The Italian German Action Plan and Its Consequences over Industry and Defence


The Italian German Action Plan and Its Consequences over Industry and Defence

The Italian German Action Plan and Its Consequences over Industry and Defence
Istituto Affari Internazionali
Année de publication

The Italian German action plan. This article discusses the cooperation agreement between both Germany and Italy in all areas from migration to economic policy. This agreement is quite interesting in terms of the wider EU policy as some of the largest economies in the EU have decided to create their own. This article focuses on the economic aspects of the agreement as well as the defence agreement as both countries have a shared history of defence agreements. The article discusses the importance of this relation in terms of arms buildup and cooperation in providing funds to Ukraine as with out this cooperation and wider EU cooperation the EU and all it’s member states have failed with Ukraine creating a stronger Russia and a weak Europe therefore this agreement is paramount in demonstrating German and Italian solidarity not only in terms of both economic aid but in terms of military aid. As this treaty is very much as resurrection of the agreements that Italy and Germany shared during the cold war in many different senses. Both Germany and Italy recognised the failings of the EU policy and developed their own which is important for the larger members states to realise in that they have the capacity to do this and then hopefully then further influences the EU wider policies
