
Casa Árabe

National Network

c/ Alcalá 62
28009 Madrid Madrid

+34 915630661
Telephone (other)
+34 915630541
+34 91 563 3024
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Casa Árabe and its International Institute of Arab and Muslim World Studies is a public consortium formed on July 2006 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the Spanish Agency for International Development, the autonomous communities of Madrid and Andalusia and the town councils of Madrid and Cordoba. With headquarters in Madrid and Cordoba, it is presided by the Foreign Affairs and Cooperation minister, and the presidents of the Andalusia and Madrid regional Governments and the majors of Madrid and Cordoba are deputy presidents. Its High Board of Trustees is presided over by Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain.

Mission and Objectives

The main goals of Casa Árabe are to strengthen bilateral and multilateral policies, to promote economical, cultural and educational relations, as well as supporting the development of training and knowledge on the Arab and Muslim world.

Main Projects / Activities

Casa Arabe`s activities are articulate into two main lines of work: 1) Culture and Media, 2) Education, Economics and Governance. Within these two lines it organizes activities, events and publications in a varied set of formats: Conferences and Debates; Book presentations; Economics, Socio-economic and Business seminars and meetings; Film and documentaries; Musical performances; Exhibitions; Arabic Language Center; Education and training courses; Public diplomacy visits and meetings.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristina Juarranz
Head of the organisation
Irene Lozano
Contact (2) Full Name
Nuria Medina García

Casa Árabe, awarded ‘Cultural Personality of the Year’ in United Arab Emirates

Casa Árabe in Abu Dhabi

Organised by Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Center, the "Zayed Book Awarded" has named Spanish cultural centre Casa Árabe Cultural Personality of the Year for its 18th edition. The award recognises institutions and individuals contributing to the enrichment of Arab culture and literature. 

The official award ceremony was held on Tuesday 30 April at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), and was attended by Casa Árabe's Director General, Irene Lozano, and the institution's Deputy Director, Cristina Juarranz.

The Board of Trustees' decision to award the prize to the Spanish institution was based on the recommendations of the Scientific Committee, which considers that Casa Árabe ‘fulfils the fundamental function of a bridge between Arab and Spanish cultures’. In this respect, those responsible for the award wished to highlight ‘Casa Árabe's unwavering dedication to fostering intercultural dialogue [...] by hosting numerous Arab writers, artists and thinkers alongside Spanish Arabists, all of whom share the goal of cultivating an environment based on principles of tolerance and respect for cultural diversity’.

Check the website: 

Casa de les Lengues, Department de la Presidencia/Catalunya - House of Languages

National Network

Via Laietana, 46A, principal 1a
08003 Barcelona

+ 34 93 268 90 72
Telephone (other)
+ 34 93 268 90 73
+ 34 93 310 48 54
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 34 636 36 65 40
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information
Linguamón - House of Languages is an organisation created by the Government of Catalonia. 1. There are eight members in the team. 2. Our budget for 2006 is 2.400.000 euros. 3. Sources of funding: Government of Catalonia 4. Creation of a big museum about languages; development of audiovisual products about multilingualism, creation of the International Centre of Best Practices in Multilingualism; documentation about languages, especially focussed on the Mediterranean languages, construction of a portal on multilingual technology, seminars, assessment on language management… 5 We are a consortium integrated by the Universal Forum of Cultures Foundation. and the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia.
Mission and Objectives

Linguamón - House of Languages is an organisation created by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia) with the aim of promoting the world’s languages as a vehicle for communication, civilisation and dialogue; source of personal development, human creativity and heritage of mankind , and right of individuals and of linguistic communities.

Main Projects / Activities

• To promote the preservation, use, recognition and learning of languages around the world, in such a way that these are not endangered by social and economic progress, and, as a result, working towards Linguistic Sustainability.
• To favour the presence of languages used on the Internet, and increase technological resources to facilitate multilingual communications, which we refer to as Multilingualism and Cyberspace.
• To internationally promote successful models that facilitate the coexistence of different languages within a shared territory or among a single group of people, which is known as Multilingualism Management.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Xirinachs Codina
Head of the organisation
Antoni Mir Fullana
Contact (2) Full Name
Josep Lluís Eras Trias

Casa Mediterráneo

National Network

PL. Arquitecto miguel López s/n
03570 Alicante Alicante

+ 34 96 598 64 64
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Casa Mediterráneo is a public consortium led by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation together with cthe Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID ), the government of the Valencian Community, City Councils of Alicante, Benidorm and Xabia as well as the Alicante Provincial Council . Anual Budget: 1M€
Staff: 10 persons
It s a major public diplomacy instrument whose main goal is to foster mutual knowledge and to bring Spain and the other Mediterranean countries closer together on different areas such as culture, economy, climate change, gender equality or scientific and technological innovation.

Mission and Objectives

- Promote any actions or projects that may contribute to a better understanding of other societies that live on the shores of the Euro-Mediterranean area, and foster the collaboration of Spain in those areas.
- Contribute to improve the image of Spain in the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean area.
- Foster the development of Spain’s relationship with the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean area, which share historic bonds with Spain in institutional, cultural, business, social, scientific and economic areas, as well as in scientific and technological innovation areas related to sustainable development.
- Strengthen friendship, solidarity and cooperation bonds between Euro-Mediterranean countries and societies.
- Promote Alicante, as well as any other cities where delegations of the consortium are established, as meeting places for the Euro-Mediterranean area, facilitating the institutional, business, cultural, economic and social rapprochement between countries.
- Promote higher participation in all the areas of the Euro-Mediterranean culture.
- Develop specific programs for childhood and youth, paying special attention to promoting cooperation, solidarity and non-discrimination values in the new generations.
- Develop specific programs for the establishment of actual and legal equality between men and women.
- Develop any other program that contributes to the promotion of the transnational interests between Spain and the Mediterranean countries, which is the reason why this consortium was created.
- Develop specific programs to fight against desertification and climate change and to foster water use policies.
- Promote programs aimed at media, new information technology and promotion, organized by Casa Mediterráneo.
- Promote a network relationship with other existing institutions, especially with the network of “Casas” of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, which are dedicated to several matters that concern the Mediterranean.

Main Projects / Activities

Casa Mediterráneo activities are articulate into 4 main lines of work: 1) Governance and Cooperation, 2) Economics and Devdelopment, 3) Culture and Heritage and 4) Democratic Memory. Within those four topics it organises activities, events in a varied set of formats: Conferences and Debates; Book presentations; Economics, Socio-economic and Business seminars and meetings; Film and documentaries; Musical performances; Exhibitions; Education and training courses; Public diplomacy visits and meetings.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Casa Mediterráneo can contribute as the other Casa member if Anna Lidhn (together with Casa Arabe) to gather our expertise and experience in public diplomacy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Casa Mediterráneo was alreayd member of the ALF Network in its earliest years and we´re willing to boost the euro-mediterranean collaboration among our societies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paqui Santonja
Job Title
Senior Advisor
Head of the organisation
Andrés Perelló
Contact (2) Full Name
Francisco Alcaraz
Job Title (2)
Responsable de Proyectos y Programación

Casa Mediterráneo

National Network



+34 965 986464
Telephone (other)
+34 965 984724
+34 965 986412
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Maison Méditerranée est une institution créée à image d'autres précédemment promues depuis le Ministère des Affaires Extérieures et de Coopération, comme Maison de l'Amérique, Marie l'Asie, Maison Arabe, Marie l'Afrique ou la Maison Sefarad Israël. C'est un organisme public spécialisé dont la fin est celui de promouvoir les relations de l'Espagne avec les régions d'intérêt pour la politique extérieure à travers la diplomatie publique. Un concept qui donne protagonisme à la citoyenneté, et dans le cas de Maison Méditerranéen le fait prends part de ses différentes activités, pour améliorer les liens et les relations confiance et amitié entre les pays du bassin méditerranéen. Maison Méditerranée naît du consensus politique, du consortium entre le Ministère les Affaires Extérieures et de la Coopération, la Generalitat Valenciana et les Mairies Alicante, Benidorm et de Jávea, qui sont son siège et ses sous-sièges respectivement, avec un pari en commun et l'effort des cinq institutions qui la constituent.
Mission and Objectives

La vocation de Maison Méditerranée est celle de servir de point rencontre, lieu de réflexion, espace pour la création et orchestre pour la diffusion les cultures diverses et plurielles et les traditions des peuples de la Méditerranée. En ce sens Maison Méditerranée prétend se transformer un instrument efficace et nécessaire pour promouvoir le rapprochement politique, économique, social, éducatif, scientifique culturel et humain entre les différentes sociétés, des cultures et des peuples qui baignent les deux bords du Mare Nostrum. Pour cela cette institution agira comme centre pour la diffusion d'une politique méditerranéenne commune, soutiendra la création forums et rencontres dans les domaines socio-économique, de coopération culturelle, scientifique, juridique et technologique entre les pays riverains et l'essayera de promouvoir les relations internationales entre les différents agents sociaux influents dans la Méditerranée.

Main Projects / Activities

L'activité de Maison Méditerranée se centre la projection de valeurs communes, et inclut des programmes information, échange dans les domaines politique, socio-économique, culturel, et éducatif afin de défendre et favoriser la politique extérieure espagnole, ainsi que l'image de l'Espagne dans d'autres pays. Son action complète d'autres niveaux de la politique extérieure, en facilitant à tout moment la connaissance mutuelle et la pleine participation de la société civile.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Casal dels Infants per a l'acció social als barris

National Network

C. Junta de Comerç, 16, pral. 1a
08006 Barcelona


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
- 21 membres volontaires dans assemblée d'associés, - Assemblée Directrice, - 153 travailleurs, Budget 2009: 4.757.827,81€ Voies financement: 54,38% public et 45,62% privé. 41 projets répartis en 5 lignes d'intervention sociale. Partenaires associés a la linge de coopération internationale: Associations Chifae, Darna, 100% mamas, UNFM, etc..
Mission and Objectives

L'objet fondamental de l'association réside dans la prévention des procédés d'exclusion sociale et la promotion de l’égalité des droits et des opportunités pour tous les garçons, les filles et les jeunes qui participent, au moyen de leurs activités, en réalisant des améliorations concrètes et durables de la qualité de vie du plus grand nombre de garçons, de filles, de jeunes et d'adultes possibles et de leurs familles et en générant, par extension, des améliorations dans les conditions de vie des territoires sur lesquels ces activités sont appelées à se développer.

Main Projects / Activities

Lignes d'intervention sociale de l'entité:
1- Support social aux enfants et familles,
2- Support du procés de scolarisation,
3- Intégration de jeunes en risque,
4- Formation et insertion sociale et laborale,
5- Renfort de la communauté.

Contact (1) Full Name
Xavier Muñoz Andreu
Head of the organisation
Rosa Balaguer Bueno (Directrice)

Càtedra Unesco de Diàleg Intercultural Mediterrani - Universitat Rovira i Virgili

National Network

S.Pau, 4
43003 Tarragona

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1.Director: Prof. Enric Olivé; Staff Number: 10 2. 116.000€ per year 3. Catalan Agency of Development (ACD), Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) 4. Reports, Researches and publications, seminars, on-line courses, Master courses, Postgraduate courses, Doctorate courses. 5. Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània (Barcelona, Spain), Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy), University of Cairo (Egypt), Université Abdelmalek-Es Saadi, Tétouan (Morocco), Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), Università di Bologna (Italy), University of Malta (Malta), Université Lumière – Lyon 2 (France), Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture (Switzerland) Observatori sobre l’Acompliment de la Declaració Universal dels Drets Humans en els Drets Econòmics, Socials i Culturals (Spain) Terre des Hommes (Italy) Immaginare l’Europa (Italy)
Mission and Objectives

The Euromed Observatory of Intercultural Dialogue and Human Rights is the result of an agreement between the Generalitat de Catalonia (Department of Presidency, Secretariat of External Relations) and GIEM (Group of Research of Gender, Intercultural and Mediterranean Cultural Studies) of the URV. Its aim is to foster critical knowledge of civil society, to promote thought, cultural dialogue and the defense of the human rights in the Mediterranean. The Observatory aims at becoming an instrument for dialogue among the cultures of the Mediterranean area.

Main Projects / Activities

- On-line publication Ulisses Cibernetic;
- Mediterranean press (selection and publication of the outlines of articles from all over the Mediterranean);
- DEA-Master in “Mediterranean Cultural Studies”;
- Organisation of Seminars and Conferences (i.e. ‘Freedom of the Press in the Mediterranean Region’, ‘Women and Hijab’, etc);
- Gathering of information about Mediterranean Countries to develop a database with technical description of each country.

Contact (1) Full Name
Enric Olivé Serret
Head of the organisation
Enric Olivé Serret

CEAR - Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado

National Network

Avenida General Perón, 32 2 Dcha
28020 Madrid


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
In order to reach our targets, CEAR articulates its work through two essential strategic lines that are complementary and mutually dependent: Social Intervention Line and Advocacy and Social Participation Line. 9.248.243 (Estimated and provisional budget until the approval of the final budget for 2012 by the General Assembly) Number of paid staff 230 Sources of funding: Public and private Actions: Concrete projects and services Amongst others, CEAR has an active role in the following international networks: ECRE (European Council for Refugees and Exiles), Justice Without Borders for migrants (a bi-regional network between Europe and Western Africa), Migreurop (a bi-regional network between Europe and Africa), World Social Forum on Migration (International Committee), Federation of Associations for the Defence and Promotion of Human Rights. Moreover, the different regional delegations of CEAR are involved in many regional and local networks.
Mission and Objectives

The Spanish Commission for Refugees (CEAR) is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1979 with a volunteer, humanitarian, independent and plural approach. CEAR was founded based on strong ethical values, such as justice, solidarity, freedom, equality, plurality, transparency and coherence. The defence of these values is our main incentive to carry out our duties.
Our fundamental aim is the defence and promotion of the right of asylum as well as the human rights of asylum seekers, refugees, internally displaced people, migrants in a vulnerable situation and stateless people.

Main Projects / Activities

The Social Intervention line is developed through four departments: the Legal Department, the Sheltering Department, the Social Department and the Training and Employment Department.
In the legal department, more than 150 lawyers work everyday giving advice and defending the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, stateless and displaced people and migrants in a vulnerable situation taking into account the specific circumstances of each person and the political and human rights situation in their country of origin.
CEAR’s Legal Department lawyers are distributed along the Spanish territory through different regional offices that are mainly located near key points of access to international protection procedures such as airports, coasts and ports with a 24 hours guard service. CEAR lawyers use strategic litigation to advance the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, stateless and displaced people and migrants in a vulnerable situation before national, international and regional courts such as the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).
It is important to highlight that in the last year our lawyers have received several ECHR positive decisions that have blocked the expulsion of asylum seekers whose asylum applications were denied while the Spanish court reaches a decision on the appeal. Recently, the United Nation Committee against torture reached a positive decision in a case carried out by CEAR (C/47/D/368/2008).
Concerning Shelter, Social and training and employment department it is important to point out that CEAR’s programs are defined by actions aiming to strengthen the wellbeing, autonomy and dignity of people from an integral approach covering shelter, social and psychological assistance and employment orientation.
The advocacy and social participation line aims to carry out actions and processes to have a direct impact on the normative, institutional, political and social structures to work for the defence of the right of asylum and access of all their rights. The work is articulated by five lines of action that are complementary and mutually dependent:
- Advocacy, raising- awareness, communication and knowledge management.
- Social movements and networks.
- International Strategy
- Intercultural coexistence
- Voluntary work and social participation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Celebration of the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Network FAL 2024

Members of the Spanish Network FAL 2024

On 19 and 20 March, Barcelona hosted the annual meeting of the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ReFAL). This event, which brings together members of the network every year, offers a unique opportunity for the exchange of ideas and the creation of synergies in the cultural field.

The programme of the meeting included spaces for joint reflection, fostering an enriching dialogue on the challenges and opportunities facing today's society in terms of cultural diversity. In addition, an Intercultural Marathon was held where the projects and programmes of the Network were presented.

Interactivity was key, as practical workshops allowed participants to explore new perspectives and approaches in promoting intercultural dialogue. These workshops addressed issues relevant to the Foundation, such as mutual understanding and collaboration between different communities.

In addition, the meeting provided ample space for networking, facilitating encounters between old and new members of the network. This exchange of experiences, projects and concerns contributes to strengthening collaboration between individuals and organisations committed to the ReFAL cause.

The ReFAL Annual Meeting is once again an unmissable opportunity to share best practices, to move forward together in building inclusive societies and to promote diversity as a driver of social enrichment.

Centre Euro Àrab de Catalunya

National Network

c. Menendez i Miralles, 1
C.P 08034


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
I. Structure . Director . Co-ordinator . Administration officer . Presidium (15 persons from the meditarrenean area living in Catalonia) . Working Committee (4 persons from the meditarrenean area living in Catalonia) II. Budgetary resources 90.000 Euros III. Sources of funding Diputació de Barcelona Ajuntament de Barcelona Generalitat de Catalunya IV. Modalities of action - Consolidation of Arab Associations in Catalonia (assessment, network, organisation of activities...) - Organisation of cultural weeks related to a mediteranean country - Participation in seminars: Gender and development in Morroco, Seminars on economical, social,political issues in the mediterranean area Up to now, our partners are local associations.
Mission and Objectives

Our main objectives are:
- Consolidate the network of arab associations in Catalonia
- Increase the knowledge of the mediterranean areas on the catalan civil society throught catalan citizens of mediterranean origin
- Iniciate a euro mediterranean network
- Integrate gender pespective in all our projects
- Foster col.laboration with young people and women throught cultural, educational, sustainable development and social projects focusing also in training.
- Work on identity issues
- Col.laborate in projects issued from needs and demands of the mediterranean countries

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects are:
- Consolidate the network of arab associations in Catalonia
- Starting projects with partners from the euro mediterranean area
- Intercultural sessions in local fests
- Cultural week of Siria

Contact (1) Full Name
Eliana Camps Dutrem
Head of the organisation
Eliana Camps Dutrem
Contact (2) Full Name
Cinta Llasat Buera