Movimento per la Cooperazione Internazionale

National Network


0965 621974
0965 621974
Mobile Phone
339 6968914
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
MOCI has 3 headquarters: Reggio calabria, Cosenza and Milan. It has 30 ordinary members and 300 supporters. Staff employed is: Reggio Calabria headquarter: 2 full time volunteers, 5 part time volunteers, 3 civil service volunteers. Cosenza headquarter: 5 part time employees, 1 full time volunteer, 20 part time volunteers, 3 internship placement, 3 civil service volunteers, 8 interns from University, 2 interns from juvenile justice. Milano headquarter: 20 part time volunteers. Partner: FOCSIV, Reggio Calabria-Bova Diocese, Cosenza Diocese. Budgetary resources available in 2014: 256.241,23 euro. Sources of funding: privates. Modality of action: Italy: welcome of immigrants, intercultural education, awareness civil society. Benin: education and ospitality unaccompanied minors. Kenya: multisectorial project education and integration disableds, social agriculture, sponsorship. India: education and ospitality unaccompained minors. Rwanda: multisectorial project: health- agricultural- education and ospitality unaccompained minors- integration disableds- sponsorship. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Dioceses e church communities, schools, Ministries and local governements.  
Mission and Objectives

MOCI Organization involved in 3 sector: international cooperation, environmental sustainability, immigration. The first objectif is create a better world protecting the rights of the weakest. the mission is promote justice and equality.

Main Projects / Activities

ITALY: welcome of immigrants, intercultural education, awareness of civil society.
BENIN: education and ospitality unaccompained minors
KENYA: multisectorial project- education and integration disableds, social agriculture, sponsorship
INDIA: education and ospitality unaccompained minors.
RWANDA: multisectorial project: health - agriculture- education and ospitality unaccompained minors- integration disableds, sponsorship

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

spreading a mentality cooperative

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we want to contribute building a better world through spread of a mentality of welcome, share, solidarity and international cooperation

Contact (1) Full Name
Santo Caserta
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Santo Caserta