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Activité d'apprentissage

Comprendre la citoyenneté

Learning Activity Illustration
Taille du groupe
Taille du groupe
16-18 ans
19 - 25 ans
26-35 ans
36-50 ans
51-80 ans
Plus de 80 ans

Illustrer la complexité de la compréhension des concepts de citoyenneté. Améliorer la réflexion critique et sensibiliser à la multitude de caractéristiques, réalités sociales et manières de voir, et exercer la citoyenneté.
Associer des caractéristiques clés de la citoyenneté et de la démocratie et discuter du rôle de l’individu, du travail dans le domaine de la jeunesse et des actions citoyennes, dans l’ensemble que représente la question de citoyenneté.

Instructions for Educator
Instruction étape-par-étape

Participants are invited to reflect individually about their understanding on citizenship.Understanding the word (in groups with multiple languages) ask participants to write on the board the word “citizenship” in their own language

Instruction étape-par-étape

Request what is the etymological origin of this word and how is currently understood. Are there in their languages different words for citizenship, nationality, patriotism,...?

Instruction étape-par-étape

Spread the quotes around the training floor room and ask participants to read them all, to choose the one that they agree the most and to stand next to it.

Instruction étape-par-étape

Invite participants to sit near the quote they have chosen. Could happen that several participants have chosen the same one. Make a round for participants to express the reasons they choose a quote or another.

A short debriefing may follow:According to their perception, which of the quotes presented and discussed are mainstream in their society. Why do they think so?