Gaza Community Mental Health Programme

National Network
00972 8 28225700
Telephone (other)
00972 8 2825710
00972 8 2825720
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
GCMHP has currently 151 employees. The total budget for the year 2009 is USD 2,877,758 GCMHP is currently Financed by an assortment of donors 1. The Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), 2. The Dutch Government, the RCT, 3. SDS Switzerland and 4. CFD Switzerland. Consortium finances approximately 70% of the total budget of the three year project. In addition, there are four other donors 1. Norwegian Government, 2. Acsur Spain, 3. Arab Women Association and 4. Grassroots USA GCMHP has cooperated with several Ministries and Non-Governmental Organizations, namely: 1) Ministry of Health 2) Ministry of Higher Education 3) PRCS – Palestinian Red Crescent Society 4) National Rehabilitation Association The cooperation has taken several forms namely: • Capacity Building of professionals and para-professionals. • Mutual referral of cases. • Services delivery jointly with or under the supervision of GCMHP professionals. • Joint public awareness. meetings • Coordination and networking.
Mission and Objectives

A Palestinian society that respects human rights and in which people live in dignity, free of oppression, and feel that their well-being is promoted
To develop GCMHP as knowledge-based institution to enhance the capacity of the community in dealing with mental health problems based on the principles of justice, humanity, and respect for human rights.
Children: Contribute to creating a non-violent environment where children can (grow) enjoy a healthy psychological development and where their rights to live peacefully are secured.
Human rights: To promote human rights and break the cycle of violence and human rights abuses that lead to mental health problems.
Women Empowerment: To contribute to the reduction of violence against women and to address its consequences in the Gaza Strip
Organizational development (strategic issue): To develop GCMHP to become knowledge based centre inspired by highest institutional professional and academic standards.
General Activities: that support and complement the strategic goals detailed above but that does not fall directly under any of these goals.

Main Projects / Activities

OBJECTIVE 1: CHILDREN (GOAL 1): To reinforce the factors enhancing resiliency in Palestinian Children
Objective 1.1: Contribute to developing the professional (Teachers-School counselor) capacity within schools to counter violence (risk Factor # 1) among children
Objective 1.2: Assist in developing a healthy psychosocial environment for children
Objective 1.3: Establishing a modeling approach in children service delivery in Strategic Partners
Objective 1.4: Influence psycho-social environment for the protection of children's and youth’s rights and the promotion of non-violence culture
Objective 1.5: Influence the social agenda of the Palestinian Society regarding children's and mental health
OBJECTIVE 2: Human Rights: (GOAL 2): To To assist in establishing a Palestinian Civil Society that comprehends and adopts proper human rights and mental health practices
Objective 2.1: Establishing a modeling approach in mental health service delivery for Strategic Partners
Objective 2.2: Assist in building a new turn taking in dialogue and respect among Palestinian civil society
Objective 2.3: Assist in improving the mental health of Palestinian people through the sensitization of Palestinian civil society to uphold human rights principles
Objective 2.4: Combat the human rights violations and the continuous cycle of violence through empowering Palestinian-Israeli Human Rights Organizations’ partnership
Objective 2.5: Enable victims of violence -referred to GCMHP centers by partner organizations- to cope with their traumatic experiences and evaluate the quality and impact of the rehabilitation process towards assuring best practice.
Objective 2.6: Influence the social agenda of the Palestinian Society regarding human right and mental health
OBJECTIVE 3: Women (GOAL 3) : To contribute to the reduction of violence against women and to address its consequences in the Gaza Strip
Objective 3.1: Broader scope of Protecting and empowering women victims of violence and at risk
Objective 3.2: Improve targeted communities awareness and abilities to address gender issues
Objective 3.3: Develop legal and social framework to protect women against domestic violence
OBJECTIVE 4: Institutional Capacity Building (GOAL 3): To transmit GCMHP school of thought as cultural movement to the Palestinian Civil Society
Objective 4.1: Develop new generations of mental health professionals
Objective 4.2: Build institutional capacity of GCMHP and other associated partners
Objective 4.3: Establish psychosocial services in grassroots organizations
Objective 4.4: Polarize Public and professional opinion towards proper community mental health and human right practices
Objective 4.5: Developing the capacity of Human Rights, Rehabilitation and Psychosocial NGOs.
Objective 4.6: Establishing of specialized applied research platform
Objective 4.7: Identifying the most efficient psychotherapeutic/ empowerment techniques used by GCMHP in order to standardize a cultural sensitive Intervention models

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Barbara Celinska-Ismail
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ahmed Abu Tawahina
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Rana Ayad