Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector

National Network

EMWIS T.U. BP23 06901 Sophia Antipolis (France)
Sophia Antipolis

+33 492 94 22 91
Telephone (other)
+33 492 94 22 90
+33 492 94 22 95
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+33 626 68 63 42
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
EMWIS has a two-tier structure. At decision-making level, there is a Steering Committee and a Coordination Committee, and at operational level are a number of National Focal Points (NFPs), grouped together under a central Technical Unit. EMWIS is directed by a restricted Steering Committee of 13 countries (with rotating rules). It formulates the main strategic lines and validates yearly budgets and progress reports. Currently under Italian Presidency and Lebanese and Moroccan Vice-Presidency, it is made up of the Technical Unit's sponsor countries (Spain, France and Italy), plus Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Turkey, and the Palestinian Authority. The Coordination Committee Comprising representatives from the Technical Unit and all the National Focal Points, the coordination committee’s tasks include drawing up the annual activity programmes and proposing the annual budget. The National Focal Points National Focal Points (NFPs) are small teams working in a public organisation responsible for water-related documentation and information. Their tasks consist in creating and developing a national information server; organising communication processes and access to vetted information; ensuring information availability in the working languages; developing access to the information and maintaining relations with the users in their country. To date, 20 of the 37 partner countries have created a NFP, and 16 of them have launched their own website. The Technical Unit The Technical Unit is a permanent body managed and financed by a group of water operators acting on behalf of their governments: CEDEX (Spain), Office International de l’Eau (France) and SOGESID (Italy). Its major roles are to: coordinate and provide assistance and recommendations to the National Focal Points support the activities of the Steering and Coordination Committees act as the International Focal Point. In this role, it is responsible for collecting data on institutions, for documentation, training, research and development and data management at international level (relevant for the Euro-Mediterranean region). It manages the EMWIS information portal, acting as a single access point for inland water in the Euro-Mediterranean region, and providing access to international information and NFP websites. It also works towards reaching agreements with international initiatives and projects. Budget is issued from the European Commission, France, Spain & Italy, Partners all the 43 Euromed countries (ministries in charge of water), projects, exchange of know how, seminars..
Mission and Objectives

The EMWIS initiative is based on active participation and on the sharing of information and experience acquired by the partner countries at local, regional and national levels.
EMWIS has three main targets:
• To provide easy access to information, with special emphasis on:
The types of institutions and the people involved.
Existing centres and their organisation; the means and technologies used for processing, accessing, consultation and dissemination, standardisation and quality certification.
Existing organisations, programmes, localisation, trainers, methods, training materials, quality certification.
Research and development
Existing organisations, programmes, people involved, means and technologies, publications, partnerships, funding sources.
Data administration
Existing organisations and databases, methods used for data gathering and checking, publications.
• To develop the sharing of information
• To work together on common products and cooperation programmes.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the beginning of its mandate in 1999, EMWIS has continued to provide a tool to promote and support the exchange of know-how in the Euro-Mediterranean water sector. It has made a number of significant achievements for the regional cooperation and within each country, not least the posting of a newly designed and extremely comprehensive website
portal at the end of 2006.
During 2006, Pascal Berteaud, French water director who holds the post of EMWIS Steering Committee President, set out five main priorities for 2008-2011 for transfer of know-how activities in the coming years. The list emerged as the result of dialogue with the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs), and takes into consideration national priorities, as
well as the National Action Plans of the European Neighbourhood Policy, and the priorities defined at regional level, such as
the Millennium Development Goals,
Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development and
Pollution Control in the Mediterranean.
Prevention & risk management for extreme phenomena Non-conventional water resources Water monitoring Web portals
National Water Information Systems
Mediterranean Water Observation Mechanism
Euro-med Water Directors’ Forum

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name