Within the ALF Egyptian Intercultural Programme which aims to support local cultural initiatives and events as well as foster synergies with institutions, mobilising the civil society, and networking on a local level, the ALF Secretariat organised several events at its premises in Alexandria during the month of July 2023.
On 5-6 July, the Anna Lindh Foundation co-organised with the European Economic and Social Committee and the Union for the Mediterranean the 2023 Euromed Summit of Economic and Social Councils and similar institutions which was dedicated to "Energy transition in the Euro-Mediterranean region".
Following a successful first edition covering various environmental topics, the Anna Lindh Foundation gladly hosted on 7-8 July the second workshop of the Young Environmental Leaders Program (YELP) organised by Greenish Community and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung / Egypt Office.
On 25 July, the Foundation hosted the event: Preserving Our Seas Challenges of Plastic Pollution and Waste Management organised by Friends of Environment Association.
If your organisation is interested in organising its activities/initiatives at the Anna Lindh Foundation Secretariat in Alexandria (von Gerber house), please contact us at info@annalindhfoundation.org