
The Lebanese League of Women in Business

National Network

Berytech Building, 3rd Floor, Damascus Road, Beirut

+961 1 612500 Ext. 1990
Telephone (other)
+9611 611005
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
President Founding Members Board of Directors Employed:Director Employed:Executive assistant Source of Funding: Grants Some examples of our work: In April of 2011 we announced our collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization through Enterprise Development & Investment Promotion Program. UNIDO EDIP Program has an economic development target that is being achieved through the assistance of micro, small, and medium Enterprises. The main purpose of this program is to support Business start ups and existing Businesses from all sectors to solve their problems and to help them grow. UNIDO EDIP will have the same purpose with all LLWB members in their workplace as current entrepreneurs or potential future entrepreneurs through trainings, professional counseling, financial linkages, business development services, advisory for enterprise establishment & Growth through UNIDO EDIP virtual business incubator & Technology Park. After hosting successful programs in 2008 and 2009, we convened in our third Corporate Ambassadors Program (CAP) in 2011, an initiative which brings small delegations of international businesswomen and senior executives to the Middle East and North Africa for business training and knowledge exchange. The Program addresses national trend of family-owned businesses and focuses on strategies for management and succession This was one of our major achievements since it brought together more than 200 insightful professionals and inspiring speakers gathered at the Suliman S. Olayan School of Business at the American University of Beirut (AUB) to discuss the difficulties of leading a family business and the challenges inherent in creating strategies for succession and management. This event was held in partnership with the Middle East and North Africa Business women’s Network (MENA BWN), Vital Voices Global Partnership, and Exxon Mobil. The 2011 Corporate Ambassador Program proved to be a powerful forum for the exchange of ideas. LLWB’s commitment to creating brighter prospects for women, their families, and the community at large, was clearly evident at this event. In the same year also established a LLWB chapter in the Bekaa that is highly active. The Branch offers business training and other opportunities to women in rural areas. Also, the LLWB was a founding member of the MENA Businesswomen Network. The MENA BWN was incorporated in the Kingdom of Bahrain in 2010 and represents over 2,500 individual members with associations in 10 countries. Its mission is to promote the advancement of women, enhance economic and professional growth and contribute to the development of individual members and the organizations to which they belong, resulting in progress and prosperity for families and communities in the MENA region and the world at large. The MENA BWN has supported over 20,000 men and women through targeted programs, workshops and skills building workshops that have resulted in the creation of over 500 new companies, expanded business-to-business connections and increased company revenue. As you know, our Non-profit organization relies on the support of grants, fundraising and contributions in order to develop activities that are beneficial to Lebanese business women who have the potential to succeed and contribute greatly to the economy. Main Partners involved: MENA Businesswomen Network, Vital Voices
Mission and Objectives

LLWB is a scientific and cultural organization that aims to bring together professional women by providing them with a forum in which they can exchange experiences and expertise, discuss common challenges and issues, provide specialized training through vocational development programs, facilitate the exchange of information, network and prepare handouts, brochures, circulations and publications for the purpose of promoting the potential of women in the world of business.
Moreover, the association aims to:
Cooperate and coordinate with NGOs and civil society groups to boost the role of women in the world of business
Help and support female university graduates implement and execute projects and businesses that directly impact the development of the Lebanese economy
Educate, enlighten and guide youth in general, and young women in particular, about the significance of women's participation in the world of business through training sessions and seminars
Conduct training sessions, conferences and seminars to promote the role of Lebanese women in society
Form and establish an incubator, and benefit from support and expertise of national and foreign organizations, and implementing the same in the Lebanese business community
Prepare and offer programs for school and university students that deal with the world of business and its role in promoting the national economy, in particular the role of the working woman in the fields of business and economy
Conduct conferences and training sessions for professional women to develop their skills
Draft and participate in drafting bills that aim to boost the role of the working woman and secure her effective participation in all fields
Cooperate with governmental and non-governmental organizations to elevate awareness of women rights across the socio-economic spectrum, especially those rights related to the working woman
Support activities that aim to secure and promote the working woman's role through international conventions and local laws and regulations
Improve the potential and aptitude of the Lebanese woman in her profession through encouragement and networking
Develop relationships with professional women all over the world, in particular in the Arab world and Lebanon, as well as in the Lebanese Diaspora
Elevate and enhance women rights' awareness through conducting specialized sessions for all the classes of the society
Harness the media to help achieve the aims of the organization

Main Projects / Activities

he mission of the LLWB is to encourage women in business to “Take the lead and succeed”.
In that perspective, we provide a multidisciplinary podium through which we advocate, research and disseminate information, develop innovative ideas, business network, assist and enlighten the youth and promote professionalism and leadership. The LLWB also endorses women's issues in the business world and advances entrepreneurial opportunities and access to resources. For those who aspire to become independent entrepreneurs or become more proactive in their business environment, the LLWB provides direction through the following 5 pillars:
Educational and Vocational Programs
Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)
We at LLWB believe that women are a vital element in society’s development and prosperity. A woman should have the opportunity to achieve her full civic, social and professional rights and potential through:
Equal Opportunities
Unrestricted Access to Resources

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are working with many entities already, like the NCLW (National Commission for Lebanese Women.) Our aim is to join forces to consolidate efforts that are being duplicated.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have new members joining us on daily basis and our organization has grown rapidly in the last few years. Furthermore, the caliber of our members has risen as well. They are highly motivated women well educated women from different industries. One of our lessons learned is that that we need to upgrade our services to cater to them.
They have developed exponentially over the past years, with a very obvious thirst for information. And in order for us to stay ahead of our game, we need to expand out network and bring in new ways to push them either further.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samia El-Solh
Head of the organisation
Hanan Saab
Contact (2) Full Name
Rola El-Taki


National Network

Khaldeh - Sea side Road
beirut 1107

+961 70-925607
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

THE LEE EXPERIENCE stands for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Employment Development. It is an organization established in Lebanon in 2020 that has a unique business model with two arms one for-profit and one non-profit. While working on a holistic approach, we develop specific strategies for crosscutting themes to create a coherent ecosystem while providing sustainable socio-economic development, and livelihood support through ensuring business development and decent work, in line with the SDGs, especially for youth and women entrepreneurs through our four business programs: - LEE Business Incubator - LEE Digital Media Hub - LEE Academy - LEE Business Clinic Our presence in Lebanon– Our organization has a strong presence all over Lebanon, with 3 branches located in Beirut, Bekaa, South, under construction in the north, and a network of partners from CSO, INGO, CCIA, SDCs, and local government across the nation. The LEE Experience has a presence in the interagency networks and community as an LCRP partner and Core group active member for 2023 elected. Our presence in the MENA region–The LEE Experience is expanding its presence by operating and implementing projects in MENA regions such as Egypt, Tunis, Lybia, Morroco, Algeria, Jordan, Iraq and Yemen through 7 projects implemented as technical assistance to NGO’s and INGO’s such as Ministry of Labor Iraq, World bank group Iraq, World bank group Egypt, CAWTAR and kvinna till kn=vinna in 6 countries, Microfinance network and SFD in Yemen…etc Our Areas of expertise:  Business incubator: As a business incubator, we have designed several of business incubation and acceleration programs for pre-seed and seed phases in a physical, hybrid, and online format to create a supportive ecosystem where innovative ideas can flourish and diverse voices can be heard. We believe in the potential of the next generation of entrepreneurs and the positive impact can have on our communities, especially for youth and women. Our support and offering Ideation and capacity building, Feasibility Studies, Tech Product Design, Marketing and Communication Strategies, Professional Business Management Training, Access to Market & Business to Business linkages, Apprenticeship, Co-working space , Access to Finance and Connection with Investors. These offers divided into three programs as follows: - Pre Seed Programme: A pathway of 18 months We will help you to generate and validate your business idea, write your business plan, pitching deck, the financial model, and link you with the pre-seed fund opportunities. - Accelerator Programme: A pathway of 4 months to accomplish your ambition and embark on your national regional and globally sustainable journey. - Zowada Digital Accelerator Programme: The goal of the program is to create an enabling environment for the development and adoption of clean technology in the agriculture and agri-food sector, which will drive changes towards a low-carbon economy and promote sustainable growth.  Research & Data Analysis Services - Our services include research with expertise in data collection, advanced analytics, and insights interpretation. We conduct training needs assessment, business mapping to maximize profitability, impact assessment, and market research while including assessment on product competition using a consumer-behavior-based intelligence model that helps in the price modeling. We are experienced in conducting special research projects on digital finance and mobile banking, alongside alternative delivery channels.  Entrepreneurship Support, focusing on youth & women – We directly provide capacity building to Startups, SMEs, and women entrepreneurs and support them to start and improve income generation through market-oriented technical training, business management skills, and coaching. Technical assistance and capacity building covers all staff levels, from the top leadership to the field staff. We tailor capacity-building plans, and training materials, and provide in-house training and TOT with the help of a growing pool of trainers and experts, and using blended methodologies.  Gender Audit– UN-certified gender auditors’ members ensure to have gender awareness within our work environment and have audited policies going in line with the gender balance approach. We provide as well gender consultancy and auditing services for external entities.  Management Capacity Building – In the framework of its work on business transformation to individuals and organizations, The LEE Experience provides capacity building and coaching through training programs targeting managerial teams in different areas such as Leadership, strategical planning, business retreat, financial management, MEAL, fundraising, reporting, Assessment and outreach. ..etc  Agriculture & Agro-Food Startups, SMEs & Solopreneurs Support: Providing support to beneficiaries on business development, marketing & fundraising levels, business performance coaching, and marketing strategy coaching that covered branding, advertising, and attracting investors, tailored to each project, as a certified ITCILO Coach for startup and SME.  Social enterprises & Solidarity Economy (SSE) Project Support: Providing a comprehensive cycle of intervention including business plans assessment, member of the Jury to select projects for seed funding, capacity building on business management, marketing & fundraising strategies, and MVP determination.  Crowdfunding via ZOWADA as Access to Finance Tool: ZOWADA mobile Apps it is digital accelerator includes 5 main services: Crowdfunding, E-commerce, E-learning, Expert Consultancy, & Job Matching.  Financial Support Services & Education – Having on board international microfinance certified experts, we provide financial education services to improve financial literacy and enhance access to finance opportunities through ensuring financial inclusion. This support is accompanied by seed funding activities, apprenticeship, on-the-job training, promoting access to short-term revenue and employment. In order to ensure access to finance from various funding entities that includes debit funds such as microfinance institutions, and equity funds such as angel investors, accelerator, crowdfunding..., and therefore support in acquiring economic independency, long term strategic agreements are being built. The first one with Faster Capital to provide financial and non-financial services to Tech startups and SME in MENA regions. The second one with The Lebanese Micro-Finance Association (LMFA) that represents nine member of microfinance organizations on the national and international and works on improving the provision of financial and non-financial services to non-inclusive groups in the main official financial system.  DIGITAL MEDIA HUB– a Marketing & Digital Transformation Hub is the main asset within the organization that works in ensuring the best results of transforming messages, causes, products, and programs into Art. The LEE Experience is managed by founders and board members with more than 20 years of experience in the Lebanese context and socio-economic development of youth and women in addition to an integrated private sector model. In addition to a headcount of 28 employees experienced with 7 to 20 years of experience with a background in livelihood, Entrepreneurship, MSME support, microfinance, social enterprises, innovation, capacity building, Marketing, and digital transformation. Our pool of experts is accredited by international, regional, and National entities such as Certified Trainers on SIYB ( Start & Improve your Business), MFB ( My first Business), WDO ( Women do business, SBW ( Sustainable business women), MMW ( Making microfinance work, management to improve performance), FE ( Financial Education), Certified Coaches for Startups and MSME, Certified Curricula development, Certified Gender Audit. Our funders & partners Network - The LEE Experience founders have an extensive socio-economic work history with over 20 years of working experience in the MENA region and collaboration with a wide range of local and international organizations such as: International Labor Organization (ILO) , Chemonics & USAID, Yemen Microfinance Network (YMN), World Bank, CGAP, Global Communities, IFC , UNICEF, UNFPA, UNRWA, , Al Tadamun Microfinance Foundation , AFD, GIZ, Sanabel Microfinance Network, Cairo University, Frankfurt School International Advisory Services, Vitas Misr, National Commission of Lebanese Women and others. Since its establishment, The LEE Experience implement 14 projects in MENA. We served more than 5000 beneficiaries for a total budget exceeding 1.7 million US Dollars with strong partnerships and funders such as ILO, UNIFIL, the International Federation of Family Planning, the Netherland embassy, the Canadian Embassy, Action against hunger, Lebanon Microfinance network association, World bank, CAWTAR, Kvinna till Kvinna, UNICEF, UN women, UNIDO, UNDP..etc

Mission and Objectives

OUR VISION LEE Experience will be the leading empowering hub for leaders, entrepreneurs, and employees by providing access to community networks, digitalization, and services. OUR MISSION To generate life and business transformation to corporations, organizations, and individuals - primarily the youth and women - through tech-oriented pillars of commercialization, empowerment, and development services in the MENA region, mainly post-conflict areas. Our core values are accountability, equal opportunity, positive attitude, prosperity, and effectiveness. Our target audience includes individuals, corporations, and organizations

Main Projects / Activities

Attached projects references, programs profiles, annual report

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

THE LEE EXPERIENCE can contribute to the network by contributing to various social, economic, and environmental issues. Some of the contributions are: Advocate for the network in the countries Exchange experience and contribute in all area of expertise Relationship with government

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To Joint the force mutual our pillars and maximizing SDG's impact

Contact (1) Full Name
Manal Hassoun
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Manal Hassoun
Contact (2) Full Name
Assem Kamel
Job Title (2)

The Markaz Review

The Markaz Review is a literary arts review and nonprofit association that supports a deeper understanding of the Arab/Muslim world, in the Middle East, Africa and our diasporas in Europe and the Americas, with publishing activities and public programs.

The Noor Academy for Education

National Network

Denbo- Akkar- North Lebanon
denbo - Akkar

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
High School Administration- 50 employees, including teachers and staff employees. Available $20,000. budget and there is a deficit of $85,000. to start this needed project. Tuitions and contributions- long term educational institutions. Private owner- looking for educational partners. to complete this task ,we need a grant for $85,000. Please see attached photos. I would be glad to provide additional details and documents.
Mission and Objectives

Establish a high school that provides education for elementary, middle and high school students and create opportunities for these students to continue their education at european universities and other universities in usa , canada and australia. As education is the key for individuals to succeed in their life and build a strong ,economical, democratic and tolerant communities. encourage students to pursue their dreams of living in a strong economy and protect environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Prepare new student generations that would promote acceptance and live with others people who may have different views in politics and/or belong to different religions. Prepare new generations to promote tolerance and establish educational bridges with the nations that love to live free in a democratic and law obedience societies, improve their life economically, and promote a free governance body in a democratic way.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed K Alloush
Head of the organisation
Ahmed K Alloush
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamad Alloush
Publication Illustration

The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation

Translation-related activities from and into Arabic have significantly increased in the last few years, in both scope and scale. The launch of a number of national translation projects, policies and awards in a number of Arab countries, together with the...

The Socio-Economic Justice Initiative- MAAN

National Network

Maqdissi Street, Hamra

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

MAAN is an independent, Lebanese, non-profit non-governmental think and act tank working across all Lebanese territories, established in 2018.

MAAN aims to bridge inequalities within Lebanon through the promotion of a culture of citizen accountability, the production of qualitative and quantitative evidence-based research, and advocacy for stronger institutions of social protection. Born at a time where international organizations are directing their attention to social equality, accountability, and governance, MAAN will target citizens, especially youth, throughout Lebanon, to build a popular, public movement advocating for socio-economic policy benefiting all citizens, rather than clientelistic networks and the elite. With this, MAAN aims to reform socio-economic policy through a rights-based approach and acting as a catalyst between grassroots groups and policymakers.

Our Mission
Activating common citizenship to inspire social accountability, ownership, and strategy in the reform of social protection

Our Vision
To foster just and equitable communities

Mission and Objectives

MAAN’s program interventions focus on:
- Promoting common citizenship and independent community activity through the leadership of cross-regional, cross-confessional volunteers
- Producing and disseminating hard, evidence-based research and data on local and national socio-economic topics
- Stimulating and catalyzing advocacy, accountability, and policy-reform on socio-economic issues nationwide

Main Projects / Activities

- Activist Academy
- Beirut607
- Policy briefs on the social security system in Lebanon

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a unique approach, we can bring the sound of activism to all Professional civil society work

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Exchange
- Influence
- Mobilize

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Mroueh
Job Title
Acting Director
Head of the organisation
Ahmad Mroueh
Contact (2) Full Name
Sara Tawil
Job Title (2)
Head Of programs
Publication Illustration

Theatre: A cure for Lebanon's sectarian tensions?

Two neighbourhoods in Tripoli have set aside their enmity to participate in a darkly funny production. This journalistic article is among the winners of the Anna Lindh Foundation's journalist award.

Tiro Association for Arts

National Network

Cinema Rivoli Street
Tyre 1601

00961 81 870 124
Mobile Phone
00961 81 870 124
Mobile Phone (other)
00961 70 903 846
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

TAA organizational structure consists of the administrative board (composed of 6 members), 12 staff members (both full- and part-timers) and 146 persons engaged in the general assembly. The staffs are responsible for the projects’ management and day-to-day work. The board monitors the progress of work and takes the final decision. TAA sources of fund comes from the government (Municipality of Tyre, Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Tourism ) as well as International Donors. However it implements its activities in partner with the municipality and PAX for Peace.

Mission and Objectives

TAA MISSION To mobilize youth people to create new generation able to contribute in changing cultural and artistic policies through cancelling the political dependency, encouraging youth to freely express and be a change makers. TAA OBJECTIVES 1- To spread and establish the artistic and cultural consciousness inside the society. 2- To spread the spirit of sincere perseverance and forgiveness. 3- To develop the artistic young talents. 4- To activate the purposeful theatrical movement. 5- To organize theatrical, cinematic, and poetical festivals in collaboration with official authorities and competent national bodies.

Main Projects / Activities

TAA activities focuses on rehabilitating old cinemas that will serve as a free open cultural space. Moreover, TAA implements cultural activities and events for children and youth especially, such as: artistic workshops (fine arts, theater, music, cinema and photography, etc..), local and international festivals regarding social issues (Women Mono-drama Festival, Tyre Cultural Days Festival. etc..), weekly film screenings, as well as artistic evenings/events.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In 2020, TAA had established and online network entitled "Culture and Art Network" that serves to help associations marginalized in marginalized areas in order to let them raise their voices, build new active connections, organize new collaboration. So TAA is able to activate connection between "Culture and Art Network" and "ALF Network".

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

TAA aims to know and build connections with associations involved in ALF Network, in addition to establishing collaborations with these associations.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Kassem Istanbouli
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Ibrahim Ibrahim