
A Time Travel project organized by the Medieval Rose Association in Rhodes, supported by Erasmus+ (KA122)

The Time Travel Method

The Medieval Rose Association (M.R.A.) designed a project, using the Time Travel method (invented by Ebbe Westergren for the Bridging Ages network), inspired by the poem "The Plague of Rhodes" by Emmanouil Georgillas-Limenitis, a 15th c. scholar and clergyman. For...

Bonne pratique
Yperia Conference

The YPERIA international Convention

A seminar and gathering focusing on Mediterranean culture with exchanges regarding the tourism sector aiming to benefit women and young people seeking employment. Researchers, professors and people of influence from different countries present their work on new ways of protecting...


National Network


0030 210 7518891
Telephone (other)
0030 22880 22431
0030210 7518891
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
-Tomee theater company is a company of education and research, a private not profit organization.. -Number of staff partners: between 8 and 12 people. -THROUGH the activities of KEA CENTER FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTS BASED IN Kea island in Greece. -Performances, Workshops, Education Projects. - Singers, musicians, dancers.
Mission and Objectives

Education and research in Theater.
The main characteristic of the group's work for this performance is in my view the investigation of the body. The human body in all its expressive aspects as a vehicle of' emotional but also intellectual experience predominates the director's work. Having met Maria Panoutsou about 15 years ago, I am not surprised that her approach of Greek Tragedy is so sensitive to the actor's body and to all experience concerning this body or originating from this body. I remember that this was always the intention of her projects in performance and theatre education.
As a result, the clarity of the scenes' structure is amazing as well as the transmitting of the text expressing both dionysiac ecstasis and rational understanding of Sophocles' drama. The other main feature of the performance is I think the intellectuality manifested in the conception of each particular scene:
As a spectator who expects some sort of philosophical interpretation of tragedy I was happily discovering during the performance strong moments of thought not only in the director’s mind but also being understood and elaborated deeply by the actors continuously during the process. This dense sophisticated background of TOMEE'S work together with the simplicity and clarity of the forms created for me a singular and important theatre experience that brought ancient Greek drama up to the contemporary world with a manifest educational impact and in a political and aesthetic originality and meaning fulness.
Lazou, Researcher in Theatre and Philosophy, Athens University

Main Projects / Activities

Ancient Greek Drama- Documentary theater- Connection with the Arabic culture.
Tomee Theatre- is a professional non profit theatre company, concerned with education and research, devoted to producing alternative approaches to classical forms of Drama and creating unique theatrical experiences stimulated by visual and audio means.
The Company was founded in Athens in 1982 by Maria Panoutsou and for its first production Tomee Theatre received the award for Best Performance and Promotion of Modem Greek Drama from the Audience, Critics and Festival Committee at the 8th Ithaca Festival. Maria’s Panoutsou work adopts a certain approach towards all the material (memories – society) which the individual artist accumulates on a daily basis and becomes o means of practice for a personal expression.
Tomee Theatre activities are mainly aiming at:
The study of Classical Greek Drama.
The practice and research in traditional and non-traditional theatrical forms. Contemporary Greek Theatre.
Drama related to other forms of Art.
Theatrical training as an Art in itself.
Art and Society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

UNESCO Centre for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries

National Network

30, Ploutonos – G. Papandreou Street

## 30 2310 422270
Telephone (other)
## 30 2310 423152
## 30 2310 422271
Mobile Phone
6944 296815 (Ms. Papachristopoulou – Tzitzikosta)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
UNESCO Centre for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries is an international non-governmental non-profit organization, whose opening (in 1994) was approved through the resolution of the 27th General Conference of UNESCO. The main sources of funding are the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Hellenic Aid), UNESCO (Participation Programme), European programs, private sponsors, foundations & other NGOs. The Centre, in collaboration with intergovernmental organizations in the United Nations and European systems, with other NGOs, governmental bodies and academic institutions, conducts international congresses & meetings, development projects, training programmes, projects focusing on gender mainstreaming, intercultural dialogue and preservation of cultural diversity.
Mission and Objectives

The mission :
UNESCO Centre works for the building of the culture of peace and for women’s advancement.
The main objectives of the organization are :
- Establishing links of friendship and good understanding among women in the countries of the region through cooperation in common programs and activities;
- Promoting the respect of human rights and the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, encouraging women's advancement in all sectors (social, political, economic and cultural) and helping their empowerment;
- Supporting the implementation of UNESCO strategies aimed at preserving cultural diversity and at building the Culture of peace.

Main Projects / Activities

(a) International Congresses and conferences on themes pertaining to the mission of the Centre (1994 in Belgrade; 1995 in Sofia; 1997, 1998, 2003 & 2006 in Thessaloniki; 1998 in Nikosia; 1999 in Visby; 2004 in Athens)
(b) annual international training projects (1997-2003 on social development; 1998-2003 on civil and volunteer action; 2002-2005 youth programme on cultural diversity & intercultural dialogue)
(c) International Festivals “Woman creators of the two seas, the Mediterranean & the Black Sea” (in 1997, 2000 & 2006)
(d) participation in more than 120 international events,
(e) publications (21 titles in Greek, English & French)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

54640 Thessaloniki

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The UNESCO Chair has been established in 2004 at the University of Macedonia following a decision by UNESCO. It is a member of the UNITWIN Interreligious Dialogue

Mission and Objectives

To promote the UNESCO objectives and bridge University with civil society.

Main Projects / Activities

It has published on Intercultural Dialogue. It also has organized conferences and summer schools on Refugee Rights and has coorganized a conference and seminar on "Intercultural Dialogue as a European Project".

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We already have established networks with many international organizations, academics and civil society. We can promote the Network activities to academics, University students and civil society.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We respect the Anna Lindt Foundation and its work and through the Network we will contribute in its aims

Contact (1) Full Name
Despoina Anagnostopoulou
Job Title
Head of the organisation

UNESCO Youth Club of Thessaloniki

National Network

Kerkiras 4-6, 55133

0030 6948 689665
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
UNESCO Youth Club of Thessaloniki is a member of the Greek National UNESCO Committee and focuses on youth participation, art and education initiatives, based on the UNESCO priorities. There is a very broad network of members and volunteers, who actively participate and there is an elected board, which consists of 7 persons. As far as funding is concerned, we ask for and receive sponsorships when needed for our projects. Mainly, we participate in Youth in Action programs but except for these, we also organise projects such as training courses, conferences and youth exchanges in Greece. In these projects, we cooperate with other NGOs around Europe and not only. Our NGO has developed strong relationships and fruitful collaborations with Southeast Europe, the Balkans and Turkey as well, apart from the usual European partnerships. As a whole, we cooperate as much as possible with organisations from all around the world, trying to build an even greater network and this is why we are so keen on becoming ALF's member organisation.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to give the opportunity to as many young people as possible to participate. We always include in our programs and projects people with less opportunities (economically, geographically, educationally speaking), respecting gender balance and promoting the ideals of UNESCO, the EU and the UN. Our objective is to further evolve our mission so as to include even more people and collaborate with even more organisations. NGOs give especially to young people the chance to participate and offer. In addition, through Youth in Action and other European programs, an important amount of the cost is covered, a fact which makes it even more attractive to young people and at the same time more reachable.

Main Projects / Activities

Our organisation is active on Youth, Youth in Action, MED and INTERREG programs. Currently a number of actions is being planned, such as a training course for the youth of Northern and Central Greece, a collaboration with "Dimokritio" University in Thrace, and of course we are actively involved in the UN's "International Year of Youth". It started on the 12th of August and a number of actions, one per month, are planned throughout the whole year. To become a member of the ALF would bring us closer to the arab world, with which we would like to further develop our relationship and cooperation. Europe is only part of the world and we want to prove that the african continent is much closer to us than we think.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Pournari
Contact (2) Full Name
Alexandra Politaki

Union of Greek Cities with Medieval Castles

National Network

26, Andrea Metaxa str, 10681 Athens

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Board of Directors of the “Union of Greek Cities with Medieval Castles” Miltiadis Klapas, Mayor of Preveza, Chairman. Konstantinos Taraslias, Vice-Mayor of Rhodes, Vice-Chairman. Minos Alefantinos, Municipal Officer of Rethymnon, Secretary. Christos Lazos, member of INMEST, Cashier. Christos Bouchourias, Chairman of Municipal Council of Servia Kozani, Member. Dionysios Rallatos, Prefectural Officer of Zakynthos, Member. Nikolaos Katsikarelis, Prefectural Officer of Aitoloakarnania, Member. 70.000euros expenses in 2008 The Municipalities, Communities, Prefectures of our country, as well as any other entity, legal or natural person, can become members of the Union with a simple application, according to the terms of the Memorandum of Association of the Union.
Mission and Objectives

The “Union of Greek Cities with Medieval Castles”, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) founded as a Union, based on the No 7408/207 decision of the Athens Court of the First Instance, in January 2008.
By now, the Union counts about 47 members – entities of Prefectural and Local Administration, representing the totality of the Greek Territory, while the Ministry of Culture has actively expressed its support to the objectives, visions and imminent targets of the Union.
The initiative for the foundation of the Union was taken by the Institute of Medieval Studies (INMEST) founded in November 2005 by leading officers of the Local Administration, with the citadel of Mystras as its focal point.
The main objective of the Institute and the Union is the effort for the publicity, promotion, and maintenance of the medieval defense and residence buildings, that is to say, the castles of the Greek and European territory in general.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Mapping and depiction of castles with the use of new technologies.
2. Marking and illumination of castles.
3. Study planning and construction of access roads for all castles, irrespective of size.
4. Study planning and gradual implementation of restoration plans in the interior and exterior of the castles.
Β. Projects for the exploitation of castles
1. Creation of spaces for athletic and cultural activities.
2. Selective castle integration, where possible, with the construction of communication paths and the creation of intermediary recreation spots.
C. Promotion and publicity actions
1. Elaboration of documented and historically circumstantial information material for all castles.
2. Creation of relevant interactive webpage and internet communication.
3. Use of new technologies for the publicity, promotion and creative exploitation of medieval defense and residence buildings – compilation of databases, geographical and historical classification, comparative data, etc.
4. Organization of promotional meetings at a national and international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nikolas Delivorias
Head of the organisation
Nikolas Delivorias (Director)

Union of Women Associations of Heraklion Prefecture

National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Research
General Information

The Union of Women Members’ Associations of Heraklion Prefecture was established in 2000 as a Non-Governmental Organization, with Registration Number 13117 SYP. It is a Legal Person Governed by Private Law. According to the decision of the Ministry for Health and Social Solidarity, which was published in 1453/v.Β/21-10-05 FEK, it is a certified provider of Social Care Services. Objectives of the Union are:  The improvement of Women’s role in the Society,  The prominence of mother’s role in the family,  The support for equal rights and the social civilization. Our Union is active all over Crete. Actions of the Union: • “Guest House for the Abused Women and Children”: It was created in 2000 in the city of Heraklion with objective to offer hospitality, to support, to consult and provide legal aid to women and children, who have been victims of violence inside or outside their family.                • Consulting Centre: Its aim is the provision of immediate help to women who are victims of violence and their children via personal interviews, their psychological support, the offer of legal advice and, what is more, their information for the possibility of hospitality in case of emergency. • S.O.S Line - «Line of Hope», 801-11-16000, functions in a daily basis from 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m., no charge call, covering whole Crete. Through the line S.O.S. women-victims or their relatives have the chance to receive information, regarding the existence and operation of the Guest House, the Consulting Centre and, what is more, for the actions they can undertake in order to deal with violence. • Our Second Guest House, the “HOUSE OF ANGELS”, which is in building phase, is created for the protection and the hospitalization of young children age 0-6 years old, who have been abandoned by their parents, are neglected or remain “unsought”. The motive for this new attempt is the lack of supportive context and confrontation of such incidents that unfortunately are often presented in our island.  • The Union of Women Members’ Associations of Heraklion Prefecture organizes information campaigns, lectures on intra-familial violence and the abuse of children to schools in the Municipality of Heraklion and the Prefecture, in hospitals and other institutions, such as the Hellenic Red Cross etc. • Publication of the magazine “Galini”, (meaning serene) and which is sold to members, subscribers and friends of the Union, assuring a small extra profit for the institution. • From 2007 till 2008 the Union in collaboration with the Ministry of Employment and Social Security had undertaken European Projects placed among the Work “Assistance Actions for the Employment of Unemployed with the active participation of Non-Governmental Organizations” of Measure 6 of EP “Employment and Professional Formation” from the Ministry of Employment and Social Security and the Special Service Application of Co-Funded actions. The action was co-funded by 80% from the European Social Fund and by 20% from national fundings.

Mission and Objectives

-  The improvement of Women’s role in the Society, -   The prominence of mother’s role in the family, -  The support for equal rights and the social civilization. - the provision of social services to women in vulnurable position  - the promotion of gender equality in Crete  Our Union is active all over Crete.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects we run are:  1. “Violence through Children’s Eyes” performed in the Municipality of Heraklion. Promotion of gender issues to schools  2. “Mediation in the Family for the Repression of Violence” performed in the Municipality of Gazi 3. “Mediation in the Family for the Repression of Violence” performed in the Municipality of Moires 4. “Confrontation Centre of Cultural Differences in Primary Education” performed in the Municipality of Heraklion • “Live Again”- Action 1.8/09 “Informative Campaign aiming to the awareness raising of public and also women-citizen from third countries’ on information provision, regarding the confrontation of trafficking, intra-familial violence and sexual harassment”, co-funded from the European Fund by 75% and by 25% from National Funds. (Completed) • GRUNDTVIG- CERTAINLY MOM: Parenting support to women victims of domestic violence, aims at creating a European network for exchange, training, information and constant collaboration on the topic of parenting support to women victims of domestic violence and, in particular, on the support activities addressed to migrant women. The overall aim of the project actions is to help the beneficiaries to enhance, acquire or re-acquire their parenting skills (Ongoing) • “Commun-AID-Increasing the capacity of domestic workers of different origins to respond to sexual violence through community-based interventions” funded by European Commission under the DAPHNE III program, whose overall aim is to increase the capacity of migrant domestic workers to respond to sexual violence through developing and testing community-based interventions (Ongoing) • “Social Structures Addressing Poverty in the Municipality of Heraklion”, which aims at the strengthening and social inclusion of socially vulnerable groups and especially of homeless people or people experiencing poverty, through psychosocial support and information activities from collaborating social entities (Ongoing) • “Local Cooperation for Social Integration”, Development Partnership “Social Net”, aiming at the effective integration of 100 people of vulnerably socially groups in work, on the basis of their own needs and the needs of the local labor market intervention area (Ongoing)  the management of the SHELTER for abused women - victims of domestic violence.  the development of the HOUSE for abandoned children (0-6)  Actions/ Mediations in Cultural Level: • Each year on November 25th we organize an exhibition or publication in the local press against the violence towards women in cooperation with other institution or citizen. • Moreover, we organize exhibitions for Woman’s and Mother’s World Days. • According to the importance of incidents, we often address letters to the Ministries of Justice, Health, Employment, the General Secretariat of Gender Equality and other institutions questioning, proposing, demanding answers and changes.    • We have organized the presentation of books relevant with violence or other issues touching women or civilization. The Union has Administrative Council and is comprised of 70 Members and mobilizes over of 100 volunteers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organisation can act as a focal point of the National ALF network in the area of Crete, by providing information, needs and evaluation assessments for the area and promoting cooperation with other NGOs that are active in the fields of human rights in Greece. In addition, our organisation has the capacity to provide expertise and staff for mutual training, exchange of good practices in the fields of advocacy and women's rights, joint actions with simlar NGOs. Finally, our Association can act as an agent of the Network on issues of gender equality and women's rights in cases of transnational joint initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The main grounds of our participation to the network is the promotion of gender issues to third countries, cooperate with similar women NGO's and promote ALF spirit in Crete.

Contact (1) Full Name
Νicholas Σpetsidis
Job Title
Ιnternational projects manager
Head of the organisation
Job Title (2)