
Albanian Center for Oriental Studies (A.C.F.O.S.)

National Network

"Bardhyl" Str., Pll. 13/A, Sh. 2, Ap. 5, Tirana-Albania

+355 4 234 42 14
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 69 24 76 219
Mobile Phone (other)
+355 67 65 33 028
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Albanian Center for Oriental Studies (ACFOS-Albania) is founded at the beginning of 2007, in Tirana, Albania. The aim to open this organization (NGO) in Albania was the need and missing of such studying field in Albania, and for that reason is considered the first and the only organization in Albania which is working in giving a contribution about Oriental Studies. The long history of links between Albanians and the Orient, notably the Islamic Orient, since before the domination of Ottoman State in Albania (for about 5 centuries), also under the Ottoman domination, and even after the detachment of Albania from the Ottoman State and the Orient in general, display for a large connection with the Orient. The same aim is even for the Albanian Center for Oriental Studies, to enable the cultural links between Albanians and the Orient. A large importance in this aspect we have given to the Albanians living and working in the Orient, known as Arnaouts. In the name of this Center we have offered and promoted many Albanian personalities from the Albanian lands (Albania, Kosova and Macedonia), also we have presented many Albanians (Arnaouts) who live and work in Oriental countries, such as the famous worldwide well-known personalities which has given many contributions in the field of Oriental Studies, but also scholars of linguistics, history, literature, scholars of the Balkans region, Albanians who live or study in Oriental countries, scholars of Orient-Occident relations and the role of Albania etc.

About the achievements of this center, from 2007 till now, we can rank some contributions, publications, activities, seminars, representations etc.: 1. Official opening of Albanian Center for Oriental Studies (ACFOS-Albania), Tirana 2007 2. Translation and publishing of some books from the oriental literature, mainly from Arabic, translated into Albanian language (since 2009) 3. Publishing of the yearly cultural and scientific journal “URA” (the Bridge), a journal dealing with Oriental Studies, since second half of 2008 4. Member of ALF (Anna Lindh Foundation), since 2009 5. Attending in ALF Forum 2010, Barcelona, Spain 6. Contributor in World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development activity, May 21, 2011, organized by ALF Albanian National Head of Network, AFALC, Tirana, Albania 7. First exhibition about Oriental manuscripts and documents by the orientalist Ermal Bega, executive director of Acfos Albania, November 2011 8. Attending the 2nd Alexandria Education Convention, Alexandria, Egypt, December 2012, organized by ALF 9. Attending the Anna Lindh Mediterranean Forum, Marseille, April 2013 10. Participant at the national book fair in Tirana, Albania, since 2008 11. Presenting our works in many newspapers, magazines and TVs in Albania, Kosova, North Macedonia, Italy, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, USA etc.

Mission and Objectives


1. Doing studies on connections of the Albanians with Oriental countries and make closely connections with Albanians who live or work in Oriental countries 2. To do connections with different centers, institutes and organizations inside and outside Albania, who have the same activity with our organization 3. To open the Albanian Institute for Oriental Studies 4. Contacting with people from the Mediterranean region who work on oriental studies field 5. Organizing some seminars, conferences, symposiums and promotions on the relation of Albanian and Albanian with the Arab countries in the south of the Mediterranean In the following years, for 2024-2027, Albanian Center for Oriental Studies (ACFOS-Albania) is planning to have some activities as mentioned below: 1. Publishing some new books from the Arabic and Turkish literature (Oriental literature – including essays, novels, poems etc.) 2. Publishing of the new issues of the “URA”, cultural-scientific journal for Oriental Studies 3. Will organize trainings and work-shops about the importance of Oriental languages and literature in Albanian and among Albanians 4. Will organize seminars and debates with scholars and officials about the preservation of the Oriental heritage in Albania and among Albanians 5. Opening of a cultural language center to learn Arabic and Turkish languages for different students, etc. As for all the above-mentioned, we are asking from the interested parts (foundations, donators, organizations, cultural centers, institutions etc.) to contribute with donations for our organization, where everything will be open and declared in detail.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Publishing of our Center’s magazine, called "URA" - "The Bridge", which goal is to be like a "Bridge" between Orient (East) and Occident (West) by means of Cultural partnerships. 2. As soon as possible the first exhibition on the personal oriental manuscripts, by the Orientalist Ermal Bega in Tirana-Albania 3. Some seminars and conferences on Oriental Studies in Albania 4. Publishing some books in Albania on Oriental Studies 5. Organization of some cultural trips in Albania and abroad to know more about the impact of Orient & Islam in Albania.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ermal Bega
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Ermal Bega (Executive Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Azem Xheladini

Albanian Centre YMCA Tirana

National Network

Blv. Bajram Curri, pall.3, Kat.2.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
YMCA Tirana is an Albanian non-governmental, non-profit organisation which aim is to empower young people, by assisting and strengthening communities’ development. YMCA Tirana was originally registered with the Tirana District court in 20.02.2009 under the name Albanian Centre for Community Integration and re-established in 13.10.2014 as Albanian Centre “YMCA Tirana”. It was made up by a group of young professions, which voluntary have offered different services and humanitarian aids to most vulnerable groups in Albania  
Mission and Objectives

YMCA Tirana provides services which address young people and communities’ needs in the following sectors: health, citizen and community education, environmental, social wellbeing, capacity building, public awareness and promoting their active participation in each step of development. Our aim is to give to young people opportunity to become leader and change maker in their community in order to live in the world where young generation will be active, and will have the possibilities to practice the skills in order to make changes in society. We believe in movements where people grow in body, mind and spirit.

Main Projects / Activities

YMCA Tirana has organized different community based activities, including young people in order to increase their participation in local community for different issues related to their groups and community in general. Our volunteers putt efforts and work with different target groups of different cultures, in most problematic issues that concern our society, focusing mostly in making the young generation more active and coordinating these activities, using different creative methodologies and tools.  We are now in the second year of implementing  the project  “Youth advocacy on participatory government” in the frame of Global youth voice campaign, supported by UNFPA Albania, which is focused on building capacities of young people, students in high school, from suburbs or towns, in identifying youth related concerns and addressing to the local government units. They advocate for young people voice to be heard and their recommendations to be included in strategic LGU plans and budget. Within this project, we have organized a summer camp mixed with training sessions on participatory governance.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Involving in this network will improve and enrich the capacities of YMCA staff, volunteers and partners, but in the mean time will help the network with its experience in youth field, human rights, youth actions in national and international level. Being part of YMCA world Alliance, it is an additional value of our organization, which will be reflected in our profesional relations and will help in exchaning best experiences in international level. On the youth initiatives, we have been very active in international events and actually have submitted different partnerships with other YMCAs in Europe for building the capacities of young people in different fields. On this initiatives we can involve young people from your network, which will improve the quality of the services and national initiatives that network will be involved.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We will be exposed to enormous and amazing experience from the network members, their succeful projects and initiatives, their ways of working, and any other benefit we can easily adapte to albanian context.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eglantina Lula
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Eglantina Lula
Contact (2) Full Name
Albi Qato
Job Title (2)
Project coordinator

Albanian Club Via Egnatia

National Network

Rruga Riza Cerova Nr 26
Rruga e Dibres Nr 126

00355 682032160
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00355 682032160
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

We are brand New Organisation wich is trying to grow everyday recruiting people tha are interested in Promoting Cultural&Natural Heritage trying to put in evidence what is an Historical&Environmental interes for the Public.Our main aim is to Promote such interests for a Sustainable Tourism&Economy.

Mission and Objectives

The Mission of A.C.V.E. is to Promote the Cultural,Hitorical&Environmental Tourism in Albania through sensibilisation and activitties that in their own aim has the developpment of backwarded Rural areas through sustainable Tourism and creating economy&jobs.

Main Projects / Activities

Published a Travel Book..The Antique Via EGNATIA...History,Events&Atractions.....Cultural&Environmental. Runing through History&Nature on Old Roman Route Via Egnatia in contact with Nature and hundreds years old Olive Trees

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through information and sensibilisation of attractions that offers my Country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share the same principals and aim...Sustainable Economy and Sustainable Tourism

Contact (1) Full Name
Bukurosh Reci
Job Title
Freelancer..Touristic Promoter
Head of the organisation
Bukurosh Reci

Albanian Consumer Center

National Network

Street "Kumini"

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

The structure of the organization is simple, respectively two bodies: Board of Directors, 5 members; Executive Director; Financier; Lawyer. Project Manager; Communication Expert. The organization employs 5 people, over 15 external experts and over 20 volunteers, all over Albania. The budget of one year varies depending on the activities and projects that the center receives from donors. During its operation, the Center has carried out information and awareness activities, student training, receiving and following up customer complaints in institutions, media coverage of the situation of consumer issues such as, Consumer House, Consumer Academy 1,2 and 3, Improving the quality of suburban transport service in the Municipality of Durres, One day traffic police in my city, 4 our communities, Toys! Helping children grow up or harming their health, Improved protection against discrimination of consumers in need through the implementation of the legal and regulatory framework, the Local Consumer Index.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Center "Albanian Consumer" is to increase the quality of life of average consumers, especially those vulnerable in terms of goods and services, food and non-food products, transport, environment, education, groups in need, fundamental rights, health, etc.; through information, awareness, legal and administrative assistance, as well as studies, manuals, capacity building and development.
The purpose of the Center is to represent the legal, individual or collective rights and interests of Albanian consumers, as one of the few organizations operating in the field of consumer protection in Albania, managing to survive the market, despite the target the group and areas of action are very specific and well defined.
The main objectives of the Center are:
1. Achieving through the activity performed the quality of life of consumers / citizens, especially the vulnerable
2. Achieving having an active Albanian consumer / citizen
3. Conversion of the voice of the consumer / citizens in economic impossibility towards public institutions
4. Carrying out beneficial activities for Albanian citizens and groups in need, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects or activities of the center are: Consumer House, Consumer Academy 1,2 and 3, Improving the quality of suburban transport service in the Municipality of Durres, One day traffic police in my city, 4 our communities, Toys! We help children grow or harm their health, Improved Protection against discrimination of consumers in need through the implementation of legal and regulatory framework, Local Consumer Index, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

There are several ways our organization can contribute to the Network in our country , including:
-Participating in community events.
-Holding our own fundraiser.
-Network quality over quantity.
-Following up with any prospects that we meet in our country in general and community in specific.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking is essential since it will help our organization develop and improve our skill set, stay on top of the latest trends in our industry, keep a pulse on the job market, meet prospective mentors, partners, and clients, and gain access to the necessary resources that will foster the development of the organization itself. In addition, we think that our organization will profit a lot of things besides of what mentioned above by joining this Network which gives a lot of opportunities to its members. We are really looking forward in participating and collaborating with ALF Network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ersida Teliti
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Ersida Teliti
Contact (2) Full Name
Xhensika Bezati
Job Title (2)

Albanian Diaspora Business Chamber

National Network

Ibrahim Rugova, Nr 5, Sky tower, 13.3

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

The assemble 7 members, executive director, project expert, and executive assistant. It is created as a project of Albanian Diaspora Fund. It will be supported by the fund up to the end of the Year, and then it will be self sustainable. Promotion activities, for diaspora, networking capacity building.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to be a leading business advocacy organization which works on the regulatory, economic, legislative and civic foundations at the state and international levels to be a force for the long-term sustainability of the Diaspora engagement.

Main Projects / Activities

Our vision is to be the voice of Albania and the business community in terms of promoting strategic development and investment in Albania.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Exchange experience, and ideas in the dimension of innovation, economic development and diaspora business engagement.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

it will be an added value in terms of economic development and business innovation

Contact (1) Full Name
Linda Dervishaj
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Linda Dervishaj

Albanian Forum for the Alliance of Civilizations

National Network

P.O.Box 8347
Bulv “Zogu I”, Pall.12 katesh (prane ZP)

+355 2235624
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00355 69 21 62 941
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

1. The Albanian Forum for the Alliance of Civilization has the following organizational scheme: President, Board of Directors, Executive Director, Project Manager, Coordinators. Total nr. of staff employed is 5. 2. AFLTC budget is based on different projects. The annual turnover is approximately 20.000 Euro. 3. Funds, grants, donations offered in a transparent way from domestic and foreign private entities, by Albanian local or central government, foreign counterparts. 4. Projects, Seminars, trainings, workshops, round-tables, researches, publications. 5. Robert Schuman Foundation, Sorros Foundation, Emmbassy of Kingdom of Spain in Albania, Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affaires, Albanian Ministry of Science and Education.

Mission and Objectives

A fundamental part of “AFALC”’s goal is to highlight the Albanian heritage, the harmonious co– habitation among various religious communities, the identification and presentation to the public of problems, in the global context of relations between the world of Islam and the Western worldAFALC acts in accordance with the main principles of the Alliance of Civilisation of United Nations. Emigration, Youth, Education and Media are four main priority fields of the activity. The target of AFALC activity is opinion and policy – making through the following elements: - Devising adequate scenarios and drafting policies over inter – religious and inter – cultural dialogue. - Building up/joining/formalising groups of interest, at home and abroad, aimed at respecting the human rights and fundamental fredoms, on cross-religious, cross-cultural and inter-ethnic leve, in support of secularity as well. - Exposing the stereotypes and contradictions in debates between the world of Islam and the Western world. - Creating the frames for a successful alternative co-habitation, politically desirable and practically achieveable, based on the Albanian model. - Bringing together high state leaders, experts, civil society from Albania and various foreign countries, in order to build up strategies and implementation plans to overcome the prejudices and to exchange perceptions, wherever they prove to be wrong. - Encouraging the promotion of a new generation of politicians with a cultural background, communication skills and solid international bonds, who would work on a well – informed, fair and peaceful society. - Establishment of partnerships with other similar organizations on regional and world scale, as well as with prestigious educational institutions, in terms of drafting educational programs for the youth, which should serve as catalysts for social change. - Facilitation/mediation in the “ Euroislamic” dialogue on the region and Europe. - Re-approachment of various representatives of religious communites, on the basis of the Albanian model.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects are the following: -Preparation and implementation of Albanian National Strategy in the framework of two years Plan of the “Alliance of Civilization”- in accordance with Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affaires -Historical relations between Albanian and Europe and its EU integration Perspective –Ministry of Science and Education -Identifying of Roma children minority that are not attending the obligatory education – Sorros Foundation Strengthen of managing capacity of roma business through fiscal assistance- Sorros Foundation The main activities are the following: -Seminar on Migration issues “Integration of Emigrants – A Common Challenge”- -Seminar: The Alliance of Civilization and the New Global Order

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Erjola Shaka
Head of the organisation
Ms. Erjola Shaka

Albanian Institute for Language and Culture

National Network

Rr.”Qemal Stafa”, N.260

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Mission and Objectives

Main Projects / Activities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Nepermjet projekteve, kerkojme qe te japim kontributin tone ne drejtim te arsimit, edukimit, rinise dhe trashegimise kulturore.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Deshirojme ti bashkohemi rrjetit  per  projekteve

Contact (1) Full Name
Monika Hasani (Hoshafi)
Job Title
Prof. asoc.Dr.
Head of the organisation
Monika Hasani (Hoshafi)

Albanian Media Institute

National Network

Rr. “Gjin Bue Shpata”, No.8

+ 355 4 2229800
Telephone (other)
+ 355 4 2267084
+ 355 4 2229800
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 355 68 2023952
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 355 69 2175010
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. The Albanian Media Institute has the following organizational scheme: Executive Director, Training Department, Radio, TV, Internet Department, Research Department, Publication and Library Department, Financial Department. Number of staff employed is 8. 2. Average annual turnover 300.000 Euro. 3. Grants and non profit activities. 4. Projects, seminars, researches, publications etc. 5. Main partners involved in the AMI’s projects are SHC, EU, UNICEF, NED, BTD, OSI, Soros Foundation, American Embassy, etc.
Mission and Objectives

The mission and objectives of AMI are:
-to become a training center for the journalists of Albania;
-to co-ordinate and support the activities related to the training of journalists and the overall development of media in Albania;
-to undertake studies and projects in support of the development of the Albanian media;
-to establish relations with similar foreign and international organizations;
-to facilitate and make possible the increase of funds and adopt financial strategies which assure long-term sustainability;
-to participate in the legislative processes in the field of media;
-to establish strong relations with the Faculty of Journalism at the Tirana University.
-to create special units for conducting opinion polls.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects during the last year are the following:
1.Improving Professional Capacities of Albanian Media, EU
2.Improving Health Reporting for the Youth in Media, UNICEF
3.Media Briefing, Professional Debates and Open Forums, OSI
4.Improving the Skills of Journalism, NED
5.Publication of series of Textbooks on Media, American Embassy
6. Media Ethics: A newsroom Approach, an Election’s Angle, SHC
7.Increasing Media Transparency, Avoiding Media Populism, BTD
8.Improving Children Coverage in Albanian Media, UNICEF
9.Journalism Training in New Technologies, American Embassy
10. For an Ethical Media, SHC

Contact (1) Full Name
Remzi Lani
Head of the organisation
Remzi Lani
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilda Londo


National Network


+355 42 22 98 00
+ 355 42 229800
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+355 68 20 23 952
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Media
  3. Research
General Information

The Albanian Media Institute (AMI)is the main organization of media development and media freedom in Albania. The AMIwas established in 1996, thanks to the grant provided by DANIDA and the assistance of the Danish School of Journalism. Now, the AMIis one of the main actors of civil society in Albania and one of most important media development institutions in the Balkan region. It was established based on an agreement between the two largest journalist associations in Albania and is open to all journalists in the country. The professional staff of the organization consists of 7 people (director, researcher, project coordinators, IT expert, financial manager) and has the appropriate premises and necessary equipment for implementing its projects. Each year, the AMIimplements between 15-20 projects. For more information on our projects you can refer to

AMI's activities are focused on training, media research and monitoring, media policy actions and publications. The AMI's donors include the European Union (EU), the Soros Foundation, UNESCO, the American Embassy in Tirana, the Council of Europe (CoE), the British Embassy in Tirana, IFEX, IREX, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the media program of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Norwegian Embassy. Today, the AMIis a member of several international organizations, such as IFEX, the EJTA, the World Association of Newspapers, the Reporting Diversity Network, the Global Forum for Media Development, SEENPM and SEEM.

Mission and Objectives

The missions of AMIare:

  • to become a training centre for the journalists of Albania
  • to coordinate and support the activities related to the training of journalists and the overall development of media in Albania
  • to undertake studies and projects in support of the development of the free and independent Albanian media
  • to establish relations with similar foreign and international organizations and to participate in the legislative processes in the field of media
Main Projects / Activities

Recent  project reference list (2018-2019) Towards Improved Labour Relations and Proffessionalism in Albanian Media /EU Commission National consultation on MIL Policy and strategyin CIMU SEE/SEENPM UNESCO project Media Literacy Project/EU –Media Centar Sarajevo Project Countering Violent Extremism and Religious Radicalism/USAID ANTARC Project Revising Albania Code of Ethics/CoE Project Albanian Media Scheme versus European Standards/Dutch Embassy project Media Sustanability Index report/IREX project 2019 Fostering Proffesional Media reporting SEENPM/NED Transitions Project Soft Censorship dhe Crisis of Trust/Soros Foundation project Mapping Local Media in Albania/FES Project  A Re-Examination of relationships Between Media and Democracy in Post Truth Era in the New Democracies/KAS Project Strengthening the Role of the Independent Media in the Justice Reform Process in Albania/Norwegian Embassy -Partners Project Promoting Media Information Literacy and Strengthening Independent Media in Western Balkans/Albany Project Improvement of media coverage of children in electronic media and media literacy/Audiovisual Media Authority Project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a valuable experience in the fileds of Reporting Diversity, Countering Violent Extremism, Reporting Culture etc. which can help other members of the network in Albania. We have also a wide range of contacts outside of Albania, which can be with interest for other members. We bring the media angle, which is very important not only for us, but for all.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

First its' widen our networkig, very important for AMI. Second, it helps us with knowing the best practices, but also challenges in other countries. Third, it creates an oportunity for us to share our experiences.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Remzi Lani
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Dorentina Hysa
Job Title (2)
Network Coordinator

Albanian Society for All Ages (ASAG)

National Network

Rr.M. Grameno 78/4/4/35

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

63 members are retired 18 members are over 55 years old 20 members are 35 and over years old 14 members are youths The our mean annual budges is around 10000 -15000 euro. UNFPA, World Bank, American Ambassy,bussines, Vodafone,etc. Sensibilizing campaign in the written and electronic media, conferences, meetings, studies, circulating printing, etc

Mission and Objectives

It was the global movement on ageing in 1999, when the United Nations proclaimed the year as the International Year of Older Persons (IYOP), which inspired the establishment of the Albanian Society for All Ages (ASAG) on October 28th, 1999. Our mission is to work with and for older people, with an accent on older women in Albania to achieve a lasting improvement in the quality of their lives. ASAG, Albanian Society for All Ages, is an independent non-profit organization working to make Albania a better place for all ages. The vision is to work to enhance the quality of life for elderly, through social policies, advocacy and community services.

Main Projects / Activities

- On March 11, 2000 – ASAG established the National Coordination Network “A Society for All Ages”. - 2001- Leading the National Platform “A Society for All Ages”. - 2004- Established the first Day Center “Community for All Ages” services divided into two categories social care and health care. Enabling older people to continue living at home with dignity, following the idea of Ethel Percy Andrus, AARP “To serve, not to be served”. - 2000- 2010- Sensibilizing campaign in the written and electronic media, conferences, meetings, the translation, publishing and dissemination of the “International Plan of Action on Ageing”, Political Document signed by the President and Albanian Government in the Second World Assembly on Ageing, Madrid 2002. - 2005- Member of the board at the Central Working Group for development of National Standards for Older People, in charge of publishing and dissemination. - 2006 - ASAG endorsement a Protocol of Understanding and Cooperation with the Ministries and with all the identified potential stakeholders. This document has been the first stone towards building policies, programmes and structures, in the framework of a National Strategy on ageing. - 2008- Influencing Member at the Central Working Group for developing the National Strategy and Plan on Ageing. - 2008-Member of the working group on the draft – law: “Care for individuals of third age” presented to the parliament in 2009. Nowadays the law is still not approved by the Albanian Parliament. - 2008 – 2009 ASAG created the first precedent for female inmates achieving presidential gracia, which example will be followed in the years to come. Moreover, this also led to the changes of the relevant provisions of the Albanian Penal Code on special criteria on ageing. The abovementioned law amendments were prepared and proceeded by the joint action of ASAG and News24 TVmedia, and following to its implementation72 convicted women got the amnesty by the Albanian President. - 2008- Workshop “Every woman has a voice” (Awareness and sensibilization to include older women as an active member in the on-going process of development) - 2008- ASAG is founder of Task force of Oder Woman - 2008- ASAG took intergeneration action 'Eradication of poverty for Elderly' in cooperation with Law School students over the serious lack of legislative framework. - 2006- 2008– Fifth mission in Albania directed by Prof. Charles-Henri Rapin (Universite de Geneve) aiming the development and improvement of gerontology in Albania - 2010 – Project for a modern asylum structure: “Asylum for Elderly Pilot project” with assistance of UNV expert. (ASAG is developing programs of assistance to elderly, especially if they are in poor health or without a family taking care of them. Currently, governmental asylum structures, throughout Albania, are very poor, located in old establishments and void of proper medical and social support). - 15 July 2010 WORLD ELDER ABUSE AWARENESS DAY (WEAAD) - ASAG organized a donors’ round table: “Protect the elder dignity, prevent abuse and neglecting”. - 2011 Project: Study and evaluation of legal framework on the older persons. - 10 October 2011, ASAG was organized for Hearing in Commission of Social Affair and Health on situation of Ageing in Albania between Government, Media and Elderly Organisations. - 2011 ASAG coordinator between Government and UN Focal Point on Ageing for Report of a Fact-Finding Mission “POLICIES AND PROGRAMMES FOR OLDER PERSONS IN ALBANIA” - ASAG is a member and has a very strong contribution in written articles and reports nationally and internationally among organizations such as UN Focal Point on Ageing, AGE Platform EU, International Federation on Ageing (IFA), EURAG, INPEA, Helpage International, The European Reference framework Online for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Volunteering has always been an integral part of every aspect of Albanian older people. We can contribute to investing our time and talents... "The key is involvement..."

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sharing dhe positive experience of successful projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Bukurie Skenderi
Head of the organisation
Ermira Pirdeni
Contact (2) Full Name
Kondi Ilia