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THE NEW YOUTH GENERATION: analysis of youth involvement in decision-making

Josipa Tukara Komljenović, Josip Miličević
Croatian Youth Network
Year of Publication

Young people are in a period of transitions (not one, but several transitions) and are a heterogeneous group, which are inevitable and indisputable facts, but equally, understanding young people within the framework of heterogeneity, it is necessary to take into account their different needs and different modernist and traditionalist ideological commitments. Young people are also faced with the imposition of certain social roles, where they are expected to unquestioningly accept these roles and fit into existing frameworks, but also to simultaneously question and destroy them, bringing new rules, trends and (positive) changes. The need for this analysis of youth involvement in decision-making does not lie in an excessive theoretical conceptualization of terms, but in looking at the current engagement and involvement of youth in various institutional and non-institutional forms of political participation in Croatia. Therefore, the participation of young people can also be viewed in two ways, as political and/or as social/civic participation. Participation is important for the reason that it provides the possibility of freedom of expression and action or achieving the quality of life and political satisfaction of people. Political participation is thus a prerequisite for all other freedoms of participation in society. It can be conventional (traditional and civil) and unconventional (protest) and furthermore formal (institutional) and informal (extra-institutional). Institutional political participation is most often focused on elections (candidacy, voting), and extra-institutional political participation is focused on political boycotts, petitions, protests, direct addressing of politicians, civil disobedience and the use of violence for political purposes. The Croatian Youth Network presents this analysis on the involvement of young people in decision-making in order to, as the largest alliance of youth associations and for young people in the Republic of Croatia, provide an institutional framework for young people in Croatia and encourage the promotion of their participation in decision-making processes and contribute to insight into the current situation and trends in in the field of youth, ultimately detecting challenges and omissions with the aim of advocating for concrete solutions and changes.
