Waraqat - the art of folding paper

National Network

Masaken Sheraton - Heliopolis

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The idea of 'Waraqat' was mainly to spread Origami to more children and create functional products for adults to use in their everyday life. At the end of 2012 (when Waraqat got officially registered), I got only three to four different type of products on my list, and two venues for workshops. Now almost three year are passed by, and the growth is very tangible with the products list and workshops venues and also taking part with different community development projects. Waraqat started as a one-woman-show. However, during the last year, I started hiring assistants on a freelance bases for projects and big events. In 2014, was the first time for Waraqat to go international by attending an art residency in Germany. During the residency Waraqat participated in a group exhibition and conducted workshops at near-by school. Waraqat's main source of income and funding are the workshops and the handmade Origami products.
Mission and Objectives

- Waraqat's mission is always to spread Origami and show the magic of creating a 3D model out of flat surface.
- Impose the idea of creating art from an affordable and easy to find material like PAPER.
- Link and connect Origami to Mathematics.
- Grab the adult's attention to the world of handmade products.

Main Projects / Activities

- Develop and create new ideas for workshops to keep children engaged and satisfy different needs and tastes.
- Develop my products line. Currently working on Origami handmade accessories like earrings and necklaces.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By offering my Origami workshops in different cities in Egypt.
I did create the first piece of street Origami here in Egypt in May 2015, looking for more chances to educate less priviliged kids and create more street art by the local children.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- To be part of a big organization that's easier to connect and reach more people to achieve my mission.
- Maybe join a community development project initiated by ALF.
- Networking and possibilities for cooperation with other partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nervan Talha
Job Title
Founder, Designer and Educator
Head of the organisation
Nervan Talha