World Council Press

National Network

PO Box / 122 Sidi Gaber - Alexandria – Egypt

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Introduction: -World Council of Press is an independent, non-profit organization designed to promote freedom of the press and media in the world by defending the rights of journalists in covering the news without fear of threat or restricting the freedom of opinion and expression as the Council to address the violations suffered by members of the press and the media, writers, intellectuals, writers and poets and opinion-free, etc. . -He succeeded the World Council of journalism to work in more than 15 countries have so far also succeeded in attracting the attention of more than 1200 Journalism. -The Council has succeeded in the work of the Council of Advisory each region or continent of the world and within the specialized committees and each committee having an elected president with significant powers and wide in decision-making in collaboration with its -And worked for the Council through the various committees to develop professional skills and cultural and artistic contribution to the development of legislation, press releases and fact monitoring the world press and media journalists, media professionals and involve the defense of democracy and human rights and call for communication between journalists and media professionals around the world -One of the priorities of the Council to defend the freedom of journalists and media professionals through the provision of legal assistance and information and promote networking among parliamentarians, judges and the media is also working to revitalize the diplomatic circles, the media between journalists and governments to support freedom of the press and media before starting any legal action. Application of the provisions contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant for Civil Rights -World Council of journalism is a project to defend the rights of journalists to take so many of the useful steps in a diplomatic dialogue with governments for the freedom of journalists or detainees who are being threatened, the Council provides many programs for several levels in the Defense of Journalists.
Mission and Objectives

World Council of Press (WCOP) is a non government organization, committed to defending the freedom and security of journalists and Writers and writers and all those involved in the print media and audio-visual and electronic through addressing the violations to which they are exposed and building sustainable professional capacities as well as enabling them to have free access to information, along with developing and changing restrictive media related We also call upon all media organizations in the world to cooperate with us
In realising its aim and objectives, the Federation will strive for:
 Mutual respect and understanding
 Equitability and impartiality
 Participation and transparency
 Partnership and cooperation,
 Sincerity and
 Self-confession (self-criticism, self-evaluation)
 promote a culture of dialogue among peoples

Main Projects / Activities

Our Objectives:
designed to promote freedom of the press and media in the world to defend journalists, writers, journalists and writers, poets, intellectuals and all those involved in the written press and broadcast coverage during the news without fear of intimidation or harassment on the freedom of opinion and expression as the Council to address violations experienced by members of the press and the media, writers, thinkers and writers, poets and opinion-free .... etc.
1/ Strengthening the professionalism and legal assistance to workers press, media, publishers, editors, photographers and cartoonists working in the editors of newspapers and magazines and electronic media and other publications for general distribution, and editorial board members and workers in the radio or television stations. and work on a citizen's right to knowledge and the circulation of information and the development of role of the press and media institutions in the areas of development, civil society and cultural openness and cultural heritage and development of professional standards of editorial and administrative journalists and media professionals, writers, writers and poets.
2/ Defense of freedom of the press and media and expression and press freedom throughout the year.
3/ Promoting a culture of democracy and the principles of dissemination and promotion of a culture of freedom of expression.
4/ Monitoring and control of all that would breach the principles of freedom of expression.
5/ Communicate with other peoples and civilizations.
6/ Adopt and pay attention to issues and problems of media and press World.
7/ Development and support women's right to participation and advocacy to combat discrimination against women and reaffirm all their cultural, political, economic and social.
8/ Contribute to the achievement of social justice advocacy to promote sustainable development and a culture of fraternity, cooperation and partnership.
9/ Promote and disseminate the principles of human rights in the Arab world in particular and the world in general.
10/ Announcement on the World covenant honour Press & Media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Ahmed
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Ahmed
Contact (2) Full Name
Mahmoud El Gazzar