National Network

VIALE JONIO, 331 - 00141

06 86209991
06 8611067
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Parsec Cooperative, founded in 1996, has a social base of 27 working members, including 4 permanent employees, and 47 not permanent collaborators. The governing body is a Board of Directors, of 3 members, elected by the Assembly of members, which retains the decision making power. Parsec is organized in thematic areas, involving the persons in charge for projects and services. The Cooperative manages a number of social projects and develops advocacy activities through exchanges, seminars and conferences. In the last three years, the annual turnover was about € 2,000,000.00. Major donors are: Lazio Region, Italian Ministry of Interior, Province of Rome, European Union The Cooperative is a founding member of Parsec Consortium and belongs to different networks, such as: CNCA (National Coordination of Host Communities), REVES (European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social Economy), ENMP (European Network Male Prostitution), EAPN Italy (Italian branch of the European Anti Poverty Network.)
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Parsec Cooperative is to promote social inclusion, according to universalistic principles of solidarity and equity and to a participatory model of local welfare.
The organization is engaged in identifying the evolving social needs and giving an effective response trough innovative practices and projects, also in coordination with public, institutional and productive actors and organized citizenship.
The specific objectives of Parsec activities are:
prevention and harm reduction associated to drugs consumption
promotion of wellness and empowerment of children and young people; support to parenthood
fight against trafficking in human beings and protection of victims
overcoming the various forms of social exclusion
social mediation and conflict resolution, participatory territorial security
social inclusion and intercultural dialogue
The actions undertaken include a multidisciplinary approach, emphasizing the action research methodology and the interlocution between the person, his reference networks and the cultural context, in which he lives and acts.

Main Projects / Activities

Parsec Cooperative has been developing a number of work fields and projects, many of which are highly innovative.
Prevention/fight to addictions:
Harm Reduction services (shelters, communities in the short term, street units of emergency and prevention)
Prevention in schools and youth settings.
Interventions to support families
Promotion of children/youth welfare:
Aggregation Centers for children, children-oriented empowerment and enhancement of their resources.
Tutoring to youth organizations.
Consulting Activities for families
Fight against prostitution and trafficking:
Harm reduction street unit,
Social and work reintegration projects for victims of trafficking
Social Mediation:
Intervention of social mediation and participatory territorial security in different Municipalities of Rome.
Social inclusion and intercultural dialogue:
Intervention in schools and territories to promote intercultural dialogue
Projects aimed to support vulnerable immigrants as Refugees
Advocacy activities:
Conferences, seminars and courses on parsec issues of intervention

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The contribution of Cooperative Parsec to the Anna Lindh Foundation National Network is primarily in terms of areas of intervention.
In fact, beside its commitment in intercultural dialogue, conflict mediation and integration of migrants into host societies, Parsec has a wide experience in some areas that in our opinion are still under-represented in the ALF network, such as the protection of victims of trafficking in human beings for purposes of sexual and labor exploitation.
In this context, we have developed various interventions aimed at promoting and protecting human rights, particularly of women and children (for example the projects "Stop FGM" a research, training and awareness project on the practice of female genital mutilation, or "Exit route: training, networking, interventions against trafficking ").
Another possible positive contribution could be in our capital of networks.
As above described, in these networks, shared by public and private actors of civil society, Parsec operates also with the aims of promoting innovation and policy interventions (eg. Ad Hoc Group Prostitution and Trafficking constituted in the CNCA)
This set of relationships could help to give prominence to initiatives taken in ANF Network, as well as be a workshop for new initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Parsec Cooperative was created in Rome by a group of social researchers developing the methodology tested on action research, an approach to social analysis strongly intervention-oriented.
Since 1996 the sphere of activities has gradually extended and, beside local intervention, Parsec has developed projects with a national impact, accompanied by awareness raising, training and advocacy. Great attention was paid to networking activities in the various thematic areas of intervention and to the development of dialogue between different actors of civil society, as a means of building really shared policies
The actual globalization of deterritorialized flows of finance, has a concrete complement in the globalization of flows of people, bearer of cultures, aspirations and needs
Taking care of a person and its complexity, also, means retracing these migratory routes, re-weave the network of relationships and cultures. We are interested in doing this by restoring the current action-research methodology, broadening the context of investigation and, therefore, the intervention.
Parsec Cooperative shares the Anna Lindh Foundation aims of creating a dialogue between cultures and of encouraging the development of civil society. The ALF network seems to us as a natural place where to increase the value of our experience and methodologies, integrating them into a context of wide relationships, in order to develop shared projects with other organizations of the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation