Planet Citizens Union

National Network

Laisvės pr. 71B-2 (for correspondence)
Laisvės pr. 125 (VšĮ "Trys brangenybės")
07189 Vilnius

+370 611 39866
Telephone (other)
+370 641 74495
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+370 699 67983
Mobile Phone (other)
+370 612 96007
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
General Information
We are a community-based organization which aims at gathering honourable and good-natured people who care about establishing peace on the Earth, helping humanity to shift towards healthy, organic sustainable lifestyle. We aim at preserving virtues common to all people as well as uniqueness and identity of different cultures.  Joining this Union as an associate member, you’ll find many congenial people who, just like you, care to preserve the earth, pure water, and clean air.You become an associate member right after you register. Structure of the organization - Head of Organiztion, Board (14 people), Associated Members (paying tax), Free Members (without tax). Sources of funding  - member tax, voluntary support. Main Partner - filial in India. Modalities of action - social projects ,,Hug the Earth (environmental management)'', Happy Water (cleaning banks of the rivers, lakes..), Sunday meditations (prayingfor peace in the world), ,,Run, Dance, Liberate''(project for happy, healthly life without alcohol).
Mission and Objectives

Mission: We want to establish peace, morality, and consciousness in humanity. We seek to preserve virtues common to humanity and Earth. We think that if humanity wants to remain a reasonable, successful race and civilization, we have to develop and establish morality in all main spheres of human activity.
Isn’t it obvious that to solve the aroused great and complex challenges of modern civilization it’s necessary to join light people, honourable intellectuals, prominent and honourable cultural, society, ethnic consciousness and spiritual leaders, to gather simple honourable people who care about the Earth and humanity. This still hasn’t been done, but do we still have time to delay?
It’s time to take responsibility for our planet – to become citizens of the entire Earth and not only of separate countries.
We want to act globally and effectively on level of the Earth – after all, ecologic and social problems cover the entire Earth.We want to establish peace, morality, and consciousness in humanity. We seek to preserve virtues common to humanity and Earth. We think that if humanity wants to remain a reasonable, successful race and civilization, we have to develop and establish morality in all main spheres of human activity.
Isn’t it obvious that to solve the aroused great and complex challenges of modern civilization it’s necessary to join light people, honourable intellectuals, prominent and honourable cultural, society, ethnic consciousness and spiritual leaders, to gather simple honourable people who care about the Earth and humanity. This still hasn’t been done, but do we still have time to delay?
It’s time to take responsibility for our planet – to become citizens of the entire Earth and not only of separate countries.
We want to act globally and effectively on level of the Earth – after all, ecologic and social problems cover the entire Earth.
To organize
light people of the world for active cooperationTo cherish and spread
peace, cooperation, understanding, democracyEstablish
consciousness, morality in all spheres of human activityTo preserve
family, humanity, traditions, various life formsTo stop
consumer and debauching culture, aggressionTo create
conscious and successful model of human evolutionTo develop
spirituality and spiritual covenantTo promote
a wise and ethical use of resources

Main Projects / Activities

The projects which you see here are very simple, understandable and common to all people.
They are very valuable for us. Taking part in them sincerely and selflessly, we see how little actions done constantly and with love change the world for the better.
They are:
Hug the Planet ( ) - It’s a social project aiming to express peace, fellowship and to increase self-awareness of people and nations. Embrace sacred places, heritage or what is most important to You together with others.
Happy Water (,
„Happy Water“ is a social-ecological project, that aims at cleaning foreshores, to express gratitude to water and earth, to re-establish a connection with nature and restore love and respect to it.
,,Run, Dance, Liberate'' ( - the objective of this social project is to create a common atmosphere where you can express your citizen attitude peacefully, soberly and joyfully.
Sunday Meditation - - praying for peace in the world.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by email, skype, video conferences and by visits in Network countries. We can contribute legally - by contracts and co-operating.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network, because:
• We are ready to start and develop new projects and activities which will help to preserve healthy and peaceful Earth and humanity.  We do not seek political goals or power. Our goal is healthy planet and peaceful, moral, evolutionary successful humanity, capable of solving posing problems.
• We are ready to act selflessly for the embodiment of these fundamental for the Earth and humanity objectives and we are already taking actions by organising simple, understandable events which can be joined by everyone willing to.
• We want people of different nationalities, age, education would become Planet citizens. People from big cities, small villages or residents from the farthest corners of the Earth, different organizations which have the same objectives as we do. We seek that both the rich and the most poor would become Planet citizens. We care about common interests and virtues for whose preservation we call to unite.
• We think that only by joint efforts, by focusing unified efforts of many good-natured and honourable people we will be cope with scores of ecologic and evolutional threats that are currently posed to the Earth and humanity.
• We are ready to search together for ways how to reach the mentioned goals as effectively as possible.
• Our desire is to unite honour and intellect of the planet to deal with the major evolutional tasks of the Earth and humanity. After all, this is still not done.
• We seek to preserve the culture and identity of different nations, to protect the interest of humans and other life forms, to do everything we can to heal our beloved planet and to encourage humanity to use the Earth’s energy resources ethically.
Let’s create a new world, new humanity, new Earth together!

Contact (1) Full Name
Daiva Markauskienė
Job Title
Public relations, communication
Head of the organisation
Nijolė Gabija Wolmer
Contact (2) Full Name
Birutė Gudelienė
Job Title (2)
Public relations, communication