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Migration management and state racism

Jošt Žagar
University in Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy, Ljubljana
Year of Publication

The measures taken by European countries regarding migration management after 2015 represent the exercise of sovereign power in the form of a systematic violation of the fundamental rights of the excluded population. This power is carried out through arbitrary detention, construction of camps and police violence. In the thesis, the creation of spaces of sovereign power is investigated through the assertion of racism within modern political communities. Racism is understood as the enforcement of an absolute difference in the population by distinguishing between worthy and unworthy life. The realization of this difference is explored through three perspectives. The political dimension is investigated in the relationship between nationalism and racism, in which the latter represents the act of community delimitation and is thus the condition for the formation of the idea of original national kinship, which defines nationalist ideologies. The second perspective is economic and understands racism as a mechanism of division of labor. Racism as a mechanism for enforcing the divide in the population legitimizes the restriction of access to rights for a certain part of this population. The sovereign governance of the state and the weaker position of migrant workers in relation to capital establish conditions of hyper exploitation, which within capitalist production allows for an increased rate of capital accumulation in circumstances where workers' resistance is severely aggravated. The third perspective explores racism through the problem of imperialism and the externalization of border regimes. The restriction of migration is carried out on a global level and creates necropolitical border landscapes from entire regions. In such a situation, death seems an unfortunate coincidence, but is it in fact the result of concrete mechanisms of the imperial assertion of the political goals of restricting migration. The state border as the border of a political community is enforced throughout the whole of society and thus represents a field of exercising sovereign power, but at the same time it acts as a space for creation of counter-power and political subjectivities, which is not based on exclusion constituted by national citizenship. 

