
Abanos Association for Childhood and Motherhood

National Network

Ezbet El Hagana – 4,5 Region – Nasser City – Cairo – Egypt

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Abanos is NGO in Cairo working with the children and woman, its budget over the year is 50,000 USD, there is several source of funding for Abanos. abanos organize camops for the children fo make integration between the Egyptian and Sudanese Children in Nasser City.
Mission and Objectives

Based on the spirit of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Abanos pursues to be the alternative social, cultural and educational institution that meets- on the long run- all Economic, Social and Cultural needs of the poor, the displaced 4nd the refugee children, through respecting, realizing, achieving and applying their economic, social and cultural rights.
The Legal Frame of our Work
- The Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of 1924 and in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted by the General Assembly on 20 November 1959.
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (in particular in articles 23 and 24).
- The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (in particular in article 10).
- The statutes and relevant instruments of specialized agencies and international organizations concerned with the welfare of children.
- Abanos' Starting Point (Activities organized with internal and self finance).
Guided by the felt needs, we began as a small scale group of children's rights activists interested in realizing the rights of the Sudanese displaced and refugee children in Egypt). In an attempt to improve their living conditions through integrating them in the society, providing them with the opportunities to express and improve the.

Main Projects / Activities

2003, Abanos started its first program named "Sudan'~Lands" with 11 Sudanese refugee children. In this program, the children learnt about their home land, its different regions, the characteristics of each region, this was through different art activities such as: Singing, Theatre, story telling, Poetry and Painting.
2003, Our Sudanese children performed a play titled "The Moon Boba". The play is written by Abeer Al-Ansary, the Chairman and Founder of Abanos and directed by Mohammed Elishi. It was performed (luring "Africa in a Week" festival.
In 26 January 2004, Abanos celebrated the "Sudanese Child Day", Abanos invited the Sudanese children living in Egypt: The Children of the Association of Building and Developing the South Community, Children of the Sudan's Children Charity, children of Sudia Association and the children of Upper Egypt.
2004, Abanos organized abnosiat exhibition 2004 summer course.
2005, Formation of children choir as a channel of children to address and promote issues related to their ESC rights.
2006, Production of (a child to child) news letter, which children participate in writing, drawing,
2006, Production of a documentary film that illustrates certain aspects of Arbaa wa Nus children lives.
2007, Women project for fashion desire and crasto.
2007, exhibition for women products.
• The promotion of the child's sense of dignity arid worth, arid which takes into account the child's age and the desirability of promoting.
• To recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child arid to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.
• Elimination poverty and the state of aimlessness that leads to the spread of violence and delinquency among the children in need.
• The promotion and protection of the children's economic, social and cultural rights.
• To activate and implement the international human rights documents related to the children's rights and ratified by the Egyptian government.
• To raise the awareness of the society of the necessity of the realization of the children's ESC rights.
• To improve the ESC rights of the marginalized social classes; to raise their educational and cultural level and to develop their skills and potentials.
• To emerge a social dialogue about the necessity of achieving and realizing the children's ESC rights.
• To improve the artistic sense in the marginalized communities in order to raise tile public sense and put an end to the prevailed state of violence.
• To promoting the child's sense of dignity and worth, to reinforces the child's respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of others.
Specific Aims:
• Elimination of ignorance and illiteracy of children and women in the haphazard areas.
• Elimination the Computer illiteracy among the children.
• Teaching the limited-income women and children how to generate their income through vocational training.
• Collecting the children's rights resources and provide them for those who are interested in promoting and protecting children's rights.
• Promoting the child's reintegration and the child's assuming a constructive role in society through focusing on every child's positive characteristics.
• Initializing a dialogue between adults and children around the children's concerns and questions, through which Abanos' staff can identify the most needed.
• Raising that child's and mothers' cultural level to eliminate the harmful practices.
• Employing art as a means to deliver Abanos' human rights, cultural and educational message.
• Providing children and women with the mental and psychological health care, if needed.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abeer Ansary
Head of the organisation
Abeer Ansary
Contact (2) Full Name
Shereen Kassem

Abees 1 Youth Center

National Network

Abees Village 1

+203 5193495
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Promoting Dialogue by showing that even our small village is an important part of the Euro-Med region.
Combating addiction in the marginalized villges by encouraging young people to participate in sports competitions.
Affirming that Euro-Med organizations can reach all areas in the region, no matter where it is.
Introducing the Barcelona Process to a social category which did not have the proper eduction to know more about the process and its objectives (organizing such competitions with funds form the Anna Lindh Foundation will raise questions such as ' WHY are they doing this? and '' Who are they?

Main Projects / Activities

Football competition:
Volleyball,Taable Tennis 8 teams.
Abees 111 youth centre
Abees Orabi youth centre
Abes 1v youth centre
Abees Tekemar youth centre
Al kawmia youth centre
Awayed Dief youth centre
All will wear t-shirts with the logo of the euro-med and the campaign.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Hassan
Head of the organisation
Ibrahim Hassan

abna El-Mahrousa Center for Socioeconomic Development

National Network

4 Seket Elish., in front of Hamammat el-Qoba metro station.

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
002- 1283081119
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Structure: 5 full-time employees. Sources of funding: grants Main partner: Resources for Development Center (RDC), Egypt
Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement: MCSD is a developmental organization founded by a closely-knit group of Egyptian youth who enjoy broad expertise in community development through both individual as well as collective initiatives. The Center aims to enhance respect for socioeconomic rights through training programs, human rights education, civic education, developmental interventions, and service delivery. The Center employs both conventional tools, such as direct trainings, along with the newly available technological innovations, i.e., e-learning and new social media, to support its programming. Overall guidance for the Center’s activities comes from its members strong conviction that human rights and practical, hands-on, actions are the prime tools to achieve socioeconomic rights and equality for all members of the Egyptian citizenry. Goals: 1. Disseminating education and raising awareness of socioeconomic rights and how to, advocate, attain, and protect them. 2. Empowering labor unions and professional syndicates to carry out their message to the highest standard of achievement possible in order to better serve their members and to contribute efficaciously to Egypt’s economic transition to a developed market economy. 3. Supporting women and children as per national and international human rights instruments. 4. Advancing the role of youth in civic life and their economic contributions to their communities by developing their skills and employability in accordance with market needs. 5. Contributing to strengthening democratic practices and fundamental freedoms while safeguarding the rights of individual citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

- Economic development campaigns and programmes - Disadvantaged women empowerment activities - Youth employment and training workshops - Advocating for decentralization.

Contact (1) Full Name
hany Ibrhim
Job Title
Exactive Director
Head of the organisation
hany Ibrhim
Contact (2) Full Name
Rowida Omar
Job Title (2)
International relationship coordinator

Act Sustainable - ACT.S for Sustainable Development, Mossadak, Ad Doqi, Dokki, Egypt

National Network

7 Mossadak, Ad Doqi,
Giza Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Acts for Sustainable Development (Act Sustainable)
is a social enterprise based in Egypt that aims to create a sustainable future by raising awareness and promoting innovative solutions to address climate change and environmental crises in Egypt, the MENA region, and Africa. Our organization was founded with the Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) Egypt, which was endorsed by the UNFCCC youth and children constituency.
we are 11 people in the organization, and last year's project crosses the range of 10 Million Egyptian pounds, our main sources of funding are UN agencies, Embassies, and other private sectors that have SDGs on their mandate.
Mainly our activities are in the form of Events, seminars and consultancy , with a possibility for a scholarship for each event

Mission and Objectives

Our mission
is to achieve Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those related to climate action, by empowering ambitious young individuals to deepen their knowledge and identify key challenges through modern thinking techniques. We believe that every individual has the power and will to build a prosperous world, and we strive to provide a space for youth and young leaders to initiate, educate, and take action.

Our vision
is to create a world where sustainable development is at the forefront of all decisions, where individuals and organizations are empowered to take action toward a sustainable future, and where we can all thrive in harmony with the planet.

Our Team
Our team is diverse, passionate, and creative.
Together, we educate, inspire, and empower our youth to lead the fight for a better future.

Main Projects / Activities

Our Services
Tackling The Climate Crisis

Events Management:
Act Sustainable can offer event planning and management services for sustainable events, such as eco-friendly conferences, climate summits, and community events.
Specialized educational programs:
Act Sustainable can offer educational programs on sustainable development, climate action, and environmental awareness for schools, universities, and organizations.
Capacity building:
Act Sustainable can provide capacity-building programs for organizations and community groups, with a focus on sustainability and climate action.
Research and Policy:
Act Sustainable can conduct research and provide policy recommendations on sustainable development and climate action, in order to inform decision-making at the local and national levels.
Environmental consultancy:
Act Sustainable can provide consultancy services to businesses and organizations on sustainability and environmental management practices, in order to help them reduce their environmental impact and operate more sustainably.
Sustainable Cities and Communities:
Act Sustainable can provide consultancy and support services to cities and communities seeking to transition towards more sustainable practices. This includes developing sustainable urban planning strategies, implementing renewable energy solutions, promoting circular economy practices, and supporting local sustainable development initiatives.
SME incubation:
Act Sustainable can provide incubation services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are focused on sustainable development, including mentorship, training, and access to funding and resources.
Support youth Groups and Local Communities:
Act Sustainable can provide support to youth groups and local communities, by helping them implement sustainable projects, providing resources and training, and connecting them with relevant stakeholders and partners.
Act Sustainable can offer sustainable tourism packages that showcase the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Egypt while promoting sustainable practices and supporting local communities.

Previous Projects
LCOY Egypt 2019
The Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) is an official event authorized by
YOUNGO, the official youth-constituency to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
This LCOY- Egypt 2019 was the First to be hosted in the MENA region that gathers
Egyptian young people are passionate about environmental and climate change topics.

LCOY Egypt 2020
The 2nd version of LCOY which took place virtually

LCOY Egypt 2021 Follow up
The 3rd version of LCOY which took place right after the COP26 in Glasgow and where ACT Sustainable were officially launched as an non profit social enterprise

AFRO-ARAB Volunteers 4 Climate change forum 2022
In the context of Egypt's assumption of the presidency of the twenty-seventh session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP27 (Sharm El Sheikh 2022), and in light of Egypt's aspiration build on what has been achieved in Glasgow, transfer pledges into tangible actions, and continue to advance efforts to enhance the work of the climate agenda to activate the constructive youth participation in the event, as well as to accommodate the youth of the world interested in climate issues, and to strengthen this participation in its appropriate official and international framework, to ensure the success of this historic hosting and to bring it out in an appropriate form.

The MENA Youth Adaptation Forum 2022
The MENA Youth Adaptation Forum will contribute to the review of the Global Goal on Adaptation and bring together young people, youth organizations, students networks, policy makers, global experts, international organizations, the private sector and United Nations agencies, with the overall objective of elevating youth voices and increasing the power of influence of young people worldwide in the adaptation agenda.

Regional Conference of Youth (RCOY MENA) 2022
This is the first ever RCOY in the MENA region an conference can only be called RCOY if it is officially approved by YOUNGO and close communication and collaboration takes place during the planning. The hub for this inclusion and collaborative work will be the RCOY WG of YOUNGO and it took place at Dubai World trade center, UAE

UN Conference of Youth (COY17) 2022
The UN Climate Change Conference of Youth (COY) is an event under YOUNGO – The Official Youth Constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The conference takes place right before the annual UN Climate Change Conference, also known as the Conference of the Parties (COP), in the same host country as the COP. COY serves as a space for capacity building and policy training to prepare young people for their participation at COP.
In 2022, COY will be in its 17th year and is dubbed as the most significant and longest-running youth event to date, gathering thousands of young changemakers from more than 140 countries. It is likewise hailed as the most significant youth gathering for its capacity to directly forward the official youth position in the UN Climate Negotiations.

ACTS IRENA Side event 2023
A cooperation between ACT Sustainable and The International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA which is an intergovernmental organization mandated to facilitate cooperation, advance knowledge, and promote the adoption and sustainable use of renewable energy. Tpo host a side event about the COY17 outputs and the Road to COY18 in UAE

UN water summit side event
With our first-ever special accreditation from the UN, granting us the opportunity to represent our organization at the prestigious NY Water Summit.
Our team participated in this influential event, sharing our expertise and insights on sustainable water management and conservation.
This recognition underscores our commitment to making a positive impact on the environment and advancing sustainable practices.

Current Projects
ACTs Community 2023

LCOY Egypt 2023


Observer School

Hack for earth Hachthons

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Act Sustainable can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Egypt in several ways, leveraging its expertise and services to support the foundation's goals of promoting intercultural dialogue, understanding, and sustainable development in the Mediterranean region. Here are some potential contributions:

Promoting Sustainable Development: Act Sustainable's core mission aligns with the Anna Lindh Foundation's focus on sustainable development. By collaborating with the network, Act Sustainable can share its knowledge, experiences, and initiatives related to climate action, environmental awareness, and sustainable practices, furthering the foundation's efforts in addressing environmental challenges in the Mediterranean region.

Capacity Building and Education: Act Sustainable's specialized educational programs and capacity-building initiatives can be valuable for fostering dialogue and understanding among different communities in Egypt. These programs can include workshops and training sessions on sustainability, climate change, and environmental protection, enhancing the foundation's intercultural dialogue objectives.

Research and Policy Recommendations: Act Sustainable's expertise in conducting research and providing policy recommendations on sustainable development and climate action can support the Anna Lindh Foundation's efforts to inform decision-making at local and national levels. Collaborating on research projects can strengthen the foundation's knowledge base and influence positive policy changes.

Eco-friendly Events and Conferences: As an events management organization with a focus on sustainability, Act Sustainable can assist the Anna Lindh Foundation in organizing eco-friendly conferences, workshops, and seminars. This collaboration would demonstrate a commitment to reducing the environmental impact of events while fostering cultural exchange and dialogue.

Supporting Local Communities: Act Sustainable's commitment to supporting local communities aligns well with the foundation's objectives. Collaborating on community-based projects and initiatives can help strengthen ties between different communities and promote sustainable practices within these communities.

Youth Empowerment: As a social enterprise empowering ambitious young individuals, Act Sustainable can support the Anna Lindh Foundation's youth-focused initiatives. Through mentorship, training, and networking opportunities, Act Sustainable can help young leaders become active participants in promoting intercultural understanding and sustainable development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

because your goals are aligned with our organization's mission and vision. By becoming a part of the network, Act Sustainable can collaborate with like-minded organizations and individuals who share a common goal of promoting sustainable development, intercultural dialogue, and climate action in the Mediterranean region. Through this partnership or joining your network, Act Sustainable can amplify its impact, expand its reach, and work together with the network's members to create a more sustainable future in Egypt and beyond. By joining forces with the Anna Lindh Foundation Network, Act Sustainable can access valuable resources, exchange knowledge, and contribute to a collective effort aimed at fostering positive change and making a significant difference in the fight against climate change and environmental crises.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hossam Ahmed Emam
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation
Hossam Emam
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdallah Emad Afify
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Adam Foundation For Human Development

National Network

338 Al Haram Giza Giza Egypt

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
study at faculty of Economics and political science (FEPS), Economics department, minor statistics. About Me simply, want to Be the most famous Economist in the world & administrate the plans of project & Be the greatest one playing in the global stock markets  
Mission and Objectives

gonna hold masters, PHD in Economics and do a several research papers and articles on economic, financial reform, privatization program in Egypt, globalization and emerging markets. love to participate in conferences and workshops in the field of economic at the local and global.
love writing articles, stories and plays, watching movies and traveling.
ultimate dream
End poverty and closing the educational gender gap and eventually, to have my business, helping others,achieve my goals and my dreams be true.

Main Projects / Activities

i'm an instructor at the Model of Egyptian House of Representatives in the huma rights committe and this year for the economics committee
Reps is not just a model, and getting certification
Reps is the knowledge about our country specially our House of Representatives, How they are working there ? What they are talking about and making in their meetings ? They are the part of the country that makes our law so is it enough to know the name of this part or to know how they make this laws to agree or disagree to have the ability to discuss it with the people specially after 25th Revolution we want all people to be aware with the law makers,...
Our Goal is to make all students know about their country more than others so be with us and make your knowledge to be concerned more on how to develop our country

Contact (1) Full Name
mona magdy gomaa abdel hady
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Huda fuad

Adam Foundation For Human Development

National Network

338 Al Haram Giza

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
General Information
تاريخ التأسيس فى شهر أكتوبر 2011 و تاريخ الحصول على الإشهار شهر مايو 2012 برقم اشهار 4460 تستهدف المؤسسة بشكل مباشر سن النشأ من الجنسين و بشكل غير مباشر الشباب من الجنسين نعمل على التوعية ومناقشة المشكلات الإجتماعية بالفنون والدراما .. نقوم برعاية الفرق والمبادرات الشبابية . . هيكل المؤسسة التنظيمى رئيس المجلس والمدير العام المدير التنفيذى المحاسب مسئولى نشاط التدريب ( متطوع ) عدد أعضاء مجلس الأمناء خمسة أعضاء اهم الشراكات الشراكة مع مؤسسة الأورو متوسطية للمدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان وصندوق نساء المتوسط وذلك فى اطار مشروع فتاة النيل لوأد ختان الإناث مستخدمين الدراما المسرحية فى التوعية بإضرار الختان شراكات محلية مع المبادرات الشبابية ولعل اهمها مبادرة هاتها ما ترميهاش .. مجموعة آدم للمرأة .. حركة طلاب تغيير بلا تحذير
Mission and Objectives

• الرؤية: الوصول لبناء كيان انسانى متوازن مقراً بحقه وحق الأخرين فى الحياة.
الرسالة : (رفع الوعى والإدراك بأهمية المشاركة و المطالبة بالحق فى التنمية المستدامة على كافة المستويات والترقى بالذات )

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع مناهضة ختان الإناث تحت عنوان فتان النيل لوأد ختان لإناث
الشريك الرئيسى مؤسسة الأورو متوسطية للمدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان .. شريك مكمل لبعض الإنشطة صندوق نساء المتوسط

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

تنفيذ المشروعات فى محافظات جمهورية مصر من خلال التشبيك مع الجمعيات والمؤسسات العاملة بنفس المجال .. المشاركة بالرقابة مع الشبكة على الجمعيات التى تفعل دورها مع الجمعيات الأخرى والتى تستحق الإستمرار فى عضوية الشبكة.. ام الجمعيات التى لا تقوم بتفيعل دورها مع أقرانها لا تستحق الإستمرار

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

نهتم بعملية التشبيك ونؤمن بفاعليتها لإنها تعمل على المزيد من إتاحة الفرص لتبادل الخبرات

Contact (1) Full Name
Huda fouad
Head of the organisation
Huda fouad


National Network

221 Emtedad Ramsis 2
Nasr City - Cairo


Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
- Afnan has started with only 2 women in the late of 2009 - The staff grow during the year an became 5 persons and up till now I've no partners. - Budgetary resources available in a year is 10,000 US $ - Sources of funding: Self finance up til now. - Modalities of action: Scholarship, Online marketing,direct marketing, some fairs & exhibitions.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to introduce and translate the heritage art and traditions like Bedouin and Siwan motifs into unique useful products like handbags and home accessories.
and protect it to stay a life.
Our objective is to improve the quality of our products to cover the international market needs.
and to support the local community through some opportunities for additional income.

Main Projects / Activities

- Create new designs for home accessories, handbags and other handicrafts.
- Participate some fairs.
- Small deals with some companies.
- Produce an Egyptian style conferences handbags using environmental raw materials.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Rasha Lotfy
Head of the organisation
Mrs. Rasha Lotfy

Africa & Middle East for Assistance (AMERA)

National Network

12 Abdel Ra'ouf Abdel Ghany st,- Hssan El Sabban - Giza

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Research
General Information
Our organisation is a non-governmental organisation with a (7) member stuff ,our budget resources depends on each projet and it  contains self funding and fund raising & reiciving fund from international organisation and doners. we are working in the human traficking and we had already represent victims of such crime in front of courts of criminal and provide victims a safe shulters , more over we helped also the refugees who come from conflictnig areas and running from ethnic cleansing masacares especailly African citizens.  
Mission and Objectives

Our Organisation is aiming to promote legal assisstance for refugees , fighting Human Trafickng also promoting democracey above all helping to save the environment  and promote the  environmental problems
Also we are training Lawyers to deal with such cases.

Main Projects / Activities

Our Organisation is aiming to acheive the current porject that we are working through which is helping the Syrian refugees in Egypt which is very tough and hard issue, starting from providing them a safe shulter and find school fom young childrens and if possible provide jobs for them.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we would be glad to recieve your help to our Organisation through provide us with fund and publication regarding the above mentioned feilds.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It would be very good oppertunty to join your Network to exchange the expertise.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Mohamed
Job Title
Chief of Board & Executive Manager
Head of the organisation
Ibrahim Mohamed Mohamed Abdel Rahim

Africa Voices

National Network

6 Amin Sami, Sayeda Zeinab
Cairo Governorate

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+20 106 585 2450
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Africa Voices is a media platform that will address these challenges by giving a platform to the voices of Africans. The platform will feature stories from across the continent, told by Africans themselves. These stories will shine a light on the challenges facing Africa, and they will give a voice to those who are often silenced.
The target audience for Africa Voices is Africans from all walks of life. The platform will also be of interest to people who are interested in Africa, including policymakers, academics, and the general public.

Mission and Objectives

1- Increasing the visibility of African voices
2- Raising awareness of the challenges facing Africa
3- Empowering Africans to speak out for their rights
4- Promoting democracy and good governance

Main Projects / Activities

Africa Voices will focus on the following topics:
1- Freedoms: This includes issues such as the right to free speech, the right to assembly, and the right to protest.
2- Women's rights: This includes issues such as gender equality, violence against women, and female genital mutilation.
3- Economic and social rights: This includes issues such as poverty, inequality, and access to education and healthcare.
4- The effects of climate change: This includes issues such as drought, food insecurity, and the displacement of people.
5- Poverty, drought, political rights, and the effects of armed conflicts and violent groups on the future of the continent: This includes issues such as the impact of these challenges on people's lives, the solutions that are being proposed, and the role of the international community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am confident that by engaging with the Africa Voices initiative and leveraging the extensive network of the Ana Lindh Foundation in Egypt and other African nations, we can collectively enact meaningful change. Here are several avenues through which we can collaborate:

Primarily, we can harness the Ana Lindh Foundation's network to identify proficient journalists across Egypt and other African countries who possess the capabilities to contribute to Africa Voices. Through meticulously designed workshops and training sessions, we will equip them with the requisite skills to proficiently convey African narratives while adhering to journalistic standards.

Once we have identified these journalists, collaborative efforts can be initiated to produce impactful content for Africa Voices. This collaboration may encompass the creation of various content formats such as long-form articles, concise videos, podcasts, infographics, and social media posts, all aimed at spotlighting the diverse voices and narratives of Africans, with a focus on the thematic areas outlined in the Africa Voices initiative.

Furthermore, we will leverage the Ana Lindh Foundation's established connections and resources to effectively promote the Africa Voices platform and ensure broad dissemination of its content. This may entail prominently featuring Africa Voices on the foundation's digital platforms, strategically disseminating content across social media channels, forging partnerships with relevant organizations or media entities, and facilitating access to app stores for enhanced accessibility.

In order to ensure that Africa Voices resonates with its intended audience, proactive engagement with diverse communities across Egypt and African countries will be prioritized. This could involve organizing tailored events, seminars, or interactive forums to raise awareness about the platform and encourage active participation from the target demographic.

Lastly, we will play an instrumental role in evaluating the impact of the Africa Voices initiative within the communities it serves. Through systematic collection of audience feedback, meticulous monitoring of engagement metrics, and comprehensive assessments, we will ascertain the initiative's effectiveness in achieving its overarching objectives.

By leveraging the vast network and resources of the Ana Lindh Foundation, we have a unique opportunity to significantly contribute to the success of Africa Voices, amplifying African voices, fostering awareness on critical issues, empowering individuals, and advancing principles of democracy and good governance across the continent. Let us unite our efforts and collaboratively strive towards effecting positive change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a co-founder of the "Africa Voices" initiative, my decision to seek membership within the esteemed Ana Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network is driven by the profound advantages it offers our project.

Foremost, ALF's expansive network and wealth of resources present unparalleled opportunities to fortify and sustain Africa Voices. Through affiliation with ALF, we gain access to invaluable expertise, extensive connections, and potential funding avenues, all of which are instrumental in enhancing the impact and longevity of our initiative.

Furthermore, ALF's widespread reach across Egypt and numerous African nations provides a formidable platform for amplifying the voices and narratives featured in Africa Voices. By collaborating with ALF, we can effectively disseminate our content to diverse audiences, ensuring widespread recognition and resonance of African stories.

Additionally, ALF's network serves as a fertile ground for identifying and nurturing talented journalists who share our vision for Africa Voices. Through engagement with ALF, we can recruit skilled professionals, provide them with opportunities for professional growth, and cultivate a community dedicated to impactful storytelling and advocacy.

Moreover, both Africa Voices and ALF are united in their commitment to advancing human rights, democracy, and social inclusion. By forging a partnership, we can magnify our collective advocacy efforts and work collaboratively towards fostering positive change across the African continent.

Lastly, ALF's expertise in evaluation and impact assessment is invaluable for Africa Voices. By leveraging ALF's methodologies and tools, we can rigorously measure the effectiveness of our initiative, ensuring that our endeavors yield tangible and meaningful outcomes for African communities.

In summary, seeking membership within the Ana Lindh Foundation Network aligns seamlessly with our mission and objectives for Africa Voices. Through strategic collaboration with ALF, we are poised to maximize our reach, empower journalists, champion human rights, and contribute significantly to the advancement of Africa's future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Hashem
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Hashem/ Hossam Rabie
Contact (2) Full Name
Hossam Rabie
Job Title (2)

Africa Voices

National Network

11 Haroun, Dokki Giza
Giza Governorate

Telephone (other)
+2011 53141827
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

We are a group of Egyptian and African journalists. We launched the Africa Voices website to present a different image of the African continent. We mainly work on four files: immigration, climate change and environment, women, rights and freedoms. We try to shed light on these issues that do not have enough space to express in the mainstream media. In our writing, we rely on the storytelling method, so that each writer from his country presents his personal experience that reflects the reality of the society in which he lives.
Through our project, we dream of being voices emerging from the continent, revealing their aspirations for a better reality and a clearer future, voices spoken by Africans who convey - through their self-narration - the reality of their societies and their transformations.

Mission and Objectives

Our project is to present neglected issues in the media on the African continent, especially climate change, the environment, human rights, and democracy. Our storytelling style helps present these issues in a way that creates interaction among readers. We know very well that readers love stories, especially since ordinary news about countries that may not interest them, may seem unimportant. Through these self-narrative stories formulated with a media style, we try to connect the reader to these issues, and make it as if he is living the same experience as our writer.
Our mission is to create a platform that aims to introduce these issues about the continent, through journalists who express the reality of their societies, through their personal writings.

Africa Voices will have a number of positive impacts, including:
• Increasing the visibility of African voices
• Raising awareness of the challenges facing Africa
• Empowering Africans to speak out for their rights
• Promoting democracy and good governance

Main Projects / Activities

We worked on many important topics, such as the plight of farmers on the tense border line between Ethiopia and Sudan in February last year and before the Sudanese civil war. Through narrative narration, our writer dealt with the story of a farmer’s family on the tense unmarked border between Sudan and Ethiopia, with attacks by cattle rustling gangs and armed gangs.
Also, we worked on a topic about children whose legs were amputated in Mali as a result of mines placed by extremist groups. We worked on a topic about women in Africa, and we dealt with women in debt in Egypt and their imprisonment for their inability to pay the debt. A topic on the rape of lonely girls in Burundi, as well as a topic on murder due to love in Sudan.
Our work is about fishermen-turned-pirates in the Mediterranean off Tunisia, stealing the engines of refugee boats.
We worked on topics on climate migration from Ethiopia and Sudan.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our project targets not only Egypt, but the African continent. The goal is to create a platform for independent journalists who are talented in writing in a narrative style to present their communities with their problems and complexities. Therefore, we are trying to raise awareness of the seriousness of issues such as migration and climate change, and their impact on local communities in Africa. In addition to the absent basic needs of women, as well as the suffering they experience.

For our project, we need technical, material and training support to complete our mission. We need to connect with other institutions in Africa to exchange experiences and share work. We need to collaborate with institutions working on the same files that are important to us. We also need special training institutions in writing narratives and dealing with topics such as migration, climate change, and the situation of women.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To obtain technical, journalistic and financial support. Also linking our institution to other institutions working on the same topics, in order to exchange experiences and knowledge and perhaps share work.
Also get the necessary training for our site.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hossam Rabie
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hossam Rabie
Contact (2) Full Name
Mahmoud Hashem
Job Title (2)
Editorial Director