A session of working groups was held in Skopje

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Institutional strengthening of the systems for collecting and analyses of data in the public sector, integration of indicators for rule of law and control of the corruption in the state strategies, as well as introduction of mandatory transparency of all state institutions through publishing data in an open format, development of program for education for managing data in the public sector and promotion of the portals for open data with improved visualization for analytical and comparative analyses, are draft recommendations from today’s 4th session of the Working group 6 “Anticorruption” (Chapter 5-Public procurements; Chapter 18-Statistics; Chapter 32-Financial control) entitled: “The data we trust: A prerequisite for a stronger economy and an effective fight against corruption”, held in Skopje, organized by the European movement in the Republic of North Macedonia within the project National convention for European union in the Republic of North Macedonia (NCEU-MK).

Reliable and quality data are crucial for proper realization of the reforms necessary for EU was one of the key conclusions from today’s session.

In her introduction, Mileva Gurovska, national coordinator of NCEU-MK and president of the European movement in the Republic of North Macedonia emphasized that statistics is reiable as much as the public and institutions have trust in it.

„It is no coincidence that Chapter 18-Statistics is in Cluster 1-Fundamental values. Prevention and fight against corruption is not challenge only for Cluster 1, but basic precondition for the whole process of European integration of our country“, Gurovska said at today’s session.

Аnita Angelovska Bezoska, governor of the National bank of the Republic of North Macedonia highlighted that the central banks are not only users of the statistical data, but also producers of statistical data.

„The central banks are one of the key chains in each statistical system. There is no doubt that good statistics is precondition for good decisions and policies, that enables the central banks to tun good monetary and financial policy. As economies evolve, statistics must evolve as well“, the governor stated, adding that the National bank of the Republic of North Macedonia has undertaken series of activities for improving the process of informing and communication with the public.

Dejan Stankov, acting director of the State Statistical Office of the Republic of North Macedonia believes that the mission of this institution is to produce exact, relevant and objective data for the public. According to Stankov, the official statistics are a key instrument for transparency and accountability of the public policies.

We are witnesses of explosion of information. In an era of social media and alternative statistics, reliable data are needed more than ever. The State Statistical Office is directed towards continued promotion and strengthening of its’ capacities”, acting director Stankov said.

In his introduction, Mojmir Mrak, professor and a Jean Monnet Chair holder at the Academic Unit for Money and Finance at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, explained the process of adjustment of the Slovenian system according to the European, emphasizing that in this process implementing the reforms is of crucial importance.

„Good statistics is infrastructure for normal economic and social development of every country. Statistics is basis for good regulative. If the country cannot fulfill the conditions of the European commission, the money does not come to the country. If you wish to show reforms, you must have good indicators, and for that you need data. That’s why the data are extremely important”, Mrak stated.

Maj ERICSSON GOTHERconsultant on the project “Strengthened capacities for the production of statistics in accordance with the needs of the users and the requirements of the EU”, State Statistical Office highlighted that the statistical data play crucial role in development of the state. According to Ericsson Gother, it is necessary for statistical authorities to be independent from other political, regulatory and managing bodies, as well as from private operators so that credibility of the statistical data and proper resources can be secured.

Dragan Tevdovski, NCEU-MK expert and professor at the Economic faculty within the University “St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, emphasized that if we want to decrease corruption, the institutions should be fully open to the public and all agreements and annexes to be published by the Bureu for public procurements. One of the strongest measures against corruption, Tevdovski said, is publishing of consolidated balance sheet of the public sector, while one of the main mechanisms for fighting informal economy is forbidding cash payments.

Tevdovski spoke also for the need of publishing the annual tax statements as it is the case with Finland.

Joana Madzoska, economist in World Bank believes that we can not have good economic policies without good macroeconomic data. She spoke that in terms of good governance, it is necessary depolitization of the public sector, replacement of political employments with professional ones, as well as strengthening of the capacity of the institutions and digitalization.

Blagoja Pandovski, president of “Transparency International Macedonia“ has explained the role of this NGO in fighting corruption, adding that often the corruption is not being prosecuted by whole chain of instituons in charge for it.

The participants at today’s session have highlighted the role of the relevant and exact data as precondition for securing growth and development of the state, but also crucial in the process of carrying out public policies and making rightful decisions by the citizens.