
Saulkrastu novada pašvaldības aģentūra "Saulkrastu kultūras un sporta centrs"

National Network

Atpūtas iela 1b, Saulkrastu novads, Zvejniekciems. LV-2161

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: Director, deputy director of economic matters, Deputy Director of the core issues, Deputy Director of Sports matters, accountant, clerk, project specialist, Youth Initiative Center Manager, Museum Specialist. Source of funding: Saulkrasti district council. Modalities of action: a wide range of activities and events in the fields of culture, sports, youth and arts. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Saulkrasti municipality council.
Mission and Objectives

Saulkrasti municipal agency "Saulkrasti cultural and sports center" is an institution which is under the supervision of Saulkrasti district council and it is set up to implement the culture and sports event organizing functions of Saulkrasti district council as well as the functions of preservation of traditional cultural heritage, local history, the empowerment of folk creativity and the development of healthy lifestyle.
Saulkrasti municipal agency "Saulkrasti cultural and sports center" is acting in accordance with the Public Agency Law, the Law on Local Governments, the Latvian legislation, the Cabinet of Ministers, and in accordance with Saulkrasti district council's decisions and regulations.
One of the most important long-term objectives of the Agency is to stress the importance of: preserving Saulkrasti county tangible and intangible cultural heritage; strengthening the sense of people belonging to Saulkrasti district; shaping favorable environment to promote the creative diversity of folk art and amateur arts; promoting the development and availability of cultural processes.

Main Projects / Activities

The Agency's primary function is to provide services to residents of Saulkrasti district in the fields of culture, art, people's art, local history and sports.The Agency has in its possession cultural center "Zvejniekciems", Saulkrasti bandstand and park, Saulkrasti sports center, two stadiums and Saulkrasti Public Museum. Some of PA "Saulkrasti culture and sports center" operational objectives are: to create favorable conditions for the diversity and sustainable development of culture and sports in Saulkrasti district; to create the conditions to stimulate positive development of people of all generations in Saulkrasti district; to create stimulating conditions for the diversity and sustainable development of culture and sports in Saulkrasti district and; to create the necessary conditions to stimulate positive self-expression and creative activities of people of all generations in Saulkrasti municipality.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network in Latvia by organizing activities and events which correspond to the ALF and EuroMed priorities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a cultural institution we are interested in exploring and understanding the different aspects of cultures in the Mediterranean countries and; discovering the common, different and interesting aspects between Latvian culture and that of the Mediterranean countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vija Skudra
Head of the organisation
Judīte Krūmiņa
Contact (2) Full Name
Ainārs Liepiņš

Sociala Lidzatbildiba

National Network

Apsu 19 Jelgava

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Non-governmental organisation "Sociala Lidzatbildiba" is founded in 2003 by persons believing in creation of active civil society through educational, creative projects. Organisation doesn't have stabile regular incomves because it functions on the project basis. Main source of funding are EU programms like Youth in Action, Leonardo da Vinci and others. Main type of activities are international volunteering projects, youth exchanges, local initiatives, educational trainings and seminars. Most of the proejcts are implemented in good cooperation with partners gained during its first 5 years of experience in many countries of Europe, Middle East and North Africa.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of "Sociala Lidzatbildiba" is to promote development of tolerant, socially responsible and active civil society.
- To fight against gender, nation, race, religion based dicriminatione in society by creative, educational, informative activities for society and young people in particular;
- To participate in the personal development of young people in directon of becoming active and responsible citizens of through non-formal education activities.

Main Projects / Activities

International youth exchanges on topics tied with fight against all forms of discrimination, with improvement of intercultural dialogue, with defining their own identity and discovering the value of diversity;
International volunteering projects that provides real discovery of different cultures, traditions, learning new languages, gaining new skills and knowledge in the fields they are interested;
Local initiatives that incourages young people to become active, learn to take responsability and organise events to make possitive changes in the local community;
Trainings and seminars to develope competences of youngsters and those who work with young people to develope and implement projects, use non-formal education and to find international partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zita Krastina
Head of the organisation
Madars Paics

Society "Cooperation Platform"

National Network

Loka maģistrāle 7-6
Jelgava, LV-3004

+371 29822258
Telephone (other)
+371 29453656
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+371 29822258
Mobile Phone (other)
+371 29453656
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

In 2012, an informal association of 10 different NGOs was established. In 2014, the Cooperation Platform was registered as a legally independent organization. 26 non-governmental organizations, both Latvian and foreign, representing people of different nationalities, ages and social groups, are active in the cooperation platform. There are no permanent employees in the Society. Work is based on voluntary work. But within the projects, appropriate professionals are also accepted as employees or service providers. The annual budget turnover is EUR 100 000.00. Finances are raised by participating in design contests. Since 2014, organizes the activities of the informal movement “Latvian Ambassadors for Culture”, which has 262 participants from all over Latvia - NGOs, educational institutions, state and municipal institutions. Both training camps and informal meetings are organized regularly, with a strong focus on developing mutual cooperation and civil society, reducing prejudice and developing intercultural and societal dialogue between all people.

Mission and Objectives

Mission We are an organization that unites societies and foundations of various backgrounds in Latvia and the diaspora to jointly develop innovative cooperation initiatives to strengthen civil society in Latvia and beyond, utilizing our members' unique and diverse knowledge and skills. Vision We are a strong, cohesive and competent association of organizations that creates and implements high quality cooperation projects to strengthen Latvian civil society and promote intercultural dialogue in Latvia and the diaspora. Values COOPERATION. We create innovative ideas, bring them to life and look to the future based on mutual partnership and collaboration. OPENING. We are open to each other, ready to share our competencies and experiences. We are open to diversity and cooperation in Latvia and the world. INTEGRATION. In our work, we support and promote the principles of an inclusive society.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its inception, intensive work has been done by the member organizations of the Cooperation Platform in meeting, analyzing progress, solving the identified problems, searching for the best and most effective solutions, setting tasks for further cooperation groups, supporting and promoting the participation of NGOs of different nationalities in the development of joint civil society, supporting and cooperating with Latvian organizations of the diaspora, thus ensuring a link with Latvia, Latvian society and public life, in each case nominating one of the Cooperation Platform member organizations. In 2018, implemented the project “ABC of Integration - 2017” aimed at promoting immigrants' inclusion in the local community, their involvement in civic activities through the expression of mutual hatred between immigrants and the host society. 2016 to date project “Latvian Culture Ambassadors”, 2018. “Latvian Culture Ambassadors Academy”, 2019. “Latvian Culture Ambassadors Academy 1” Objective - To strengthen the sense of nationality and belonging of Latvian society to their country by encouraging self-organizing processes and cooperation. The projects work with NGOs, self-governing bodies, young people and students. Projects supporting the integration of minorities living in Latvia into society and preserving their cultural heritage - 2018. "Masquerade traditions in different nations", "Meet us!", 2017 "Tolerance Day in Mazsalaca", "We are united in Latvia", etc. NGO development, cooperation - "We can do more together", "Latvian Culture Ambassadors - Festival and Summer Camp", etc. He actively supports small NGOs by engaging in project implementation as a partner and transferring practical experience - "Multicolored Rezekne", "Getting to Know Jewish History of Aluksne!", "National Tea Events in Zemgale", etc. Implemented projects - see http://collaboration platform.com/projects.html SP members are members of the Advisory Committee of Minority Non-Governmental Organizations of the Ministry of Culture, the Riga City Council Advisory Council on Public Affairs. The SP is actively involved in the Cross-sectoral Dialogue Platform, engaging in the process of analyzing and proposing public administration decisions. To date, more than 20 projects have been implemented.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Society can engage in activities organized by others and organize activities based on intercultural dialogue, transferring its experience gained so far. Would like to introduce other countries to the Movement of Latvian Cultural Ambassadors, an activity that Latvia has become a significant association of active community leaders and ensures successful work in strengthening and implementing people's processes of social cohesion.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Society wants to learn about the experience of other countries in the work of intercultural dialogue and promotion of people's cooperation and cohesion. He would like to participate in the activities of organizations of other countries, thus learning and gaining practical new skills, which could then be transferred to Latvia.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Gunta Kelle
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Board Chairwoman Lauma Celma

Society "Plastilins"

National Network

Melnsila 21/11

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Plastilīns has 5 board members, several volunteers working via government program but no paid staff. Main funding comes from annual member fees and different projects. Plastilins has been involved in several youth exchange projects, local youth initiatives and its main partners are other local organisations (Youth Centre JACis, Jaunatne Darbībā and others).
Mission and Objectives

Plastilīns is a youth NGO established with a vision to provide platform for youngsters to cooperate in building the environment around them, participate in projects and organize different events themselves.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in Youth Exchange „MATEYKO” Zakopane, Poland
Participation in Eiropan Citizenship Training Course in Berlin, Germany
Participation in CINEMONDO ACTION - An international youth exchange about environment, creativity and cinema
Informative events about European volunteer work
Game evening for international students and volunteers in the town.

Contact (1) Full Name
Liga Vanaga
Head of the organisation
Linda Vanaga

Society "Shelter "Safe House""

National Network

Lacplesa street 75 -1B
Riga, LV-1011

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Society ‘’Shelter ‘’Safe House’’’’ is an NGO employing 15 staff members. Budgetary resources available in a year are 148000 LVL. The Society's executive body is the board, composed of three board members. Board members elect the board chairman among themselves, who organizes the work of the board. The sources of funding for the Society ‘’Shelter ‘’Safe House’’’’ are: 1. Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia; 2. European Refugee Fund; 3. European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals; 4. Riga City Council`s Education, Culture and Sports Department; 5. Youth in Action; 6. The membership fee from Society`s members. The Society has implemented several projects for the integration of refugees and asylum seekers such as: ‘’Diverse Solutions for Public Awarness and Integration’’; ‘’Language – way to integration’’; ‘’In the way of integration of the refugees and asylum seekers’’. ‘’I`m Staying in Latvia - II’’.

Mission and Objectives

The aim the Society ‘’Shelter ‘’Safe House’’’’ is to develop support services to victims of human trafficking, legal immigrants, including asylum seekers, refugees and persons granted subsidiary protection status by ensuring the individual’s right to receive adequate assistance and protection; promoting rehabilitation and reintegration of victims of human trafficking into the society; creating interactive forms of training, and expanding cooperation with state and local government institutions, public and Christian organizations in Latvia and worldwide. The NGO “Shelter “Safe House”” has acquired the right to provide state financed social rehabilitation services to victims of human trafficking.

Main Projects / Activities

Society has been implementing projects such as Multidisciplinary Support System for Third-Country Nationals, Raising Competence of Social Workers at Municipalities, Societies, and Foundations for Work with Third-Country Nationals (2011), Meeting Space (2009) since 2009. They were aimed at ensuring operation of resource centre for immigrants, arranging and supplying practical help to refugees and persons with alternative status, including Latvian language learning, social psychological and adaptation services by offering legal advice, consultations with social workers and other specialists, developing informative materials and facilitating public awareness of immigrant integration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Society ‘’Shelter ‘’Safe House’’’’ can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation network: by offering new youth volunteers, by helping to implement projects of the Anna Lindh Foundation, by sharing the information about migration processes and cultural diversity and cultural coexistence in Latvia, by participating in projects created by the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Accession to the Anna Lindh Foundation network would help to improve the quality of implementation of Society`s ‘’Shelter ‘’Safe House’’’’ activities in such fields as education of youth, peace and coexistence, migration. That would also help to extend the field of actions taken by the Society by getting acquainted with new organizations working on projects similar to Society`s ones. The education of youth would be developed due to the collaboration with Anna Lindh Foundation in educational events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dina Viksne
Head of the organisation
Gunta Viksne, Chairperson

Society Emuna

National Network

str.Skolas 10-3, LV 1010

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of Congregation Emuna is as follows: The board consists of chairman of the board, deputy chairman of the board, four members of the board. Chairman of the board is Miriam Zalmanovich: PhD in History of Jewish People (University of Bar-Ilan, Israel). Administration consists of three people: Project leader, Project coordinator, Accountant. Pedagogic team: Four pre-school teachers Two teacher’s assistants (nurses) Hebrew language teacher, Latvian language teacher, Jewish history and tradition lecturer, music teacher, child psychologist, chess teacher. Therefore, total - 12 paid employees and 3 volunteers’ employees. All the employees are certified specialists in their fields. Our organization involves volunteers – they are around 20. Budgetary resources available in a year about 20000 euro Sources of funding: Latvian and foreign non-government organizations, like social organization Kašruts (Latvia), LA Pincus found (Israel), The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee(USA) , the membership dues from members of organization, private donators.
Mission and Objectives

EMUNA was founded on December 8, 2003.
The primary task of our organization was to introduce Jews to traditions, religion and culture. This objective was not easy - demonstration of Jewish identity during Soviet times was prosecuted. Many Jews stopped following tradition.
We decided to fulfill our task by bringing up children according to Jewish tradition. For this reason we established Pre-School Education Center “MISHAPACHTON” .
Starting with kids’ education, we realized that their parents – generation that grew up in Soviet times – are interested in Jewish tradition as well, therefore, we started organizing lectures and seminar for them. To complete this project the following goals and objectives are defined: Jewish education for children, involving their parents in Jewish culture and tradition and involving them into Jewish life of Latvia

Main Projects / Activities

On April 12, 2005 was founded pre-school center MISHPACHTON, its activity was licensed by Ministry of Education and Science (license number 07-80 (927))
Kindergarten Mishpachton unites approximately 20 kids, who are divided into four different age groups. Besides education corresponding to children’s age, Mishpachton pupils study Hebrew, Jewish tradition, songs in Hebrew; celebrate Jewish holidays. It is important to note, that kindergarten is not Orthodox-religious, but follows the Jewish traditional concept.
Besides kindergarten, Emuna has held activities for adults: lectures on Jewish topics, studying the Jewish history, holidays and celebrating them all together. The last public activity that took place in February 2009 gathered together around 350 people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miriam Zalmanovich
Head of the organisation
Miriam Zalmanovich

Society Free Music Agency (BRĪVĀS MŪZIKAS AĢENTŪRA)

National Network

11.novembra krastmala 35-208, Riga

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Free Music Agency Latvia is Latvian culture and music management society, with an objective to promote, organize and support all kinds of cultural and especially musical expressions within Latvia and abroad.
Mission and Objectives

Tasks and methods of activity:
Promotion and assistance to the creative and free activities of composers, musicians, ensembles and musical units;
Promotion and assistance of all kinds of public music events - concerts, festivals, musical performances, as well as seminars, lectures and other educational activities;
Attraction of donations, sponsorships and other financial sources for the support of free musical activities in Latvia and abroad;
Co-ordination and provision of accessible information on cultural activities in Latvia, internationally, and exchange of this information;
To perform other cultural activities within the framework of law.
Co-operation with like related organizations in Latvia and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

World Sun Songs - Youth choir "Kamer..." international project (2008). Partitipation of this excellent choir at World choir symposium in Copenhagen (2008), at World Choir games in China (2006) etc. Support and assistance of Latvian musicians, composers and performers. CD and concert production of contemporary music group ALTERA VERITAS from Latvia, performing new music on Latvian old traditional music instruments.

Contact (1) Full Name
Egils Stals

Society Jampadarcis

National Network

Limbažu nov., Limbaži, Niedru iela 5, LV-4001

+371 29252486
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Dance group ”Jampadracis” is founded in the Hanseatic League town Limbazi in the north of Latvia in 1985. There are various Latvian dances in ”Jampadracis” repertoire – ethnographic dances and Latvian choreographer’s original dances. There are thirty dancers in the dance group. The artistic director is Andis Lenmanis.
Mission and Objectives

1) Protection and development of Latvian folk dance;
2) Training and workshops of Latvian dance and culture;
3) Presentation about Latvian folk dance and culture.

Main Projects / Activities

The dance group takes part in different activities in Limbazi, Riga – the capital of Latvia - and all over Latvia. “Jampadracis” has given concerts and taken part in different festivals also outside Latvia – in Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Austria, Norway, Hungary, EXPO – 2000, Danmark, Russia, Portugal and Spain.
Dance group “Jampadracis” as a non – governmental organization was founded in 2003. Since that time “Jampadracis” has done several projects by itself and participated in projects organized by the others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andis Lenmanis
Head of the organisation
Andis Lenmanis
Contact (2) Full Name
Maris Sirmulis

Society Shamir

National Network

Stabu str. 63

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Non-government organization with 2 full time working employers and 20 volunteers. Budgetary resources - donations and grants. The seminars for teachers and students; publishing of books; festivals.
Mission and Objectives

To raise awareness, enhance tolerance and mutual understanding between European citizens respecting and promoting cultural, religious diversity, while contributing to intercultural dialogue and civil society activity and integration the Society Shamir has carried out the following activities:
• research of Jewish Heritage in Latvia and around
• Holocaust remembrance
• preservation of Jewish cultural heritage, ethnic identity and support of cultural, religious and spiritual traditions
• promotion of the intercultural dialogue

Main Projects / Activities

The Festival of Jewish Culture;
Jewish Encyclopaedia of Latvia;
Riga ghetto and Latvian Holocaust museum.

Contact (1) Full Name
Victoria Shaldova
Head of the organisation
Rabby Menachem Barkahan

The association "Brenguļu Youth Council"

National Network

"Kaimiņi" Brenguļi, Brenguļu pagasts Beverīnas novas, Latvia, LV-4245
Beverīnas novads (Valmiera),

+371 28653482
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+371 28653482
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Four members of the Board shall be chaired by the Society, one of which is the elected leaders. The association has about 15 members in total. Until this society is organised and chaired the sports and cultural events, various types of activities for children up to 16 years. We have taken part in various seminars, the Youth in Action Programme, as well as have implemented the LEADER project to buy sports equipment for local development and employment. A great deal of support, the county population enhancement provides us with the local government, as well as attached in addition to the money through projects. We have entered into a contract with the local government, which helps us both in financial and material (on the premises and equipment used on the premises of the county we have to pay).
Mission and Objectives

The association aims at:
1. Promote Brenguļu of youth initiatives and participation in decision-making and social life.
2. A multifaceted personality development, education and leisure of county residents.
Tulkošanas virziens:
Biedrībā vada četri valdes locekļi no kuriem viens ir ievēlēts par to vadītāju. Kopā biedrībā ir aptuveni 15 dalībnieki. Biedrības mērķis ir:
1. Veicināt Brenguļu jauniešu iniciatīvas un līdzdalību lēmumu pieņemšanā un sabiedriskajā dzīvē.
2. Daudzpusīgu personību pilnveidošana, izglītības un brīvā laika pavadīšanas iespēju nodrošināšana novada iedzīvotājiem.
Līdz šim biedrība ir organizējusi un vadījusi sporta un kultūras pasākumus, dažāda veida aktivitātes bērniem līdz 16 gadiem. Esam piedalījušies dažāda veida semināros "Jaunatne darbībā" ietvaros, kā arī esam īstenojuši LEADER projektu, lai iegādātos sporta inventāru vietējo iedzīvotāju attīstībai un nodarbinātībai.
Šobrīd vēlamies augt, piesaistīt vairāk jauniešu un iesaistīt tos dažādās aktivitātēs, tai skaitā starpkultūru apmaiņā, brīvprātīgais darbs, utt.
Four members of the Board shall be chaired by the Society, one of which is the elected leaders. The association has about 15 members in total. The association aims at:
1. Promote Brenguļu of youth initiatives and participation in decision-making and social life.
2. A multifaceted personality development, education and leisure of county residents.
Until this society is organised and chaired the sports and cultural events, various types of activities for children up to 16 years. We have taken part in various seminars, the Youth in Action Programme, as well as have implemented the LEADER project to buy sports equipment for local development and employment.
We want to grow, attract more young people and to involve them in various activities, including intercultural exchanges, voluntary work, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

In order to gain experience in project management started with a small, local projects to improve the local inhabitants and the county guest access to the source. Funding for the project came from the Dutch background and local government co-financing. The total project amount 750 EUR. The conclusion of this project received "Best project" prize (EUR 500), which izmantojomām table games for young people. Photos from this project, you can see our blog, which said earlier.
When experience was obtained and implemented immediately jumped LEADER projects above EUR 15000.00 (EUR 21343) and multi-purpose sports complex new equipment involved, from the trainers and gym mats. The project was concluded prior to the month. Further information on the blog.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

When we are in some kind of seminars we can talk with youth leaders in Latvia. We can put a information in different web pages and do everything what is possible to help each other.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network because it is something new for us and it is a possibility to start something new and interesting, it is a great opportunity have to met new youth leaders and together make a big, great ideas have to help each other and change whit cultural issues, ect.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lelde Vilka
Head of the organisation
Lelde Vilka