
Stedelijk Onderwijs Antwerpen

National Network

Lange Gasthuisstraat 15
2000 Antwerpen

+32 800 23 019
+32 (0)3 338 32 41
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The City Education of Antwerpen (Stedelijk Onderwijs Antwerpen - AGSO) is one of the largest educational providers in Flanders. The City Education provides education to more than 55.000 pupils and students (between 2,5 and 82 years). Every day, the City Education of Antwerp can count on 6.000 teachers, staff members (both subsidized by the Flemish Government as non-subsidized) 140 schools, academies and adult education centers, spread over 250 locations in the city of Antwerpen. The yearly budget of the AGSO in 2012 was 79 million Euro. The main sources of funding are the Flemish Government and the City Of Antwerp. A large portion of the immigrants in Antwerp are from Maghreb/Middle Eastern origin. This evolution is reflected in a "super diverse" school population. This "super diversity" challenges the teachers to a great extent. Together with many partners from the civil society, we are working on the social cohesion of Antwerp and educate learners to become global citizens.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: The City Education of Antwerp offers fair development opportunities with a focus on each individual. We give students and learners the space and resources to develop talents and skills. So they can grow into responsible global citizens who want to build the city of tomorrow. Vision: Through innovative teaching in a warm environment, we want to motivate and inspire our students for life.

Main Projects / Activities

Apart from many other educational projects, the AGSO is particularly involved in educational exchange projects with Morocco. Twinning projects and an educational traineeship programme for teachers, students and professors form the backbone of a strong mutual cooperation between Antwerp and (mainly) the Oriental region in Morocco. The following partners contribute to the success of this cooperation: Steunproject vzw, Imane vzw, Ibn Sina vzw, Imams vzw, University of Antwerp, Artesis Hogeschool, Karel De Grote Hogeschool, Association Safaa, Centre de Formation des Instituteurs Oujda, Collège Allal El Fassi, Ecole primaire à Bni Kitoune, Académie Régionale de l'éducation Oujda

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our large experience in cooperating with Morocco, we would like to share good practices with the other ALF members. We are always seeking for partnerships to strengthen existing projects and establish new projects and programmes that foster international understanding and intercultural sensitivity. We believe that the Anna Lindh Network forms an ideal platform for sustainable partnerships and long term cooperation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In our cooperation with the Maghreb region, and Morocco more specifically, we encounter both successes and challenges. In the ALF network, we would like to share our successes and also seek advice, information and funds to overcome our challenges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bram Goris
Head of the organisation
Frank Noten
Contact (2) Full Name
Nadine Delannoy

Stichting KUNSTIMPLANTAAT (fondation artimplantation) Kamer van Koophandel Rotterdam: 24452897

National Network

Frans Bekkerstraat 15 3082 TE

0031 10 4952294
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0031 6 40367057
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The goal of Stichting Kunstimplantaat is to stimulate cultural activities by initiating and / or realisation of artprojects in the area of the city of Rotterdam. The boards consists of three people: the chairman, the secretary and the treasurer. For daily assistance a group of visual artists, WANDSCHAPPEN, supports some tasks, specially for specfic projects. For every single project funding is raised. A small support for overhead (€ 500,-)is given by Pact op Zuid (Pact of South) also for specific parts of projects. Pact op Zuid is an organisation in the community of Rotterdam that stimulates the creative collaborations in the poor part of the city ( This is the first year of the foundation. At the end of the year the insight in the total budget will be available.For 2009 applications for funding for about € 180.000,- will be done. The applications for
Mission and Objectives

For Stichting Kunstimplantaat visual arts in the area of Rotterdam are an active part of the development of the city, specially in the "poor" areas. If artists decide to settle down in poor areas and intervene with their work in the neighborhood a new energy for growth will start. The foundation wants to support this developments by stimulating artprojects, artworks, debats or workshops with artists, inhabitants and companies
By doing so the foundation also tries to stimulate the growth of the artcommunity, local and international, its collaborations with the inhabitans of the aera and help all participants in their personal and professional goals.

Main Projects / Activities

A-Locatie: a multifunctional artspace in empty buidlings of the community in the middle of a shoppingarea in the neigborhood Oud Charlois, with studios for six artsts, exhibition space, openingevents, workshops and debates.
The foundation organizes the studios, the program of the exhibitions and the worshops.
Küf / mold 2009
This is an international artproject in Rotterdam Oud Charlois with 20 Turkish, 20 New Yorkian, 10 Belgium and 10 Dutch visual artists. The artist get the commission to develope an work of art for 60 Turkisch shopkeepers in the area Oud Charlois. The works will be specially made for them and installed to stay. During a mounth a artroute will by guided along the shops. Both groups, Turkisch shopkeepers as well as artists are nomadic and settle down in poor areas in western cities. If they both decide to stay, the area will get better.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ivo van den Baar
Head of the organisation
Chairman of the board: Paul Thomas Pos
Contact (2) Full Name
Robin Kolleman


National Network

Appelkantstraat 68
2530 Boechout


0032 495 63 95 87
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0032 495 63 95 87
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Swira is a Belgian non-profit organization started in 2011 by some enthusiastic youth workers who fell in love with Morocco. At the moment, the main aim of the organizations is the support of two youth organizations in Essaouira, Morocco. We want to help some Moroccan youngsters make their dream of giving the disadvantaged children of their neighborhood a better youth than they ever had come true. We also want to learn more about Moroccan culture and share our experiences in Belgium. The current staff is composed by 5 young youth workers between 22 and 26 years old. They can count on a handful enthusiastic volunteers who already participated in the projects in Essaouira. These past three years, we have supported some youngsters to establish and develop their own organization in Morocco. We help them with financial support gained through fund-raising activities, sponsorship and grants. We also support them through training courses and by sharing our experiences. The main aim for the next two years is to help them in their search for financial resources in Morocco and to empower them to work independently. We organized the last year following activities with different kind of partners: 2009: - First Aid training - Red Cross Boechout - Puppetry training - Froefroe vzw - Rope Skipping training - Hipe Skip vzw 2010: - Youth exchange - Kena vzw 2011: - Initiator training rope skipping - Jump'n Joy vzw 2012: Training for youth leaders
Mission and Objectives

The association Swira aims to encourage people to work together at local, national and international level and this through concrete projects with a humanitarian dimension. The main aim of the association is to reach, to encourage and to support people from different backgrounds to participate actively in a form of social engagement.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities can take different forms depending on the needs of the target groups such as: raising awareness, exchanging experiences, providing logistical and infrastructural support or/and promoting intercultural and interreligious dialogue. This list is not exhaustive.
Since 2011, the association is involved in the Euromed Youth Program. One of our board member participated the TOTEM II, a long-term training for trainers in the Euromed Youth Program. Swira is a partner in trainings, youth exchanges and other initiatives organized thanks to the network of Euromed-trainers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Sharing experiences with youth exchanges with meda-countries
- Providing information about the Euromed Youth Program
- Providing workshops about intercultural learning for youth and youth leaders
- Networking with social organizations (focused on youth) in the Euromed region

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to share our experiences, knowledge about the Euromed Youth Program, our network connections in the Euromed region with other interested organizations and individuals. We would like to learn from other organizations who work around the same topics and to organize projects together. We would like to be updated of the activities of the Anna Lindh network in Belgium and if possible, participate or even contribute in the activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Joke Van Dooren
Head of the organisation
Joke Van Dooren

System and Generation International Association AISBL

National Network

Square de Meeus 38/40
1000 Brussels

+32 474 62 00 84
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

 System and Generation International Association AISBL –S&G Int’l Brussels is a non-profit organization established in January 2020 . The association, in a fashion devoid of interest, has set upon itself the purpose of supporting the objectives set by the European Union’s strategy for youth 2019-2017, and considered during the structured dialogue with the European youth 2017

Mission and Objectives

The objectives for youth target all of the European youth, and aims to achieve the following: a. ESTABLISH A LINK BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE EUROPEAN YOUTH: Instigate the sense of implication in the European youth in the European project, and build a sturdy bridge between the parties, to reinforce trust and increase involvement among the youth. b. EQUALITY BETWEEN ALL GENDERS: Insure the equality between all genders and gender-specific approaches in all aspects of the youth’s life. c. INCLUSIVE SOCIETIES: Allow and insure the inclusion of all of the youth into society. d. INFORMATION AND CONSTRUCTIVE DIALOGUES: Guarantee that all of the youth have a better access to reliable information, reinforce their skills, evaluate the information in a critical way and engage in constructive and participatory dialogues. e. MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING SANTÉ MENTALE: Improve the mental health and put to an end the stigma around questions regarding mental health, promoting as a result the social inclusion of all of the youth.  f. HELP THE YOUTH IN RURAL AREAS PROGRESS: Create the necessary conditions allowing the youth in the countryside to develop their potential. g. HIGH QUALITY EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL: Secure a job market accessible to all, containing opportunities leading to quality jobs for all of the youth. h. HIGH QUALITY EDUCATIO: Incorporate and improve different forms of education, fitting the youth to tackle the challenges of a life unremittingly changing in the 21st century. h. SPACES AND ESPACE PARTICIPATION FOR ALL: Fortify the autonomy and the democratic participation of the youth, and provide dedicated spaces for the youth in all fields of society. j. A GREEN AND SUSTAINABLE EUROPE: Reach a society where all of the youth are active and engaged in environmental issues, educated and capable of making a difference in their daily lives. k. ORGANISATIONS FOR YOUTH AND EUROPEAN PROGRAMS: Secure an equal access for all young people to organizations for European youth and European programs for youth, building a society based on the European values and European identity. The association serves as a frame to improve the creativity and inventiveness of people. The association will act towards linking these creative ideas, especially those voiced by the youth, with the governance systems in the European Union. Particular attention will be paid to the needs for sustainability and of socio-economy. The association will work for a world more receptive to intellectual dialogue through international collaborations. The objectives of the association also include the mobility and awareness of the European youth.

Main Projects / Activities

We are a newly established association and not yet have implemented any activities in Belgium. But we have started being active by submitting projects within the frame of Erasmus+ Programme, local funding etc. Our activities will be mainly concentrated in the topics of: Migration, Intercultural Citizenship Education, Active Citizenship, Youth Empowerment, Human Rights.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are committed to: - get involved in the activities of Anna Lindh Foundation in national as well as international level. - get into action to keep vivid the national Network in Belgium, - promote ALF values within the country border but also cross border, - participate in the events organized in national level and disseminate the outcomes

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that we share common values with AnnaLidh Foundation therefore we will try to get involved in all actions that are being taken within the frame of AnnLindh Foundation. We would like to play an active role in the big family of Anna Lindh and hopefully keep bringing positive impact in the process of making the society a better place to live in.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Gurkan Akcaer
Job Title
President & LEAR
Head of the organisation
Gurkan Akcaer
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Saglam
Job Title (2)

Tahadhari Center for Climate and Migration in Euro-Med

National Network

Dreve du presson 38, 1190 Forest
1190 Brussels

Telephone (other)
+356 7923 2635
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
+356 7923 2635
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

"Tahadhari Centerfor Climate and Migration in the Euro Med"(Tahadhari Center/TCCMEM registered number in Brussels 0776.433.431) is aimed to be a hotbed for policy research and resources in the field of Climate and Migration in Euro-Med region.
'Tahadhari' in the Swahili language, which is considered the most widely spoken language in the region of the Sahara -countries that are exposed to acute climate crisis followed by forced displacement -means Alert!! The need to put attention and not anymore ignoring, which exactly defines the Center vision for activities. The center 'activities includes Think-Tanks with diverse background and expertise, focusing on research, policy, media and communication, holding workshops, conferences, publications, and public events.

Mission and Objectives

Tahadhari Center focuses on developing knowledge on climate induced migration, and works for shape the international climate migration policy, via research, stakeholders' meetings, working papers, media and more. The EU's Green Deal will be one of the strategic frame of the long term activities in vulnerable areas in Southern and Eastern Europe and in Africa -aimed to create a regional climate economy partnership that takes into account the weakest links and energy poverty, so that adaptation programs are not only targeting the environmental objectives but socially, economically, culturally adaptation oriented and lead to regional climate resilience and regional climate governance that includes clear reference to cross-continent situation.
That is, the Tahadhari Center will work to reduce socio-economic disparities in environmental and climate issues -in an action model designed to achieve a dual goal of both risk reduction and poverty eradication, and both reducing gaps and empowering to implement energy innovation among disadvantaged population groups, with an emphasis on geographical areas of action in Africa and Southeast Europe.
Tahadhari Center's action models are based on models from the start-up field of innovation, with a strong emphasis on establishing collaboration with business sector actors, applied science researchers, representatives of local organizations and local authorities. This model was developed by us in order to implement projects in the field of energy innovation, or for example innovative knowledge-based waste management, tools development for techno-climatic training of local populations in accordance with the capacity of population groups in the field as of agriculture and economic ventures, and to achieve UN 'SDGs and EU Green Deal objectives.

Main Projects / Activities

The center was established in 2021. The projects we initiated and conducted in recent years are mainly public online event, including official event in frame of COP26, as following:
Organization of international conference
Climate Young Ambassadors in the Mediterranean Region –‘Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition Developing Capacity Through Collaborative Actions.

Organization of an international conference
The 1st International Conference Building Peace, Climate Resilience and Women Empowerment

Organization of international conference on the occasion of COP26
"Contemporary Understanding of Migration and Climate Crisis in the Mediterranean region – What can be learned in a geographical, cultural, historical and political perspective from processes around the world".

Establishment of Think-Tanks

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tahadhari Center is aimed to focus on issues that are common to Mediterranean countries and societies and have an impact on European countries and are of course influenced by country and region level policies: climate and migration.
These are two cross-border issues, therefore require collaborations between communities, and between researchers and many stakeholders (as community workers, representatives of local authorities, civil society organizations in various fields). The members of the Tahadhari Center and its heads have extensive knowledge in the fields of climate, environment and regional cooperation, and together with the network members we can initiate events, joint submission of grants and thus contribute to common knowledge, expanding discourse boundaries, mutual influences of different and tangent fields and more.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are familiar with ALF's network activities and believe that our center's activities are suitable both because it is intended for the Euro-Med region and because our planned activities will be carried out in a wide range of activities such as research, policy advocacy, field activities with communities on multi-disciplinary approaches and levels of engagement, and the same id ALF' network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carmit Lubanov
Job Title
Director General
Head of the organisation
Carmit Lubanov and Dr. Mark Causon
Contact (2) Full Name
Mark Causon
Job Title (2)


National Network

c/589 st michel

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
5 membres et 200 adherents avec 16 partenaires avec 1000000 fcfa DONs et partenaires Modalite d'action :seminaires projets concrets et bourses
Mission and Objectives

Developpement du leadership;et de l'entreprenariat
oeuvres humanitaires et sociales

Main Projects / Activities

Urban transport in Cotonou, like in most developing countries, is marked by a crisis in public transport and disorganized growth in other means of transport such as two-wheelers. There has been a gradual rise in motorcycle taxi activities which draw great public interest as they require no training and are often carried out on an informal basis. Cotonou today has some 100 000 motorcyclists.
The proliferation and widespread use of these two-wheelers have serious impacts on the environment: they discharge extremely high amounts of greenhouse and polluting gases, damage air quality and pose serious public health problems. Motorcycle taxi riders are the most exposed, are ten times more likely to suffer from respiratory problems than people living in rural areas and their life expectancy falls to 40 years old compared with 54 for the rest of the population. More generally, it is estimated that Benin’s economy loses over 1.2% of its GDP every year, i.e. some 20 billion CFA francs, due to air pollution.
There is consequently a pressing need to mitigate air pollution in Cotonou. TALENT INCUBATOR has encouraged the implementation of an innovative program to replace the highly-polluting two-stroke motorcycles with four-stroke motorcycles which discharge almost 85% less greenhouse gas and are much less polluting.

Contact (1) Full Name

TALIA asbl

National Network

B-5032 Corroy-Le-Château

+ 32 81 58 85 21
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 32 476 796 154
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 32 479 21 17 75
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
1.association sans but lucratif, Présidente : Anne MORDANT, Secrétaire : Louise MATLET, Trésorière : Marie VAIANA, membres effectifs, membres adhérents 2. budget 2005 : 71 559,35 euros 3. subventions Arts de la Scène, Ministère de la Communauté Française, Relations internationales (CGRI), label de disques, ventes de specatcles 4. organisation de concerts, de stages musicaux de théâtre, publication de disques 5 CENTRES CULTURELS en Belgique, France, Italie, CENTRE DES MUSIQUES ARABES ET MEDITERRANEENNES A TUNIS, LIMA JAZZ A ALGER, CGRI (RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES), …
Mission and Objectives

L’Association aura pour but la recherche, la sauvegarde et la création artistique.
- la production artistique, l’organisation de répétitions musicales et théâtrales, l’organisation d’expositions, la création artistique, la promotion artistique, la publication sur toutes formes de support, la création et la gestion d’un label de publications (AZ PRODUCTIONS), l’édition, la distribution, la diffusion par tous moyens (y compris internet), sans limitation de territoire
- la sauvegarde, la restauration d’œuvres et d’objets artistiques
- la recherche artistique, l’enseignement, la formation, l’organisation et l’accueil de résidences d’artistes et de créations, de stages, d’ateliers, l’accueil des artistes, des formateurs, des stagiaires,
- toute autre activité non listée ici et qui peut aider à réaliser cet objet.
- Elle mettra l’accent sur les échanges interculturels entre disciplines artistiques différentes, et entre cultures différentes.

Main Projects / Activities

La publication de disques à travers un label (AZ PRODUCTIONS)
La création artistique (cartes blanches au Théâtre Royal de La Monnaie), créations diverses
La formation : stages en Belgique, au Bénin, en RDC , en Tunisie, …

Contact (1) Full Name
Pierre Vaiana, Directeur Artistique
Head of the organisation
Ms Anne Mordant (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Marie Delespesse, Chef de Projet

Think Tank européen Pour la Solidarité

National Network

Rue Coenraets, 66 – 1060 Saint-Gilles

0032- 2- 535 06 85
00 32 2 539 13 04
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Association sans but lucratif composée de 15 personnes. Le chiffre d’affaire moyen de PLS s’élève à 500.000 €. PLS bénéficie de financements publics européens et belges (nationaux, régionaux et locaux), de fonds mis à sa disposition dans le cadre d'appels d'offre émis par des structures syndicales et associatives belges et européennes. PLS est également prestataire de services pour des entreprises. Les financements de PLS proviennent plus ou moins pour un tiers de financements publics européens, un tiers de financements publics belges et un tiers de fonds privés. PLS réalise et publie des études, des recommandations et des relevés de bonnes pratiques sur base d’analyses précises et pertinentes. PLS organise également des conférences et des formations. Les principaux partenaires de PLS sont des centres de recherche, des pouvoirs publics, des entreprises, des acteurs de la société civile et des syndicats.
Mission and Objectives

L’association a pour but (en dehors de toute espèce d’appartenance religieuse, philosophique ou politique) de promouvoir la solidarité dans une perspective de développement durable. Considérant que les 5 acteurs principaux du monde en mutation sont les pouvoirs publics, les entreprises, les syndicats, les associations de la société civile organisée, les chercheurs, PLS s’attache à créer du lien entre ces acteurs et à encourager, susciter, fédérer toute forme de coopération.
PLS se positionne comme un Think Tank européen de promotion de la solidarité sous toutes ses formes en Europe. Par les partenariats sans cesse engendrés et les activités menées, l’association joue un rôle actif dans la formulation de politiques publiques, d’idées et de réflexions sur les questions européennes et l'encouragement de la participation des citoyens aux processus décisionnels afin de relever les nombreux défis émergents de l’Union européenne.

Main Projects / Activities

Le Think Tank européen Pour la Solidarité poursuit ses activités dans cinq grands domaines : la citoyenneté et la démocratie participative ; le développement durable et territorial ; la cohésion sociale, l’économie sociale et solidaire, la diversité et la responsabilité sociale des entreprises.
Pour accomplir sa mission et atteindre ses objectifs, PLS mène à bien deux types d’activités : recherche – PLS s’engage sur des sujets d’actualité et enjeux évoqués au niveau européen et également au niveau national avec des pays où nous avons établi des partenariats solides et de long terme – et activités de terrain dans le cadre de projets ou indépendamment pour répondre à des besoin spécifiques.

Contact (1) Full Name
Denis Stokkink
Head of the organisation
Denis Stokkink (Président)
Contact (2) Full Name
Nadia Brahmia