Safar Expeditions Jeunesse

National Network

4 bd Sakakini


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Safar Expeditions Jeunesse is a recently created non-profit organization. It counts around 30 voluntary members, including 3 in the bureau (head of the organization) and no employee. Budget: around 60000 euros/year. Sources of funding: participation of the members, donations, grants of public institutions (Conseil général, Conseil Régional, Ministère de la Jeunesse et de Sports...) and foundations, subsidies of private companies... and all ressources allowed by the law. The action of Safar Expeditions Jeunesse consist in organizing journeys in foreign countries with young French people and realizing reports about these countries during the travel, such as video documentaries, articles and photos. Safar Expeditions Jeunesse also organizes meetings in Marseille about responsible ways of travelling. Main partners: Ministère de la Jeunesse et de Sports, local associations working in the field of responsible travel, solidarity and fair trade (Soli 13, En visages, Citoyens de la Terre, Horizons volontaires...), IRTS (Institut régional du travail social).
Mission and Objectives

Safar Expeditions Jeunesse offers to young French the opportunity to travel around the world in order to discover and learn about people and their cultures. It carries an ethical and educational conception of travelling, that promotes a better knowledge between peoples.
Safar Expeditions Jeunesse is not a travel agency. It proposes long travels (at least one month in one country), using local means of transportation. The journey are prepared with the young, that are activelly implied in the search of contacts and the choice of the places to visit and stay in. Overall, they realize reports during the journey, about the people they encounter and their way of life. With their words, they carry the voice of these people.
After each travel, Safar Expeditions Jeunesse organizes events in France using these reports, such as showing of the film and debates with pupils in local schools, students in local universities.

Main Projects / Activities

March 14th 2008: meeting in Marseille about ethical and reponsible ways of travelling, with different partners working in this field (international and european volunteers, youth mobility, construction projects for young people in foreign countries...)
Summer 2008: 2-month journey in Romania and Turkey with 10-12 French young people, production of 2 films, one in each country, called « Crossed glances about Europe » (« Regards croisés sur l'Europe »). These films will collect and carry diverse point of views about european identity nowadays.
Sept 2008 – June 2009: showing of the films, debates, exhibitions about the journey, in French local schools, universities, non-profit organizations...

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Deniaud