
SwIdeas AB

National Network

Malmöhusvägen 5
21118 Malmö

+46 (0) 72 831 9996
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information

SwIdeas is an enterprise with a social mission that focuses on environmental and social sustainability. Our company builds bridges and partnerships with small and medium-sized enterprises, civil society and the public sector in Sweden, Europe and internationally to provide innovative solutions to our societies’ environmental and social challenges. 

Through the development of training material, delivery of training and workshops, research, and organization of outreach events, SwIdeas offers needs-based, innovative and creative solutions in education and research.

SwIdeas is an Erasmus Plus accredited organisation in Adult Education.

Mission and Objectives

SwIdeas is a value-driven organisation and our aim is not to generate profit but to make an impact. We believe in sustainability, diversity, collaboration, and equality. When working with clients and partners, our aim is to support those who provide value not only for themselves, but also for their societies and communities, and to empower business owners and organisations to do so.

Our vision

is to be a reference point in education and applied research on social and environmental sustainability that contributes to building a more resilient, creative, and inclusive society.

Our mission

is to support those who provide value both for themselves and their societies by offering needs-based, innovative and creative solutions in education and research.

Main Projects / Activities

Topics we have explored via our projects and activities

  • Sociocultural aspects of integration
  • Circular economy and Zero Waste
  • Intercultural communication and interpretation
  • Strengthening the inclusion of individuals with special needs in further education and the workforce
  • Migration & Mobility Matters
  • Young people leadership in social and environmental matters and economic participation
  • Female leadership and economic participation
Contact (1) Full Name
Abdallah Sobeih
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Abdallah Sobeih
training toolkit support group network sweden

Take Action, Create the Change Training Toolkit

This manual has been created within the framework of TACC project “Take Action, Create the Change”, managed by the International Foundation for Y-PEER Development. It consists of three main documents: I. The theoretical part includes knowledge and information on leadership...

Talkin' 'bout My Generation

Intercultural Morning Coffee intergenerational dialogue

Welcome to our upcoming Intercultural Morning Coffee on intergenerational dialogue - Talkin' 'bout My Generation!

In our next Intercultural Morning Coffee, we will talk about the importance of intergenerational dialogue as a means of prevention and creating solutions to our global problems. How can leadership and power be shared between generations? What are the most common stereotypes that exist between generations? How do we counter ageism? How do we gain access to the filter bubbles around each generation? 

Our guest Speakers are: Erike Tanghöj (Deputy Director, Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa), Imane Doues (Founder of @northafricanorigin) and Garba Diallo (Director, Crossing Borders).

We invite you to join us at the next Intercultural Morning Coffee on 11 May at 08.45 - 09.45 CET

This is a chance to meet colleagues in the ALF Networks and beyond who share similar concerns and to be part of a wide-ranging discussion about the role of intergenerational dialogue in building a sustainable future.

The Morning Coffee is moderated by Denise L Mellion, River of Light (Gothenburg) and ALF Swedish network advisory committee member.

Language: English

Open to Anna Lindh Foundation network members and beyond.

Sign up now to receive the link.


framsida_engelsk_prata politik

Talking Politics

Introduction Politics is all around us, even in school. Students encounter political messages in their day-to-day lives through news outlets and social media. For political parties and other associations, schools are an important channel for reaching young people – potential...


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Media
General Information
  TARABBAND - Arabic Music From Sweden Nominated and awarded as 2014's "Tradition bearer" and "Best crossover" at the Swedish World Music Awards. Formed in Malmö 2008, Tarabband hosts some of Sweden's most skilled folk & world musicians. The group is lead by the charismatic Iraqi Egyptian singer Nadin, who fled war in Iraq to Sweden in 2001. Tarabband's music and lyrics narrates her journey of survival, exile, life and rebirth. Tarabband members: Nadin Al khalidi - lead vocals, saz, lyrics Gabriel Hermansson - mandole, guitar, oud, vocals Dan Svensson – percussion, ney, vocals Romain Coutama - bass, vocals Filip Runesson - violin Ferhat Deniz Fors – percussion, ney, vocals  
Mission and Objectives

Tarabband combines groove and sweetness with a charismatic voice to transgress borders that are drawn between countries and humans. "Tarab" itself is an Arabic term for the ecstasy that can appear when music and emotions merge and become one.

Main Projects / Activities

Their debut album ”Ya Sidi” was released in 2013 and contains 10 original compositions. The music travels from Baghdad via Cairo, Paris to Malmo, mixing Sufism, Folk, Flamenco, Jazz and settles in Tarab, the common denominator. You can listen to Ya Side here:
Tarabband's second album "Ashoufak Baedein" is released in March 2016.
Also, follow Tarabband's page on Facebook at

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadin Khaldi
Head of the organisation
Nadin Khaldi
Contact (2) Full Name
Gabriel Hermansson

Teachers Without Frontiers

National Network

Kolonivägen 28
12345 Stockholm

0732-416875 - 076 66310770
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
46-732-41 68 75
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Teachers Without Frontiers is NGO. Our goal is to be active in the field of national and international education. Our main target groups is children, youth and adult.
Mission and Objectives

Our first mission is to establish a large network, international and national where we can achieve that all people regardless of their origin, race, political affiliation and religious and social status can and will get the chance to be able to read and write and count.

Main Projects / Activities

Among our activities is to participate in different educational projects, national and international. To create an universal school where both teachers, school leaders and pupils can have a common communications channel. Establish a universal education for all. The ambition of the Renaissance of humanism.

Contact (1) Full Name
José Henríquez
Head of the organisation


National Network

c/o Stanisic, Sandfjärdsgatan 101
120 56 Årsta

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Terraforming is a CSO network based in Stockholm (Sweden), Novi Sad (Serbia) and Amsterdam (Netherlands), with partners, contributors, associates and project activities all around Europe.
Mission and Objectives

Most activities are related to different aspects of teaching and learning about the Holocaust, promoting human rights, diversity and tolerance, and combating discrimination, intolerance, antisemitism, antiziganism and all forms of xenophobia, while debunking bias, myths, prejudice and stereotyping.
Through education and public outreach programs Terraforming empowers multipliers such as teachers, librarians, archivists, and other NGO activists, by developing and providing teaching materials and methodologies, facilitating training programs and international exchange of experiences and best practices.

Main Projects / Activities

Terraforming have longstanding expertise in developing and writing grant proposals with proven track record of successful applications to major international funding institutions. With its large network among cultural and educational institutions, scholars, experts, NGOs and other stakeholders around Europe, Terraforming sets up cross-sectoral international project cooperations and exchange.
More info:
Awarded Yehuda Bauer Grant for best project in 2016 by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance IHRA;

Contact (1) Full Name
Milenko Stanisic
Head of the organisation
Milenko Stanisic


National Network

Hälsingegatan 49
11331 Stockholm

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Order of the Tea Spoon, in the legal form of a foundation, has a prestigious board where Amos Oz has accepted to be an honorary member of the board. We are three employees and a couple of volunteers. Our main sources of funding are institutions and foundations. A minor part is private funders.

Mission and Objectives

Our values are based on the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The Order of the Teaspoon’s values are based on the conviction that all people have equal value and equal rights, that children have special rights and that States have specific obligations to ensure and protect these rights. The Order of the Tea Spoon’s work is based on the motto: For tolerance Against fanaticism. We work to prevent people from being discriminated because of political or religious beliefs, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.

Main Projects / Activities

Please find attachment

Contact (1) Full Name
Lovisa Fhager Havdelin
Head of the organisation
Camilla Nagler
Contact (2) Full Name
Camilla Nagler
Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

The Anna Lindh Days for Intercultural Citizenship Education

The Finnish Network organized together with its partners from ALF Heads of Networks of Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Morocco, Poland, Sweden, Tunisia and Turkey, an intercultural forum and a training titled the Anna Lindh Days for Intercultural Citizenship Education from 26...