Groupe Inter-académique pour le développement

National Network

23, quai de Conti
75006 Paris

01 44 41 44 03
01 44 41 45 54
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. oragnization of acadamic type with 235 members ,132 correspondants and 134 foreigner associates and administative services including 60 persons ; 2.8 857 M€. 3.ministry of national education , of higher education and research , ministry of foreign affairs and proper ressources . 4.Weekly mettings with conferences , scientific exchanges and various deliberation for the academic activities (prizes , scholarships, elections, information on the delegation activities , constitutions and reports on the committee's activities .
Mission and Objectives

Role of reflexion , of evalution and proposals , including society's matters setteled by the development of sciences and their application ,on the the organisation of scientific research and its relations with various activities in France , Europe and the world , on teaching sciences and the diffusion of the scientific knowledges as an essential element of the modern culture .

Main Projects / Activities

-Weekly meetings devoted to scientific reports ,thematic sessions , meetings of the secret and the restricted committee.
-international relations with the most scientifically developped countries , as well as the developing countries .
- Academic publications
-scientific information and communication .

Contact (1) Full Name
Jacques FRÖCHEN, International Officer