Neighborhood-based factors predicting attendance of early childhood education and care in a universal system: A case of Finland


Neighborhood-based factors predicting attendance of early childhood education and care in a universal system: A case of Finland

Salla Fjällström, Maiju Paananen, Kirsti Karila
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Année de publication

This study investigates neighborhood-based predictors of attending early childhood education and care (ECEC) in a universal ECEC system. We used child-specific data (N = 1409) from a parent survey conducted in 2019 in Finland combined with zip code data to examine the extent to which neighborhood urbanicity and socioeconomic status (SES) are associated with attendance of ECEC at the age of four. Using binomial logistic regression, we investigated attendance of formal ECEC services in general and center-based ECEC in particular. The results show that neighborhood urbanicity was associated with attendance of ECEC even when family-based variables were controlled. Neighborhood SES was associated with attendance of ECEC only when center-based ECEC was examined in particular. The results highlight the importance of recognizing local barriers to attending different kinds of ECEC services beyond family characteristics, including in universal ECEC systems.
