Co.Re. (Cooperazione e Reciprocità) - Consortium of social cooperatives

National Network

Via Provinciale Botteghelle di Portici, 139

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Co.Re. is a consortium of social cooperatives, which works from many years in the social sector offering to its members a real opportunity to grow up and to improve the level of their management skills in the social areas, and in running of the social cooperative. Services: Business administration; General contracting; Social project; Training and consulting support for the development of social enterprises Staff employed: 52 (6 full time; 46 contracted on project basis) 2006 consolidated turnover: 783.756 euros (54% public funds 46% private funds) Members: Thirteen members (11 cooperatives, 1 organization of social cooperatives, 1 Non Governmental Organization) Partnership: Public bodies like: • Regione Campania • Comune di Napoli Non profit organizaztons like: • Confcooperative • CGM – Consorzio Gino Mattarelli and two of its companies: Accordi and Luoghi per Crescere • Consorzio ASIS • Caritas diocesana di Napoli • Fondazione Umana-Mente Profit organizations: • Ikea – Afragola
Mission and Objectives

Co.Re. was thought as an “open space”, where members can share best practises, improve skills, organize training courses, conventions and debates about social and non profit sector.
Our purpose is to give a contribution to the realization of local communities development through:
• the implementation of a social enterprise network which are available to the collaboration and the integration with civil society organizations;
• the strengthening of associated organizations developing synergies between associated organizations, supporting the acquisition of managerial skills;
• implementing high quality services;
• promoting actions of active citizenship;
• promoting and supporting the start up of new organizations, capable to realize strategic plans based on community development approach;
• fostering a networking system among institutions, organizations and citizens associations which works in Naples.

Main Projects / Activities

Project “SAFIYA” - Equal Opportunity- activities in favor of immigrant women. Aggregation Center; Career / budget powers; Home for women in distress
Project SIPOSCA, (Italian Caritas – Program "Kosovo") Project reconciliation between Serbs and Albanians through training activities about intercultural dialogue and tolerance, mediation and conflict management, peace education.
Implementation of a residential home. “ CLORINDA- house of peace” comes to life to accept girls age between 12 and 17 years old in conditions of severe emotional, cultural and social deprivation
Action Research to analyse needs of children and their families in Naples
PROJECT "Caracoles"
Parenting support and promotion of foster care; local educative actions for teenagers
AGEA Program management of food aid to needy peple in Naples
Business administration and answering service of the project
Management of "Smaland" - IKEA store of Afragola(NA)- Space for Educational and recreational activities for children and young people

Contact (1) Full Name
Gianluigi Achella
Head of the organisation
Arnaldo Rossi
Contact (2) Full Name
Ciro Gagliotta