
Oranim College of Education

National Network

D. N. Tivon
Tivon 3600600

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Oranim College of Education is the largest and leading academic college of education in the North of Israel, catering to thousands of students enrolled in bachelor's and master's degree programs in education, teaching certification courses, and advanced career training. Oranim graduates are in demand in all education related fields – in public and private schools, diverse educational institutions, local and regional governments, national ministries, youth movements, non-profits, the arts, sciences, and industry. Tens of thousands of Oranim graduates are involved in education in Israel. Oranim boasts a broad range of programs and degrees, as well as a diverse student body, with Jewish and Arab students of all ages, ethnicities, religions, and socio-economic backgrounds. Six hundred academic faculty and two hundred administrative faculty are employed by Oranim. Sources of funding include the Israeli Ministry of Education, annual study fees paid by students, funding from various special projects and donations.

Mission and Objectives

Oranim’s mission is to shape Israeli society and to improve the quality of life in Israel by training educators who are leaders in their communities. Oranim offers educators guidance and support through a wide network of connections between communities. Oranim strives to serve as a national and international center of knowledge, inquiry, and discussion, developing innovative educational ideas and methods. Through dialogue and ongoing mutual relationships, Oranim seeks to strengthen the sense of connection between the diverse cultures in Israel, and between Israel and the Jewish world, as well as the world at large. 1. Programs and Training: Developing innovative teaching and learning methods and skills; updating teacher training programs based on synergy between different disciplines; encouraging creativity, curiosity, and independent learning; integrating knowledge, emotions, and values. 2. Faculty: Nourishing a high quality faculty, both professionally and academically, outstanding in its intellectual excellence, critical thinking, and social action; encouraging a research culture; and promoting international relationships and collaborations. 3. Students: Setting high standards and clear criteria for advancing and evaluating students; creating a supportive community and welcoming environment. 4. Advanced Studies: Promoting continuing education for teachers throughout their careers; developing programs for international students in education, Israeli society, and Jewish culture.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Educating and training teachers through the faculties of education and teaching, the faculty of social sciences and humanities, the faculty of science and the faculty of graduate studies (including M.Ed. in Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, M.Ed. in Educational Counseling, M.Ed. in Language Teaching (English, Arabic and Hebrew as additional languages), M.Ed. in Youth at Risk, M.Ed. in Science Education, M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and Master Teach. 2. Oranim’s Unit for Continuing and Professional Studies for educators in the field seeking professional-career advancement or a career change. 3. International School aims to forge international collaborations and academic programs and exchanges. Through dialogue and ongoing mutual relationships with institutions and individuals abroad, Oranim seeks not only to strengthen the sense of connection between the diverse cultures in Israel, but also to enhance the links between Israel and the rest of the world. As part of this vision, Oranim's newly established international school has initiated programs for students from abroad, as well as exchanges of students and faculty in the field of education. 4. Department for Jewish Peoplehood (as part of the International School) collaborates with educators, schools, families, and communities within Israel and around the world as they seek new ways to build Jewish engagement and create meaningful Israel experiences. The staff develops initiatives to deepen Jewish identity, promote connections with Israel and Israelis, and network globally in the Jewish world. 5. Shaveh Center for Equity and Inclusion in Education is committed to advancing strategies for equity in education and to promote diversity and equal rights as guiding principles for every educator, whether working in the classroom, the school, the community, or educational policy (see attached document). 6. Hamidrasha – Educational Center for the Renewal of Jewish Life in Israel –develops pedagogical approaches and activities that facilitate the transmission of Jewish culture in a way that inspires and informs Israeli Jew’s in their quest for meaning, dialogue and voluntarism. It was established to help secular Israelis address issues of personal and collective Jewish identity and to create a more pluralistic cultural and spiritual landscape in Israel. 7. Shdemot Department for Community Building – The Department designs and runs programs to build social capital and promote social cohesion through community networks across Israel, in all sectors of Israeli society. The staff specializes in onsite community development work, educating, consulting, and working with Jewish and Arab citizen groups, schools, and educators, local governments and non-profits. 8. Michael Program trains young Ethiopian-Israelis enrolled at Oranim College to be  educational leaders. The students are mainstreamed into academic and campus life. They receive supplemental academic support, tutoring and guidance. They also plan and hold activities and events that help educate Oranim students and the campus about Ethiopian culture and heritage. 9. Program for Honor Students is for selected motivated students who have high grades and potential, and see themselves as future leaders in education. As a group, they receive additional training, special classes and leadership activities, are given tuition stipends and complete their degree in three years instead of four. 10. ‘Putting the North in the Center’ is a program run by the Shdemot Department for Community Building and supervises Oranim students to work in small teams and mentor Youth at Risk in area schools once a week. Each team takes on a class of 15 teenagers, creating a school within a school environment and motivating youths to be serious about themselves and their studies. 11. Three Art Galleries (Oranim Gallery of Israeli Art, The New Media Gallery and the Gallery for Museum Education) are operated by the Oranim Art Institute and are open to the general public. Respected artists from Israel and abroad are invited to run art workshops with students and faculty. 12. The Botanical Garden has 10 acres of land with 900 different types of plants, non-cultivated and indigenous ones – including the seven species mentioned in the Bible, and an arboretum.  Located at the crossroads of the Jezreel and Zevulun Valleys, the garden is a major stop-off point for birds. A Bird Center tracks their migration. 13. The School for Gifted Children and Honor Students is attended once a week by 350 gifted children (ranked in the top 1.5% of their age group). A parallel program with Honor students in 4th – 11th grades has 300 children who rank in the next 3.5%. The School allows talented children an opportunity to be intellectually stimulated, network and develop socially with their peers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are keen to use academic and outreach knowledge, skills and experience developed at Oranim to contribute to the various projects being initiated in Israel.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Oranim Academic College of Education identifies strongly with the mission, values and goals of the Anna Lindh Foundation. As a result of our experience in formal and informal education where we have innovated and implemented new models and initiatives that build global connections between institutions and communities taking a non-judgmental, pluralistic and respectful approach, we believe that we can contribute to and benefit from the various ALF projects both locally and globally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Director of Oranim International
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Silvana Nahmad
Job Title (2)
Administrative Coordinator

Orly Halpern

National Network

17 Hovevei Tsiyon St.

+972 (0)54 625-5727
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Hello Anna Lindh Foundation, I am a freelance journalist who has been reporting on conflicts in the Middle East since 1999. During these years I have reported from Gaza and the West Bank, from Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain, and Afghanistan covering everything from the Second Intifada, the US occupation of Iraq, to women's status in Afghanistan and elections in Egypt. I have also reported on women's issues from Ghana and Rwanda and on the conflict in Ethiopia. I do mostly print journalism, but also radio reports and producing for Television news. I have written for Haaretz, the Jerusalem Post, Canada's Globe and Mail, US News and World Report, San Francisco Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, The Forward, Trends magazine, and others.
Mission and Objectives

My mission is to share stories of human and civil rights violations in a human interest way in the hopes that it will move people and help bring change.

Main Projects / Activities

I also prepare a daily review in English of the Hebrew media on subjects regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and civil rights for Israel's Arab citizens.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I will see by what other members need.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networks are excellent ways of learning more and sharing knowledge. They can also help in researching stories.

Contact (1) Full Name
Orly Halpern
Head of the organisation
Orly Halpern

Other Voice

National Network

Kibbutz Urim
Doar Na Hanegev

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The organization has three board members, all volunteers. We will be hiring a person very part-time to keep the website updated and handle correspondence. Our sources of funding come from small private donations, usually for specific activities. Our budgetary resources available to us in year are very modest - generally around $10,000 a year. We have received one-time modest donations from the New Israel Fund, The Dutch Embassy and private donations over the last 5 years for specific activities. Our actions include: petitions and letter-writing compaigns, conferences, seminars, evening events/seminars, actions around a specific event happening in the region (e.g. petition to continue the cease fire), publishing of articles and opinion pieces in the press, hosting of groups for lectures and a tour of the Gaza-Sderot region. Our main partners include The Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Develop and Collot ba'Negev.
Mission and Objectives

Other Voice consists of citizens who live in Sderot and Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip. It is a non-partisan group; our members come from diverse backgrounds and hold a broad range of beliefs. We live in a violent region, in which thousands of people from both sides of the border have been killed, wounded and hurt, mainly innocent civilians. The escalation of the conflict has deepened the mutual fear and hatred, and destroyed feelings of personal safety. We call for creative action that will bring about a long-term, non-violent solution to the region. Members of the group believe that our communities in Israel and Gaza can thrive only if there is a cessation of violence, and if we engage in active cooperation to end the violence and help turn our joint region into a thriving area. Our group is in ongoing contact with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip who believe, as we do, in non-violence and mutual respect that will bring about the much anticipated change. We call upon our Israelis and Palestinian to join the initiative and to reach out to those brave people that are already willing to stand up publicly and say that the time has come to end this useless and senseless conflict. We call upon our leaders in the region and in the world to listen to the voices of the citizens and to do all that can be done to reach a peaceful solution that will strengthen the region instead of destabilizing it. This solution must include an end to the siege on Gaza, and full cessation of all hostilities and infringement of human rights on both sides of the border.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities include: petitions, letter writing campaigns, conferences/seminars/ day events on issues of importance for the Gaza-Sderot region, campaign against racism, soliciting donations for humanitarian needs for Gazans, keeping up contact with Gazans, information dissemination on Gaza and the region.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our members have many connections to other peace/social justice activisits and organizations in the region and we can provide expertise on our region as well as experience and expertise in working on peace-building and advocacy endeavors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that peace in our area can only be accomplished through strong networks of like-minded groups and individuals. We work for a long-term non-violent end to the Israel-Gaza conflict and this demands joining with others to work together to end the violence and demonization of the other. We believe in the power of collaboration and joint work, especially with partners from the Euro and Mediterranean region, who understand the importance of turning our area into one that is sustainable and free of violence against citizens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julia Chaitin
Head of the organisation
Julia Chaitin, Nomika Zion, Eitan Shachar and Roni Keidar

Palestinian Youth Center association

National Network

Palestine , Gaza City , Alwehda St. , west of Alzahra Secondary School
Territoires palestiniens

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
general manager, exuctive manager, manager, accountant , projects manager, employee, volanteers 50 numbers 300000$ international associations local associations enhance education for students Urgent relief program  Education quality support program. enhance the youth  life Mercy corp CRS Save children  
Mission and Objectives

Objectives :
1. To help and support the vulnerable and poor Families in the Palestinian Territories.
2. To Help creating employment opportunities for youth.
3. To provide the women and children with the psychosocial support programs.
4. To contribute developing the educational sector within the community.
5.To empower the initiatives of individuals and groups to enhance the youth to engage in decision making in their community in terms of social , economic and political decisions.
6. To help spreading the concepts of dialogue and to enhance the freedom of speech.
7. To represent Palestine internationally through creating a cultural bridges with the other youth in the world.
8. To Promote extracurricular educational programs, integration, networking programs and after-school activities for students during Vacations.
9. To promote the role of culture, Arts and the Palestinian heritage to express the Palestinian reality both locally and internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

Programs :
1. Youth livelihood recovery and development program” Training and Employment “.
2. Raising the awareness of youth in terms of the “Cultural, Social, psycho and economical" fields.
3. Education quality support program.
4. Enhancement of youth to be the agents of change in the Palestinian community.
5. Urgent relief program.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

target poor, famileis and the people whom lost there houses  and improving there life

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Developing and improving the work through the interaction with the civil society, providing services and programs to achieve development and evolving the work of many projects and programs to change the reality of youth marginalizing, and help the people in all fields. Education, health, food. and develop their life.

Contact (1) Full Name
Issam.N .A. Abu Tawaala
Job Title
executive manager
Head of the organisation
Majed Fayek El-helou

Parents Against Child Detention (PACD)

National Network

Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

PACD is comprised of a board of seven members, two part-time paid staffers (Executive Director and Resource Development Coordinator) and a few dozen core activists.
In 2021 we raised resources to hire a freelance spokesperson, outsource social media campaigns to professional content creators.
PACD’s board and staff members are experienced Israeli activists with profound knowledge of the human rights situation in the OPT. We have successfully initiated and implemented public activities (campaigns, street exhibitions, conferences, testimony readings, visit with detainees families and communities) in cooperation with prominent Israeli human rights orgs, and have begun to expand public discourse on Palestinian minors’ detention.
PACD's annual budget is 82,000 Euros and we are funded by a myriad of sources including the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, New Israel Fund, Embassy of Switzerland in Israel, EMHRF and private donors.

Mission and Objectives

Parents Against Child Detention (PACD) is a grassroots Israeli organization, established in 2018 by a group of Israeli parents deeply concerned about the harm Palestinian children endure under Israeli occupation. PACD recognized that no other organization had taken upon itself to raise awareness amongst the Israeli public about Palestinian child detention and the systematic violation of their rights, let alone represent and mobilize Israeli opposition through public pressure on decision makers. Israeli authorities detain hundreds of Palestinian minors annually in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Children as young as 12 years old are detained - the arrest is often aggressive and in the middle of the night, many times they are not allowed to consult with a lawyer before their interrogation and their parents are not present during interrogation or informed of their location. Palestinian minors are often kept in remand for the duration of proceedings against them.
PACD’s overall goal is to end the violations of Palestinian children’s rights in detention, interrogation and arrest proceedings, and to reduce the number of Palestinian children arrested, interrogated and imprisoned. Our objectives are:
• Raising public awareness and support for the protection of Palestinian minors.
• Placing public pressure on decision-makers to enact change.
• Including the best interest of the child principle in Palestinian minors’ criminal proceedings.

Main Projects / Activities

Public awareness of the personal and communal damage caused to Palestinian children by violating their basic rights is key to mobilizing wider public support, grant us a seat at the table in official forums, guarantee entrance into the mainstream media as experts, and provide a basis for legal arguments in court appeals.
Activities for 2021-2022 include:
1. Collating data and create professional position papers. PACD currently works on recruiting groups of Israeli professionals in the fields of mental health, education and law. These professionals take part in various guided site visits to military prisons, meet with families of detainees, tour Palestinian neighborhoods and sit down with Palestinian educators and activists. In return these groups develop written relevant expert opinions from their professional perspectives.
2. Gather personal testimonies to be used in public campaigns. Our team plans to glean relevant data from human rights organizations’ reports, interviewing detainees and their families, creating videos of personal testimonies of detention and the aftermath.
3. Submission in legal proceedings. PACD will continue to collaborate with other Human Rights organizations so to submit expert professional opinions (gathered by our groups) in court processes, and to present these in meetings with decision makers to ensure the issue of child detention gets a fair hearing in the wider Israeli public arena.
4. Public awareness and Impact. Using the expert opinions, personal testimonies and facts from the reports, PACD will outreach to audiences beyond our original supporters - using social media, public activities, and traditional media outlets. Faces of PACD - Previously we recruited public figures and professionals as advocates to raise public awareness of the impact of child detention on Palestinian children, families and communities. We will continue to use this method as experts delivering professional opinions and public figures’ involvement draw interest and give weight to our arguments within the mainstream Israeli society, with the potential to generate support from diverse perspectives and to expand PACD’s outreach to new audiences.
5. Increase Supporter and Funder Base: Engage our community through quarterly reports, regular newsletters, VIP invites to events, updates, zoom meetings, petitions, small community meetings, internal supporter brainstorming sessions and more.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PACD is the only organization in Israel that focuses entirely on public advocacy against Palestinian minors’ rights violations during arrests and detention vis a vis the Israeli public and Israeli decision-makers.
Other organizations that are engaged with the issue of child detention have different focuses and/or different modes of action: for example, ‘B’Tselem’ is an information centre, while ‘Military Court Watch’ is an international organization that does not aim to reach the Israeli public. PACD has been in close contact with these and other organizations working to halt Palestinian rights violations and abuses.
PACD can contribute to the Network by being the direct contact with the Israeli public on promoting human rights, equality and tolerance.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

A foundation like yours, can understand that we are a new organization that does not yet have an organized and orderly infrastructure of veteran supporters and an international community that knows us and supports us regularly. In order to create a community of supporters we must continue vigorously in our activities, increase our visibility and create commitment but these efforts will surely only bear fruit within time. We are making great efforts to raise resources both from within Israel and from international sources, private donors and from foundations. The main responses we have received have been positive, yet the corona crisis has diverted a large part of the available resources to other places. It is in light of this I would like to join the ALF network for exposure, connections, community support and fundraising opportunities.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Moria Shlomot
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Moria Shlomot


National Network

RAMAT EFAL 9256000

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Parents Circle – Families Forum is a unique organization made up of more than 600 Israeli and Palestinian bereaved families.  Since its establishment the members – all of whom have lost a family member to the conflict – have undertaken a joint effort in the midst of ongoing violence to transform their incredible loss and pain into a catalyst for reconciliation and peace. They choose to convert anger and revenge, helplessness and despair, into actions of hope. They operate education, public awareness, and advocacy projects that foster humanization and empathy towards both Israelis and Palestinians. The general mission is to generate dialogue between Palestinians and Israelis to promote reconciliation. The PCFF employs 16 staff members (full and part time position) and 80 volunteers and operates from two offices, in Israel and Palestine. PCFF has committed to a purely joint organization in which our staff is duplicated—a Palestinian and Israeli staff. In order for PCFF activities, decisions and programming to be conducted on both sides, it requires tremendous efforts on each side —Palestinian and Israeli—to carry out the project in accordance to the specific language, cultural sensitivities, geographic accessibilities and societal cultures and norms of each side. While this commitment to a fully joint organization presents financial challenges for PCFF, it is also added value and unique advantage that that allows PCFF to offer projects that other organizations cannot. Ddue to extensive and proffessional program design, PCFF has been successful in achieving grants from some of the leading foundations in the world, working in the realm of Peace and Conflict Mitigation. In 2014-2015 PCFF projects were supported by United Stated Agency for International Development (USAID), EU Partnership for Peace, Bread for the World (Germany), United Stated Institute for Peace, Diakonia Austria, Centre of Global Ministries Ecumenical Relations (Northern Germany), and more.    
Mission and Objectives

The PCFF’s overall objective is to drive a reconciliation process among Israelis and Palestinians as a necessary catalyst for a negotiated agreement.  The most important part of reconciliation lies in the construction of persistent relations that support developing trust, knowing and acknowledging the other narrative, sensitivity to the needs of the other side, and mutual respect.
The PCFF’s programs focus on reconciliation on the interpersonal and civil society levels.  PCFF's education work seeks to:
 Contribute to mutual understanding, empathy and acknowledgment;
 Break down attitudes, stereotypes and prejudices of “the other side”;
 Increase participants' commitment to and hope for reconciliation and peace.

Main Projects / Activities

The PCFF relies on the use of the parallel and personal narrative to achieve its goals.  At the root of the conflict, are the mutually exclusive narratives of the Israeli and Palestinian populations. Both sides see their version of the history or narrative as the truth and this leads to significant challenges in advancing reconciliation. The core goal of this methodology is to help people move beyond exclusive truths, and begin to empathize and understand other perspectives on the same events. The PCFF has focused on bringing the concept of narratives to the Israeli and Palestinian public in all its activities because, in the search for reconciliation, our unique contribution is our stories and our histories.  The personal story serves as a great "opener" for a deep dialogue with the other side. We use the narrative in all of our projects.  In addition, many of our projects, especially those around public awareness, use the creative arts as a powerful platform to reach diverse audiences and alternative means of presenting the impact of the personal and parallel narrative and creating long-lasting change.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The PCFF has over 20 years of experience working in Israel and cross-border, offering youth, young adults and adults the opportunity to explore, as well as challenge their beliefs and perceptions of the "other". Working with parallel narratives as a conflict mitigation tool over the past four years, the PCFF has witnessed and evaluated its power and impact on the reconciliation process among Israelis and Palestinians.
The PCFF is always ready and forthcoming in sharing its ecperiences and knowledge, as well as collaborating with like-minded organizations. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The PCFF has an ongoing relationship with ALF Network and regards ALF as a valuble resource through which to leverage its existing projects and experiences, create new cooperations and contacts while, at the same time, share its own experiences and learnings to advance other organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Efrat Tal
Job Title
Director of Grants & Finance
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Iris Meizler
Job Title (2)
Administrative Manager

Parrhesia art collective

National Network

67 Gush Halav St. P.O.Vox 1588 Pardes-Hanna 37114
Pardes-Hanna 35475

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
the organization is composed of 5 artists from the field of photography, graphic design, writing, cinema and fine arts. our budget until this point is based primarily by income from organization that we corporate with such as Isha L'Isha (woman to Women), Zochrot,Ir Amim
Mission and Objectives

Parrhesia is composed of Jewish and Palestinian artists and designers, all citizens of Israel, that exercise, each in his/her own way, a political practice of art. Political practice of art means using the tools and modes of thinking of art and design, with the aim of promoting conditions for social and political change. The common values of the group are concern for the world, commitment to freedom and passion to create. We believe that art, as a human activity, is fundamentally ethical because it promotes and influences human relationships. We believe that political activity, being a social creation, should be undertaken with concern for beauty and quality, as well as bringing into play critical thinking and freedom of expression. The group operates in two ways. The first is cooperating with social change organizations in creating communication materials- campaigns, posters, exhibitions, books, magazines, videos etc. The group aims to strengthen the visibility of such organizations and communities, using visual materials that communicate in a clear and direct language, avoiding manipulation, seduction and aggression. We are trying to create a civil language that is in keeping with the values of democracy, equality and solidarity and to challenge forces of exclusion and exploitation. Our second mode of work is independent creation of art works, graffiti, exhibitions, performances, workshops etc. We use art to experiment with the ideas and subjects that concern us and to communicate directly with the public in order to expose, challenge, learn and teach about prejudices, making a crack within the frozen consensus, stimulating discussion, influencing the public discourse and creating new possibilities of life.

Main Projects / Activities

our main project is Sedek - A magazine about the ongoin Nakba and 'Through Language' - a Graffiti dictionary of Arabic- Hebrew, a project that challenges the erasure of Arabic from the Israeli public sphere. Please view our portfolio:

Contact (1) Full Name
Osnat Bar-Or
Head of the organisation
Osnat Bar-Or + Ofer Kahana
Contact (2) Full Name
Ofer Kahana

Partnership for Social Change

National Network

Faculty of Law
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
We support the development of 15 human rights service-learning courses in 12 different universities and colleges, which allow some 300 students to study theories of human rights while practicing at civil society organizations. Through the courses the knowledge is jointly processed throughout the year by the students the faculty members and NGO’s leaders in a manner that creates synergy between the field and the academic research, creating new knowledge, both for the organizations and for the academic research in the field. Our program provides organizations which are usually understaffed and overburden with committed enthusiastic students who learn to be involved and aware citizens active for human rights. Our regional and state-wide seminars provide shared spaces for joint learning of NGO’s, faculty members and students.
Mission and Objectives

Based at the Hebrew University Law school, we are the only state wide program, working with tens of civil society organizations (human right organizations, women’s organizations, social eights organizations ---link—and with faculty members and students from art schools, teachers training colleges, planning’ legal clinics and social work schools around the country.

Main Projects / Activities

15 human rights courses
Jewish and Palestinian students seminars
Graduate course with students and faculty from Belfast and three Jerusalem institutions of higehr education
Annual conference

Contact (1) Full Name
Hannah Green
Head of the organisation
Daphna Golan
Contact (2) Full Name
Devorah Menkin

PATHWAYS Institute for Negotiation Education

National Network

P.O. Box 8016
Nahalal 17, Bat Galim
Haifa 3501549

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Youth and education
General Information

PATHWAYS launched in 2015 as an independent nonprofit organization in Israel to bring negotiation education into educational systems and to build bridges between communities. Our interactive negotiation education programs and workshops, based on methodology developed at the Harvard Negotiation Project, blend experiential learning of creative negotiation skills, inter-communal encounter and exchange, and content-based language immersion. PATHWAYS’s series of Game Changers skill-building and exchange workshops bring together high school students from diverse Arab and Jewish communities in partnership with educators and educational networks. Our professional development workshops for active educators and academic college courses for pre-service teachers are recognized by the Ministry of Education. We have two full-time employees, three part-time, and a team of affiliated workshop facilitators. Our funding (~600,000 NIS last year) has come from grants from the U.S. Embassy, Social Venture Fund, Schocken Foundation, and program fees from school networks and other project partners.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to contribute to building problem-solving, cooperative, and shared societies in which people from different backgrounds and communities have the skills and sense of possibility needed to creatively and constructively negotiate challenging issues with one another. We imagine a day when every student, educator, and leader – irrespective of background or social/political outlook – will be equipped to transform their negotiations into joint, creative problem-solving. Our methodology for transforming negotiation from adversarial bargaining/haggling to joint, creative problem-solving is designed to have a radiating ripple effect through the educational system to individuals, schools, and communities.

We aim to create sustainable, institutionalized impact through partnerships with key actors in formal and informal education, including teachers, school systems, and administrators. Our social impact is reaching a tipping point in which enough of our methodology, concepts, and tools have been adopted in the education system that we are seeing systemic shifts beyond our direct programs.

We are achieving this by:

Partnering with professional leadership in the Ministry of Education to deliver MoE-certified professional development courses.

Developing scalable programs with school networks and municipal/regional authorities.
Working with educators to incorporate problem-solving negotiation education into classroom curricula and school cultures.

Creating and activating a diverse national community of practice of educators pioneering the field of negotiation education.

Equipping pre-service teachers at academic colleges to incorporate concepts and model in their future teaching.

Running transformational workshops with a critical mass of high school students.

Main Projects / Activities

Students: Our Game Changers workshops for high school students offer an immersive journey into learning interest-based negotiation, foster connections and exchanges with peers from other backgrounds, and develop vital thinking and communication skills. Last academic year we worked with 800 students from 40 schools (20 Hebrew-speaking schools paired with 20-Arabic speaking) in diverse communities across Israel. We offer in-person, virtual, and blended programs, including virtual exchange.

Educators: Our professional development programs (NET Fellowship, Summer Institute), recognized by the Ministry of Education, enable active educators to bring problem-solving negotiation concepts, experiential pedagogy, and practical tools into their classrooms and teaching practices. Our courses for pre-service teachers - conducted in partnership with academic colleges like Achva, David Yellin, Oranim, Sakhnin, and Al Qassemi - equip the next generation of educators.

Schools: We partner with school networks, municipalities, and regional authorities to incorporate problem-solving negotiation education and inter-communal bridge-building and exchange into their educational systems through network-based programs.

Organizations: We work with educational and aligned social impact organizations to develop problem-solving negotiation, communication, and leadership skills with their program participants, staff, and alumni. We offer a variety of skill-building workshops in-person and online.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would be eager to explore opportunities to cooperate and to develop joint projects with other ALF network members. We could also work with the Network to offer members creative negotiation skills workshops or seminars for their participants and alumni, focusing on problem-solving negotiation, intercultural dialogue & exchange, and leadership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that we can have the greatest long-term impact by aligning ourselves with and working with other organizations and networks with compatible values and approaches. Anna Lindh Foundation’s mission to build more inclusive, empathetic and resilient societies, and to fight growing mistrust and polarisation, aligns well with our purpose, principles, and approach. We would like to join the ALF network to learn from other network members, find ways to cooperate, develop joint projects, become eligible for grants, and work together to scale and enhance our direct and indirect impact. Thank you for your consideration.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Schnall
Job Title
Regional Director
Head of the organisation
Michael Schnall, Regional Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Avi Goldstein
Job Title (2)
Founder & Executive Director

Paulina test

National Network


002 0102 2899 805
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
General Information
Dear Yarden, This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail. Thanks! Paulina
Mission and Objectives

Dear Yarden,
This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail.

Main Projects / Activities

Dear Yarden,
This is a test application to check if the notification e-mails are working for you. Please do not accept this application, but instead send me an e-mail (or call me on the phone) when you receive the notification e-mail.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Paulina test
Head of the organisation