The Mediterranean Utopia for culture & arts

National Network

9, Roustoum street, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt.

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Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners Mahmoud Abdelhamid (Menaysy): President Mahmoud Mamdouh: Treasurer Hanan Kirolos: Secretary Budgetary resources available in a year Sources of funding: Self-support and donations We did the project Utopia in the village (Mit Sammas, Meanwat, Giza)
Mission and Objectives

1- to spread the understanding of the human rights and the respect for the
marginalized groups in general by improving the professional skills of the inhabitants of undeveloped villages and slums and to serve the efforts of the States and the civil society towards the modernization and the development in all aspects of life - social, economic and cultural - through cultural programs and technical supports.
2 - to spread the culture of beauty and fight ugliness by helping to improve the standard of living, further education and treat such social problems as early marriage in developing regions and valuation of the value of work among young people and empowerment of women.
3 - to create new jobs through workshops for traditional crafts and designs.
4 - to change the concept of art by bringing culture to the streets where those, who do not have access to the closed halls of art, theaters, cinemas, universities and other cultural institutions, may become part of an open and free cultural growth.
5 - to change the homes of the poor people into works of art.
6 - Diversity within the societies through to reduce exclusion and conflict by bringing people together; projects that target new audiences and create new places for showcasing culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Utopia is a project for the development and reformulation & urban harmony of villages with a visual, cultural program using the creativity of youngs and artists from all over the world and through the partnership with civil and official associations and other institutions. The aim is to establish a system for the reduction of poverty by improving the economic conditions and supporting the social development, the environmental health, the education and sustainable development for the people living in these areas and acceptance of pluralism and cultural diversity, mutual respect between societies, religions and beliefs, acknowledgment of rule of law and fundamental freedoms in the Mediterranean regions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we are dreaming to change and to develop the poor villages and the slums with art and culture.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To communicate and to help each other...

Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud Abdelhamid (Menaysy)
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud Abdelhamid (Menaysy)