
Volunteer Day 2024

volunteer day

On May 24th 2024, 85 volunteer organizations from all over Slovenia presented themselves at Prešeren Square in Ljubljana, which work in a wide variety of fields - social, cultural, ecological, sustainable, development, humanitarian, sports, for young people and for the elderly, and contribute with their activities towards a more friendly and inclusive society. There were also 400 volunteers and around 2,500 visitors at the event.

The event was also attended by the Minister of Public Administration, Franc Props, and the Mayor of the Municipality of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković.

For more info click here


National Network


+ 386 7 49 900 70
Telephone (other)
+ 386 7 49 900 72
+ 386 7 49 900 71
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
1. Youth centre Bre?ice is a non-profit organisation, founded by the municipal council of the Bre?ice Community in 1997, offering its monthly activities. The members of staff include nine full-time employees, individuals involved in Employment Service programmes and volunteers. We have 11 main fields of work. Our work is organized as project work. 2. Budget resources available in a year: 306.966,27 €. 3. Sources of founding: the Municipality of Bre?ice, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport – Office for Youth, the Employment Service of Slovenia, the National Agency for the EU Youth Programme, the Ministry of Culture, Nova ljubljanska banka and Nova KBM (bank), Radio Bre?ice and Studio D (radio stations), other sponsors and donors. 4. We have established good cooperation on the youth field in local, regional, national level. Yearly we have more than 50 organization with whom we developed project cooperation, from business, employment, youth field,..
Mission and Objectives

as a public institution we have obligation to open space for youth condition and creative work of youth and for youth.
For youth and with youth creating programs, who offers learning threw active participation, offering information to young to easier participation in society, with common work on project assure reciprocally learning, to encourage voluntary work as value, encourage non formal education and social integration of youth.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities deals with: culture, informal education, information and counseling, kids, sport, international cooperation.
Culture is a part of MC´s monthly programme, featuring various concerts, plays, exibitions, readings, themed events In addition, culture is a part of all the rooms where the equipment and knowledge give young people a chance to be cerative.
Our weekly programme consists of exhibitions in our galleries, music and film nights, different courses.
Youth centre develops appropriate facilities, encourages young professionals to pass their knowledge on to others and organizes various useful courses open to youg people of all interests.
Our previous courses focused on foreign languages, computing, music, dance, sound engineering, architecture, drawing, drama, photography and video. We also offered classes and trainings in youth volunteer work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Za in proti, zavod za kulturo dialoga/Pre et contra, institute for culture of dialogue

National Network

Svetosavska 24

+386 41423377
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Za in proti, zavod za kulturod dialoga is a non-governmental organisation, which coordinates the activities of 60 debate clubs at middle school, high school and university level, in which there are regularly actively involved more than 1000 young people and youth leaders. Additionally, ZIP organises numerous public debates, panel discussions, Radio and TV debates about important issues of contemporary world, involving experts, representatives of local, governmental and European institutions, representatives of civil organisations and youth as main speakers.
Mission and Objectives

Za in proti, zavod za kulturo dialoga/Pro et Contra, Institute for culture of dialogue (acronym ZIP) considers itself a creator of a peaceful coexistence and communication, it contributes to development of democracy and raises civil awareness of people. ZIP activities among young and dissemination of the above mentioned ideas create a better new world.ZIP co-ordinates, informs, educates, researches and promotes debate activity in order to improve the quality of the culture in dialogue in Slovenia and strengthen youth participation in public life. Debate develops critical thinking, excites students’ interest in current social affairs, encourages tolerance and respect for people with different opinions, teaches how to speak clearly and in an articulated manner, teaches how to cope with fear of public speaking, in a word the debate develops a social critical citizen who is able to clearly and convincingly take his/her stand, who is able to listen and understand the opposing arguments and re-establish a dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

ZIP main activities are:
- coordination of 60 debate clubs activities, 1000 young people involved;
- organising and running different debate and advocacy trainings for youth, youth workers, teachers, elderly, different NGOs ...
- organising and promoting round table discussions, public, Radio and TV debates on different topics all over Slovenia;
- organising regional, national and international events fostering researching, information and discussions about important issues of contemporary world e.g. equal opportunities, active citizenship and participation, inter culture dialogue, social inclusion, fight against climate change ... among youth, other citizens and residence, academics, civil society experts and activists, politicians, governmental officials, members of the parliament.
- consulting, help organising, training new debate programmes all over the world; in the last year we train and help organising debates in Iraq, Qatar, Japan, South Korea, Serbia, Ruanda, Finland, Italy.
Some past projects:
DEBATE EUROPE PROGRAMME, Slovenia, grant number : , project entitled « Tudi tvoje mnenje šteje, z razpravami do naše Evrope. »,
Implementation November 2008 – November 2009
Youth in Action Programme, Action 4.5.b, EACEA, project entitled « To vote or not to vote », implementation date 15th January 2009 – 15th of August 2009
Youth in Action Programme, Action 3.1, Cooperation with the neighbouring countries, project entitled «One lingual, bi-lingual, multi–lingual, implementation period September – November 2008
THE PROJECT ENTITLED »EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT IS AS IMPORTANT AS SLOVENIAN PARLIAMENT.« , grant agreement number: INFO/2006/3/84, EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, Directorate-General Information, Budget Unit – MOY 05 T 004, implementation dates August 2006 – June 2007
ELEM 2007, project entitled « Let’s debate equal opportunities », Year of equal opportunities, implementation period 2007.
Youth for Active Citizenship and EU Integration”, August 2005 – July 2006, a series of trainings for youth; debate tournaments; public, radio and TV debates; essay competition; national youth forum; international youth forum; International project, leading partner Lithuanian debate organisation, partners Slovenia and Bulgaria; Call for proposals - DG EAC No. 68/04, “PROMOTION OF ACTIVE EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP”
„Youth Parliament Project“, Call for proposals: Socrates Joint Actions, 2003 113112-JA-2003-1-NL-Joint Call-ACYP, international project, leading applicant IDEA, partners UK, Lithuania, Romania, Slovenia, project implementation years 2005 and 2006

Contact (1) Full Name
Bojana Skrt

Založba Goga

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Publishing House Goga is a private institution and has only one founder - Student Society of Novo mesto (Društvo novomeških študentov – onward DNŠ). The latter was founded in 1993 and soon established its own “student service”, which became a regular source of income. number of staff employed and partners: 20 Budgetary resources available in a year: 350.000 € Sources of funding: Slovenian Ministry of Culture, Town municipality, Student Society of Novo mesto, other Modalities of action: book publishing, music publishing, cultural production (events), Bookstore, children education Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Lokalpatriot, Bosnian writers asociation, Slovenian writers asociation, Halma
Mission and Objectives

to publish books (young authors, contemporary literature)
to promote young and unestablished writers
to create a cultural platform for emancipation of artistic and creative potential in our environment

Main Projects / Activities

book publishing, music publishing, cultural production (events), Bookstore, children education

Contact (1) Full Name
Mitja Ličen
Head of the organisation
Mitja Ličen
Contact (2) Full Name
Matic Bobnar

Zavod 2030

National Network

Kersnikova 17a
3000 Celje

+386 41 229035
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
We are a local NGO with an aim to spread awareness, connect, cooperate and create a more stable, and sustainable local environment for all. We have recycled a space and are now using it for a coworking, meeting, awareness spreading and event space that is dealing with Agenda 2030 and 17 SGDs as our main topic and activity. We have workshops, lectures, events, round tables and other formats all addressing this subjects.We haven't been around for a long time, but in the last 6 months, we have organized 3 syposiums, 3 workshops, 3 lectures, hosted multiple meetings, networking events and had presentations at local organisations with an aim to connect and do joint projects.  We are a privately funded NGO, applying for local, national and EU grants. Cooperating with local entrepreneurs that support our work. We are 4 cofounders, and have aprox. 20 active members. Every month we host 3-5 events and bring aprox. 200 individuals to our location/space. BUSINESS MODEL: Coworking space Event space Sustainable products store Sustainable kitchen/coffee shop Active memberships - mandatory participation on projects
Mission and Objectives

A local and global community of changemakers that aim to create a sustainable world with lasting peace.
To create social impact inspired by UN SDGs.
To create a Think-Tank that will address sustainable solutions.
To create a platform where local community can work on sustainable projects.
To bridge gaps of different stakeholders in local community - to bring together youth, active citizens, policy makers, entrepreneurs, industry leaders and encourage them to work together.
To build a world-wide network of communities of social innovators and changemakers.
To bring the knowledge and awareness of UN SDGs and Agenda 2030 to our local environment.

Main Projects / Activities

We have cooperated with the local library and high school on a project that encouraged the youth to work on addressing on of the SDGs hand on - so high shoolers created projects with local NGOs and actively participated in helping those less fortunate in our local environment.
We have hosted a workshop with high schoolers that included making items, furniture, art from recycled materials, which are now a part of our coworking space.
All events we hoste and organise we use as a platform to present the Agenda 2030 and 17 SDGs and are very actively also promoting in our local environment.
Lectures and workshops
Supporting and encouraging social entrepreneurship
Online platform of members, stakeholders and active citizens
Handbook on sustainable development practices
Educational summits, symposiums, industry conferences

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Zavod 2030 is our answer to work closely with people, starting locally and use our own city of Celje as a habitat where people and businesses meet to envision and work toward a desired future together. Our ambition is to co-create a local and global community of changemakers through programs and activities that aim to create a sustainable world with lasting peace. We believe in the values of wisdom, self-initiative, innovation, creativeness, lifelong learning and sharing.
As stated above, we expose aprox. 200 ppl monthly to Agenda 2030 and 17 SDGs. This is quite a large number for our environment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We found, most people are still unaware of the issues and challenges facing the world. 
Zavod 2030 is an openly shared model of hosted thematic space that encourages innovative solutions for modern day challenges and is a platform for transforming youth into active and responsible citizens.
We believe joining AFL Network is a nother opportunity to spread values that will help create a sustainable and peaceful world. We want to start in our local environment, but also connect local citiens with the world, to provide a wider outlook and stronger positive connections between people(s) of the world.
We all need to feel more connect on a personal level, digital ways are not enough - we wish to promote people to people contact and real relationship building practices.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tanja Tamše
Job Title
Co-founder and community builder
Head of the organisation
Tanja Tamše
Contact (2) Full Name
Lucija Kolar
Job Title (2)
Project manager

ZAVOD CELEIA CELJE- Center for Contemporary Arts

National Network

Krekov trg 3

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
- Non-for-profit public institution, employees 20 - 250.000 eur - Municipality of Celje, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia - Artist-in-residence exchange, production and presentation of art and cultural events, international open calls, lectures and conferences, workshops, networking - Ministry of Culture, SCCA servis, Gallery ŠKUC, Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, FLAX ART studios Belfast
Mission and Objectives

The Centre for Contemporary Art Celje is a non-profit organisation with the main mission to initiate, develop and promote contemporary visual arts in the local, regional and international context. The Centre represents a creative hub devoted to arts, culture and theory, and is experienced in the specific conditions of the current social, political, and economic situation. Under the auspices of the City Council of Celje and its Cultural Department, the Centre has been actively engaged in the project-based cultural programming in cooperation with partners across the region and beyond.
The Centre for Contemporary Art Celje consists of three exhibition venues in the downtown Celje area: Gallery of Contemporary Art, Likovni Salon Gallery and Racka Gallery .

Main Projects / Activities

artists-in-residence programme, exhibitions, performances, educational programmes, cultural events, publishing.

Contact (1) Full Name
Irena Čerčnik
Head of the organisation
Milena Čeko Pungartnik
Contact (2) Full Name
Maja Hodošček


National Network

Zaloška cesta 61

+386 (0) 1 620 87 85
Telephone (other)
+386 (0) 1 620 87 83
+386 (0) 1 620 87 82
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Zavod EN-KNAP have one production director (Marjeta Lavrič) and Art director (Iztok Kovač), supported by 5 employees in the office, 4-5 members of technical stuff, permanent dance group, which numbers five dancers and rehearsal manager. We are operating with 550.000 EUR per year for programming and other operational costs. Main sources are Department of Culture at Municipality of Ljubljana and Ministry of Culture. Small support we are gaining from different embassies and foreign cultural institutes. Basically we are operating in cultural projects, but searching the way to connect culture with other fields of activities like education. Our partners are mostly cultural organisations, but lately we are developing links with faculties and art academies.
Mission and Objectives

The international dance group En-Knap was founded in 1993 by Iztok Kovač in Leuven, Belgium, under the wings of the production-management house Stuc and the Klapstuk Festival. A year later the group moved its headquarters to Ljubljana, where it established EN-KNAP Productions. The internationally renowned production company has introduced and established its trademark aesthetics inside the European space, attracting an array of acclaimed co-producers and producing some of the most acclaimed contemporary dance pieces in recent history. From its beginnings, the programme of EN-KNAP has been supported by over 50 international co-producers, by the Slovenian Ministry of Culture and by the City of Ljubljana. Since 2009, EN-KNAP administers Španski Borci Cultural Centre, a public infrastructure in the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana with the domestic stage for the only professional ensemble for contemporary dance in Slovenia, EnKnapGroup.

Main Projects / Activities

Zavod EN-KNAp is a production company on the contemporary dance field.
Since 2007 Zavode EN-KNAP manages the only permanent contemporary dance group in Slovenia, EnKnapGroup.
Since 2009 manages Cultural centre Španski borci in Ljubljana.
Since 2010, EN-KNAP Productions began the Import-Export International Programme which brings renowned international production of performing arts to Španski Borci and Ljubljana on a continuous, monthly basis.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with facilities and experienced team of cultural workers, open for various initiatives on the field of culture and education in culture.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF network to ensure sustainability of our work. We are now in the phase of further development, widening our activities on the field of audience development, education and raising the programme quality in our theatre. Search for international partners, transfer of good practices and additional funds are necessity for our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Iztok Kovač
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Dravska 8

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are nonprofit organization. Our main sources are public received trough grants. Main fields of interes: intercultural exchange, music events & festivals, youth initiatives, non-formal education
Mission and Objectives

We run a world music festival Etnika here in Maribor, Slovenia. Its eight edition was in 2012. (some guests in previous editions: NIYAZ feat. AZAM ALI, STANLEY JORDAN, POUM TCHACK, CHEIKH LO...)
We also run a little centre for youth problem gamblers with the complete service: prevention,research, counselling & therapy

Main Projects / Activities

ETNIKA world music festival (
NE ZAKOCKAJ SVOJE PRIHODNOSTI/DON'T GAMBLE YOUR FUTURE AWAY - a project of raising awareness of youth problem gamling, the project is in the programme of the European Capital of Youth 2013 (
CENTRE FOR YOUTH PROBLEM GAMBLING - in 2013 we'll do a research on gambling participation among the adolescents in primary and high schools in Maribor

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by promoting the name of the Network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

searching for foreign partners in the field of youth gambling research and treatment
searching also for partners in other fields of youth initiatives along with the wide range of cultural exchanges and interactions

Contact (1) Full Name
Marjan Ornik
Head of the organisation
Mira Osvald