siza Nabrawy center for law

National Network


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Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Siza Nabrawi Center for Law The center was established in 2010 and works in the field of the rights of women and children through a number of mechanisms , including litigation and organizing campaigns and the preparation of legal research relevant to social and economic rights and legal .  The Center was established in the belief of the founders of the need to support and assist women in their struggle for their rights and full equality between men and women. Founding member of the Center of the Egyptian Federation of Women Lawyers The center is a founding member of the Egyptian Feminist Observatory Why Siza Nabrawi Comes our choice to continue our business under the name " Center Siza Nabrawi the law" not only as a kind of honor Ms. Siza Nabrawi being one of the pioneers of the women's movement in Egypt since 1919, and one of the leading companies that have been identified national movement in 1951 when a student form for committee resistance it also was behind the issuance of the law determine the age of marriage for girls to 16 years old , and adopted the issue of girls ' education , but also confirmation of the progress on Siza Nabrawi approach and follow the letter, and blew her life Sources of funding: 1 - The project is implemented , " Egyptian women and political parties " , with funding from the National Endowment for Democracy $ 30,000 in Altanih stage 2 - The completion of the project within the framework of the " Initiative promoting women 's political participation Sinai " in northern Sinai , 2011 . Funding from the Eastern Partnership Initiative " MEPI " total of $ 46,828.00 3 - ended in the 2012-2013 Center project under the title of Egyptian women , political parties, and with funding from the National Endowment for Democracy in the northern Sinai , Ismailia , Cairo and Qalyub a total of $ 26,000 4 - the rest of the volunteer activities of the founders. Organizational Structure Chairman : Sally Gabbas lawyer Project Manager: Sharif ِAnber Acount : Zeinab Ali Hassan Executive Secretary : Sarah Jamal
Mission and Objectives

our Vision
The founders of the Center believes that women's ability to plan their lives
 As the women's ability to choose with opportunities for that, and women should have equal,
As the women's right to political participation effectively and have the right to equal access with men to access to justice.
Will not be the only industry strong women's movement that can empower women to raise their voices and demand their rights in a democratic society that respects women as a full partner in life and rejects all forms of discrimination against women.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently the center implemented the project of Egyptian women and political parties, funded by the National Endowment for Democracy on the land of Sinai and Ismailia
Center held training courses for girls about planning for the future, life skills, the road to success

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Work on the application of projects and services that will contribute to raising the level of the community

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Gain experience
 And holding networking with other organizations in terms of contributing to community service
 Take advantage of the programs Anna lind

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
sally El-Gabbass
Contact (2) Full Name