

Aissa Kadri

Professor of sociology and Director of the Maghreb Europe Institute at the University of Paris 8. Kadri's academic research focuses mainly on educational systems and migration within the Maghreb region, in particular on the issue of intellectuals and intelligentsia, social...


Aissa Kadri

Professeur de sociologie et directeur de l'Institut Maghreb Europe à l'Université de Paris 8. Les recherches universitaires de Kadri portent sur les systèmes éducatifs et sur les migrations au Maghreb, en particulier en ce qui concerne la question des intellectuels...

AJS le Bon Emploi de la Solidarité

National Network

2829 Avenue de petite synthe

0033 3 28 61 08 09
Telephone (other)
0033 6 78 43 66 50
0033 3 28 27 52 16
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Avec les bénévoles et avec nos collaborateurs salariés nous avons fait le choix de l'humain. Avec "Coluche", nous avons créé les Resto du Coeur à Dunkerque puis nous avons volé de nos propres ailes. Ajoutant l'accompagnement social et professionnel à l'aide alimentaire nous avons engagé une lutte sans merci contre la faim et toutes formes d'exclusions en privilégiant les femmes trop souvent victimes de discriminations multiples. Vingt cinq ans après, la lutte n'est pas finie
Mission and Objectives

Contribuer à la lutte contre la faim, première forme d’exclusion et de discrimination :
Par l’organisation d’une aide alimentaire permanente, préalable indispensable à toute autre mobilisation sociale.
- Contribuer à la lutte concrète contre toute forme d’exclusion ou de discrimination :
Par l’organisation d’un accompagnement aux personnes de toute nationalité ou origine ethnique, en grande difficulté sociale, dans leurs efforts d’insertion sociale et professionnelle ;
En Privilégiant l’accompagnement des Femmes, adultes et jeunes majeures, issues de l’immigration ;
- Contribuer à la mobilisation collective contre toute forme d’exclusion ou de discrimination :
En favorisant une meilleure connaissance et l’enrichissement mutuel des cultures ;
En favorisant la prise de conscience des responsabilités individuelles et collectives découlant de l’immigration ;
En favorisant la prise de parole citoyenne des personnes issues de l’immigration et particulièrement des Femmes ;
En militant, à Dunkerque, pour la mise en réseau des associations contribuant à la lutte contre toute forme d’exclusion ou de discrimination ;
En participant, en Europe & dans les pays méditerranéens, à la coopération associative internationale.

Main Projects / Activities

Aide Alimentaire.
Action de redynamisation sociale.
Projet Parole de femmes.
Projet elle m'a dit.
Projet Initiative Citoyenne Euro Méditéranéenne.
(voir Rapport d'activité 2009)

Contact (1) Full Name

ALDA in support for the Establishment of Temporary Shelter Areas in Hatay (Türkiye)


In the wake of the devastating earthquakes that struck Türkiye in 2023, Hatay Province emerged as one of the most severely affected regions, grappling with extensive damage and a desperate need for secure housing. The aftermath of the earthquakes left millions displaced, living in tents, and facing harsh winter conditions. Recognising the urgency of the situation, ALDA, in collaboration with the Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat i Cooperació, initiated the project “Support for the Establishment of Temporary Shelter Areas in the Earthquake-Stricken Region of Hatay.”

The project kicked off in November 2023, with a dedicated focus on delivering beds to residents, including families, children, the elderly, single women, and people with disabilities residing in the shelter area of Hatay. As a result of effective coordination and swift action, the project nears completion and almost all beds have been delivered to families. A total of 264 households will benefit from the project.

Read more about it here!

Find out more about support for the establishment of temporary shelter Areas in the earthquake-stricken Region of Hatay here.

ALDA opened the call for applications for its project THE:PLACE

open call for european CSOs

THE:PLACE is a collaborative exchange programme designed to establish sustainable networks between civil society organisations (CSOs) from Türkiye and the European Union. The programme aims to strengthen the capacity of CSOs to make a significant impact in their respective areas of work, by facilitating the exchange of knowledge and cooperation between those working on local issues. It also encourages collaboration with local authorities through quadrilateral partnerships. The programme offers targeted capacity building, peer learning and grant support for joint partnership projects.
It has a rich programme, and we'll let you discover all the information in this document!
Are you ready to make a two-year commitment and co-construct an exchange project funded by ALDA to the tune of €22,500?

An information session on the call for participants will take place on 19 June 2023 from 10:30 to 11:30 (CEST). Register here!

All questions relating to this call for participants and the terms and conditions of participation should be sent to the following e-mail address:

To apply, simply fill in this google form which consists mainly of a presentation of your organisation.
The call is open until 7 July 2023.

Alda presents: The Peace Education Project

peace project

Education is the first bastion for students to evolve with healthy and constructive approaches in which their empathy and compassion are developed. Moreover, skills such as conflict management and conflict resolution are more and more seeked out by teachers and youth workers who want to be able to thrive in their work with students and therefore have proper tools to rely on. 

To respond to this latent need, ALDA presents to you the PEACE project  - which full title is “Peace Education as a Tool for Effective Conflict Management in Secondary Schools” , funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme. The project consortium consists of four associations and three universities from four  different countries: France, Türkiye, Portugal and Slovenia. The project aims to create an inclusive learning environment and to reduce violence by providing the necessary skills and knowledge to teachers and other educators to integrate Peace Education into their respective teaching experiences, providing students with the appropriate vocabulary, opportunities for practice and peaceful problem solving-skills.

The first deliverable consists of an Educational Framework based on a needs assessment (of teachers and students) and a literature review. This innovative handbook provides an overview of the state of school environments for teachers and students around the globe. It focuses on a thorough assessment of teachers' and students knowledge and needs regarding peace education. In parallel, the document presents the already existing good practices developed by different institutions from around the world and assesses different types of teaching methodologies that can be used in Peace Education.  

You can find this handbook here!

Our main deliverable will be an Online Course which will come out next fall and an Online Community to share good practices between formal and informal educators. 

To not miss anything , visit our website 

Be the first to access our new outputs by subscribing to our newsletter 

You can also follow the project on social media like Linkedin and join the group on Facebook

ALDA vous présente l'appel à candidature du programme WYDE


Le programme WYDE Civic Engagement auquel l'ALDA fait partie vient de lancer son appel pour un réseau de jeunes chercheurs. Douze bourses de recherche de 10 000 euros seront offertes à des jeunes professionnels, des étudiants en doctorat ou des jeunes diplômés travaillant sur des sujets liés à la participation des jeunes aux affaires publiques. L'objectif est de réunir ces 12 boursiers à différentes occasions et d'inspirer la collaboration et la participation entre les universitaires intéressés par ce domaine d'étude. Le réseau vise donc à être plus qu'une simple série de bourses de recherche. En effet, cette initiative réunira donc un groupe diversifié de jeunes universitaires internationaux et de praticiens du soutien à la démocratie afin de favoriser les échanges interrégionaux et interdisciplinaires sur le thème de la participation des jeunes aux démocraties dans le monde entier. Les universitaires du sud de la Méditerranée sont particulièrement encouragés à y participer!

Les jeunes chercheurs sélectionnés suivront un programme de trois ans, soutenu par la "Youth Democracy Cohort". Ils auront l'occasion d'échanger et d'apprendre avec des chercheurs et des personnes clés travaillant sur le thème de la participation des jeunes, de l'engagement civique et de la démocratie. Le programme prévoit un soutien de la part des tuteurs et des réunions régulières pour vérifier avec les participants l'état d'avancement de leur recherche et de l'analyse des données et s'ils ont besoin du soutien de leurs pairs. En outre, il y aura une formation en ligne sur les méthodologies de recherche, la collecte de données et la rédaction d'articles, et le programme prévoit des webinaires récurrents sur des sujets intéressants pour le jeune groupe de chercheurs.

Pour en savoir plus et candidater , c'est juste ici!

Date limite de candidature: 1er septembre 2023


National Network

Maison des Associations, 1A place des Orphelins
67000 Strasbourg

+33 390 214 593
Telephone (other)
+39 0444 540 146
+39 0444 231 043
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 3355236341
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3491554182
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Statute: Association Staff employed: 10 The Association of the Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) is an International non-governmental organization. The Association has been founded in 1999 as an initiative of the Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities to coordinate a network of Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs) already in existence since 1993.The LDAs are local NGOs acting to foster Human Rights and local democracy. Budgetary resources: 1,5 million € / year Sources of funding: European commission, State institutions, Member fees, private sector... Modalities of action: ALDA bases its activities on manifold methodologies and strategies (Decentralized and multilateral cooperation, European and international networks for local action, Fostering of partnerships. Current projects range from trans-border co-operation seminars, capacity building for local authorities and NGOs, youth or women empowerment to micro-credits and trainings on European integration. Fiels of activity: Local Democracy and Civil society, Sustainable development, Education and Training, International and Inter-Cultural Communicatio, Humanitarian Aid and Human rights, Youth and gender Equality Main partners: Non state actors (NGOs, Associations), Local authorities, LDAs network

Mission and Objectives

The Association aims to build an international partnership and to achieve the objectives of the Local Democracy Agencies' Programme. Its main mission is: 1. to facilitate relations between the ADLs and their partners (municipalities, regions or NGOs, including the hosts of the ADLs) and the Council of Europe, particularly the Congress of Local and Regional European Authorities (hereinafter "the Congress"), ensuring their compatibility within the overall project; 2. set priorities for the maintenance of existing ADLs and the creation of new agencies; 3. promote partnerships between local and regional authorities of Europe; 4. to establish a network of ADLs, on ne hand able of meeting local partners' expectations and, on the other hand, to serve as relay for some activities of the international community, especially fot the European one, ensuring that the activities of the ADLs and ALDA respect and promote a closer relationship between the EU and the host countries; 5. manage the LDAs network for promoting local democracy, involving the decision-making bodies of the Council of Europe (the Secretary General, the Committee of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress, etc..) and the European Union (European Commission, European Parliament, the Committee of regions), and fostering cooperation between different agencies of local democracy; 6. to serve as an interface between the ADLs and the services of the Council of Europe, including the access facilitation to the Council of Europe and EU's cooperation programmes; 7. to train delegates and senior local managers in the techniques of management and local projects' coordination; 8. to evaluate the work of the delegates and LDAs staff, including the financial management; 9. to promote contacts, coordination and dissemination of information between the LDAs, the foundations, public and private agencies (national or international) but also with governmental and non-governmental organisations and LDAs; 10. to promote LDAs activities for developing a new form of decentralized cooperation on the basis of inter-municipal, inter-communities relations in Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

The Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) is a European non-governmental organization that promotes the protection of human rights, the affirmation of democracy, of the local development and citizen participation in all of the aspects of local governance. Its activities can be grouped as following: - Activities in the South East Europe and the Caucasus, through the network of 12 Local Democracy Agencies, acting for the support and strengthening of local democratic institutions and European integration; - Active citizenship and local democracy; - Technical assistance and training to local communities and associations. The working method of the ALDA is based on a multilateral decentralized cooperation providing cooperation between local, national and international partners from all over Europe and their conection in networks. Partners are building relationships on trust, the exchange of good practices and they develop fruitful projects together with the stakeholders. The network of ALDA currently extends to 29 European countries and includes 300 members and partners (local communities, economic sectors, associations, universities, research groups and others).

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Secrétaire Générale
Head of the organisation
M. Oriano Otocan
Contact (2) Full Name
Giulia Sostero
Job Title (2)
Coordinatrice pour la Méditerranée

ALDA's WYDE applications are opened for the second phase: learn more!

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The WYDE Civic Engagement project (Women and Youth in Democracy initiative Civic Engagement) is generously funded by the European Union, with the primary aim of enhancing the emancipation, empowerment, and inclusion of young individuals at all levels of democratic participation: national, regional, and global. The project warmly welcomes participation from all African countries, with a particular focus on sub-Saharan Africa.

The First Phase of the call for proposals, spearheaded by ALDA and in collaboration with esteemed partners such as the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), Elbarlament, and People In Need (PIN), commenced on April 3, 2023, and concluded on August 15, 2023. In this initial phase, we received a remarkable 780 applications from 38 different countries. After a preliminary assessment of administrative eligibility criteria, over 466 projects have been pre-selected and are presently undergoing thorough evaluation.

The top 80 projects will proceed to the next stage, involving a double evaluation in collaboration with our partners. Ultimately, the finest projects will be selected for support and financing within the project’s framework. In total, 12 projects will be granted in this first phase of the call for proposals, with a total budget allocation of €200,000.

However, the opportunity to apply is far from over. The second phase of the call for proposals is currently open and will run until mid-April 2024 . To date, we have received over a hundred applications, with more than 20 projects meeting the administrative eligibility criteria. For those interested in learning more, we will be hosting an information session on 18 October at 12:00 PM CET in English and at 2:00 PM CET in French. Please find the registration links and meeting details below.

  • 18 October at 12am CET time in English. 

           Registration link and meeting here .

  • 18 October at 2pm CET Time in French: 

           Registration link and meeting here .

ALDA eagerly anticipate receiving your applications!


ALDA: Strengthening Local and Participatory Democracy in the European Union

deco image.

From 13 to 15 May 2024, ALDA’s General Assembly and Festival hosted a significant panel discussion on “Local Democracy & Participatory Democracy” which explored the Defense of Democracy Package, civil society’s role, and local participatory initiatives within the European Union.

Key stakeholders from diverse sectors gathered to assess the current state and future of democracy within the European Union (EU).

Defense of Democracy Package: An Overview

Vincent Vandersmissen, representing the Belgian Presidency of the EU, detailed the Defense of Democracy Package (DoDP), designed to protect democratic processes across member states and at the European level. The proposal underscores the necessity of transparency, especially in interest representation, to counteract foreign interference in EU and national policymaking. Vandersmissen stressed the directive’s focus on safeguarding democracy, despite concerns from member states about its implementation.

The directive has ignited debate due to its resemblance to “foreign agents” laws in countries like Georgia, Hungary, and Russia, which have been used to stigmatise NGOs receiving foreign funding. Vandersmissen noted that while 15 EU member states maintain transparency registers, none specifically target foreign organisations. This has raised fears of unjustly labeling NGOs as “foreign agents,” leading to potential discrimination. These concerns are under active discussion at Coreper, with the Belgian presidency acting as an “honest broker.”

The DoDP also includes recommendations to boost democratic participation by increasing funding for civil society organizations (CSOs) and promoting inclusive electoral processes, particularly for mobile citizens.

To read more about good practices and insights shared on citizen's particpation in the democratic process, read the full article here !