Associazione Terra

National Network

Via Lepanto, 58
09128 Cagliari

0039 3332156402
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Terra Association (Italian, "Earth”) is a voluntary association with legal entity. Terra has been active in Cagliari and in greater Sardinia and involved with themes of non-violence, international cooperation, inter-cultural relations and education for the sustainable use of natural resources since 1994. The governance structure is an executive committee with executive powers, that manage Terra to the terms of his constitution. The association do not have employees. The size of the budgetary resources available in a year may depends on financed projects and initiatives.
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is a dynamic civil society, influencing policies and actions at all levels, to promote sustainable development, intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding.
Our mission is to strengthen civil society partnership by enhancing participation, contributing to policy and stimulating action.

Main Projects / Activities

The association organized training courses on mediation and peaceful conflict resolution. Since 2003, activity has been focused on the subject of water and the importance of its recognition as a common good: Terra participated in the project ALTRIPONTI, awareness campaign geared towards the politics and use of water, within which a bridge of South-South cooperation with Tunisia was begun.
In 2006 the association promoted the TERRACQUEA project, carried out through public debates and the screening of documentaries and films, on themes of scarcity of water and its privatization. In 2007 (SEKOTA project), Terra carried out in Ethiopia an awareness program for basic hygiene and correct use of water.
The project "BAOBAB-Intercultural Paths" funded in 2012 (budget:€ 29.880) by the Sardinia Region, aims to improve between young people youth dialogue, exchange on intercultural issues, gender equality and citizenship awareness, preventing stereotypes and prejudices. Planned activities are workshops, conferences, a film festival, a photography contest.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our experience at local level in intercultural education and raising awareness activities, playing a vital and active role in supporting, at regional level, Foundation’s engagement to improve mutual respect between cultures across the Mediterranean.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe in the importance of networking, in the meaning of making connections and building enduring, mutually beneficial relationships. We think that “is all about relationships”, because working together is much easier than going it alone, so we want, at all level, to build relationships and keep them strong to getting new ideas, new insights, wisdom and other perspectives, door openings to people we won’t be able to reach on our own, enrichment in every possible way, gain up-to-date information (and also a filter for the massive amounts of information on the Internet); in one word, to developing as an organisation.
In this direction, and for our work, we recognise the centrality of the Foundation as a network of national networks of civil society organizations from across the Mediterranean region for the promotion of dialogue between cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Teresa Capula
Head of the organisation
Ilario Frau
Contact (2) Full Name
Valentina Origa