísticas e pedagógicas- Núcleo de Artes); Fundação Henrique Leote-Convento de São Paulo, Redondo (programação anual- Espaço Arcana); OCRE Associação para o Desenvolvimento Cultural do Alentejo; Vo’arte Dança em espaços urbanos; Orquestra do Norte (criações para Orquestra e Operas); Museu do Mundo e Casa Aiga (formação).
Tem desenvolvido trabalho itinerante e estabelecido projectos de continuidade com câmaras e locais de notáveis características histórico/culturais. Destacamos: Quinta da Regaleira, Monasterio de La Cartuja de Cazalla (Sevilha), Palácio Nacional de Mafra, Convento de São Paulo (Redondo), Palácio Nacional da Pena (Sintra), Convento de Cristo (Tomar), Convento de São Francisco (Estremoz), Convento de Stº António (Loulé), Monserrate (Sintra).
Em 2011 estreia-se em Macau com A MAR num elenco misto Sino/Luso, na Parade Trough Macao, Latin City, Direção Artística de Alexandra Battaglia. O seu percurso é essencialmente nacional tendo trazido a Portugal vários artistas estrangeiros, sendo que Luxemburgo, Itália, Inglaterra, Espanha já foram lugares de apresentação dos seus espectáculos, mas a partir de 2011 é no oriente que encontra familiaridade e o seu canal de expansão.
Em 12 anos de existência estreou cerca de 22 criações, mais de 50 reposições e cerca de 60 Workshops. Passou por: Mafra, Lisboa, Tomar, Guimarães, Portalegre, Stª Maria da Feira, Oeiras, Algés, Sesimbra, Entroncamento, Leiria, Coimbra, Cascais, Sintra, Vila Real de Santo António, Portimão, Évora, Caldas da Rainha, Ericeira, Redondo, Arraiolos, Vila Viçosa, Monsaraz, Estremoz, Figueira da Foz, Alcobaça, Aveiro, Cazalla de la Sierra (Sevilha), Loulé e Macau.
Acreditamos que a Dança a todos deva chegar fazendo-se experimentar com uma nova consciência sobre o papel das Artes nas nossas vidas.

Main Projects / Activities

Desenvolvimento das Escolas em Lisboa e Mafra, aplicando as actividades existentes e solidificando em qualidade as disciplinas regulares já em funcionamento.
Desenvolver um programa mensal de workshops e formação em em áreas da Artes e Saberes holisticos através do apoio logístico das Escolas, para todas as idades.
No mesmo enquadramento desenvolver uma programação de Cafés Concertos, promovendo sinergias entre a artistas e áreas e também artistas em emergentes.
Promover Encontros de Jovens – Festival de Dança Jovem - com o propósito de activar o interesse dos jovens pela Dança, incentivar talentos e desmitificar tabus, contribuindo assim também para a formação de público local e descentralizando a Cultura. Gostaríamos de poder contar com participantes estrangeiros.
Promoção das criações da Amalgama Companhia de Dança, nomeadamente TABLAO DO FADO e DIÁSPORA, dentro e fora do País, procuramos parceiros e programadores, estando já alguns contactos feitos em, Lisboa com o Teatro ibérico, em Mafra no palácio Nacional de Mafra, em Macau, e aguardamos confirmações.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Com a ligação da Amalgama à rede, é sempre possível estabelecer trocas, ampliar conhecimentos, criar pontes internas, dentro do nosso próprio país ou países de contacto, dos projectos dos parceiros ligados à Fundação, usando os nossos recursos (as escolas, por exemplo) e os nossos conhecimentos para promover, divulgar, apoiar e sensibilizar para tais projectos, enriquecendo todos os que se pretendam envolver.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Neste momento, um dos grandes objectivos desta Associação é criar pontes entre o oriente e ocidente, uma troca de saberes e de cultura, acreditando que tudo o que fazemos no presente faz mais sentido num propósito conectado com semelhantes, assim estar ligada a redes onde se sente a partilha das mesmas directrizes, preocupações e princípios, é de importante vital.
Estando a Amalgama inserida em redes que espelham as suas intenções, facilita o encontro dos parceiros certos para expandir e difundir os seus objectivos na sua zona de actuação e poder estender os seus serviços até onde for útil, contribuindo para uma rede mais universal de propósitos e conhecimentos comuns, para o bem e evolução da humanidade.
Por outro lado, a Amalgama acredita que a vossa estrutura está também sensível e próxima para compreender as nossas metodologias holísticas que gostaríamos de dar a conhecer e partilhar como ferramentas de contribuição na construção de um novo tempo e, sem dúvida, receber da parte da Fundação aprendizagem e conhecimento. Podermos também servir de canal para a expansão dos vossos serviços e propósitos, defendemos que a troca e a interajuda é preciosa no presente.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

AMURT - Associação de Apoio Social e Humanitário

National Network

Rua Visconde de Santarém, nº 71 3º

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Our non-profit association has many years of existence in international level, but just a few years here in Portugal. Our main fundings are donations and fundraising events. We are in the process of establishing parternships, and creating local projects and activities to fulfill or mission and objectives in Portugal. It is registered with 9 people as its main body, but we work with many volunteers which help in different tasks, and even go abroad for participating in other projects.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to help improve the quality of life for the poor and disadvantaged people of the world, and to assist the victims of natural and man-made disasters.
We seek local solutions.
We believe that the best assistance is that which encourages and enables all people to develop themselves. Hence we help individuals and communities to harness their own resources for securing the basic necessities of life and for gaining greater economic, social and spiritual fulfillment, while respecting their customs, language, and religious beliefs.

Main Projects / Activities

In Portugal, AMURT is just getting started, so we are now in the phase or elaborating our first national social service project. Besides that, we have been constantly giving support to international projects, through fund-raising events and raising awareness in the masses.
Since 2006 we have been running a national project of "distant-adoption" for supporting poor children in India.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nuno Donato
Contact (2) Full Name
Shiila Serrano

Ananda, Cooperativa Cultural, Crl

National Network

Travessa João Galo, 4,
2900-417 Setúbal

+351 964421217
+351 265092618
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Ananda CRL, is a Cultural NGO founded in June 2009 (non profit) working on Cultural and Intercultural area, volunteering and social issues on a local level. In particular, Ananda promotes intercultural dialogue with people from all ages, focusing on finding common grounds between east, west, north and south cultures through activities like seminars, conferences, training courses, workshops, youth exchanges, cultural events such as art exhibitions, dance and music concerts and Leonardo da Vinci mobility’s in several areas. The intent is to promote cultural awareness through formal and non-formal education using a creative and innovative approach. Ananda NGO is located in the city centre of Setubal and our target group are people of all ages and from different social and cultural backgrounds. Ananda has currently 4 people working, 1 Director, 1 project manager, 1 project coordinator and 1 intern.
Mission and Objectives

Ananda is a meeting point of cultures, religions and practices that enable a different experience of the human being. Objectives 1. Disclose different cultural practices and alternative lifestyles; 2. Promote intercultural and interreligious dialogue; 3. Promote volunteerism as a tool for social and cultural inclusion; 4. Organize training courses, seminars, lectures, workshops, exchanges and events in different cultural areas.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Provide timely information about activities and events of the Cooperative through the different media available, namely the internet, local media and institutional partners; 2. Create and animate Ananda Cultural Center where eastern philosophies and cultures are deepened through study and practice; 3. Organize and promote: - seminars, conferences, events, debates, meetings, exchanges, seminars and congresses on the theme of interculturalism; - cultural activities using the methods of non-formal education for youth and adults; 4. Promote interreligious dialogue and the meeting of different cultures through partnerships with national public and private institutions, and also with international nongovernmental organizations from other countries; 5. Disseminate and promote brochures, books, magazines, newspapers or other documents in paper or digital covering subjects such as intercultural and spiritual practice; 6. Promote volunteering through cultural projects for families, children, youth and elderly at risk of exclusion and/or with fewer opportunities. 7. Promote events and activities organized by artists and other relevant personalities in the context of intercultural and different religions; 8. Promote healthy habits and healthy lifestyle practices providing natural food and vegetarian meals.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the Network in our country by promoting it in our different media. And our projects and activities are connected with the values and fields of action of Anna Lindh Foundation making it an added value for the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network to expand our contact in EURO MED and also our area of intervention to EURO MED countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
António Guerreiro
Head of the organisation
António Guerreiro

Artistic Center A Casa ao Lado

National Network

Rua Francisco Alves 1058 Requião, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Braga
Vila Nova de Famalicão

Mobile Phone
+351 934841129
Mobile Phone (other)
+351 936950840
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Artistic Center The House next door(A Casa ao Lado), in the development of its activities has focused a significant part of its work on the creation of a platform of projects with Institutions, Municipalities and Associations related to the area of Social and Cultural Dynamization. These projects consist of actions in the area of development of Artistic Education, Social Inclusion through Art and Urban Interventions. A Casa ao Lado is an UNESCO Club. The House next door has as its mission the support for the development of technical skills linked to the arts, through the promotion and promotion of the improvement of people's capacities. It consists of qualified human resources with experience in the arts area, namely in technical areas, and knowledgeable of the added value inherent to materials and their applications. Through contact with audiences of different age groups, groups with greater social vulnerability, with a view to facilitating the encounter and dialogue between different social groups, age, cultural, equal opportunities and strengthening social and territorial cohesion, detected the need to bring this type of knowledge and motivation to the population.  The ability, of The House next door, to convert ideas into realities and leisure is a strategy and a competitive requirement.Being The House next door, interventional with and for the Community, faced over the years with the lack of understanding of the Community towards the importance of the historical evolution of the Graphism of Man, thinking the same as urban interventions were something of the current.  In this context, the Interpretive Center of Graphics arises – Labyrinth of the Arts, one of A Casa ao Lado's Projets. The Labyrinth of the Arts aims to reinforce some of the contents covered in school curricula, introducing concepts that are usually more absent from this sphere, allowing to create lasting and stimulating bridges between school and non-school learning, in a creative and appealing way.  Is it possible to go around the world of Art History in a creative maze? Travel for different times, know customs and discover techniques kept as a secret for centuries? From Rock Art to the Art of the 19th Century. XXI, the Labyrinth of the Arts aims to be a learning space based on the development of Graphism, where artistic movements, artists, aesthetics and styles of the most diverse horizons are presented in a creative journey.  The space seeks to enhance factors such as creativity, individual expression and capacity for representation, fostering the discovery of artistic movements through theoretical explanations and practical works related to each presented season. In the artistic intervention projets, A Casa ao Lado has several Projets with the Comunity. The team of A Casa ao Lado has 4 plastic artists, 1 designer and 1 person from art and heritage. A Casa ao Lado works with private institutions, city halls, schools, cultural centers.    
Mission and Objectives

it is intended to develop and arouse the interest of the individuals involved, community in general, through accessibility and artistic experimentation, seeking to distinguish the following objectives:
• Stimulate creativity and aesthetic sensitivity;
• Promote interculturality through the arts: Awareness and knowledge of cultural practices and art forms strengthen personal and collective identities and values, contributing to promote cultural diversity.
• Promote the formation of new audiences for the appreciation of artistic manifestations: Promote activities, addressed to different audiences, of seduction and stimulation for the arts.
• Promote the integration and cooperation of the institutions of the community;
• Contribute to the fight against loneliness and isolation, through the dynamization of artistic and cultural practices;
• Foster access to culture for new audiences;
• Actively contribute to the increase in the feelings of belonging of the individual in the Community through the promotion of social ethics and cultural and artistic participation through innovative interventions and integrative and inclusive responses;
• Direct involvement in artistic and cultural experiences as active participants in the creation of brands of cultural heritage;
• Integrate young people with NEe at risk of social exclusion, through a methodology based on artistic practice;
• Enable the subject to recognize his/her as an active cultural agent through the construction of his identity;
• Intervene in the formation of the individual so that he becomes active, able to question the world and act on him;
• Develop civic awareness, by promoting citizenship and participation in the community, through a civic education to promote art and culture and the approximation of art with the community;
• Allow participants, with vulnerable socio-economic conditions, to enjoy artistic experiences making known other realities, bringing them closer to culturally different people without losing the values of equity and social equality;

Main Projects / Activities

Some of our Artistic Projets  with the Comunity
Regarding the commemorations of the Fifth Centenary of the First World Tour (2019-2022), as well as Fernão de Magalhães, also the project “A TRACE by Magalhães”, considered it possible for the Portuguese Community spread throughout the world to leave its “mark” through Community artistic interventions.
"Urban Youth" is an urban intervention project in partnership with the Youth House of Famalicão that aims to promote the encounter and dialogue between young people from 12 to 35 years, in order to strengthen social and territorial cohesion through art. In order to promote artistic activity as an instrument of economic, social and cultural development, the "Urban Youth" project also has as its objective the valorisation of urban spaces through artistic interventions.
Project, titled "TRACE" - Urban Art Intervention - Towers of Lameiras Buildings, sought to provide access to new forms of art and information to young residents, enhancing their social integration and citizenship, thus overcoming the situation of imminent social exclusion in which they were.
Winning project of "Networking" 2017 by the Municipality of V.N.Famalicão.
Urban community intervention in 20 banks of Rua Luís de Camões, in Famalicão, with the graphic narrative of the 10 stories of the "Lusíadas".
MARK - Interventions in school spaces, so that each student leaves his mark and at the same time requalify-transform your school.
Labyrinth of the Arts
In the Labyrinth of the Arts, visits are made by the light of a lantern that illuminates the route and leads the look through the murals, creating a special surrounding. The new interpretive center of graphics has ten rooms depicting different periods, duly contextualized by the guide: first, a Paleolithic cave, followed by a long time corridor that runs through the Metal Age, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Neoclassicism, Impressionism and the different artistic movements of the 19th century. XX (Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, Pop Art…). In the end, there is also a reproduction of a work by Vhils, probably the best known Portuguese urban artist today. A note to recognize the inexhaustible need to record and communicate through murals.
The Paleolithic Year
The visit to the Labyrinth of the Arts, with about two hours, has always associated a workshop. Each year, theoretical and practical activities will be concentrated at one time for a deeper approach. Until April 2020, the focus is on the Paleolithic, joining the Côa Museum to hold lectures and exhibitions on rock art. During the week, the interpretative center only hosts school, on Saturdays, the doors are open to the community, to realize, after all, that this painting of walls had been done for thousands of years.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we will seek to enable access to new forms of art and information to participants in our artistic interventions, enhancing their social integration and citizenship, also seeking to enhance their knowledge for different graphic techniques and enhance the evolution of Graphism over time.
Through the promotion of a non-formal education and the realization of cultural, teaching and leisure activities it is intended to impel interpersonal development and strengthen the exercise of citizenship of the participant, with a view to good integration in their social context; and developing and/or enhancing personal growth and development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our Work and our Goal is to leave an artistic mark with the Comunity. We wuold like to join ALF Network to know the realities of other Comunities and to connect with groups from the Comunities in shape of an intercultural work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Joana Isabel Sousela Brito Gamboa Fernandes
Job Title
Art Director
Head of the organisation
Joana Brito
Contact (2) Full Name
Ricardo Jorge Amorim Nogueira Miranda
Job Title (2)
Art Director

Asociación Océanos Servid

National Network

Beco dos ramos 14
1100-450 Lisboa

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

We are a young organization that is recently entering the country, we are currently 12 associates and we aim to contribute to improving the quality of life through the promotion of the rights and interests of minorities and disadvantaged groups, including people with physical disabilities, mental and psychiatric disorders, people with low incomes, youth, children, women, LGBTIQ+ communities, gypsy communities, older adults, immigrants and refugees.

Our main field of action are concrete projects, and we have great willingness and openness to bet on different modalities of action as the organization gains experience and reliability.

We are a multidisciplinary team with professionals from various areas including: social work, occupational therapy, psychiatry, psychology, neuropsychology, family therapy, speech therapy, biochemical engineering, industrial engineering and economics; we have extensive experience (approximately 8 years in Colombia) in the care, rehabilitation and support to people (and their families) with various psychiatric disorders, cognitive disabilities and syndromes.

We have participated in Erasmus projects and we hope to continue to do so from different roles that allow us greater fields of action and intervention; we have a partnership with the association AEQUALITAS.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: We envision a world where every individual, regardless of status, situation or nationality, has access to equal opportunities, enjoys their fundamental rights and experiences a full and dignified quality of life. We strive to build an inclusive and just society, where minorities and disadvantaged groups find support, understanding and respect. We work toward a future in which diversity is celebrated, equality is the norm and solidarity is the engine that drives progress toward a common well-being for all.

Objective: to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life through the promotion of the rights and interests of minorities and disadvantaged groups, including people with physical, mental disabilities and psychiatric disorders, people with low incomes, youth, children, women, LGBTIQ+ communities, gypsy communities, older adults, immigrants and refugees.

Main Projects / Activities

We are currently developing projects for the promotion and prevention of mental health among young people, the promotion of empathy and the inclusion and civic participation of migrants and people living in sectors with greater vulnerabilities, less access to services and greater social risk.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an association we can be actively involved in joint initiatives with other organizations in the network. This may include organizing events, seminars, and workshops that encourage dialogue between different communities and groups, thus promoting mutual understanding and bridge building.

We may develop awareness campaigns on the importance of intercultural dialogue and diversity. These campaigns could use various media, such as social networks, community events, and mass media, to disseminate positive messages that counteract stereotypes and prejudices.

We have the capacity to develop educational programs that promote inclusion and diversity in schools, communities and workplaces. These programs can include lectures, educational materials and activities that promote mutual understanding and respect for differences.

In addition to actions such as: Dialogue and Collaboration Forums, where representatives of diverse communities and organizations can meet to discuss issues of common interest, share experiences and work together on solutions to the challenges facing society; Facilitating the creation of support networks between different communities and groups, so that they can collaborate on projects and activities that benefit society as a whole. These links can strengthen social cohesion and build trust between different sectors; Contribute to research and data collection on the reality of minorities and disadvantaged groups, sharing this information with the network of associations. This can help to better understand specific challenges and opportunities, as well as to develop more effective strategies; Encourage the practice of active listening at all levels, from individuals to institutions. The ability to listen and understand the perspectives of others is critical to overcoming polarization and building bridges of understanding.

By adopting these strategies, the association can play a crucial role in strengthening the network and contributing to the development of a more inclusive society, where dialogue and collaboration are fundamental tools for addressing today's challenges.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We see the network as a valuable platform for the exchange of best practices, and believe that by joining this network, we will have the opportunity to share our experiences and learn from the experiences of others, thus strengthening the ties between diverse communities.

We seek to join the network to learn from the resilience of other organizations and share our own strategies. We believe that together, we can more effectively address emerging challenges and work towards sustainable solutions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adriana Rodriguez
Job Title
Trabajadora social, terapeuta de familia
Head of the organisation
Adriana Rodriguez
Contact (2) Full Name
Sandra Aldana
Job Title (2)
Terapeuta ocupacional