
Youth Culture Forum Association - جمعية المنتدى الثقافي للشباب

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية المنتدى الثقافي للشباب , مؤسسة غير حكومية تأستت في العام 2003 , تحمل رؤية بناء مجتمع مستدام مبني على الاندماج المجتمعي للشباب المهمشين ليكونو قاده ومسؤولين في مجتمعاتهم واماكن تواجدهم .
Mission and Objectives

أهداف الجمعية :
بناء القدرات المهنية لجمعية المنتدى الثقافي للشباب
تطوير قدرات الشباب من كلا الجنسين نحو تشجيع مشاركتهم المدنية

Main Projects / Activities

1- دعم المواهب الشابة
2- تعزيز ثقافة التطوع لدى الشباب
3- تنمية قدرات الشباب

Contact (1) Full Name
عطية محمد صالحة
Head of the organisation
عطية محمد صالحة
Contact (2) Full Name
محمد شحادة

Youth Development and Voluntary Work Association

National Network
00970 2 296 35 93
00970 2 296 35 92
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00970 599 672062
Mobile Phone (other)
00970 2 599 521 910
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
• There are 3 employees. • Budgetary resources is 50.000 USD yearly. • Sources of funding is donations and membership fees • Modalities of our actions are concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships, adoption children, women.
Mission and Objectives

Youth Development and Voluntary Work association is a nongovernmental, non-profit and voluntary association, works on developing Youth capacities, improving their skills, increasing their experiences, raising their awareness and investing their capabilities in building and serving their communities.
In addition to that, Youth Development and Voluntary Work association works to activate Youth role in decision making, to empower them in order to be able to lead their communities, and to represent the Youth in all levels of decision making.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Youth and children exchange program:
A. Annual International youth summer camp July. The aim of these summer camp is to enable the youth from exchanging their experiences, hobbies, innovations and cultures. It will strengthen the relation between the Palestinian Youth and the International youth and open their minds to others from other countries.
B. Children camp at Athens, it will start at 19th of July till 10th of August, with participation of 28 under poverty line and traumatized children, the cost of this project reached 20,000 USD.
C. 2. Women Empowerment functionally and psychologically program.
A. We held several courses, lectures and workshops regarding the most critical issues that concern our youth such as: violence and peaceful struggle, elections and voters rights and duties, international youth challenges, handicapped rights and struggles.
B. Developing unemployed youth capabilities by acquiring them new skills to enable them of improving their financial situation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rula Khateeb
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmad Kamal

Youth Development Association (YDA)

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Organizational structure:1- General Assembly 2- Board of Directors 3- YDA’s Executive Body: it is composed of the general director of YDA, IT coordinator, and five main departments, they are: Administration Department, Public Relations Department, Lobbying, Advocacy and Media Department, Programs and Projects Department, and Financial Department. 12 full time employees and 1 part time. Budgetary resources:revenues of projects. Sources of funding: projects with our donors. Modalities of action: concrete projects and exchanges. Main partners:Servei Civil Internacional(SCI), African Community,Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs through Left Youth of Finland, Associazione Cooperazione Allo Sviluppo + italian cooperation(ACS),OPEC, Euro-Med, NGO Development Cneter +Maan Center,NGO Development Cneter + Palestinian Counseling Center, NGO Development Center,Catholic Agency for Overseas Development.
Mission and Objectives

We are a Palestinian non-governmental youth organization that works on informing children and youth, improving their talents and ensuring an infrastructure for juvenile work to enable children and youth to effectively contribute to a sustainable societal development. YDA also seeks to open perspectives of cultural and knowledge exchange between Palestinian youth and their international counterparts.
1- Building and developing the capacities of children and youth.
2- Promoting voluntary work among children and youth.
3- Contributing to solving the problems of the unemployed youth.
4- Providing Places for children and youth to practice and develop their talents.
5- Creating youth leaders and building their capacities to lead & protect the Palestinian youth movement’s objectives and to serve the Palestinian society.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: YDA Cultural Forums,Saving and credit Associations, Generation of Hope, Generation of tolerance, youth and voluntary work, Enhancing hope among youth for societal change,Big Brother Big Sister, Restoration of YDA premises in Wad Fokeen, Days in Palestine, lobbying and advocacy.
1- Youth Capacity Building Program.
2- Unemployed Youth Rehabilitation and Employment Program.
3- Voluntary Work Promotion Program.
4- International Youth Exchange Program.
5- Childhood Program.
6- Advocacy and Lobbying Program.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

to affect our civil society positively by arranging awareness campaigns about values like human and women rights, respect and accepting the other;
to conduct training sessions and workshops for youth and children to enhance those values inside them;
to organize campaigns to lobby for such issues.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

because we in Youth Development Association believe in values of human rights, respect and accepting the other regardless of their cultures or beliefs .through joining ALF we will support our civil society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Talal Abu Kishek
Head of the organisation
Mr. Talal Abu Kishek
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Suha Omer

Youth Development Association  

National Network

Territoires palestiniens

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
ismael sobh
Job Title
Director of the Society
Head of the organisation
ahmad rbayah

Youth Development Department

National Network

Territoires palestiniens

+972 02 2343352
Telephone (other)
+972 02 6564778
+972 02 2343354
Mobile Phone
+972 0547727689
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
YDD was established in 2000 as part of the Orient House and Arab Studies Society in an initiative to support youth and their institutions in Jerusalem. YDD works as an umbrella organization providing support to approximately 75 established youth groups throughout the Jerusalem Governorate. Since 2000, YDD has provided youth organizations in Jerusalem with capacity building training and a wide variety of projects for youth such as a drug rehabilitation program, a vocational training program, and a successful Career Resource Centre pilot project. 1- developing youth institutions and building their staff capacities 2- building database on youth sector in Jerusalem governorate 3- Promoting and extending local, regional and international partnership network 4- Improving management level in the department 5- Implementing youth programs
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Working to provide administrative support for youth institutions in Jerusalem governorate, building partnership and youth exchange locally, regionally and internationally, and developing programs for youth based on studies and researches relevant to their needs and phenomenon related to them in the highest quality possible to contribute in developing youth sector.

Main Projects / Activities

- Youth Resource Center - Partnership Youth Programme - Faiasel Hussieni Youth Award - Heritage activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Qusay Abbas
Head of the organisation
Mazen Jabari
Contact (2) Full Name
Maali Edriss

Youth Development Resource Centre

National Network

Ras AI Joura - City Entrance
Territoires palestiniens

+972 2 2224545
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Contribute to children's  growth  in a safe environment   to ensures their well-being  and quality
•   Contributes to youth empowerment  throw  accessto economic activities;
•     Empowering young men and women to be active citizens;
•    Sustain the YDRCtowards  achieving its mission and strategic vision .

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Contact (1) Full Name
Omar Dahman
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation

Youth Power Group

National Network
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The group have 90 member of volunteers 30 of them are active the outhers Volunteers on call. There is no external support or resources and no budget for the group only from the members . We are still modern, but we are working to bring scholarships and we are holding training seminars every week for members,to exchange experiences Join local organizations in most of ther activities
Main Projects / Activities

Voluntary group working for the rights Youth , Peace-building,human rights and culture of non-violence,Youth issues,cultures Dialogue .

Contact (1) Full Name
Imad A.A Temiza
Head of the organisation
Youth Power

Youth Thoughts Development Association

National Network
+972 599 324 774
Telephone (other)
+972 598 948 800
Mobile Phone
+972 599 324774
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
General Information: • YTDA has 7 board members. • YTDA has 50 members of general assembly. Partners: + CIVITAS INSTITUTE; + SHAREK YOUTH FORUM; + Self funding.
Mission and Objectives

+ The development of intellectual capacities of young people
+ Encourage voluntary work among young people in community service
+ Work to consolidate the concept of civil society
+ Advancement of the Palestinian national heritage
+ University graduates to embrace and utilize them in educating future generations

Main Projects / Activities

* Creative thinking workshops for youth;
* Capacity building for youth and adolscents;
* Youth exchange programs locall and regionally.

Contact (1) Full Name
emad ali zaqout
Head of the organisation
fady ahmed khyer elden

Youth Vision Society

National Network
00972 8 2857479
00972 8 2857479
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Youth have a major and effective role in building the community because they best express civilization and culture and that the scale of an active society is of how much attention is paid to youth, especially since young people are the force most prominent in influencing the society in various fields, whether cultural, economic, educational, social, intellectual, psychological, and legal, that contributes to the Building and the development of a conscious democratic society. From here the importance of establishing youth vision association emerged, for giving young people independence and help, responsibility, commitment and enable them to develop and exploit their potential and ensure their participation in the positive impact on society. youth vision association role is Reflected the in many ways First, for young people to affect the construction phase, employment and development and to own and acquire the appropriate knowledge and capacity to meet their needs and the needs of their community, which includes identifying a safe starting point for them based on values and self-awareness and self-confidence and to cope with variables with what it requires of capabilities such as the ability to adapt and move on and familiarity with aspects of the progress of civilization, including Contributing to the development of Palestinian society.
Mission and Objectives

The association aspires for a society where youth are brought up for success, and where they could work appropriate jobs for their qualifications and that they follow their hops and aspirations actively through working on developing youth abilities and focusing on marginalized categories in Palestinian society.
 Mission:
To contribute to developing the society through advocating and supporting youth, and adopting women and children programs in the social, psychological and educational fields, and to develop creative programs and projects that contribute to solving the problems through making plans and strategies that are effective and thorough on the social level.

Main Projects / Activities

For Transparency Program
120 Youth
One Months
2011  4 Workshops in Transparency, accountability, and fight corruption.
Friendly learning spaces
800 Children's
(10 – 17) years old
8 Months  Increase educational attainment in mathematics and Arabic .
 Rehabilitation of the participants on topics of life skills and physical education .
 Participate in activities that help them to create all elements of creative thinking and equip them with life skills that promote self-confidence .
Project intervention psychological and social rehabilitation of children and their families .
Community Training Centre and Crises management
240 Children's
( 9 – 14 ) years old
6 Months  Enhance self-confidence in children participating
 The provision of extension services and opportunities for psychological treatment to families of children affected by abuse.
 Rehabilitation and psychological health of children participants .
Remedial Class
British Consulate-General 240 Children's
( 9 – 14 ) years old
6 Months  Improve the quality of education.
 Raise the awareness of the importance of education .
 spread the awareness of educated generation within families and communities .
Mercy Corps Mercy Corps 150 Children's
( 9 – 14 ) years old
8 Months  Raise the awareness of the importance of education .
 Improve the quality of education.
Family Center Ma'an Development Center
160 Children's
( 9 – 14 ) years old 2010
6 Months  Participate in activities that help them to create all elements of creative thinking and equip them with life skills that promote self-confidence .
 Rehabilitation of the participants on topics of life skills and physical education .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Develop and enhance the abilities of youth and contribute to elevate the cultural, social, psychological, economic and health level of the youth.
Enable the individual and group developmental initiatives to enable the youth to contribute in decision making socially, economically and politically.
Spreading the culture of communication and enhance the principle of free say and free opinion
Promoting equality, democracy and human rights among youth sectors.
Enhance the learning environment and educational methodology and the extracurricular creativities in a creative way.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we are searching for to have an experience from you Network and to improve our capabilities in the other important fields. moreover, we know you are helping our institutes to develop their abilities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Belal Alshaer
Head of the organisation
Belal Alshaer
Contact (2) Full Name
Yousri Alghoul

Youth Without Borders Association - YWBA

National Network
+972 599 207 778
Telephone (other)
+972 9 2340 444
+972 9 2341 444
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+972 599 207 778
Mobile Phone (other)
+972 599 669 666
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
Youth Without Borders Association (YWBA), a non-governmental, non profitable voluntary association, has its headquarters in Nablus and its activities cover the northern governorates (the West Bank). YWBA was registered at the Ministry of Interior on the 7th of March 2005 under No. NA-825-S with approval of the Ministry of Youth and Sport. It was initiated by a group of well-educated Palestinian youths who are aware of the important role of youth in the community. Therefore, YWBA is considered an extraordinary association in Palestine as it brings together youths from three heavenly religions: The Samaritan, Christianity, and Islam. Moreover, its members hail from urban, rural areas and refugee camps. The sources of funding for YWBA is the projects initiated by international and local donors, as well as annual participation fees from it's members and donations from local community. YWBA participated many times in Euromed exchange programs,Training programs and Seminars, since 2005 we participated in more than 15 youth exchange programs and activities, YWBA also participated in most of conferences and seminars related to Youth related topics nationally and Internationally, YWBA annually provide Youth sector with scholarships opportunities for talented, special needs, marginal groups and limited financial resources youth.
Mission and Objectives

We aim at developing a strategy based on the needs, and experiences of the targeted categories of youth by establishing projects, serving the youth sector, working against the negative phenomena in the community such as addiction, violence, poverty, unemployment and Aids.
Moreover, YWBA works on raising awareness about the importance of conserving the environment, organizing volunteering activities to spread and enhance this concept, designing counseling programs that deal with youth problems and lead them to the appropriate solutions, and implementing some activities which may help in the process of Psychological De-Briefing.
YWBA is looking forward adopting legislation regarding youth which may affect their life and their future. At the same time, these legislation's will guarantee their rights, their general freedom and the intellectual, political plurality which suit the values and principles of the democratic civil community, without contradicting the values of the Palestinian community which have historical dimension

Main Projects / Activities

Our main interest is focused on working at national and international level, where we fight for the best interest of the youth and carry out various activities to promote youth organizations like:
1- Legal collaboration with the Palestinian legislative council, on youth related regulations and laws and national youth policy.
2- Training of youth leaders especially young women in the rural areas.
3- Seminars and workshops on youth related issues.
4- Organizing youth oriented events "summer and voluntary work camps"
5- Representing young people's interests to the governmental bodies.
6- Providing information for youth organizations.
7- Development of local youth structure.
8- Leisure and sport artistic competitions, and festivals.
9- Youth exchange programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Radi Alwanni
Head of the organisation
Dr. Eyad Othman
Contact (2) Full Name
Eyad Othman