

*VM* Beyond Words #4

A series of Cross-Network activities has been organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation National Networks of Luxembourg - Our Common Future, and Palestine - Jabal An-Nar Youth

A.M. Qattan Foundation

National Network

27 An-Nahda Women Association Street Al-Tira- Ramallah, Palestine
Gaza, Al-wihda Street
Ramallah & Gaza
Territoires palestiniens

00970 2 2960544
Telephone (other)
00970 2 2963280
009720 2 2984886
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information


109 Employees in Palestine, as of April 2020 – 70 in the West Bank and 39 in Gaza.



Budget resources: 



Annual budget, around $7 million, mainly from Al-Qattan Charitable Trust and Al-Qattan family (the major sources for the Foundation) covering the Foundation's administrative expenses and core programme and project costs. In 2004 the Board of Trustees (BoT) approved for the first time external co-funding from the European Commission (EC) for the Palestinian Audio-Visual (PAV) Project that ran over five years. Later on, in 2009, The Foundation’s BoT took a strategic decision to increase the Foundation’s budget, with the aim of increasing external co-funding, provided that it does not exceed 40% of the Foundation's annual budget, and does not in any way compromise the Foundation’s vision, mission and values in serving the Palestinian and Arab communities, and also provided that the Foundation takes full or leading control of all project design and implementation.




Modalities of action: 




Grant-making, cultural and artistic events, seminars, professional development training courses and workshops for teachers, study days, exchanges, awards, library services, capacity building projects for artists and the local community, and cultural, educational, artistic, scientific, technological and recreational activities for children.


Mission and Objectives

Mission and Objectives

The A. M. Qattan Foundation (AMQF) is an independent, not-for-profit developmental organisation working in the fields of culture and education, with a particular focus on children, teachers and young artists. Founded and registered in 1993 in the UK as a charity, it has had a registered branch in Palestine as a non-profit organisation (no QR-0035-F) since 1998. The Foundation’s operations are mainly in Palestine, with interventions in the United Kingdom through the Mosaic Rooms.

Vision: A just, free, enlightened, and tolerant society with an active global presence, one that embraces dialogue and produces knowledge, art and literature

Mission: To achieve a dynamic cultural environment conducive to the production of emancipatory thought and knowledge


  1. The rights and dignity of all;
  2. Freedom, pluralism, dialogue, and the production of knowledge;
  3. A collegiate spirit of productivity;
  4. The courage to be just.

Strategic Goals 2020 - 2024:

  1. Develop and make available cultural output to a wider public and to encourage it to become more active and responsive;
  2. Strengthen existing cultural, artistic, and educational structures to make them more dynamic and capable of producing critical and emancipatory thought and knowledge;
  3. Support a general environment that facilitates and endorses the application of the Foundation’s role and mission;
  4. Promote the A.M. Qattan Foundation as a leading and pioneering institution which can serve as an inspiring model;
  5. Ensure financial sustainability.
Main Projects / Activities
  • Culture and Arts Programme (CAP)

CAP has a long track record of twenty years in grant-making in Palestine with the purpose of providing development opportunities for individual artists, collectives and organisations working in performing, audio-visual and visual arts, and literature. It offers and manages production, promotion, and specialised training grants, in addition to designing and implementing training and capacity building initiatives besides other scholarships and residency grants awarded on a competitive basis. 

  • Educational Research and Development Programme (ERDP)

AMQF has over the past 17 years been contributing to the development of a better learning environment for children in schools, through Teachers’ Professional Development Programmes. The ERDP has been working towards raising the standards of education and learning by providing resources, training and support for teachers to move past traditional methods of teaching. The Foundation sees teachers as facilitators of knowledge, and seeks to empower them by developing their skills to help students make connections between what they learn and real life. AMQF also believes that working with teachers is a real investment for them not only as teachers but also as humans.

  • Child Centre – Gaza (CCG)

The Child Centre in Gaza (CCG) was established in 2005. It aims to nurture children’s curiosity, expand their knowledge, facilitate their access to outside cultures, and enhance their appreciation of arts and sciences. Although located at the heart of the city, the CCG serves children all around the Gaza Strip (annually serving +33,000 children members/visitors within its premises, and +57,711 children in some of the most remote and marginalised areas of the Gaza Strip), and it enjoys a strong network and high level of credibility with the local community. The CCG has one of the largest specialised children’s libraries in the Arab World with more than 91,450 children books, educational materials and other media. It offers a wide range of library, information technology, cultural, scientific, and recreational interactive services to children up to the age of fifteen along with their parents.

  • Public Programme (PP)

The Public Programme, launched in 2006, is a transformative programme based on a series of curated events and activities that aim at questioning the intricate social and economic processes that shape our contemporary landscape. The Programme caters its activities to a wide array of audiences and geographies, each according to their specific culture and cognition. This is achieved through fostering critical thinking, research, creativity, collaborations, networking and production of knowledge, aiming at providing inspiring models of a just social cohesion, multiplicity, and independency. The Public Programme is foreseen to combine an approach of reciprocal development of public activities together with the aforementioned programmes, while keeping a balance between its own cultural directions and the Foundation’s interests yet focusing on the provision of inclusive and excellent standards of public service.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fida Touma
Job Title
Director General
Head of the organisation
Omar Al-Qattan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Contact (2) Full Name
Majd Hajjaj
Job Title (2)
Resource Development Manager

Abdelrahman Aldaqqah

Membre du conseil d'administration d'Horizons International en Palestine et membre du Comité des Relations Internationales et Culturelles. C’est en tant que militant social et chercheur qu’Aldaqqah œuvre pour valoriser les jeunes générations en favorisant échanges et dialogues culturels. Ses projets...


Abdelrahman Aldaqqah

Board Member of Horizons International in Palestine and a member of the Committee for International and Cultural Relations. As a social activist and researcher, Aldaqqah works to empower young generations through promoting exchanges and cultural dialogues. His research projects focus...

Abna Al QUDS community centre

National Network

Al-Saadieh neighbourhood, Old city jerusalem
Jerusalem 9155401

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

ABNA AL Quds organization was established in 1986. As a response of the1967 war, to deliver sports, social and cultural activities for the Jerusalemite Society (children, youth, elderly and women). The community centre is an outreach centre for the Palestinian community of East Jerusalem in the Al -Saadieh neighbourhood. The projects are funded by large by outside sources, such as the EU, embassies, and the foundation aiming to help the community center. ABNA AL Quds organization is located in a very sensitive location in the Old City next to Jerusalem Wall, over a space of 5 acres (football and basketball court, sport hall, lecture hall, computer lab and administrative offices). It partners are grassroot members for the community it self.

Mission and Objectives

The organization aims to provide a community umbrella believes in the Jerusalemite resident as an added value, and strengthening his role for a community action. A free learning space for the Jerusalemite Palestinians, working together for sustainable development. Values Working with the vulnerable community members. Combat gender based violence. Gender equity and equality. Increase access for awareness and education. Combat community stigma and discrimination. Practice good governance.

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural, Social and educational activities organized “ Economic Empowerment programs”- partnering with local business leaders to mentor and guide youth through their education and professional journeys. “ Jerusalem is your playground”- Sports teams and competitions covering football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, chess, gymnastics, etc. Community Umbrella- Free space for youth to gather and pursue constructive and healthy activities. Empowering young Women to take an active role in the community and pursue their ambitions. Jerusalem is my city which is and advocacy movement focused on inspiring students to pursue activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The center is a leading dynamic member that has the expertise to deal with the population of East Jerusalem and offers opportunities to cooperate with projects that can enhance sustainability on various social, economic, and cultural, levels. The center is working on projects dealing with social diversity, education, cultural protection and improving contacts with non-profit and civil society to enhance the sustainability of its citizens.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By joining the Network We can work with our partners to enhance democratic values and working with the vulnerable community members. Combat gender-based violence. Reach Gender equity and equality. Increase access for awareness and education. Combat community stigma and discrimination. And Practice good governance.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
jony essa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Samira Jubeh
Contact (2) Full Name
samira jubeh
Job Title (2)
director of centre

Abnna' Albalad Society

National Network
+972 9 2395077
+972 9 2395077
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+970 599 594960
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
We have 9 members also many of volunteers, we get fund from other social projects, from rich people, annual paying of members, we look for more projects, funds, exchanges, participating in seminars, workshops...
Mission and Objectives

We are Abna'a Albalad youth association in Nablus working to develop the voluntary work to serve this community in various services through youth, to enhance justice, equality and the respect of human being dignity.
1.Enhancing voluntary work.
2.Developing youth capacity.
3.Community Development.
4.Participating in activating civil society organizations.
5.Enhancing justice, equality, and the respect of the human being dignity.
6.Revive and maintain the Palestinian legacy.
7.Helping the poor and needy families through the various development projects in addition to their annual guarantees in addition to orphans, Also provide free loaf , food packages, provide milk for children in need, and other activities in this field.
8.Environment Campaigners.

Main Projects / Activities

Training Course in Project Cycle Management,Let's Work With Our Neighbors,Slovenia, Value the Difference MIGRATION, Italy, Meaning of Being Volunteer, Media and Child Rights" Toward Media Policy Respects Child Rights",European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights,Pioneered in Voluntary Work & Disables Advocacy in Palestinian Society...

Contact (1) Full Name
Nizar Said
Head of the organisation
Raed Toqan


National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information

AL Thori Silwan Women Center is an association established in 2007, within very critical social circumstances which the holy town face for the occupation and siege imposed on Jerusalem. Through programs, activities and services presenting to surrounding community. AWC aiming to encourage and develop female activities to protect the traditions and to develop their future. Giving women the chance to acknowledge and develop understanding with reference to needs and proprieties of Palestinian Jerusalemite women , the center also focus on organizing variety of cultural and social activities in its different spheres. The vision is to enhance and develop the women skills and creative skills- competences- (that qualify them to perform an positive role in Jerusalemite community) on one hand – and exploring international horizons for cooperation for them to serve this objective and enhance their leadership role in the field of participation in the development activities and programs in this era.

Mission and Objectives

Abu Tur Women Center is social empowerment and resource that advances gender equity and social justice through education, training, advocacy, and leadership for the women community in Silwan and Al Thori neighborhoods.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Preparing a survey for organizations working in the same field locally and internationally 2- Implementing the different projects for the different targeted groups ( elderly, youth, women, disabled, and handicapped) 3- Networking and coordination between the association and the international youth organizations 4- Implementing various training activities and workshops in cooperation with other professional organizations: I. Workshop on women right II. Workshop on legal issues of women programs III. Training program on development contribution for women programs in Jerusalem IV. Series of activities on the social value of women role in the community Currently running programs: V. Project funded by Theodore Springman Foundation-Germany, currently running in the center, the project targeted various sectors in the surrounding community. VI. Family rehabilitation program VII. Needy family program and activities, this aim to provide assistance to needy families with basic food needs on daily basis, this implemented in cooperation with Bait Al Mal Foundation in Morocco VIII. Students academic program for various school curriculums with focus on Math , Arabic and English IX. Other activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AWC will be able to contribute positively with reference to ALF work on the national level, and some elaborations: o AWC has an extensive skills and knowledge with reference to working with women in Jerusalem o AWC will contribute develop some training curriculums that tackle women issues o AWC has good and efficient collaboration plan with Palestinian Jerusalemite NGOs o AWC will work closely with Jerusalemite community and women organization for the betterment of women role in Jerusalemite society

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We as the women center would like to join the ALF because of various reasons: o The importance of the Ana lindh foundation on the national, regional and international levels o The willingness of the AWC to develop the networking and communication skills o The willingness to meet with European and meda partners o The importance of sharing knowledge and best practices with members of ALF o Developing mutual activities and programs between the ALF partners

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Adam Association for the development of family and society

National Network

Southern Governorates - Khan Yunis Governorate
Territoires palestiniens

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية ادم لتنمية الأسرة وتطوير المجتمع وهي جمعية خيرية مستقلة تماما غير تابعة لأي حركة سياسية أو حزبية وغير ربحية ، تم تأسيسها  عام 2005م بجهود ذاتية من قبل الشخصيات الأكاديمية العاملة في مجال العمل المجتمعي والتي انطلقت من بين إيمانها العميق بأهمية النهوض بواقع الأسرة الفلسطينية في كافة المجالات  مما يعني أن نهوض المجتمع في وطنيا واجتماعيا واقتصاديا وتنمويا لا يتم إلا من خلال نهوض واقع الأسرة الفلسطينية في كافة المجالات.
Mission and Objectives

Name of Organization:اسم المؤسسة
جمعية ادم لتنمية وتطوير الاسرة والمجتمع 
Certificate Number رقم الترخيص
Year Of Establishment سنة التأسيس
Country:  البلد
المحافظات الجنوبية – محافظة خانيونس 
Location - الموقع
Address: العنوان
خانيونس معسكر العقاد 
Phone Number: رقم الهاتف
Email Address: البريد الالكتروني
Website الموقع الالكتروني
Main Objectives الأهداف الرئيسية
1.العمل الجاد على تنمية الأسرة والمجتمع وتوعية الأجيال الشابة ورعاية الطفولة وذلك بالنهوض بهم اجتماعيا وثقافيا وصحيا.
2.العمل على تركم الجهود وتظافرها داخل الوطن وخارجه ومن اجل إنشاء عدد من المشاريع التي تهتم باركان الأسرة وخاصة المرأة  والطفل.
.الاهتمام بالشباب قدراتهم من اجل الارتقاء بالأسرة والمجتمع.
.إنشاء مركز للدراسات  الأسرية لمعالجة مشاكل الأسرة الفلسطينية من خلال المؤسسات الدولية والمحلية.
Field of Work مجال العمل
ثقافية – اجتماعية – اغاثية – صحية 
Target Group الفئة المستهدفة
المراءة والطفل والشباب
Number Of Volunteers  عدد المتطوعين
Attachments المرفقات
Certificate شهادة التسجيل 
Strategy الخطة الاستراتيجية
Board Members اعتماد مجلس الادارة
Annual Report التقرير السنوي
How do you find cross cuttings with Anna Lindh Foundation 
كيف يمكن ان تتقاطع مؤسستكم مع مؤسسة الاناليندا من خلال تنفيذ المشاريع والبرامج المؤسسة 
Contact Person 
شخص الاتصال    الاستاذ علاء انشاصي جوال 0595191982   
Briefly About the Organization role
نبذة عن عمل المؤسسة
جمعية ادم لتنمية الأسرة وتطوير المجتمع وهي جمعية خيرية مستقلة تماما غير تابعة لأي حركة سياسية أو حزبية وغير ربحية ، تم تأسيسها  عام 2005م بجهود ذاتية من قبل الشخصيات الأكاديمية العاملة في مجال العمل المجتمعي والتي انطلقت من بين إيمانها العميق بأهمية النهوض بواقع الأسرة الفلسطينية في كافة المجالات  مما يعني أن نهوض المجتمع في وطنيا واجتماعيا واقتصاديا وتنمويا لا يتم إلا من خلال نهوض واقع الأسرة الفلسطينية في كافة المجالات.
تنفيذ مشروع التوعية الغذائية مع جمعية ارض الانسان بدعم من برنامج الغذاء العالمي
تنفيذ مخيم صيفي بعنوان العودة من المجلس الاعلى للشباب والرياضة لعدد 50 طفل
توزيع 100 طرد غذائي ضمن مشروع رمضان من هيئة الاغاثة الانسانية التركية IHH
يوم فحص طبي  مجاني بشراكة مع جمعية الهلال الاحمر الفلسطيني بتاريخ  
دورة تدريبية بعنوان فن الإلقاء والخطابة بالشراكة مع فريق الأمل الشبابي بتاريخ
الحفل الترفيهي الاول لأطفال مرضى السرطان بعنوان شموع الامل بتاريخ
دورة تدريبية بعنوان كيف اكون قياديا بشراكة مع مؤسسة انجاز فلسطين
يوم طبي مجانا بالشراكة مع جمعية الايادي الوفية يوم السبت
تنفيذ دعم نفسي بعنوان الاستجابة الطارئة لجرحة مسيرة العودة من المركز الفلسطيني للديمقراطية وحل النزاعات لعدد 15 بنت مجموعة 15 شب

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Alaa Anshasi
Head of the organisation

afkar association for developing and improving youth abilites

National Network
0097 082888770
0097 082888770
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0097 2599883898
Mobile Phone (other)
0097 2599313021
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Youth and education
General Information
*We have a staff of seven members ,working voluntary in the association. *our budget resources depend on the funded project ,and individual funding. *we held many reading poetry for youth poets from gaza,and musical evening.we also held compitition on creative writting and courses on photo making ,music and creative writing. * The Palestinian ministry of culture. Abd el mohesn el kattan foundation. The Palestinian national committee
Mission and Objectives

see attached file

Main Projects / Activities

see attached file

Contact (1) Full Name
somaya el shurafa
Head of the organisation
Mohammed abu sharekh
Contact (2) Full Name
fatena el ghora

African Community Society

National Network

Jerusalem/ Old City, Ala, Eldin Str.17
Territoires palestiniens

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The African Community Society, ACS is a Palestinian non- governmental non-profit organization founded by the Afro- Palestinian community in Jerusalem in 1983.  It is an offshoot of the Sudanese Welfare club which was active between 1965 and 1967, the year when Israel occupied Jerusalem. It is also a revival of the African Youth Club, which was established in 1978 but was forced to close in the mid- eighties due to financial hardships.
Mission and Objectives

Jerusalem’s Old City enjoys development and its population of youth, women and children live a standard of living that responds to their needs.
Mission statement:
To promote the Old City, empower and rehabilitate the children. Youth and women by improving their living conditions in accordance with the continuous studies of their needs.
Strategic Objectives:
To promote development in the Old City Jerusalem.
To empower and rehabilitate targeted groups.
To establish and increase networking with local and international organizations.
To invest institutional building
Short Term Objectives:
To raise awareness among Jerusalemite youth about the humane cultural heritage of the Palestinian people.
To introduce Jerusalem and the Old City from a Palestinian perspective.
To introduce the religious and historical buildings in the Old City and Jerusalem.
To introduce the social fabric of the Palestinian society in Jerusalem
2-1 To work on limiting the rate of family Violence.
2-2 To work on limiting the phenomenal school diligence.
3-1 To empower women and youth and train them with computer and specialized skills.
3-2 To provide permanent financial support.
4-1 To increase the activity of the institution to achieve its goals.
4-2 To organize the society.
4-3 To develop the abilities of its staff.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mousa Qous
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation