Soil & More

National Network

3 Belbeis Cairo Desert Road, Cairo

Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Soil & More International B.V. is a company based in Holland, active in the setting-up and management of large scale composting sites in developing countries as well as CO2 emission reduction and carbon assessment projects. Soil & More International BV was founded in 2007 on the principle that economy and ecology are indissolubly connected. The company’s corporate objective is to contribute to commercial as well as ecological and ethical values in the global market. Faithful to these goals, Soil & More offers a range of products and services that are briefly described in the following.
Mission and Objectives

Soil & More International B.V. is a company based in Holland, active in the setting-up and management of large scale organic composting sites in overseas countries as well as CO2 emission reduction and carbon assessment projects. Soil & More is the first company in the world generating verified emission reductions from organic composting, implementing an UNFCCC (United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change) approved methodology.

Main Projects / Activities

Soil & More sets up and manages large scale composting sites in developing countries. It
is the first company in the world generating verified emission reductions from composting, implementing an UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) approved methodology. The compost produced is made using unwanted and superfluous waste plant and animal material, most of which currently presents a
threat to the environment. Thus, Soil & More offers the host countries a sustainable waste management solution. Furthermore, the compost offers farmers a welcomed alternative to environmentally harmful, and increasingly expensive pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Soil & More’s unique composting technology not only transforms
“waste” into high quality compost ready for use within 8-10 weeks, but also qualifies for an emission reduction project according to UNFCCC’s guidelines. Soil & More’s
commercial activities help to improve the economic situation in developing countries,
support their social development and contribute to the protection of the environment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lama El Hatow