Lab-Inclusion-(Socio-educational laboratory of inclusion projects)

National Network

Maison des Associations, 1a place des Orphelins, Strasbourg
9, rue du grand rempart
67230 Benfeld

+33 9 53050090
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33 6 87366024
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
"Lab-Inclusion” is an NGO created in 2016 and aims to promote Inclusive society. Its target population includes people with fewer opportunities. Being at the very beginning of our activities, our budgetary resources are to be developed in the prompt future. At this stage, however, some partnerships are already built on both levels:  the local and the international ones. On local level, partnership is set with Strasbourg University, “USM67” - deaf and hearing impairments NGO, “Vue d’Ensemble” visual impairments NGO. To implement local activities, we are applying for public instances foundations, as city halls, region and department.  On the international level, however, we share non formal educational projects with different NGOs from Armenia, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ukraine, Norvege, Russia, Italy, and Georgia, in the framework of Erasmus + foundation. Our modalities of the present actions include: conferences with academicians, round tables with social actors/professionals, individual workshops, youth exchanges and training of trainers.
Mission and Objectives

Lab-Inclusion aims to assure the active participation and the cooperation of diverse actors of the society (individual-individual, individual-social systems) towards a social inclusion. Our objectives are:
A- At the individual level, we seek to:
- work towards a better understanding of each other,
- strengthen solidarity, as well as interpersonal and intercultural communication,
- guide the person to his projects of inclusion taking into account his individual needs, and
- promote his high confidence and self-esteem etc.
B- At the level of society, we aim to: 
- promote social well-being,
- fight against negative attitudes,
- promote public awareness,
- encourage the participation of stakeholders in the process of social development, and
- reconsider the process of “living together” .

Main Projects / Activities

At this stage, all our projects are in progress:
- Drawing a “Guide of good practices” to raise awareness on the different communication bases with deaf people and people with visual impairments at schools.
- “Gender representation in animated images” – training of trainers, applied for Erasmus+.
- Organising of a conference with a University of Strasbourg professor, on the topic of “Social Inclusion”.
- Developing a youth exchange program of Deaf and Hearing (France-Belgium-Armenie), throughout of Hip-Hop and circus activity.
- Establishment of sharing workshop for refugees and migrants.
- Implementing a project under the name of  “Human Library” – an innovative and new project in Strasbourg.
- Organising linguistic workshops for migrants
- Developing different actions to raise public awareness
- Developing various action plans which aim to diagnose, analyse and identify the needs of each member of the society who feels himself excluded and thus  act to improve the situation..

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The members of Lab-Inclusion intend to actively contribute to the Network in France by means of very particular level of inclusion projects. Indeed, the fact that the majority of our staff members are human sciences PhD doctors and future doctors represents a diversity of the potentials with cross-disciplinary knowledge. Moreover, our contribution could also be noticed in the partnership we set with EECA countries, but also with MEDA countries and MEDA communities in France. Also by the diversity of our backgrounds, we are direct representatives of individuals, who are concerned by inclusion issues. Last but not least, our contribution involves our participation in the collection of good practices and diverse projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being conscientious of Mediterranean countries collaboration for France, joining ALF Network gives as big opportunity to get new waves and horizons of partnership. This will allow us to take part in civil society organisations, and become an actor in the promotion of inclusive society and intercultural dialogue across Europe and the Mediterranean. Eager to experience new meetings and new topics, we are looking forward to develop new partnerships based on thematic interests.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
President of Lab-Inclusion
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Anissa HAMZA
Job Title (2)
Secretary of Lab-Inclusion