
Institute of Romani Culture in Albania

National Network

Myslym Shyri, S. Pitarka 24/b, PO.BOX 154, Tirana

+355 (4 ) 2425717
Telephone (other)
+355 (4 ) 2425717
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
IRCA is established on July 1, 2012 and is very much influenced by services provided at advocacy bodies such as the Italian Institute of Culture in Albania, British Council, Peace Corps Volunteers as well as the career advice, research and documentation centers functioning within universities in Europe and North America, with most of which IRCA initiators have had their own experiences. Composed of committed Roma university students and graduates IRCA’s work relies very much on the principles of voluntarism and self-help. Combination of volunteer advocacy with education services and recreation activities, has led to establishment of three youth networks including Romani Students’ Network, Romani Corps of Volunteers as well as Romani Youth Parliament - Forum. Most of IRCA’s activity is also featured in an online radio program entitled “Kanxura”-Radio. The organization structure of IRCA includes the Steering Board, Goodwill Advisors, the Executive Director as well as the staff 5 project staff.  IRCA has also created the Romani Corps of Volunteers counting over 180 member both Roma and non Roma students and graduates. IRCA has received funding from a variety of donors Open Society Foundation in Budapest, Soros Foundation in Albania, UNDP, Swedish Government, USA Embassy, Australian Embassy and AMSHC.  
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Advocating for Roma equal access in citizens’ rights as well as public and social services; Providing educational and career advice to Romani students, increasing capacities of Romani youth for participation in public life; conducting research studies for documenting and institutionalizing Romani cultural heritage; promoting intercultural exchange and friendly relations between Roma and non-Roma youth within the country and abroad. 
 IRCA’s objectives  fall in 4 main categories:
a) Intercultural dialogue:
b) Youth Empowerment:
c) Advocacy and Participation:
d) Institutional Development and Partnership Building 

Main Projects / Activities

During July 2011 – September  2015 , IRCA has implemented several initiatives which follow.
With support of UNDP, IRCA has been implementing RomVERITAS ( roma truthfulness) project providing career advice and counseling to over 100 Roma students and graduates  with assistance to apply for universities, scholarship, training, academic tutoring, job search as well as training in English.  Several trainings have also been offered to the members of RYP forum in participation in public life.
With support of (Direct Aid Program), Australian Embassy at Rome/Italy, IRCA has implemented the project “Promoting Roma identity and equal access in education in Albania through Roma online radio and volunteer engagement of Roma role models in Albania.”   We launched the online Radio “ Kanxura” who which allows IRCA to reach our Roma community.
With support Swedish Agency SIPU, IRCA has implemented the campaign Police is the public and the Public is Police, aiming at educating both police and Roma community with community policing services and interactions.
Soros Foundation in Albania has been supporting IRCA with trainings and assistance in organizing various advocacy campaigns is support of Roma students, and communities.
With support from the USA Embassy in 2013, IRCA implemented the campaign I am Roma - I am Albanian citizen raising capacities of Roma youth through trainings in administration of election processes as well as decision-making at local level. The project helped for bringing the Roma voice closer to decision-makers at central and local levels.
With the institutional support of the “Foundation of Open Society Institute (FOSI)” Budapest, Hungary, IRCA has mobilized Romani Corps of Volunteers who are voluntary engaging regularly in advocacy actions. Among the major actions implemented by this forum are the peaceful marching in support of Roma families evicted from their settlements, sending of open letters to national and international institutions calling for actions in support of Roma, requesting national library to use the term Roma in its reaching catalog and instead of the pejorative term “cigan”, collection and distribution of textbooks to high school students, etc. Currently FOSI is supporting IRCA to produce a textbook on interculturalism and Roma studies which will serve Masters students of Education Faculty at University “Aleksander Moisiu” in Durres and hopefully also at Faculty of Social Science at University of Tirana.
During these almost four years of existence IRCA has consolidated its institutional capacities adopting the organization’s strategy for 2015-2020 and has strengthened partnership with several non-Roma organizations, and research centers  and universities such as the Institute of Family and Neighborhood Life at Clemson University in the USA,  Peace Corps Volunteers, European University of Tirana center, Institute for Democracy and Mediation while has expanded its network of Roma and non-Roma volunteers. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

IRCA is a Roma Youth organization that has good relation with community and several years experience on collaboration with varies  national and international networks. We will bring to this network, ideas and initiatives about cultural diversity and different programs working with youths.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

IRCA want to extend the collaboration network initiatives with organizations that have focus on youths work, Education, intercultural dialogue, human righs etc.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Bledar Taho
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Bledar Taho

Institute of Romani Culture in Albania

National Network

Rr. Myslym Shyri - S. Pitarka 24/b, P.O. Box 154

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Because there is no institution in the country which documents, and institutionalizes Romani culture, the Roma identity is often looked down and even abandoned by many educated Roma (the Roma brain drain phenomena).This has led to increasing prejudice and discrimination against Roma and their isolation and segregation while most of Roma developed a primitive living style containing early marriages, depreciation of school, work in informal sectors, big families abusing children and women and the like, often named wrongly as Roma culture or Roma living style. It was this background that inspired a group of highly educated Roma youth to set up IRCA and work on documentation, institutionalization and development of Roma culture and identity through Roma youth empowerment and gradually transforming into a leading Roma advocacy and think tank organization. IRCA is established on July 1, 2011 and is very much influenced by services provided at advocacy bodies such as the Italian Institute of Culture in Albania, British Council, Peace Corps Volunteers as well as the career advice, research and documentation centers functioning within universities in Europe and North America, with most of which IRCA founders and consultants have had their own experiences.
Mission and Objectives

Advocating for Roma equal access in citizens’ rights as well as public and social services; Providing educational and career advice to Romani students, increasing capacities of Romani youth for participation in public life; conducting research studies for documenting and institutionalizing Romani cultural heritage; promoting intercultural exchange and friendly relations between Roma and non-Roma youth within the country and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

IRCA has been implementing a number of projects in the areas of educational mentoring and career advice to Roma youth, Community Policing, Capacity Building for Roma youth to take part in elections and decision-making processes, Systemic Response to Anti-gypsysm, etc. Transparency, accountability and professionalism of IRCA staff, has gained recognition by a variety of donors.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bledar Taho
Head of the organisation
Bledar Taho

Institute of Studies & Information for Integration (I.I.S.I)

National Network

Rr.”Pjetër Bogadani” , Pallati 39/1 ap, 2/2

00355/4 22222-09
Telephone (other)
00355/4 22381-87
00355/4 22222-09
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0682242 155
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information

IISI is an institute of studies in different fields of research, information on European, culture. The aim of IISI is to inform the public with the European culture, history and democratization. This will be provided through European manuals and data. Also IISI aims to prove that democracy is achieved only through ideas and culture. IISI staff is composed by the head of the NGO and its members. The budged of the performed activities on some seminars and round tables is 3500 USD awarded by SOROS Foundation. Up to date we do not have any partners. We have applied for 3 (three) projects at the SOROS Foundation but we have been granted money only once.

Mission and Objectives

The Institute of Information and Studies for Integration (IISI) is an independent body set up to inform the public about the European Union (EU) and the obligation placed upon its members. The IISI also works with EU institutions to help them gain a greater understanding of individual states and their people. The IISI aims to increase public awareness on the political and institutional organization of the European Union, on important documents of European Union from its foundation to the date, juridical system and its instruments of the European Union, the financial and banking system of the European Union and its operations, the European Union legislation concerning ethnic issues and national minorities, legislation and European Union conventions on issues as family women etc. IISI is committed to work with people of all ages and professions, regardless their socio-economic status or political orientation.

Main Projects / Activities

The activity organized by IISI on 29/04/2005 at Tirana International Hotel, gathered into a Round table session representatives from educational Institutes, High Schools, Ministry of Education, editors, students, pupils, researchers and academics that provide valuable contribute for handling many issues that education system is currently facing. Topics discussed during included the following: -The Teachers On-Going Qualification and the relation between wages qualification, contribution and individual values. The Dutch Experience in Teacher’s training, tools, methods, financial initiatives and institutional ways. The Role of Union, Community and Local Government in educational fund-raising. The Europeanization of Educational System, preceded by teacher’s training. -Organization of school curriculum. -Mandatory curriculum and the optional one, - the Dutch experience. The individual gifts, the leveled categories, the respect for individualities and the school democratic character. Curriculum harmonization in different levels within cycles and among cycles of undergraduate education. -Preparation of school-textbooks in a liberalized trademarked. The Dutch experience in school textbooks. Preparation & Harmonization of the levels of knowledge under technological and methodology ways. Textbook and the other ways of transmitting knowledge

Contact (1) Full Name
Përparim KABO
Head of the organisation
Përparim KABO, PhD in Philosophy
Contact (2) Full Name
Kostandin KAZANXHI Lawyer MPA

Intelektualet e rinj, Shprese (IRSH)

National Network

L Qemal Stafa Rr Daut Borici, 874, Shkoder, Albania

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Association "Intelektualet e rinj, Shprese" (IRSH) is founded by students, professors, graduated from different fields of expertise. The organisation aim is development of civil society and promotion of peace and stability in Balkan. The highest governing body is the general assembly which elects President and General Secretary. IRSH is an active organisation working on different programs of European Commission creating partnerships in all over the word. Since 2000 IRSH have established a center for the Development of Civil Society by having as main target young people. Through the network of Albanian Youth Parliament IRSH have worked through several projects to bring the youth voice into decision making processes. Since 2017 IRSH have established an office for Legal aid services by helping marginalised groups to access justice and increase transparency and accountability of public authorities.

Mission and Objectives

IRSH works in development of Civil society and promotion of Peace and stability in Balkan. IRSH count about 200 registered members which and as well is an accredited organisation for sending, hosting and coordinating volunteers and volunteer projects. Our fields of work are Human Rights, Social Economic issues, Youth, Art Sport and Culture, Media and Environment. Through our Center for the Development of Civil Society we have managed to developed several projects at local, national and European level.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects and activities are focused on: 1) Development of youth leadership by the aim to influence decision-making processes, 2) Education for democratic processes by encouraging dialogue and communication with elected bodies and groups of interest 3) Preservation of nature and promotion of tourism across borders 4) Promotion of art culture and sport as a tool to develop cooperation, promote cultural diversity and understanding among different cultures and peoples. 5) Increasing transparency and accountability of public bodies by the aim to increase public participation, access of marginalized groups into services offering to them legal aid services.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We offer our partnership and collaboration to work through different initiatives. We can share our experience disseminate information and develop training programmes among youth organisations, Our organisation can promote aims and objectives of the network among our local network by helping them to reach much more beneficiaries. As well we can provide a information corner in our youth centre and through our legal services office where young people can get informed about the activities of the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organization is always interested to share its expertise as part of national and regional networks by the aim to exchange and develop new project initiatives and benefit from successful models of the other partners. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Blendi Dibra
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Blendi Dibra
Contact (2) Full Name
Saimir Beqiraga
Job Title (2)

Intellectual gym for women

National Network

Rr. Mihal Grameno, pall Vjero, kati2

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
General Information

Very well estambleshed ngo in Tirana, Albania. We are focused in generating a well educated network of intellectual women's who can think and act in global projects and bring life changeing apportunities for young women's in Albania. We are 3 full time persons working in the office. We produce seminars , cofference, texts, mentoring, and also breakfast meeting. We have a budgetary need for a year up to 20.000$.  We are working on making partners and donors.

Mission and Objectives

Enhance women's intellectual ability to think and act in the today's  globally world.

Main Projects / Activities

Cofference and seminars, mentoring.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our initiatives we can make big progress in our communities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To obtain grants.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anila Qinami
Head of the organisation
Anila Qinami

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Publication Illustration

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Kreo Association

National Network


+355 67 20 44803
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Board of Directors The Board of Directors is composed of 5 members. Executive Director Finance Officer Finance & Accounting Officer Communication Expert Optima Communications Project Managers (6) Pool of Experts (15) Approximately 30,000 EUR/year Financed by national and international donors Universities, network of Kreo Association (NGOs), Albanian municipalities, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Kreo association is established by court decision No. 4074 dated 26.01.2015. Our mission is to actively promote change toward a healthy society. Kreo is founded on principles of social justice, broadly shared economic opportunities, a robust democratic process and sustainable environmental practices. We are highly inspired to serve our community toward a better life and all the members of Kreo share the mutual endeavour to make Albania a better place, with a healthy and vital community and a celebration of diversity. We are committed that by bringing people together, resources and innovation we will convener and connect with those in our community and beyond. Our vision is to create new innovative opportunities for communities in need for a better life. - Pro bono & Legislation Improvement -Youth Development & Organizing -Education & Training -Community Development -Infrastructure

Main Projects / Activities

Our Priority NECRU – 2022-2023 The project ‘Our Priority NECRU’! will provide a concrete service in the municipality, such as that of needs assessment and case referral. This project is financed by United Nations Development Programme-UNPD. CHECK IN FEST – 2022 Check in Fest is a great cultural and artistic activity, which is filled with cultural, musical and entertainment activities such as: organization of conferences, organization of various parties (live music and DJ), organization of seminars, Nights of Poetry, balloon parties for children, etc. This project is financed by the Ministry of Culture of Albania. STRENGTHENING RESILIENCE OF ELDERLY AND DISABLED PERSONS DURING COVID-19 AND FUTURE DISASTERS – 2023 This project is implemented in Kamza municipality and has in focus the elderly and people with different abilities have the opportunity to move more freely in the community, to make the appointments they need and want (eg appointments with the doctor, appointments with friends, etc.) This project is financed by Kryqi i Kuq Shqiptar Tirana Rocks – 2022 The purpose of this project is to enliven the cultural and artistic life in the city of Tirana through rock music as a creative way to develop and involve the community and empower new talents. This project is financed by the National Youth Congress in cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana NECRU, a scope for social climbers! – 2022 – 2023 This project is to support the Municipality of Fushe-Arrez improve local public infrastructure and enhance quality of and access to the service of the Needs Evaluation and Case Referral Unit, as well youth and community empowerment and participation. This project is financed by Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe (NALAS)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Kreo Association will actively engage in partnering with other organizations from the ALF network in Albania, especially for networking opportunities coming from ALF network programs and/or related calls for proposals. By actively networking with other potential partners, Kreo Association will share its expertise in real time to provide common strategies for engaging larger audiences in Albania, given the priorities of ALF network and its organizations in Albania, but not only.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network prioritizes networking over other activities, which is an essential component that Kreo Association strives for, especially when dealing with ongoing collaboration needs for Albanian NGOs. Moreover, sharing suggestions on active call for proposals, including those coming from ALF network, will be beneficial to Kreo Association, in terms of contributing to active projects in Albania.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Elton Rama
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Mrs.Xhiana Belegu

Kultura dhe Komuniteti (Culture and Community)

National Network

Rr. Mihal Grameno, Pallati 7/2, Tirane

00355 52 326 14
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00355 68 22 600 25
Mobile Phone (other)
00355 67 26 446 22
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Culture & Community is a small organization, with 5 members.Until now has performed a limited activity, supported by the local government in different cities, like Tirane, Durres, Vlore, ect..Main partners involved in our activities until now have been: Local governments, Ministri of Education, Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sport, Academy of Fine Arts, young people and young artists.
Mission and Objectives

The NGO Culture& Community was founded in the July 2006, with the aim to become an important factor which can influence the cultural development of the community, promoting new standards of living in a wide cultural context, in Albania and in region. Through different cultural and artistic activities we intend to increase awareness of the community for problems related to environment, protection and promotion of natural and cultural resources, the improvement of social position for vulnerable groups of the society. We will contribute as well, to improve and strengthen the cooperation among local and regional institutions, to exchange the best regional and local experiences and, also in the capacity building.

Main Projects / Activities

-"Beach cinema" summer 2007 - Cinema in the public space, a collection of 10 films, with current youth thematic was projected in Durres seaside, during 10 evenings.
-"In Front of" (1), summer 2008 -Exhibition of videoarts, works of young artists, Albanian and Italian, was performed in giant screen in the city promenade of Durres.
-"In Front of"(2), the same concept was performed in the city promenade of Vlora, summer 2008
-"All different, all special", winter 2009, a project which involved young people from all the high school of Tirana. Each group was directed by an young artist-student of Academy of Arts in creating a conceptual Christmas tree, using recycled materials. These "Trees" used to decorate the center of Tirana these year.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Being member of ALF network we can contribute with our ideas, projects which includes other members of ALF, exchanging the best experiences and being open for any cooperation which can contribute the our commune purpose: Building a better world for us and especially for our children.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because, until now, we have developed our activities only with the support of local government funds. In this moment we are willingly to be more active in the fulfilling of our mission. Being aware of the great importance of ALF network in supporting organizations with projects, ideas and in promoting fruitful cooperations, we are very confident that ALF network will give the necessary incentives to our organization in incoming activity for the benefit of the community

Contact (1) Full Name
Antigoni Gjergji
Head of the organisation
Antigoni Gjergji
Contact (2) Full Name
Dariana Suli