
Sustainable Democracy Center (SDC)

National Network

Lebanese German University, 3rd floor, Sahel Alma highway
Jounieh 1200

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Sustainable Democracy Center (SDC) is a Lebanese, non-partisan, independent organization established in September 2002 to spur human development towards a more harmonious and peaceful coexistence through raising awareness on democracy, citizenship, and human rights, Dealing with the Past and Educating and empowering citizens, regardless of their religious, political and geographical affiliation.   Le Centre pour la Démocratie Durable (Sustainable Democracy Center- SDC) est une organisation Libanaise indépendante et non partisane fondée en septembre 2002 à Beyrouth, Liban. Son but est de promouvoir et soutenir le développement de l’individu en sensibilisant la population sur les notions de démocratie, de citoyenneté, de droits de l’homme et le traitement du Passé loin de toute considération confessionnelle, politique, sociale ou régionale.   مركز الديمقراطية المستدامة هو منظمة مستقلة غير حكومية تأسست في أيلول 2002 وتهدف الى رفع مستوى الوعي حول مفاهيم الديمقراطية، المواطنة وحقوق الإنسان والتعاطي مع الماضي لتحفيز التنمية البشرية. يضم مجموعة من الشباب اللبناني الناشط والمؤمن بوطنه، والساعي الى نشر ثقافة احترام التنوع الذي يتحلى به المجتمع اللبناني بجميع مكوناته، وذلك عبر  تثقيف وتمكين المواطنين لاحقاق التعايش المنسجم و السلمي، بغض النظر عن انتمائاتهم الدينية والسياسية والجغرافية.
Mission and Objectives

Our goals

Advocating child and youth participation in public decision making

Identifying and empowering young agents of change

Promoting intergenerational dialogue in order to promote and establish the culture of peace

Developing respect for diversity in a pluralistic society

Increasing political awareness among youth on the rule of law, human rights, pluralism and good governance

Exploring intergenerational dialogue for a better and genuine dealing with the past
Le centre a pour objectifs de :

Identification et la formation de jeunes Agents de Changements

Plaidoyer sur la Participation des enfants et des jeunes dans la prise de décision

Promouvoir le dialogue intergénérationnel en vue de la construction de la culture de paix

Encourager le respect de la diversité dans une société pluraliste à travers l’échange et le dialogue.

Sensibiliser les jeunes à l’état de droit, aux droits de l’homme, au pluralisme et à la bonne gouvernance.

Explorer le dialogue intergénérationnel vers un traitement authentique du passé
من أهداف المركز

المناصرة لتعزيز مشاركة الأطفال و الشباب في كافة الميادين ولا سيما لجهة الضغط لتخفيض سن الانتساب الى الجمعيات وحرية انشاء الجمعيات بما يتوافق مع اتفاقية حقوق الطفل؛

تمكين الشباب ليصبحوا فاعلي تغيير من خلال توفير فسحة للتواصل وتبادل الأفكار

تشجيع الحوار بين الأجيال بهدف تعزيز وإرساء ثقافة السلام

تنمية احترام التنوع والاختلاف في مجتمع تعددي

تعزيز الوعي والثقافة السياسية لدى الشباب حول دولة القانون وحقوق الانسان والديمقراطية والحريات؛

استكشاف الحوار بين الأجيال  بغية التعاطي الفعلي والحقيقي مع الماضي

Main Projects / Activities

•2006-2007 (on Going) Badna Wattan Helo (We want a Beautiful Country): This program was developed in order to bring together children from all across Lebanon and teach them about unity, their country, and gives them a voice to share their opinions and feelings about what goes on around them. •2006-2007 Bridging National Solidarity (BNS): The purpose of the program was to connect children who were unaffected by the war with others who directly lived it. The camps were conducted in two cities in the South of Lebanon and involved up to 300 children each. Camp activities included song writing, role playing, health and environmental care, information sharing, expression through art, kite making and ended with a sleep over. •2005-2006 (ongoing) A 3-day conference on “Post Conflict Reconciliation in Lebanon” with experts from Liberia, South Africa, East Timor, Argentina, Morocco, and Lebanon discussing lessons learnt and their applicability to the Lebanese context. This project aims at developing a culture of reconciliation among the Lebanese youth and empowering those NGOs already involved in this process. The conference will result in a publication and a website on the “Living Memory” of the various Lebanese conflicts in general and the 15 year civil war. •2005-2006 (ongoing) Through the means of Bistrocracy (The Bistro of the People, SDC is launching an initiative that will foster dialogue between all the citizens of Lebanon on the issues of confessionalism and its repercussions on the citizen from a personal, socioeconomic, and sociopolitical level. •2005–2006 (Ongoing) National Initiative to Abolish Confessionalism by reviewing and amending the Lebanese Laws. The program consist of four seminars on the following subjects: 1- Political Confessionalism 2- Economic Development, Civil Society and Confessionalism 3- Public and Private Schools and confessionalism in the curriculum 4- Private Liberties and Personal Status Law (Capital Punishment, Euthanasia, Homosexuality, Abortion) The initiative will culminate in a national conference during which the proceedings will be circulated. •2005–2006 Environmental and citizenship education among high school students, school dropouts, and Palestinian youth refugees: It consists of a one-year program encompassing training of facilitators (mainly high-school students) and five outreach one-day training sessions with high school students all over Lebanon.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Nayla Abi Nasr
Job Title
Program Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Selim Mawad


National Network

center ayyash

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Founder-Director- Program manager- Public relation -Human Ressources
Number of staff:70
Budgetary ressources :100,000$
Source of funding: no sources
Modality of action: 3 medical centers,education center, statistical center
Main partners: LTA- Learning through action organiation

Mission and Objectives

Improve the quality of life through the provision of assistance and contribution to the people who are in need.
Develop the society through collaboration with government and non-government agencies.
1-Tafaool Association aspires to achieve its goals through fixed and mobile medical centers that include well-studied services.
1-Opening educational centers and community centers for all age groups on all places contains vulnerable people and refugees.
Livelihood and protection:
1-Provide all available means of support to improve the living situation through professional empowerment programs, small projects and income improvement programs.
2-Work to settle the status of unregistered citizens through legal follow-up.

Main Projects / Activities

Mashael medical centers:
1-First Medical center was launched in January 2018 in Omariya -Zahle region Middle Bekaa.
2-Second Medical center was launched in June 2019 in Qab Elias region Middle Bekaa.
3-Third Medical center was launched in Hawech Al Harimeh–West Bekaa
MayFieldEducational Center-Al khyarah
Sheaab statistical center-Chtoura:provide a common official database for all Tafaool centers
Haqq center for :defending human rights and helping people to reach all their rights.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

All what Tafaol Association does is based on the slogan that all people of all colors, religions and nationalities have the right to grow up in good health, educated and safe by providing all centers of Tafaol for community and humanitarian service.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Tafaol Association aspires to participate with ALF in order to contribute to the provision of assistance and to provide all the association centers in the service of ALF projects.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Husein Askar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Abd al kader Askar
Contact (2) Full Name
Khaled hussein al ammouri
Job Title (2)
program manager

Tatweer Baladna

National Network

Al Mazraa, Badaro
Al Thani Building, Seventh Floor
Beirut 0000

+961 78 817 258
Telephone (other)
+961 3 788 445
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+961 78 817 258
Mobile Phone (other)
+961 3 788 445
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Tatweer Baladna is a Lebanese non-profit organization. ​
Our programs are centered around providing youth with skills and mindset to facilitate transition into the future of work while promoting community engagement where youth are the main agents of their development and are actively involved in their communities.

Full time staff: 7
Part time staff: 3
Organization Budget available per year: 200k USD
Main source of funding is grants.
Main Programs: STEAM education, capacity building for NGOs, tech skills development, community engagement

Partners: NuMinds Enrichment

Mission and Objectives

At Tatweer Baladna, we have made it our mission to support access to quality education, decent jobs, and environmental sustainability for all.
We advocate and develop programs to equip youth with 21st-century skills to transition into the future of jobs and set goals to acquire the right soft and tech skills and Mindset and emotional well-being.

Main Projects / Activities

1- STEAM Education: Tatweer Baladna is a lead content and programs provider for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) in schools and educational institutions. We also provide TOT for educators to learn how to integrate STEAM into school curriculums.

2- Virtual Reality Training: Tatweer Baladna provides Intro to Virtual Reality program and Gamification Through VR programs.

3- Entreupact program: a two-day ideathon, where trainees will be provided with training on social entrepreneurship and ideas generation through practicing problem-solution identification which fosters an entrepreneurial mindset and gives the participants the feeling of belonging through identifying solutions to societal problems that they are facing.

4- Capacity Building: Tatweer Baladna provides organizations with the necessary managerial skills to help them excel as active organizations in the community, such as MEAL training, Proposal Writing, Purchasing and Procurement, and Impact Management.

5- Green and social entrepreneurship: Tatweer Balaldna capacitates youth with the needed entrepreneurial skills to help them navigate the social and green entrepreneurship tracks, with a focus on community engagement.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can help the network through access to thousands of students from tens of schools all across Lebanon, in addition to access to a pool of experts in education, NGO management, and tech skills. We are also well-connected with more than 20 NGOs in Lebanon and have access to international donors, mainly The Public Diplomacy Section in Beirut, having won six grants to date.

Besides that, we design projects and proposals collaboratively with partners, through our solid in-house grants unit.
We also have access to a US-based education-specialized company called NuMinds Enrichment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Access to a greater network, access to grants.
Access to a network of organizations across the Mediterranean and Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Haitham Saab
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Haitham Saab
Contact (2) Full Name
Zeina Shalak
Job Title (2)
Programs Director

Tatweer Baladna

National Network

Al Mazraa, Badaro
Al Thani Building, Seventh Floor
Beirut 0000

+961 78 817 258
Telephone (other)
+961 3 788 445
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+961 78 817 258
Mobile Phone (other)
+961 3 788 445
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Tatweer Baladna is a Lebanese non-profit organization. ​

Our programs are centered around providing youth with skills and mindset to facilitate transition into the future of work while promoting community engagement where youth are the main agents of their development and are actively involved in their communities.

Tatweer Baladna (TB) is a Lebanese non-profit organization founded in 2017 aiming to focus on quality education and community engagement.
Since its foundation, TB has helped thousands of children, youth, students and teachers elevate their knowledge and skills. It also engaged with key stakeholders and established solid partnerships with schools, municipalities, and active organizations across Lebanon.

Organization Budget available per year: 250k USD
Main source of funding: grants
Main activities: STEAM Education, Capacity Building for NGOs, Green and social entrepreneurship, and community engagement.
Partners: NuMinds Enrichment

Mission and Objectives

At Tatweer Baladna, we have made it our mission to support access to quality education, decent jobs, and environmental sustainability for all.
We advocate and develop programs to equip youth with 21st-century skills to transition into the future of jobs and set goals to acquire the right soft and tech skills and Mindset and emotional well-being.

Main Projects / Activities

1- STEAM Education: Tatweer Baladna is a lead content and programs provider for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) in schools and educational institutions. We also provide TOT for educators to learn how to integrate STEAM into school curriculums.

2- Virtual Reality Training: Tatweer Baladna provides Intro to Virtual Reality program and Gamification Through VR programs.

3- Entreupact program: a two-day ideathon, where trainees will be provided with training on social entrepreneurship and ideas generation through practicing problem-solution identification which fosters an entrepreneurial mindset and gives the participants the feeling of belonging through identifying solutions to societal problems that they are facing.

4- Capacity Building: Tatweer Baladna provides organizations with the necessary managerial skills to help them excel as active organizations in the community, such as MEAL training, Proposal Writing, Purchasing and Procurement, and Impact Management.

5- Coding and Employability Skills Training: through our 50-hour CodePact Training Progrma, we equip youth and young professionals with the needed coding and employability skills to help them land their future tech job, or pursue their freelancing career.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Access to thousands of students across Lebanon
Access to schools all over Lebanon
Access to hundreds of qualified educators in STEAM
Access to 20+ organizations in Lebanon
Access to skilled trainers in the tech fields
Access to expert in NGO management
Designing and developing programs and proposals through our in-house grants unit

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Access to a greater netwrok
Access to grants and funds
Access to a network of organizations across the Mediterranean countries and Europe.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Haitham Saab
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Haitham Saab
Contact (2) Full Name
Zeina Shalak
Job Title (2)
Programs Director

Teach For Lebanon (TFL)

National Network

Picadilly Bldg., 6th floor, Abdel Aziz street, Hamra
Beirut 1103

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Teach For Lebanon (TFL) has a coherent, well-staffed and well-supported governance structure that fully supports its strategic objectives  and supports its sustainability. The TFL executive team consists of 10 qualified TFL staff members with extensive experience ranging from 16 years to 4 years. The TFL Board of Trustees includes senior education, business and finance experts; The Board meets regularly to discuss TFL’s work, as well as to create policy and support sustainability. TFL’s governance structure provides accountability and a clear system of communication (online and offline)  which lets the development team  of the organization connect effectively with  stakeholders including corporate partners, foundations and other funders, educators, journalists, Fellows, alumni and other community members and ministry officials. TFL currently relies on multi-year commitments from various donors (individuals, foundations and corporate), and the board members' continuous efforts in helping raise the needed funds. TFL established two structured fundraising arms in the US and the UK (501C3 non-profit and a registered UK charity) that help meeting the targets of fundraising by holding outreach and fundraising events. =In addition, TFL has a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Education that helps cover the salaries of a specific number of fellows; TFL are in discussions with the Ministry to explore further funding opportunities. The program has, in turn, garnered the support of the national government as well as numerous community advocates, education partners, and NGO and private sector champions—setting the foundations for future growth and impact. TFL’s CEO, Ms. El Samarani, received the 2014 United Nations Special Envoy Youth Courage Award for Global Education in recognition of her work with TFL. In recognition of its achievement and commitment to community service, TFL received The Social Change Visionaries Award 2014 by the Middle East Partnership Initiative  Lebanon Alumni Association;  Ms. El Samarani, received the award  on behalf of the organization. TFL is member of a 37- nation global network Teach For All.
Mission and Objectives

Teach For Lebanon (TFL) is a Lebanese NGO dedicated to providing a human right which is education and thus strives towards eliminating educational inequity in Lebanon by fostering youth leadership and promoting civic engagement.
Lebanon's most disadvantaged kids have the least access to quality education which limits their opportunities for employment leading to a weaker economy. Lebanon also lacks a key component that enhances long-term civic engagement in vulnerable regions in rural Lebanon. TFL’s model serves as a vehicle to bring change to the general ecosystem.  TFL is empowering youth by providing them with this job opportunity;  a professional development program which focuses on the capacity building for youth and in return eliminating the educational gap.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its inception in 2009, TFL educated, provided extra-curricular activities and impacted the lives of more than 8,400 underprivileged Lebanese children as well as Palestinian and Syrian refugees. TFL believes that decreasing disparities in education leads to a more prosperous, peaceful, democratic and sustainable world. The world’s most disadvantaged students need as many leaders as possible with a vision for defying expectations. Teaching successfully in high-need communities is crucial for a lifetime of leadership and advocacy for reform and democracy worldwide.
TFL provides quality education for less privileged children by employing, training and placing Lebanon’s top-notch graduates in under-resourced schools for two consecutive years, in mission to minimize the educational gap. These ambitious fresh graduates, Fellows, from various academic backgrounds serve as full-time teachers, leaders, community ambassadors and life-coaches fighting against these inequalities throughout the region. The Fellows' efforts are far beyond basic education and teaching students lifelong skills. TFL Fellows empower their students by changing students’ mentality, expanding their visions, helping them realize their innate talents and motivating them to strive for their dreams.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Teach For Lebanon can share its best practices of its work in the education field.
It can also collaborate with other existing organizations on common projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Dahlia Rizk
Job Title
Public Relations Manager
Head of the organisation
Dr. Youssef El Khalil
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Salyne El Samarani
Job Title (2)
Chief Executive Officer

The American University of Beirut - Office of Grants & Contracts

National Network

Ras Beirut-Bliss Street 11-0237

01-350000 ext 2979 or 2978
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
1. Pre-award Functions and 2. Post-Award Functions Some of the pre-award functions of the Office include: A. Help in identifying funding sources and disseminates regular reports on funding opportunities B. Assist faculty members in preparation of proposals and budgets by clarifying founder’s submission procedures and guidelines. C. Review research proposals before submission and making appropriate recommendations to the Provost for approval. Proposals are reviewed for conformance to University Policies as well as sponsor guidelines. D. Negotiate, prepare and review contracts and agreements between AUB and funding agencies. E. Formally submit proposals and follow up on their status after submission. F. Develop contacts with funding agencies and securing information on funding sources and opportunities. G. Continually updates information on compliance regulations, policies and procedures.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to support AUB faculty members in administering research grants as well as help them in soliciting sponsored research.
OGC serves AUB full-time faculty members and staff, University administration, and the various organizations and foundations that sponsor research projects and programs at AUB.

Main Projects / Activities

Since university research support is limited to small amounts of funding and is focused on supplying seed money for small projects or start up of projects, faculty members are encouraged to contact external funding agencies and organizations.
The Office also provides a listing of funding opportunities sorted by faculty and includes such information as funding agency name, program title, program synopsis, deadline date for proposal submission, and the website link to the full description of the research program.
The listing is updated on a bi-weekly basis so faculty members are encouraged to search it regularly and if interested in applying to any program they are advised to contact OGC to double check application eligibility

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Rosie Nasser
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. May Awar Ammar

The Arab Resource Center For Popular Arts /AL-JANA

National Network

Arab University Area, Boustani Street, Hadba and Bikdash Building, 4th floor
P.O Box: 114/5017


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
ARCPA is a non-profit organization encompassing 11 staff working full time and a number of consultant and part timers according to project. Our budget is roughly 500,000 $ per year. Our sources of funding are: EU, Canada Fund, Italian Cooperation, UNICEF, Medico International, WA, ANERA, KRSF, BFTW, ZIVIK. We work through hosting festivals that include training, workshops, seminars where people from all over the world come to attend and participate in the trainings. In addition, we work in movie productions and publications that are used by trainers that work with children and youth. Our partners include a network called “Jana Network” that was launched by ARCPA made up of 66 Lebanese and Palestinian NGOs working with youth and children, SICP and Africa 70.
Mission and Objectives

We work on documenting and developing local community's creativity and experiences, and on producing material, organizing learning, artistic and cultural forums for children, youth and those working with them in the marginalized societies based on their needs to develop their abilities in participating in the community development process and cultural creativity.
Our objectives include:
To develop enabling environment for interactive learning and creative expression
To benefit from the historical memory, experiences and creativities of local society
To establish long term support, and sustainable network of local, regional and international organizations and funders.
To invest in organizational development and staff capacity building

Main Projects / Activities

Involving local communities in researching and recording their experiences, culture, and creativity, and producing learning resources.
Empowering children to do critical research and creative expression on issues that concern them, through the “young photo-journalists”, and “young film-makers” programs
Facilitating workshops and producing resources in the field of active learning and creative expression.
Hands-on creative expression workshops for children and animators in the following : media arts, drama, music, storytelling, puppets, animation and filmmaking
Developing children’s libraries and promoting active learning and creative expression
Creating networks and pooling resources.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moutaz Dajani
Head of the organisation
Moutaz Dajani
Contact (2) Full Name
Hicham Kayed

The Environment Academy

National Network

American University of Beirut
Beirut 1107 2020

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The Environment Academy (EA) is formed of a director and four staff members. It is an integral part of the Nature Conservation Center at the American University of Beirut and has access to all the resources at the University. EA’s budget is around USD 200,000/year. Funds are secured from private donations and grants. Each 2 years, EA launches a new cycle to address local environmental threats, enhance the representation and involvement of women, and foster community and women leadership in driving change through a five-phase approach: 1) initiating an open call for community participation and selection, 2) engaging in transdisciplinary science and data collection, 3) collaboratively creating and funding solutions, 4) implementing projects, and 5) ensuring the project's sustained impact. The culmination of the EA cycle brings together a group of stakeholders, including experts, community members, local officials, and activists, united to find environmental solutions for the people at risk.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: We are a community born and expert supported movement dealing with urgent environmental breakdown. We empower vulnerable local communities to become agents of transformation and stewards of their own just, healthy, and sustainable future.
Our Objectives are:
1. Extend the learning beyond the walls of the university
2. Address evidence based solutions to environmental breakdowns
3. Engage and empower community agents of change for a just and sustainable future

Main Projects / Activities

The Environment Academy (EA) is a grassroots movement addressing urgent environmental challenges by empowering local communities on the front lines of environmental degradation to co-create solutions. By fostering deep collaboration and leveraging accountability mechanisms, we are challenging traditional power dynamics in decision-making processes, reimagining the role of science and knowledge, and promoting effective collaboration among diverse stakeholders – including state actors, private enterprises, civil society organizations, and community members – to achieve socio-ecological transformation. In the midst of Lebanon's unprecedented social, political, and economic crisis, establishing long-term mechanisms to ensure clean air, water, and soil is imperative.

The EA methodology has demonstrated success in 10 communities nationwide. In EA Cycle 1, notable achievements include engaging over 100 community members in 1.5 years of transformative action guided by multidisciplinary science, forging 22 municipal partnerships to enhance community representation in local governance, facilitating knowledge exchange through 270 sessions with 35 experts from around the world over 2 years, proposing 4 evidence-based solutions for safe water supply to authorities, deploying 150 locally built composters in households, closing and cleaning 2 open solid waste dumps along the Beirut River, planting 200 native wild fruit trees with harvest returns benefiting communities, and developing 2 community green spaces.

Currently, EA is collaborating with 12 additional communities in EA Cycle 2. The process begins with community members forming gender-balanced local teams to address environmental threats. After obtaining approval from local authorities, these teams submit applications for evaluation. A panel of around 30 local and diaspora Lebanese environmental experts review the applications, selecting approximately 10 teams to join EA in each cycle. Each team is paired with at least one expert mentor and one intern committed to collaborating intensively for at least one year. The EA process unfolds in five phases: trust-building through open discussions and site visits, evidence gathering, crowdfunding, collective implementation of solutions, and establishing structures for sustained management and growth.

The 12 projects across 11 villages include addressing various community-identified themes such as solid waste management, forest fire prevention, renewable energy systems, water resource management, green space creation, ecosystem preservation, plastic debris cleanup in rivers, and wastewater system design.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our country has been marked by polarized conversations and deep divisions for decades. The environmental breakdowns that we have witnessed recently, stand out as a unifying force that transcends all man-made barriers. At the core of these challenges lies the very essence of life itself – clean air, water, and soil are essential for the well-being of all living beings, irrespective of religion, political affiliation, or geographical location. The projects undertaken by EA exemplify this unity by spanning across religious and political divides, as well as geographical regions.
By focusing on science and community engagement as the main pillars of its initiatives, EA emphasizes the importance of evidence-based solutions for the benefit of society as a whole. This approach resonates deeply with the mission and goals of ALF, which are committed to building more inclusive, empathetic and resilient societies, to fight growing mistrust and polarization
Through its collaborative efforts, EA not only addresses pressing environmental issues but also fosters dialogue and cooperation among diverse communities and stakeholders.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

While rooted in local needs and knowledge, the values and guidelines established by EA possess a global applicability that extends beyond Lebanon. We firmly believe in the imperative of disseminating our learned lessons to other communities and activists worldwide, while also remaining receptive to exchanging ideas, cautionary tales, and insights from diverse locales.
This exchange is founded on our core values, emphasizing the significance of contextual understanding, participatory design of solutions, holistic transdisciplinary approaches, fostering trust and presence, and documentation and sharing for scalability and comparability. These principles serve as guiding lights, ensuring that our methodologies are adaptable and effective in addressing environmental challenges across various fragile situations worldwide.

Contact (1) Full Name
Najat Saliba
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Najat A. Saliba
Contact (2) Full Name
Justine Bou Rjeileh
Job Title (2)

The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies

National Network

Sin El-Fil,Tayar Center,Bloc C,3 rd Fl.,P.O.Box:55-215 Sin El-Fil

961 -1-490561
Telephone (other)
961 -1-490566
961 -1-490375
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
LCPS employs 17 highly motivated research, editorial and management staff to lead and coordinate its activities .LCPS also relies on a network of experts and professionals in Lebanon and the Arab region. LCPS’ yearly Budget is in the neighborhood of $400k.The C enter works in concert and partnership with a host of local, ,regional ,and international organizations including the Conrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS),the World Bank, and Partners for Democratic Change among others. LCPS funds its activities mainly through grants from international and Lebanese organizations, the sale of its publications, consulting contracts with specialized UN agencies and other international public organizations, and unrestricted contributions from individuals.
Mission and Objectives

LCPS is an independent, nonpartisan nonprofit think tank with an
extensive record of work on public policy issues. It seeks to inform,
shape and influence discourse and debates on issues of public concern
including but not restricted to good governance ,elections ,social and
economic development, judicial reforms, and media reforms. Although
research and publication are central to the center’s objectives,
advocacy ,training, and cooperative processes are also a large part of
the work of LCPS .While LCPS focuses on Lebanon ,the Center works
throughout the Middle East and North Africa region.

Main Projects / Activities

The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies is involved in the management
of several political, economic and social development projects which
include the presentation of a reform proposal for new parliamentary
election law, judicial reforms, reviewing Lebanon's industrial policy,
promoting Arab youth political participation and advocacy, transitional
justice in postwar Lebanon, reform of the security sector in the MENA
region, parliamentary reform and civil society participation in the
region and media and political reforms in the Arab World. Since its
establishment ,LCPS has planned ,organized ,and implemented several
conferences ,workshops, and seminars on political ,social, and
economic issues in Lebanon It has also produced and disseminated a
wide array of books and manuscripts on the issues described above.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rania Safar
Head of the organisation
Oussama Safa
Contact (2) Full Name
Juliette Zoghbi