National Network

80100 FORIO

Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
The City Councils of Forio, Marano, Sant'Anastasia, Bethelem constituted the CIELM. The association is non- profit. It is directed by the Board of Mayors, as operative tool of ANCI National (Association of Italian Municipalities) Campania. The structure is composed of the director and the technicians, provided by ANCI and associated Municipalities. The annual budget is made up of association fees of the Municipalities for exclusive coverage of representation expenses. Collaborations are free of charge or are remunerated only for professional services under programs financed by national governments and UE, on public transparency criteria of Italian legislation for P.A.. It has activated programs in the sectors of solar energy and environment, training and scientific research, Euromed conferences. Greater Amman, Jericho, Nablus, Pompei, Ercolano adhere to the network. Federico II Naples University, Highs Schools, Public Water Company Naples, collaborate in the development programs. Collaborations are active with UfM, ARLEM and UCGL, APLA.
Mission and Objectives

Our network of Local Authorities aims to contribute, through the "diplomacy of cities", to the development of Euro-Mediterranean relations.
With the adhesion, to our Board, of the Parliament of the Regional Government of the Campania it was intended to give institutional continuity to the development objectives through the promotion of a culture of dialogue in the Mediterranean region, aimed at supporting relations and programming tools. cooperation between local and regional authorities and actors of Euro-Mediterranean social, cultural and productive development.
In this context, we consider cooperation between local actors on both sides of the Mediterranean as a key factor for strengthening Euro-Mediterranean regional integration.
In this context, we consider cooperation between local actors on both sides of the Mediterranean as a key factor for strengthening Euro-Mediterranean regional integration.CIELM is an instrument of co-operation to promote the participation of Local Authorities in the social, cultural and productive development of the Euro-Mediterranean area, as sanctioned by the national governments at the UfM Union for the Mediterrean. It supports international and administrative relations activities for operational partnerships and for finding funds through national and international call for proposals and assuring partners the technical support for the correct use of public funds.
CIELM has favored the relations between Local Authorities of Campania and the Mediterranean countries through meetings with the Mayors and civil society and concertation activities with the Embassies of the Arab countries and the Arab League in Italy and in the mediterranean area. CIELM aims to foster relations between Local and Regional Authorities and civil society in support of the policies for the Euro-Mediterranean partnership supported by the UfM Union for the Mediterranean and in line with the Resolutions of the European Parliament on the ENP European Neighborhood Policies - Southern Dimension and by the UN through the 2030 Agenda.

Main Projects / Activities

The CIELM Board has fostered the dialogue with Local Authorities of Israel, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Morocco, Slovenia, Malta and with the National Associations of Local Authorities as well as with the UCGL (World Union of Municipalities and Local Governments). In addition, CIELM activates its programs in accordance with the guidelines of the UfM Union of Mediterranean Countries and with the ARLEM (Assembly of Local and Regional Authorities of the Mediterranean) Committee of the Regions of the European Commission.
MEETING IN THE REGIONAL GOVERNMENT OF CAMPANIA BETWEEN THE DEPUTY SECRETARY OF THE UNION FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN, THE PRESIDENT OF THE REGIONAL COUNCIL OF CAMPANIA AND CIELM - PROPEDEUTICAL ACTION TO THE SIGNATURE OF THE MEMORANDUM OF UNBDERSTUNDING. Organization of the meeting at the Council Presidency  with the Deputy Secretary UfM and the Representative of the MAE to present the proposal for a Memorandum of Understanding between UfM and the Campania Regional Council to promote the Euro-Mediterranean partnership in the sectors of Water, Education, Social Policies, Management of migrant flows and asylum seekers.
PROMOTION OF THE NETWORK PARTNERSHIP "QPME SOCIAL SCHOOL OF COMMUNITIES" - ACTIONS FOR THE EUROMED SOCIAL SCHOOL FORUM. Promotion of the Network Partnership between Social and Private Institutions and Educational Institutions, called "Extended Museum Centers for Schools Social Enterprise of Community", for participation in the measures of the PON Program "For the School, skills and environments for learning 2014 / 20 "and to any other regional, national and European measure useful for the development and implementation of a program of actions aimed at enhancing Education for Cultural Heritage, Artistic and Landscape, education for active community practices for a Social Attractor School for the social regeneration of neighborhoods, the innovation of social and educational models, intercultural education for European citizenship and the development of business culture for the cultural and social material industry. Adhering to the Network: Regional Council of Campania, City of Naples, Museum and Real Wood of Capodimonte, Scabec, Gesco Consortium, AC Flora and the Educational Institutes Russo Montale, Galiani, Cuoco Campanella, Garibaldi.
Activities of institutional relationship for the support of Local Authorities of ANCI to the campaign and for the conferment of honorary citizenship of the Municipality of Naples in support of the international campaign promoted by Ossin International Observatory for Human Rights.
IRAK MISSION ON INVITATION OF THE ARAB LEAGUE FOR THE RESEARCH PROGRAM FOR AN INTERNATIONAL REPORT ON POLITICAL PRISONERS IN PALESTINE. Institutional support and coordination with the Palestinian partners for the preparation of an international report on the juridical aspects related to the condition of political prisoners in Palestine promoted by ANCI Campania. The intervention follows the meetings promoted during the CIELM mission in Iraq at the International Conference on Palestinian Political Prisoners organized in 2013 by the Arab League. Partners: University Federico II Napoli (Italy), University of Nablus (Nablus), Municipality of Nablus, Municipality of Napoli.
FORUM MEDITERRANEAN CITIES - NAPLES. Planning and coordination of international relations and programming of institutional contents of the International Forum organized under the auspices of UfM Union for the Mediterranean and dell'ARLEM Committee of the Regions of the European Commission. Final activity of the work of an institutional network among CIELM's Mediterranean Local Authorities in support of the programming of the Universal Forum of Cultures of Naples.
CIELM MISSION (represented by the Municipality of Naples) IN PALESTINE, ISRAEL, JORDAN, TURKEY. International Relations and coordination of institutional activities for meetings with the President of UCLG (World Union of Municipalities and Local Governments), and with the Mayors of Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Greater Amman, Nablus. Participation in the meetings between the Holy Father and President Abu Mazen in Bethlehem. Contact persons: ANCI Campania, APLA, ANP Presidency, Consulate General of Italy in Jerusalem, Consulate General of Italy in Istanbul, Embassy of Italy in Jordan, Embassy of Italy in Israel, Municipality of Naples, Municipality of Nablus, Municipality of Bethlehem , Municipality of Istanbul, Amman, Tel Aviv.
MISSION CIELM, ANCI CAMPANIA AND APLA FOR MEETING WITH GENERAL SECRETARY OF UFM Union for the Mediterranean BARCELONA. International relations and coordination of activities for the organization of meetings with the Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean in Barcelona. Referents: Union for the Mediterranean, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PNA, APLA, Mayor of Naples, Mayor of Nablus.
HONORARY CITIZENSHIP OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF NAPLES TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE STATE OF PALESTINE S.E. ABU MAZEN. Organization of preparatory activities in agreement with the Embassy of Palestine in Italy and institutional coordination in agreement with the Municipality of Naples of the Institutional Protocol of the visit in agreement with the Mayor's Office of the Cabinet and with the Ceremonial Office of the Mayor of Naples. Organization in accordance with the Department of Internationalization of the Campania Region of the institutional meetings between the President Abu Mazen and the Delegations of the Industrialists of Campania and the Association of the Rectors of the Universities of the Campania region.
INTERNATIONALIZATION OF THE CAMPANIA PRODUCTION SYSTEM IN THE MIDDLE EAST. Organization and institutional coordination activities for the meetings promoted by the Department for Productive Activities of the Regional Government of Campania on the occasion of the institutional visit of President Abu Mazen. Preliminary meetings at the Industrial Union of Caserta and IDIS Città della Scienza of Naples. Meetings of the President of the PNA with the delegation of the Campanian Industrial Unions and the delegation of the Rectors of the Campan University. Partners: Campania Region, Palestinian Diplomatic Mission in Italy, Municipality of Naples, Presidency of the ICE (Institute for Foreign Trade), Industrial Associations of Naples, Caserta and Benevento, Conference of the Rectors of the University of the Campania region.
INSTITUTIONAL VISIT OF THE MAYOR OF BETHLEHEM IN NAPLES. Organization and coordination of the institutional visit of the Mayor of Bethlehem Vera Baboun to Naples. Coordination and scheduling of meetings with the Mayor of Naples and with the Rector of the University of Salerno for the conferment of honorary citizenship to President Abu Mazen.
LOCAL ENTITIES ITALIAN PALESTINIANS AND CULTURE - International Biagio Agnes Journalism Award. International relations and coordination of activities for the selection and conferment of the International Mediterranean Award to the Custodian of the Holy Land, Father Ibrahim Faltas. Contact persons: ANCI Campania, Naples Municipal Council Presidency, Biagio Agnes Foundation, Municipality of Bethlehem.
DELEGATION OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF NAPLES IN PALESTINE FOR HONORARY CITIZENSHIP TO THE PRESIDENT H.E. ABU MAZEN. Organization and institutional coordination, in agreement with the Embassy of Palestine in Italy, of the institutional visit of the President of the Municipal Council and of the Delegate of the Mayor of the Municipality of Naples in Palestine. Meeting with the President of the State of Palestine to agree the contents of the conferment of honorary citizenship and to plan the date of the President's visit to Naples. Meeting with the Italian General Consul in Jerusalem.
DELEGATION OF CIELM AND MUNICIPALITY OF NAPLES FOR THE MEETING WITH THE PRESIDENT ABU MAZEN AT THE PALESTINE EMBASSY IN ROME. Presentation of the contents of the institutional initiative for the conferment of honorary citizenship to the President H.E. Abu Mazen. The CIELM delegation, coordinated with the Ambassador of Palestine, provided for the meeting between the Palestinian President and the representatives of the Municipality of Naples.
WORLD URBAN FORUM NAPLES - INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE PURPOSES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN CITIES FORUM. Organization of the Conference for the presentation of the objectives of the Mediterranean Cities Forum in the course of development and promotion of international relations with the Cities participating in the World Urban Forum of Naples. The Deputy President of the European Parliament, the Minister of Local Government of Palestine, the Representative of the Cooperation Commission of ANCI Nazionale and the Mayors of ANCI Campania participated in the Conference.
VISIT OF PRINCESS RYM ALI IN CAMPANIA - LOCAL INSTITUTIONS CAMPANI AND JORDAN AND CULTURE - XXXVII Ischia International Journalism Award. International relations and coordination of activities for the selection and awarding of the International Mediterranean Prize to Princess Rym Ali, journalist, President of the Jordan Media Institute School of Journalism and Royal Film Commission. Partners: ANCI Campania, La Colombaia Foundation by Luchino Visconti, Giuseppe Valentino Foundation.
PLENARY SESSION OF THE FORUM OF LOCAL AND REGIONAL AUTHORITIES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN - BARCELONA 2010. Participation of the CIELM delegation to the plenary session of the Union of Cities and Local Governments Mediterranean Commission Marseilles. Partners: ANCI, UCGL, UfM Union for the Mediterranean, City of Barcelona, ​​Regional Government of Barcelona.
UNIVERSAL FORUM OF CULTURES NAPLES - Organization of the visit of the Director of the Jordan National Gallery in Naples and meetings with the Presidency of the Universal Forum of Cultures. Activities to support the candidature of the Municipality of Amman 2016 edition. International Relations and Coordination activities for the institutional mission of Princess Rym Ali. Partners: Municipality of Naples, Municipality of Greater Amman, Foundation Forum Universal of Cultures Barcelona, ​​Embassy of the Kingdom of Jordan in Italy, Academy of Fine Arts of Naples.
PROTOCOL OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF NAPLES AND THE MUNICIPALITY OF GREATER AMMAN. International relations and coordination of activities for the Delegation of the Municipality of Naples in Amman. Agreement to support the candidature of the Greater Amman Municipality at the Universal Forum of Cultures 2016. Cultural exchanges for the participation of Amman at the 2013 edition. Accession of the Municipality of Greater Amman to the CIELM Board. Partners: ANCI Campania, Municipality of Naples, Municipality of Greater Amman, Embassy of Italy in Jordan, Embassy of the Jordanian Kingdom in Italy.
1st WORLD CITY MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP NAPLES - International relations and coordination activities for participation in the work of the Mayors of the Middle East (Greater Amman, Bethlehem, Damascus, Aleppo). Partners: Municipality of Naples, CIELM Palestine, Embassy of the Arab League in Italy.
"NESTORE'S COPY" INTERNATIONAL PRIZE IN S.M. THE QUEEN RANIA. Conferment of the International Prize dedicated to Peace and Intercultural Dialogue to S.M. Queen Rania for her efforts in strengthening the dialogue between the West and the East as a precondition for peace and development, with particular reference to the "Common House" speech held at Harvard University. The Award is established by the Municipality of Lacco Ameno, which in coordination with the Municipality of Forio, President of CIELM, and with the 6 Municipalities of the Island of Ischia has conferred the title of Illustrious Guest of the Ischian community. The Award has been withdrawn by the Ambassador Giordano in Italy, S.A. Princess Wijan. Partners: Campania Region, CIELM, Municipality of Forio, Municipality of Lacco Ameno, Museo Villa Arbusto.
EUROMEDITERRANEAN LOCAL INSTITUTIONS - Organization of the meeting with the Arab Ambassadors in Italy. International relations and coordination activities for the round table with the Ambassadors in Italy of Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Jordan, Palestine, Arab League. Partners: Campania Region, Municipality of Forio (Na), Embassy of the Arab League in Italy, La Colombaia Foundation of Luchino Visconti.
INSTITUTIONAL DELEGATION OF THE CAMPANIA REGION IN PALESTINE. International relations and coordination of activities for the organization of the visit to Palestine. Signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between Governorates, meeting with President Abu Mazen, conferment of honorary citizenship of the Municipality of Bethlehem to the President of the Regional Government of Campania, presentation of the "Peace Watch" program at the Municipal Council of Bethlehem. Partners: Diplomatic Office of the Campania Region Presidency, Palestinian Diplomatic Mission in Italy, Consulate General of Italy in Jerusalem, ANCI Campania.
SOLAR ENERGY COOPERATION PROGRAM "Peace Watch" promoted in 2014 by President Arafat and the Regional Government of Campania. Institututional concept, artistic design of the solar installation in the Nativity Square for the Public Works Department of the City of Bethlehem. Coordination of international relations for the "Peace Watch" cooperation program financed by the Campania Region with DD n.195 / 2009 to ANCI Campania. Partners: PNA President Arafat's Office, Campania Region Department for Productive Activities and Internationalization, Municipality of Bethlehem, ANCI Campania.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTUNDING AMONG THE REGIONAL GOVERNMENT OF CAMPANIA AND THE PALESTINIAN GOVERNORS. Institutional coordination in agreement with the Campania Region for the Framework Agreement for cooperation and internationalization approved by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Palestinian National Authority. Partners: Diplomatic Office of the Campania Region Presidency and Palestinian Diplomatic Mission in Italy.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTUNDING AMONG CIELM AND ROYAL FILM COMMISSION JORDAN. Organization and coordination of international relations for the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Royal Film Commission Jordan, La Colombaia Foundation of Luchino Visconti Forio (Italy) and CIELM for the cultural partnership and training in documentary and film disciplines in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Signed in Amman on 02/06/2007. Partners: Embassy of Italy in Jordan, Municipality of Greater Amman (Jordan), Municipality of Forio (Italy).
WEEK OF ITALIAN CULTURE AND ITALIAN INTERNAZIONALIZATION IN JORDAN. International Relations and coordination of activities for the organization of cultural meetings and promotion of the internationalization of the Campania enterprises of the agri-food, tourism and textile sectors. Partners: Embassy of Italy in Jordan, ICE (Italian Foreign Trade Institute), Provincial Government of Salerno, Chamber of Commerce of Salerno, Municipality of Greater Amman, Municipality of Greater Irbid, Unione Industriali Giordania, Jordan Tourism Board of the Ministry of Tourism of the Kingdom of Jordan.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTUNDING BETWEEN ANCI CAMPANIA, CIELM AND APLA. Planning and coordination of activities by Protocol between ANCI Campania (Italian National Association of Municipalities), CIELM and APLA (National Association of Palestinian Municipalities) for the exchange of good administrative practices between Local Authorities within the PSPM cooperation program financed by the Ministry of Italian Foreign Affairs. Twinning between the Municipality of Herculaneum and the Municipality of Jericho for membership in the CIELM Directorate. Partners: ANCI Campania, APLA, Municipality of Ercolano (Italy), Municipality of Jericho (Palestine).
EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS FOR GIS DEPARTMENTS OF THE PALESTINIAN LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Planning, international relations and coordination of training activities in partnership with ANCI Campania, the implementing subject of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Campania Region and the Governorates of Bethlehem, Hebron, Jenin, Jerico and Nablus - Article 2 "Government and land development" approved by the Region Campania with DGR n.975 / 2009. Partners: Campania Region, APLA.
ADHESION OF PALESTINIAN LOCAL AUTHORITIES TO THE CIELM BOARD. International Relations and coordination of activities for the mission in Palestine of the Municipality of Sant'Anastasia (NA) for the implementation of the guidelines approved with DCC n.56 / 2006. Delegation of the CIELM Board to the Mayor of Sant'Anastasia for the signing of the document of adhesion of the Municipality of Bethlehem to the CIELM Board.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

CIELM can contribute to the network of the Anna Lindh Foundation through the role of local authorities as points of contact between local administrations and local actors (social, cultural and productive) for a bottom-up design that enhances the particularities of each community in the to express the values ​​of a Euro-Mediterranean social citizenship.
In recent years we have stimulated dialogue between associations and social enterprises to stimulate active participation in the deepening of cultural identity in the younger generations as an opportunity to promote intercultural dialogue among the peoples of the Mediterranean aimed at promoting a social and productive development , ethical and sustainable.
Our contribution, in accordance with the programs and addresses of the Anna Lindh Foundation, is to encourage dialogue between our members and civil society (Universities, Research Centers, NGOs, Associations, Social Enterprises) to foster partnership between communities of the Euro-Mediterranean area and support the values ​​of dialogue and confrontation for the affirmation of a Euro-Mediterranean citizenship.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our membership of the Anna Lindh Foundation is inspired by the awareness of the importance of involving young people in the process of developing the Euro-Mediterranean area.
Partnership between the communities is an opportunity for ethical and cultural development of our territory. The comparison with the cultures and the identities of the peoples of the Mediterranean is an opportunity to train our young people to consciously face the changes in contemporary society. Supporting the participation of young people in intercultural dialogue strengthens the values of democracy and builds a common conscience open to cultural differences. It trains young people to strengthen the vision of a Europe open to diversity and to share with the young people of the Mediterranean countries a common future of peaceful coexistence and development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation