Per Esempio...

National Network

Via Sciuti, 180

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
"Per Esempio..." is a voluntary organization composed by: n° 4 professional social workers n° 8 regular volunteers n° 1 sociologist n° 1 psycologyst n° 30 partner organizations The most of budgetary resources originate form private and public financial backers. The organization has chosen different modalities of action: training course, seminars, workshops for its volunteers, activities for children and immigrants, fund raising activities. Our main partners are local authorities, and other non profit organizations.
Mission and Objectives

The voluntary organization “Per Esempio…” was born in Palermo, in 2011 (European Year of Voluntary work). It represents an important starting point of a group of young professionists sharing the ideal of a No Profit World. Their first aim was to give life to a well organized meeting point respecting a straight focus on empowerment and development of individuals and cathegories at risk in marginal social trouble.
According to priorities and needs of our association, we programme our interventions three-yearly, making continuous analysis and tests step by step.
Mainly, we carry out all the activities of our association in Palermo and in Sicily, even if we always make a point of some places and issues of the Euro-Mediterranean area.

Main Projects / Activities

“Per Esempio…” bases its own methods of intervention on centrality and personal growth. It focuses on the importance of cultural, political, ethnic, social and economic growth of individuals and collectivity.
By this principles, we aim to realise our own educational and training activities, using our Know How to diffuse a culture of peace, of equity, of social justice, of solidarity, of multi-ethnical and multi-religion living together, of citizenship and active participation.
Thanks to our volunteers and our supporting experts’ engagement, our association wishes to realise a continuous monitoring and research and fieldwork, to complete, to enhance and to make effective our activities carried out on the road, discovering and regarding social needs of our ground.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will be glad to bring our local and national experience to spread out Euro Mediterranean values and to support multilateral partnership.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

"Per Esempio..." wants to join the ALF network bacause it would be really prestigious to be part of a so important network and to share its aims and values.
We'd like to give a real contribute to the Euro Mediterranean development process and we think that ALF Network has been filling an increasing importance in this purpose.

Contact (1) Full Name
Guido Clemente
Head of the organisation
Guido Clemente
Contact (2) Full Name
Claudio Arestivo