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Education for Gender (Un)Equality: The Role of Education in the (re)production of Gender Stereotypes

Beatriz Nunes Carlos
Universidade Lusófona
Year of Publication

This article discusses the societal construction of gender roles and inequalities, emphasizing that these differences between men and women are not biologically determined but shaped by culture and social norms. Society influences behaviors, expectations, and self-images from birth through various institutions like family, schools, media, and peer groups. Social inequalities between genders result from cultural and social processes of socialization, reinforcing gender stereotypes and hierarchies. Gender issues persist in various aspects of life, including family, work, politics, and education, as they are ingrained in societal norms, beliefs, and values. The school, as a significant socializing institution, plays a crucial role in shaping students' identities and values. It can either promote egalitarian and inclusive values or reproduce gender ideologies that legitimize inequality. The school's impact on students' identities, expectations, academic success, motivation, and career choices is explored. This research aims to understand the role of schools in promoting or perpetuating gender stereotypes and normative patterns in today's society. It investigates the perspectives of secondary school teachers on educational practices related to gender equality and the challenges they face in promoting it. In conclusion, the text highlights the importance of addressing gender issues in education to foster equality and challenge existing stereotypes, with the hope of creating a more inclusive and equitable society.
