Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.


Third Local Dialogue Platform

The Anna Lindh Foundation
Event Illustration

The Third Local Dialogue Platform, organised within the parameters of the Anna Lindh Intercultural Cities and Learning program brings together representatives of Local and regional authorities, educators, academics and civil society with the following objectives:

·    To   exchange good practices for cultural diversity management and dialogue promotion across the EuroMed region

·    To  encourage collaborations between local authorities and civil society organizations in the implementation and promotion of intercultural policies and practices

·    To  support the involvement of young people, women, marginalized groups, migrants and refugees in the development of initiatives, promotion of intercultural relations

·        To identify and discuss new trends, methods, and priority areas of work for the promotion of intercultural dialogue.


See the attached file for the concept note and a post-event report. Furthermore, a participants list will be uploaded on this page soon.