Face for Children in Need

National Network

264 Latimer Road
London W10 6QY

United Kingdom

44 7950 1452 18
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
- The organization's Founder and Executive Director is based in Belgium but there are offices in Cyprus, France, London and Egypt. There are over 55 staff members located in the countries mentioned, most of which are volunteers. - Most of the budget comes from funding which is raised through different events and activities. - Most of the projects are geared towards maintaining orphanages located all over Egypt. There are many partners involved, please visit our website for a comprehensive overview: http://www.facechildren.org/en/PartnersF.htm -Most of the funding comes from the European Union and various fund raising events.
Mission and Objectives

FACE works to safeguard children, by addressing their needs and working
with their communities to create practical, innovative and sustainable
solutions to ensure them a better future.
FACE's mission is to assist and protect orphans, street children, their
families and communities in Egypt regardless of race, culture or religion.
FACE works at a grassroots level to identify the needs on the ground. FACE
endeavours to equip these children for a better life, to instill them with self
esteem and hope by providing them with the means to become strong
adults in society.
FACE avoids giving simply to appease its social conscience and sees how
giving often perpetuates need, thus sustaining poverty rather than
alleviating it. For this reason, FACE strives to reduce poverty and increase
social reintegration by effectuating long-term projects that target the
needs of the children and those of society as a whole.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities include the following:
Create and develop projects that correspond to the real needs on
the ground.
• Train and motivate local teams.
• Recruit experienced staff.
• Develop management capacity to ensure operational structures
remain viable.
• Involve the target group at every level of the action.
• Found a project with an Egyptian face and staff.
• Lend international expertise to build local capacity.
FACE works with professional and highly motivated Egyptians and builds
trust over the long-term with children, their families and communities.
FACE values a strong working relationship with the government and the
government provides a number of staff to our projects to gain exposure
and training.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe FACE can contribute to the network by introducing a topic rather forgotten about ‘The Street Children’ to other organizations in the UK. Through this network, FACE can grow and create new partnerships with other institutions that are focused on the education and care of young homeless children in Egypt. Given the rather poor stigma attached to ‘adoption’ in the Middle East, we believe we can collaborate on projects that would help dispel this ideology and hopefully replace it with a positive action.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Face would like to join the ALF network to collaborate with other like minded institutions in helping raise awareness of street children in Egypt to the wider public. Through collaborative workshops, seminars and events, FACE would build relationships with other ALF networks that could possibly aid and support the eradication of street children in Egypt.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Ali
Head of the organisation
Flavia Shaw-Jackson