1200 Tetovo
North Macedonia
- Democracy and community development
The Balkan Institute for Regional Cooperation – BIRC is non-governmental and non-partisan, fully independent in its operations, based in Tetovo.
The organization is committed to promoting and practicing quality journalism and scientific research in fulfilling of its goals for a society with democratic values, transparent institutions, functional democracy and the creation of a region of cooperation and prosperity.
BIRC is made up of proven experts in the field of journalism and science.
To accomplish its vision, BIRC seeks to promote and implement the paradigm of quality journalism and scholarly research in the social and public space.
BIRC will apply the knowledge, experience and best practices of the types that make up quality journalism, such as:
1. Constructive or solution journalism, which doesn’t mean only detecting the problems, but also providing suggestions for precise and concrete solutions to the same ones.
2. Scientific journalism – reporting on science and its promotion as a means of solving citizens’ problems.
3. Analytical journalism – which implies in-depth and accurate observation of all the problems that citizens face.
In addition, scientific research is an important pillar of the BIRC‘s mission, which is used to respond to all social phenomena that are in the public interest.
BIRC’s mission is to create a broad framework for cooperation at national and regional levels, with the aim of promoting open dialogue with all social actors involved in democratic values.
Cultural recognition and promotion of intercultural dialogue also remain an important dimension in the mission and goals of the organization.
Klubi i Debatit Politik – KDP (Club of Political Debate – KDP)
KDP is a project for encouraging the political debate between all social actors in the Republic of Macedonia and beyond, in order to promote democratic values and to find a constructive solution to social problems. KDP is an online magazine in Albanian language ( which aims to contribute to quality and balanced informing of citizens about key processes, issues and problems.
“New Media For Old Challenges” is a project realized in partnership with the Media Development Center “Medium”, an organization which is carrier of the project. This project is supported by Civica Mobilitas, which is a Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) project implemented by NIRAS from Denmark, the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) and the Swedish Institute for Public Administration (SIPU).
Fostering online public debate among Albanian youth in North Macedonia
The project will consist two dimensions: the first is training and employing of a new generation of young journalists, while the second is strengthening the KDP as portal through engagement of professionals from the field of journalism as well as trained journalists within the project.
As BIRC, we want to participate in the network, one of the goals of the organization is to promote European values through an ongoing dialogue through the online portal
BIRC is on a permanent mission of promoting dialogue as an essential value and social progress
BIRC wants to take part in the network because of the constant promotion of dialogue as a key instrument of a democratic society and European values.