Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

National Network

Rue Al Madina, Hassan

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship (MorCISE) is a hybrid organization on the edge of non‐profit and for‐profit. The Moroccan CISE uses the power of community development, entrepreneurial spirit, advocacy and research, to support the development of Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Morocco. We aim to challenge the existing status quo of the role of individuals and communities in improving the state of the world. We believe that if we change the perception of people to see the world positively and develop innovative community based on initiatives, we can empower ourselves and others for a better world. We started as individuals working independently over 3 years ago spreading the power of social innovation and entrepreneurship across Morocco and beyond. In 2012, we decided to create what would be the one‐stop‐shop for Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Morocco and the Maghreb to provide individuals, academics, businesses, governments and anyone interested in improving the state of societies to develop system changing programmes.
Mission and Objectives

Our Vision:
A world where innovative thinking and opportunities are nurtured to serve common good
Our Mission:
Finding innovative solutions for each social challenge in Morocco
Our Goals:
Inspiration, learning and development are in the heart of our theory of change:
‐ Information
We make social entrepreneurial ideas, concepts and beliefs equally accessible to individuals,
organizations, corporates and government to inspire all.
‐ Knowledge
We develop educational packages and research resources for learners, researchers, educators and
professionals to enhance their knowledge on social entrepreneurship.
‐ Action
We nurture initiatives and programs to empower individuals to become social innovators and

Main Projects / Activities

Our Approach
In order to achieve our goals and bring them into a cycle of social change, we have developed our approach in 4 levels:
‐ Awareness and Advocacy :
We democratize and promote social innovation and entrepreneurship to a wider audience.
We advocate for social entrepreneurs and support them.
‐ Learning and Training
We launch training and educational programmes for learners, educators and professionals.
‐ Research and expertise
We launch, develop and supervise research programmes.
‐ Incubation
We create and support social entrepreneurs and inspire innovative projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can provide inspiration,training and networks.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that joining the ALF would enable cross-cultural partnership and learning from across the region and also share the spirit of social innovation amongst all the partners

Contact (1) Full Name
Adnane Addioui
Head of the organisation
Adnane Addioui
Contact (2) Full Name
Mouna Boujmal