Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.

Culture Illustration


In this section you will find publications, events, good practices, learning activities and resource people in relation to arts and translation for dialogue in the EuroMed region.


*VM* Together We Stand

The series of activities will be organized by WeYouth Organization, WeLove Sousse, System and Generation Association – S&G, and the Center for In

11eme Session du Comité du Patrimoine du monde islamique

11eme Session du Comité du Patrimoine du monde islamique

Sur invitation de S.E. Dr Salim M. AlMalik, Directeur général de l’Organisation du Monde Islamique pour l’Éducation, les Sciences et la Culture (ICESCO), la 11ème session du Comité du patrimoine du monde islamique s’est tenue le 18 décembre 2023. Cette...


2) Wir und Österreich – Austria and us

In October 2019, the Austrian Parliament unanimously passed a ground-breaking and historical amendment to the Austrian citizenship law. It opened up the possibility to the descendants of victims of National Socialism to regain Austrian citizenship. Austria thus has made another...