Active for Pernik

National Network

Benkovska 2/5
2300 Pernik

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information
Entered in the register of legal non-profit organisations in volume V-p. 276, vol. 731 newly established association with the following details: NAME: "ASSOCIATION ACTIVE FOR PERNIK", SEAT AND ADDRESS: Pernik Street. "Benkovski" №2 /5. TERM: The Association is established for an indefinite period. ORGANS: General Meeting, Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board governments. BOARD is elected for a term of two (2) years. Powers of the association - out of Article 17 to Article 24 of the Statute. Rules on origination and termination of membership and procedures for settling property relations in termination of membership - referred to by Article 10 to Article 14 of the Statute.Procedures for determining the amount and method of depositing material contributions referred to in Article 16, paragraph 1, item 6 of the Statute. How to distribute the remaining assets after satisfaction of creditors - Article 28, paragraph 4 of the Statute. REPRESENTATION: The Association will be represented by the President - Vihren MATEV Georgiev, PIN 6105043801, town Pernik, "Benkovska" №2 / 5.
Mission and Objectives

To contribute to the implementation of effective FORMS FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN SOLVING PROBLEMS OF PRIORITY municipalities and regions, to build their capacity for citizen participation in local government; Make a significant contribution in improving the effectiveness of the implementation of legal provisions and practices in the field of social development, decentralization of local government, access to information, e-municipality, etc .; To protect and servе interests of the citizens on the formation and implementation of local and regional policy; TO PROMOTE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION, CONTROL AND MONITORING of the local authorities; To contribute to the strengthening of the role of both individual citizens and their voluntary associations to protect civil rights and interests; To assist in raising awareness of population on their rights and obligations, and the forms and methods for their protection; Initiate and coordinate the relationships between local authorities authorities and the population; To introduce to local municipalities cooperative initiatives in favor of citizens, assist in creating events:To attract citizens and business representatives participating in initiatives of public interest; To involve citizens in the exercise of civil control. To conduct citizen monitoring of the highest standards of accountability in obtaining and public spending; To be part of peer levels and civil society organizations in the preparation of regional policy; To initiate the contribution of the competent local and state authorities for regulatory changes facing the region; To support and require the establishment of local authorities and public effective practices and mechanisms for anti-corruption, conflict of interest and other similar practices that hinder regional development; Summarize opinions and recommendations of individuals and organizations and to provide the competent authorities with recommendations for changes in improper practices, to contribute to continuous improvement training of human resources in the civil sector; To promote the experience of other foreign and local organizations with similar objectives and activities addressing common challenges.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in a project, called "Summit on Sustainable Development 2020" as a partner organisation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Development of projects that are consistent with the objectives of the association.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We wish to join to ALF network in order to be able to add forces together with similar organizations in the achievement of the program objectives of the association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vihren Georgiev Matev
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vihren Matev